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1.9.24 - 6.20pm - Can you make it a habit and Google and check for Snap Elections daily? This way you can save a country.

France are deciding on a new government after a failed government.

Can you find out who will be televised for this? And get Dee with them?

Must be ASAP the results are like imminent

That news article is outdated

Check this one

Find up to date news on what’s going on with this please and act appropriately


31/8/24    2.45pm GMT:


Can you help save Germany?


German election polls 2024 | Statista

All the parties underneath this graph. Look at photos of all the members of all these parties and you can help save where Germany is up for vote.




20/8/24 - 11.30pm GMT just re-updated - Please can you help people in Myanmar and Sudan conflict? Me and my star family have a personal routine of watching the news or looking at newspapers or other news updates so that we can find new opportunities to Lwork or help people.. Hence, this can be a good practice for you as well. For example, wildfires, tsunamis, war, all sorts that tend to come up on the news are places where people need help. Issas wholeness glasses and look at everyone you can. Or find other ways to help.

If you can talk to Dee about whether its possible to Lwork by waythru-ing to News Editors in the papers, or popular Authors etc. (by reading something by the ghost-writer or news editor, you can waythru to them. Ask Dee whether its possible to send them Dee this way and if there is any Lworking potential to this aka if this is worth doing or not.)

If you are in hospital, if you can explore the hospital and look at all the patients, you may be able to help them and send them Dee. This is something I've personally done in any hospital I've ended up in... I've tried to explore the entire hospital and also been questioned because I ended up in areas I should not have been in lol but it is well worth it if every single sick person I looked at, got Dee.

Update - 20/8/24 - 10.58pm GMT - Bulletin below about birthdays. Below this bulletin, Food Healing Practices (how to heal using food) as well as healing cleaning. Things about ingredients designed by cold ones to damage you secretly as well, you'd be best to check your products for these because they are very popular in alot of skincare products and other popular products. Some videos coming up shortly. Etc Etc just scroll down a bit and see what I've written and the voice recording for you to learn from thx. Please rinse and dry your household cleansing products as these are often designed to injure elderly and vulnerable.

Please can you help with getting Dee in with every member competing with the upcoming Para-olympics in approx a week from now, give or take? This is a global event and hence you will have a big chance to ascend the Earth through this! Its possible their opening ceremony will have DT's in it as well.

Issas Birthday in August or September. Please feel free to ask Dee advice as to when it is and what kind of chi gifts to give him. My birthday is next, but I won't be celebrating on the day or on the weekend as it is extremely likely that Angel will attempt to bully me or attack me either on my birthday or on any family meetups for birthdays, as he has already done this before on birthdays. Ask Dee for advice.

Angel has been programming more punishment tracklines and putting me on them.

Charcoal and Coal both attract negative energy into it. It may have physically filtering properties? But, in terms of energy, you are imbduing negative mana into whatever is near the coal / charcoal. Think... Water filters with charcoal in it / coal in it. Then you consume the water that is dirty with negative mana. Think.. Charcoal nose strips. You are attracting negative mana onto your face. Any Charcoal or Coal products eg wash products or etc. 

Acids in the short-run may beautify but in the long-run age you faster and are designed to gradually injure you and damage you. Alpha Hydroxy Acids, BHAs, HAs, etc. etc. Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc. Lactic acids as well, check your sensitive handwashes. Its fish n hook technique. They lie to you. 

Okay. This sound recording describes 1) Products that secretly injure you

2) The way that they trick you

3) The way they target you to injure you

4) Basically from this recording you will learn how to avoid buying products or foods that damage you or your loved ones secretly.

5) A bit about how they rank.

They are very sneaky and they want you to be secretly damaging yourself and injuring yourself without realising it. There are far far more of us than them. But we are a primitive race in comparison and they are an advanced species. They mimic the natural path of evolution and DT it slightly. 

If you smoke menthol cigerettes please please consider switching at least to ordinary cigerettes, the menthol damages your lungs. Nicotine vapes are an option. It can make your throat swollen. You can experiment with different volumes and types and mixing them in order to make it easier on your throat. Combination Nicotine Replacement Therapies are an idea.


Food Healing Practices: 

Aryuveda - One to note is Asfoeteda (sp?) which lowers blood pressure alot. It noticably made me light-headed personally. Cumin can give some people more chance of having a headache. Bitter Gourde I think is meant to be good for some reason? (sp?)

FODMAP for IBS - You would eliminate fodmaps and then gradually add a variety of fodmaps in starting with low fodmaps. Please be measured and keep a food log. If you have too many then please have something like Imodium ready just incase and take it right down to low fodmap again until your body stabilises again, and then gradually build up your amount of fodmaps and variety of foods again. The greater the variety of food, the more you re-populate your gut.

Please be aware that fermented foods are also mildly alcoholic, ask Dee whether he can remove the alcohol frequency from them. Theres also things like Kimchi? Or other foods similar to this?

Theres a type of Cheese thats fermented as well? And a type of Soy thats fermented? Tempeh, Miso and Natto? What about blue cheese, does that count?

Biomel, thats meant to be cultured, I don't think off the top of my head that its pasteurised but please double check. You can also get Kefir type yoghurts as well with probiotics in them. You can also get some kind of capsules that you insert that gives your body bacteria so I've heard but I don't know much about this, do your own research.

Sauerkraut, Milk Kefir and Water Kefir, Sourdough, Kombucha, and Cultured Yoghurts - Look for these with bacteria in them for your gut, make sure they are NOT pasteurised. Alot of products are marketted as such like this but actually are pasteurised which kills off the healthy bacteria for your gut. These are best when home-made. You'll have to keep a diary. I think darker green teas like maybe Oolong or similar are good for Kombucha. I think the darker sugars like demura are best as well for feeding but do your own research. You'll have to be adroidt with feeding them otherwise they die. I haven't done milk kefir myself, I've heard that its quite gross, I also don't know how safe it is, when using Raw milks or Unpasteurised milks.

Theres also, eating raw cheeses or unpasteurised cheeses as well. Most cheeses are not raw and are pasteurised but you can get specialised unpasteurised cheeses or raw cheeses. I think possibly Waitrose might do some, I'm not sure.

High ORAC score - These are foods with high anti-oxidant scores which are good as well. I think off the top of my head there are a variety of berrys and teas. Roobios teas and Oolong teas and etc. This might be good for your brain health?

Theres a variety of anti-oxidants so you can get a variety of them for best health and a high score of them as well.

Probiotic capsules - These can repopulate your gut. Please be aware of magnesium stearate.

Bone Broth - Preferably home-made by cooking bones until it creates a broth and refridgerating or freezing them, forgot which, do your own research. This is good for 1) Gut healing and 2) Arthritis healing

Can be difficult to take, if you breath in, pinch your nose and then swallow it down it might be a bit easier to take.

Its best to do this on an empty stomach, because the lower the acidity of the stomach, the more it will work. I did alot of research and found that, if you fast for 9 hours prior, then take the bone broth or the probiotic capsules, then fast for a further 4 hours before eating, this will have the best results for you.

Louise Hayes Metaphysical Healing List - Take this with a pinch of salt however Louise Haye does try to find the metaphysical causes of disease. Interesting to have a look at this. Aka the emotional causes of physical diseases. Its online for free on google last time I checked.

Please wash food with love before cooking or consuming... You focus on the feeling of love whilst massging the food under water, or focus on whatever feeling you want to imbdue into the food. Idk if you can also stir with love or not. But that will imbdue the feeling of love / whatever you imbdued into the food and then whoever consumes it, will have that energy given to them as well. You can do the same when you clean as well. A healing environment when you clean is great. Comfort and Kindness are both healing energies.



Can you get all the pinball players on the upcoming 3 day Pinball tournament? I think its in UK. 18/8/24. Must be adroidt, it is very very soon I think, like possibly even tommorow. 

Benjamin Netanyahu might be impeached, can you get Dee in with whoever might replace him, asap?

Can you get Dee in with the people competing in Premier League? By 1 hour before the live event at max, or preferably sooner?

Can you get Dee in with anyone in a place of natural disaster such as wildfires, war, or tsunamis? Some people won't leave the Holy Land Israel because they want to be close to God. Please get Dee with them and help them feel like God values their life too much to want to risk it.

Can you get Dee in with the people competing in Bathtub Regatta?

I have videos and information but I have been busy and have yet to upload them. Sorry. Heres a quick 3, password is Three101, avaliable for 30 days. I'm showing GRIDS and DM mana regarding war and devastation. You empathise with this which makes you more suspectible and the smoke will infect your tragic feeling with DM mana. The GRIDS are a way of deeper programming you, whenever there are grids, they may be deeper programming something into you. Black hats will darken a persons crown chakra. People in red will make them more wrathful. I will do a lesson on this subject another time. Its one of Els fav lessons I taught my star family.

If you are downloading using Microsoft Edge, please ask Dee whether it is SAFE or NOT to download one of these videos if it forces you to Report it as a Safe file before allowing you to download. 

As more than 5 of my Gmails have stopped working, and various other things of mine have stopped working, Dee told me "it very rarely happens to someone with Gmail, as well as these other things they tend never to break, its like 1 in a million, and it just so happens to ALWAYS be you."  I do not want the chance of a cold one reviewing the report and seeing the video, it could fuck me over and the ship to be frank.

Hence, please use a different browser to download these other than Microsoft Edge, one that doesn't force you to report it, or, if a download manager is deemed as warm-friendly to use, then that as well if it gets round the issue. 

Or if theres a way to disable this setting in Microsoft Edge so you don't have to report it, then sure.


New Thailand Prime Minister.

- Can you get Dee in with Writers who are currently releasing Books, or writers of newspapers, and ghostwriters, either by waythru by reading these, probably multiple writers per newspaper as there are many articles, or by looking up the authors?

This has the potential to save probably I'm guessing millions as well.


Please use Comfort and Kindness mana in general when around people who need healing. You can imbdue this as you clean, please wash food whilst focusing on the feeling of comfort and kindness prior to cooking or eating and it will imbdue this mana into it, then feed the person needing healing. Do the same for cleaning their environment as well, focus on the feeling of kindness or comfort whilst cleaning and it will fill the environment with these healing manas. Please rinse and dry after using cleaning products as most are secretly toxic and secretly damage health. Other manas can be used as well but Comfort and Kindness are both healing kinds of manas. Please wear jackets of comfort and kindness mana when talking to or being around people who are in need of healing, or when feeding them, or taking care of them etc.


As below, Gifts for El (cntrl + F and New Mission, Save Millions Very Easily) (Please scroll back up to the top to read this bulletin after, regarding Els Gifts and Issas Gifts) and Gifts for Issa (cntrl + F and ISSAS BIRTHDAY) (please also scroll back up to the top to read this bulletin after) : You Can Choose whether to remain anonymous in your gifts or whether you would like your name or handle to be known. Or whether you would also like a bit about you to be known, preferably something about you that would make Issa or El more amiable to you or relate them to you :) Ask Dee for advice.

You can also choose, with Els gift, how much you want him to know about what you did eg "I want you to know I have ascended approx this many people in Canada or more specifically if possible, Montreal" (Dee can automatically calculate that for you, or you can work that out yourself by, for example, googling how many viewers watch the sports/tv soaps you did in Montreal or if thats not possible, in Canada, and then thats roughly how many you may have ascended / how many read the newspaper or author you sent to etc.) or "I want you to know I worked on this many sports" or "I want you to know I contributed to ascending Canada or Montreal" but you don't have say how much if you don't want to.

I personally have chosen for now not to be involved in your gift giving or knowing about your gift giving. You can cntrl and F, ISSA and try to find the blurb explaining a bit about the stuff Issa loves so that you can have an idea of what to give him, also ask Dee for advice, there might be more I don't know about.


Angel is going to try to make my Apple subscription cancel which once again will delete family photographs spanning back years and years and years and more and I am unable to get these offline as my fathers work laptop has no space (can't delete files they're all needed for work or his future dementia restoration or achievement in life memorys) and I am unable to get an external HDD for it, also because of Angels moniquors. 

Hes trying to get 250GB approx of data cancelled on my Google Drive which I literally cannot download even if I tried, and this includes Lucy n Shaughns personal files, my families personal files, my Dads files, evidence of cold ones and material for lesson plans which are either no longer available on the internet or very difficult to find and are needed to show you and teach  you as well as teach star family. This cannot be replaced -- Imagine if I couldn't show you that photo below of The Pope but said "okay just trust me theres an image of the Pope that looks disgusting and proves hes cold"... Its not the same *at all* as seeing the genuine image. I don't even know the full contents of these files so the lesson plans will definetly be lost as I won't know what I'm missing.


7/8/24 7pm: ISSAS BIRTHDAY SOON. FEEL FREE TO GIVE CHI GIFTS.    Issa loves Anime. Issa has wholeness vision. Issa is I'm guessing in her 20's. I sometimes call Issa he because he is my father from Pleaides but he incarnated as a human female so forgive me if I call her a he sometimes by mistake. Issa lives in Singapore. Ask Dee for advice on what chi gifts to give. Issas birthday is either in August or September, not sure, I just know Issa is a Virgo. .


Updated again 9.47am, on 12/8/24, with more information, please check:

"How to heal people who are elderly / unwell / in general"

This also includes a bit of knowledge about how they work to attack people secretly. Updated 10.19am with an extra sentence at the end about cold cleaners and how they can damage people.


New bit below: Press Cntrl + F and search for:

"12/8/24 6am- How to heal people who are elderly / unwell / in general"

Also two new bits, just below this text here, one on Paralympics, one on Snap Elections, and one on a Gift for El, Help save Montreal Canada as well as How to Save your Own Country very Easily. 


12/8/24 5.54 - Can you get Dee with everyone in time for the Paralympics? they may show all the teams on the opening ceremony, or you may be able to get them online before the Paralympics. Im not sure. 28th Aug til 8th September this year is when Paralympics is on.


11/8/24  11.48am -   Can you make it part of your daily routine to keep an eye out for Snap Elections? This way you can get Dee with them and save millions of people.


12/8/24 - 5.39am - New Mission, Save Millions Very Easily / Quickly!


Can you make your own itinerary please

Google upcoming festivals in Montreal, Canada

these are often televised

Add these with the dates to your itinerary

Try to get Dee  with every band playing or artist at the festival, look at photos of everyone that will be televised at the event or on stage at the event, or people at the gates going in, if your personally going to a festival please look at all the staff that you can especially at the gates. Must be at minimum 1 hour in advance of the event if not more.


see if u can get the creators of the festival, interview, send to them (look at photos of them preferably or videos or listen to their voice, or look at something they've written, check with Dee to make sure its not CGI your looking at or listening to, or things they have written or published eg written interviews online or magazine interviews etc., make sure u get them and  not a ghost writer, altho even if it is a ghost-writer, maybe thats also a good thing but make sure u get both the ghost-writer and the genuine writer)


Get every radio host please

Everyone listens to radio in their cars

So that will basically save the entire of the country  very easily.

If you can do this for Montreal, Canada, that will help be an amazing gift to El. As in, if you can make your own itineraries but based in Montreal Canada, for any radio stations that play in Montreal Canada that people will be listening to in their cars and any radio hosts for them or anyone who will be on air for them, upcoming sports events that are televised there, or anything that is still currently recording on TV, I don't know how far in advance TV Soaps are recorded but thats an idea to try, most popular Youtubers in Montreal Canada, Youtubers are often people that release new videos regularly so that will especially impact the younger generation as long as they are genuine Youtubers whether cold or warm and not CGI, check with Dee.

If you can look through newspapers you may be able to waythrough to the writers based on what they write or the ghost writers, then if they write another article, Dee will be with all those who read the articles.

Magazines as well or Authors of new books.

Please if you can do this for El, do this for Montreal Canada, that will be fantastic. It will raise his vibration alot and it will be extremely manaful for him, it will mean alot to him to do this in ways that I can't really open up about but just trust me.

Then if you can do it for your own countries, thats also fantastic.


12/8/24 5.54 - Can you get Dee with everyone in time for the Paralympics? they may show all the teams on the opening ceremony, or you may be able to get them online before the Paralympics. Im not sure. 28th Aug til 8th September this year is when Paralympics is on.


11/8/24  11.48am -   Can you make it part of your daily routine for Snap Elections? This way you can get Dee with them and save millions of people.







10/8/24 - 6.30pm - Important Bulletin, Please Tell Each Other About This:


You need to 1) Check all your apps for COLD friendly or not

2) In any apps you download in the future, check if COLD friendly or not

This happens in tiers.


1) This app is COLD friendly but only if you do not contact customer support. If you ever have any technical issues, you cannot ask customer support to step in and repair... You must just be willing to lose all data on the app in the event of technical issues.

2) This app is NOT cold friendly. So this app will regularly send data to the company and there are cold people working on the company. So do not download this app please because they could fuck us over if they knew how much we knew.

3) This app is 100% COLD FRIENDLY. This means, even if you contact customer support, it is 100 percent safe and fine to do.

Obviously I prefer apps that are 100% Cold Friendly, but it also depends on what data you are storing in the app.

If you have an app that isn't 100 percent cold friendly, then you must make sure you definetly know, this app, is not 100 percent cold friendly, maybe store it in a seperate folder (you can often hold your finger on an icon on your phone until it wobbles and then drag it ontop of another icon and this will often put the two together in a "group" or "folder".... not on all phones, so give it a go)

And you must find out, whether this app can gather information from OUTSIDE the app, on the phone. Inwhich case, I would get rid of it. Ask Dees advice.

Hence, maybe you can make 2 folders... One folder for, Cold-Friendly apps but not if you contact tech support. Find a 100% cold friendly replacement if possible. It will NOT gather information and send to the company... It will NOT gather information from other apps on your phone and send to the company.

Another folder for... This App is NOT cold-friendly, do not put any top secret info in the app BUT, it does not gather information from any other apps or your phone.

Please make sure that if you do this, make sure you turn off all auto-updates for every app in the above 2 folders.... Incase they auto update the app to gather information, then your fucked. Even then it still might not be a good idea to have the app, like personally I wouldn't keep the app, I would get a replacement asap. Then either stop updating it altogether OR, only update it manually after checking with Dee "is it okay to update it"? How will that affect warm-friendly / cold-friendly / information gathering on the app?

If any apps are NOT cold-friendly, but they gather information from any other apps or from your phone, then it is a risk. Ask Dee for advice. You may be advised to delete the app.

I had an email app, back when I was a very early Lworker, before I was really aware of all this stuff... I have sent thousands of emails to myself more or less from that app... Teaching... It was NOT cold friendly... Dee had to crash the app and ban me on it so that they could not check the emails and see what I'd been writing... I lost thousands of emails of info... I may or may not have some copies of this.

I am *hoping* that apps that are COLD FRIENDLY will *stay* cold-friendly otherwise that would mean, potentially losing access to the app or data if they hire COLD people... and us probably not getting enough advanced warning of this to be able to save the data off-app.

It is probably wise to make it part of your daily routine to check with Dee whether all your apps are still cold-friendly or not.

This includes both your phone apps, and your laptop apps, and basically all your devices

Not only do you need to do this for your phone,

You also need to do this for your laptops or any other devices you own.


I am going to make a list to you all, of any apps I check, so that you have a constantly up-to-date list of apps that are 100% cold-friendly, or partially cold-friendly, or not cold-friendly, etc etc

Please be aware of the DATE that I have put on the app, so that you know that its cold-friendly status might have changed SINCE that date.

This is for your own convenience.



11/8/24  11.48am -   Can you make it part of your daily routine for Snap Elections? This way you can get Dee with them and save millions of people.


12/8/24 6am- How to heal people who are elderly / unwell / in general:

Updated again 9.47am. Please check again. Updated 10.19am with a sentence at the end.

Please for people that are unwell / elderly or in general:
Please make sure you hire WARM cleaners if you use cleaners because cleaners imbdue mana when they clean. COLD cleaners will make the whole house stink of dark chi and it will not be a healing environment. If this happens to you by accident, please clean the house again yourself, and get rid of the dark chi.
Even better if you can in general do the cleaning yourself for the elderly / unwell / person you are intending to heal, and clean with love. Cleaning with love or, if its avaliable, clean with any other mana, and clean with kindness and comfort.
Kindness, comfort and love are all healing manas and are advised. It will imbdue that mana into the environment and it will turn it into a healing environment for them.


The elderly and the sickly and the vulnerable, they make the mistake of thinking, I have a compromised immune system, I am more fragile, I need everything to be super clean. This is a natural thing that happens.

So they will try to make everything super clean. However, cold ones know about this natural habit we tend to do, so they make it so that cleansers are generally toxic. This is so that cold ones can kill off the vulnerable quicker.

So please choose gentle cleansers if possible,

and always, whether gentle or not,  clean the cleansor off with a wet cloth and then dry the residue with a dry cloth... basically just try to get as much of the cleansor OFF the environment as possible, and that will reduce the damage to the person you are cleaning for. 

When cleaning, clean with love, kindness, comfort etc. as well. This is technique used in some spiritualities and it will imdbue that mana into what your cleaning. So it creates a healing environment. Please do this with your foods, wash your foods and rub them and clean with love / kindness / comfort etc as well... Then the food they eat will have that mana in them.

OILs are toxic for your ng body, spiritually. 

However, Dee advises that sometimes, although Oils are bad for your NG body spiritually... They are required for their physical properties. 

So if you are being purist, please try to avoid oils in your products...

But if you have a required product that is required for your healthcare needs that has oil in it, you don't necessarily need to be spiritually pure, if this is required for physical health reasons for example. Go ahead and be slightly spiritually impure, but physically healthy.

For example, Cavillon or certain hand creams, for people with sensitive hands that get damaged... First, make sure your sensitive handwashes do not have acids in them. A technique they use called Fish n Hook, so the people who have fragile hands and tend to want to buy handcare products like specialist handwashes for fragile hands... They will then make these seem like they care for your hands, on the surface, but secretly, they also contain ingredients specifically designed to target and damage the people the product is marketted FOR. Eg, I have fragile hands that need a specialist hand wash that is gentle for fragile hands. I find a specialist handwash that is gentle and says I am for people with fragile hands. I buy that. I use it, it seems nice and soft for my hands and doesn't immediately damage them. But secretly over time, Im using this every day, after a month or two, for example, my hands seem even more fragile than before??? It can't be the handwash, I tried the handwash when I bought it and it was fine! Its because theres an ingredient in this handwash that secretly targets and damages people with fragile hands.

Magnesium stearate / other words for it, magnesium salts of fatty acids, stearic acid is that another name for it? Is in the majority of tablets. It also impairs your bodies ability to take in nutrients, by coating your stomach or gut with a film that prevents nutrient absorption and tends to build up in your body and not easily be gotten rid of.

So people who need medications, tend to be a bit more unhealthy, and then they are gradually compromising their ability to take in nutrients and becoming even more unhealthy.

So people who take supplements or vitamins, please be aware of this. You think your making yourself more healthy with the vitamins but these vitamins are blocking your bodies ability to absorb vitamins etc. You are much healthier to get your vitamins from foods than from supplements or vitamins... OR.... from Liquid vitamins, as these do not tend to have magnesium stearate in them, they tend to be in tablets or capsules I *think*.

This was a while ago, but since then, I have actually noticed, they have started to put this ingredient in FOODS now as well. Such as ICE CREAMS. So please check the labels.

Also, I don't think companies are required to disclose ALL of the ingredients... at least in UK... in everything... I could be wrong. So they may have this as a hidden ingredient, so, it would be wise to contact them and check.


An example of the Fish n Hook Technique btw.... Its a type of brainwashing. You are more likely to accept a product if you CHOOSE it whilst unconsciously knowing what it does to you by being told in a secretive way. POLO MINTS.

Please do not eat these if you have compromised lungs. Notice the logo, is POLO with the two O's... The logo is telling you that the menthol or mint in this product is designed to create holes in your lungs. Now because the product literally secretively tells you on the packet "I create holes in your lungs, look at my logo, I'm telling you this upfront!" then in an unconscious way, by buying the product, you are accepting that this product does this and choosing to use it anyway.

This is a brainwashing technique that they use, so that you are kept completely unaware that they are slowly killing you off with the things you buy, because "its not someone else doing it to me, its ME doing it to me, because I *chose* it".

Its hard to explain but its a technique they use and hope that makes sense....

Please be aware of corn-fed chickens. Corn is bad for you in various ways and worse for some people than others.

Ever notice in UK anyway, how people in posher areas, they tend to have more restaurants that cater to people with allergies and sensitivities?

They cannot have a society where the rich warm people, are more strong and healthy because they can afford to be, than the poor. 

So they target the wealthier people with products or shops etc. with more secretive ingredients that tend to damage them.

Hence, theres a "thing" in UK where they say, Why is it that the wealthier demographic of people tend to have more sensitivities and allergies than the poorer? Sensitivies and allergies is a "posh" disease!

I saw that in a newspaper once anyway... But yes, this is why.

So, in UK you have a bunch of different shops... The very cheapest of shops, one of them is ASDAs, they are less greedy to buy from here, but, their food also comes with tonnes of chemicals and additivies in them. Which probably isn't healthy for you.

If you are asian, please ditch your asian spoons. It has an energy monicker on them which creates lactoses intolerance in you so if you have a habit of using this spoon, gradually by looking at this common symbol on the spoons, you will develop lactose intolerance.

Soy plants that make soy milk gradually depletes and destroys the earth. Please consider oat milks or other types of milks.

Consider also corn-based products make you lethargic and also can damage some peoples gut lining who are more vulnerable than others.



 If you are ever visiting someone who needs healed, please wear an energy jacket with these 3 manas, and the mana will transfer to them naturally and will heal them. Forgiveness and light also can heal but can be counterproductive, ask Dee.
Also, when you cook food, wash the food "with love" before cooking and you will imbdue the cooking with love. Then when they eat the food, they consume that mana. You may be able to do this whilst stirring a pot or whatnot, and may be able to do this with washing the food with other manas, I'm not sure. Basically it means massaging the food with love whilst running it under the water. Ask Dee to help.

If anyone works as a cleaner, for a public area, thats absolutely fantastic, ask Dee whether this is at risk of you getting caught or not, but then if not then you can very easily raise vibration of everyone who is visiting the places your cleaning.

If a cold cleaner does do some cleaning for you, please RECLEAN everything they cleaned, with love / kindness / any kind of healing mana, to remove the dark chi from the area that they cleaned.


12/8/24 6.19am - Also, Angel has been making my Mum pay unfair charges, it has mystified my brothers family who already paid the cost for posting something to her, and then when the thing arrived at the other end, she had to pay yet another cost for it, its from UK to UK so that shouldn't happen, my brother was fuming about it cos he knew that shouldn't happen, also Mum has bought things online and they have turned up to her not in the amounts she's ordered, shes just put up with it, but this not only unfairly charges her, but it also touchs upon her childhood trauma getting triggered again.


10/8/24, 8.54pm:


Angel, I keep turning the other cheek when it comes to your Punishment tracklines. Despite whenever I decide to turn the other cheek, you then imbdue or re-imbdue a punishment trackline. I have been on non-stop self-harm triggers for literally hours and hours on end. I have been self-harming specifically due to your tracklines, which had no healing intention except to get your own personal revenge for me publishing what you are doing to be publically.

You also started to imbdue this in me when, once again, I was on a time-intensive mission plan that would save millions. Had you had your way you would have prevented me from saving literally millions. I have already told you to not put me on your fucking shitty moniquors when it has the end result of darkening the earth plane. This was one that my star family nor the upper ship had any knowledge about hence you would have literally darkened millions without anyone else being able to do it instead of me.

Regardless of the original intention of what you did, the result was that you actually then potentially caused another sexual trauma.

Despite saying on one website "I absolutely did not mean to sexually traumatise her" you have then been doing this to me again and again, and intentionally as a way of attack, even despite that it is depriving Lucy of being healed.

Mentorships granted you Mercy and cast a Disbelief moniquor upon the readers of this website, one that personally I do not think you deserve after all the punishment tracklines and punishment rooms you have put me through, however you were unable to stop being wrathful unless Mentorships did it I think, hence why they did so. For example, on suicide attempts.

Despite the fact that I have turned the other cheek and despite doing this you have continued to program me onto tracklines that have deliberately got self-harm triggers programmed into it with no other purpose than to make me self-harm, and despite that you almost prevented me from lightworking to save millions, and despite that I have been in a suicidal field of chi over the past day or two approx. and yet you still continue to bully me, I am once again choosing to turn the other cheek, because I was about to show everyone the evidence of what you have been doing, and I'm still humming and hawwing over it. There is more to say but I will stop here for now, and I will decide later, whether to continue.

You have also made it so that my subscriptions cancel, one of which has literal gigabytes worth of my family photographs that are needed to prevent my Dads dementia, this is after you made my Mum dump her laptop with thousands of photos. It also has lesson plans and evidence of cold ones that I need to publish in order to teach.

It will be impossible to download all of the files for all my subscriptions in time before the subscriptions cancel. You are eliminating any possibility for my parents to recover their memories from dementia, the same for me, as well as evidence of cold ones and lesson plans for everyone, these will all be deleted and alot of it will not be remakable because the original evidence and videos and images are no longer able to be found online, or will be very very difficult to find online. So thanks for depriving the lightworker community from learning. I have tonnes more to say but I have to go.

As a response to this, you have made a maximum of 3 videos from my past pop up on my feed.

This is not the same as Gigabytes of data and emails. It is not even possible "with painstaking effort" to restore my memory cove this way, because the materials to restore my memories would not be avaliable to me even WITH painstaking effort. Hence, you deleting, is it approx 250GB worth of emails or more, could not have a replaced effect on my memory cove.

Also, you have put me on a SELF-HARM trigger trackline for approximately 6 hours, give or take. Ever since you found out that I have certain things that trigger me to self-harm automatically, you have been programming them in me constantly, I am on these tracklines you put me on constantly, despite that I am preparing to give my things away and preparing my will and have already set up the means to escape the constant torture of you being vengeful for no other reason than to satisfy your own wrath and attacking me constantly, via means of a noose. Mentorships gave you amnesty by casting a spell of disbelief on everyone, if the ship goes down, and everyone loses their ability to learn from mentorships and the ship, then they will understand what happened and who was the driver behind it. It seems I am only given a very brief breather of maybe approx an hour or a few hours max before you start attacking me again as much as you can. So even whilst I am doing things like writing my will and organising my things to gift to my star family once I am gone and uploading an Itinerary for others to do because I will not get the opportunity to do the Itinerary myself because I am busy organising my will and my bags, you are still programming punishments into me. And reading some physical things I stumble upon for my memory cove whilst organising all of the things in my possession. There have been times where I have been so attacked by you that I've just thought fuck the will, I'm just going to hang myself immediately and fuck everyone else. The bags will have tonnes of teaching material for people as well as other things. I seem to be permanently teetering on this, I can't go for very long before returning to this point. There have been other times that I have been about to do it and you then pushed me to try to do it even more by attacking me with fake messages from my star family and then saying "btw thats all fake, now feel guilty about your Dad.".






7/8/24 , 7.31pm:

Yeah, so each member of my star family had different roles. Lucy would be the mother and a social mentorship for 1 - 1. Shaughn is the Heart and is a mentorship for Groups. Etc. My role was to be a teacher of Higher Knowledge, as well as a Ship and a Key Diety. (Hence why I have sent in excess of 2000 emails teaching them.) Shaughn refers to me as "take a book from the library" aka learn from what I have to share. I have not shared even half of the knowledge that I have with the website, however, I decided to focus on Healing types of knowledge first. It may be boring to some, but some people may have people in their lives that desperately need healed and if I was to not upload knowledge I had about healing and those people were to be unwell or even pass away, just because I wanted to upload knowledge about conspiracy etc. for the "big win" which is what Angel always says about himself (I want the "big win" hence his main sin is Glory), then I would be neglecting people to suffer the trauma of death. Hence, I have withheld knowledge about top secret information in order to focus or prioritise on healing knowledge first, or, in other urgent priorities as well. So it may bore some people but it may really save lives or help people. Hence Angels priority was Glory and I'm guessing, would publish things that would make him more popular. My priority was to help save lives first (as soon as I realised this should be my priority, I did it), including, risks of getting caught, risks of losing family members to darkening and being targetted, risks of losing children (so sorry this one was late, I do hope that Dee helped you with this automatically before I shared the knowledge, I don't think Dee would of let this happen to a ship member), risks to health for example that cleaning products are toxic and elderly make the mistake of cleaning more because they feel vulnerable but actually it is killing them, this is in purpose, so you must must wash away the cleaning product and dry it out, and preferably choose milder cleaning products. Also do not do not hire cold cleaners, they will darken the entire environment with dark chi because chi imbdues when you clean. If you clean with love, then the environment imdues with love, and it will be a healing environment for them. Maybe try to clean with love and kindness. If you wash your food with love or kindness before cooking, you will imdbue that energy into it, and eating it, will imdue it into yourself. Kindness is a healing mana, please be kind in order to heal.

Angel has been stealing information from me using chi in order to publish it on his own website which ironically would be great for his sin of Glory, to have stolen my role and then feel like he is reputably benefiting from it. Mentorships have been creating "Chi blocks" so that if you read my warnings about him in particular, that you are unable to really "take in the information and see it and digest it properly", it will be as if you skimmed the information but didn't actually recognise it hence you didn't get the information properly. This is because he grew so overwhelmingly wrathful that he was programming approximately 9 - 12 hour punishment tracklines into me and even was about to start targetting my family (mentorships intervened and prevented him from attacking my family). Despite that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to do, "You need to act like how your mum would react" is what he programmed me to do (he is not a programmer but used my own ship to program) Mum always reacted by telling as many people online as possible. So I did what I was meant to do except he has a vulnerability to Glory and literally could not handle it despite programming me to react like that, and then punished me continuously for it. Hence Mentorships may have put Chi blocks in, so that you would read things but not actually recognise them, as an act of Mercy towards him, they may have also cast Disbelievability mana on you reading my bulletins, as an act of Mercy towards him, obviously  I myself having tried to kill myself multiple times directly and only because of him, I do not think he deserves the mercy, it just doesn't add up in terms of Justice, one person is literally making nooses and overdosing and self-harming and trying to throw themselves infront of cars and infront of trains, the other person is just "overwhelmingly wrathful" and as a response to that wrath they are even creating multiple punishment tracklines for the OTHER person who has been making attempts, 9 - 12 hour approximate tracklines and I believe more than one trackline, as well as punishment Rooms. It just doesn't add up to me. 




4.40pm on 7/8/24  - First bit about Children, Second bit about Freemasons. Just updated the bit about Freemasons again 7/8/24 , 8pm GMT.

 Children are evaluated for their light in schools. If they are too light, they are known as Potential Future Lightworkers aka Potential Future Enemies of State. The cold teachers report them. Alot of teachers are cold but not all of them, I've known at least 2 warm ones. My memories gone fuzzy I can't remember if its the majority of teachers like 99 percent of them are cold, or not, ask Dee to confirm or deny, sorry if I got that wrong. However in UK majority cold at supermarket checkouts and majority cold staff in John Lewis, so they can imprint you,  the exchange happens with gifts or purchases, cold infrastructure for you to bind to, long story, may teach this another time sorry.

So back to the schools... Cold teachers report them to their higher ups and the higher ups arrange for the children to be kidnapped. I highly doubt that Dee would of allowed this to happen to your children. If you know any other children of lightworkers OR children who happen to be very light (cos lightworkers incarnate into families to save their parents so it may just be the child who is light and not the parent) then, please talk to Dee about this and Dee can prevent this from happening.


Human-personality-type freemasons do exist, they are innocents who unfortunately gave in to their greed or want for power in exchange for fairness by joining the group. However they will NEVER be at a rank of a cold one, they allow warm to join so that they darken themselves with unfairness and greed, warm ones only know about ranks 1 - 10 and think thats all that exists, however, cold ones know that secretly there are ranks 11 - 30, and that every single cold one automatically starts ABOVE the rank of a warm one. Or, even better, say that cold ones rank from 30 - 60, and warm ones can only rank from 1 - 10, just to show, just HOW far apart a warm one is from a cold one. (Hypothetically speaking, those numbers arn't the ACTUAL numbers for rank lol, just giving you an example of what I'm trying to explain). Even warm ones who have joined, never have the respect of cold ones. The cold ones only let them join to darken them but they still want to destroy them as well. They only let them join to DT them and darken them. If, for example, hypothetically speaking, just to explain my point, the entire planet of human race died except for the warm ones in the freemasons, they would also kill the ones in the freemasons as well. Warm ones are never respected as "one of them" ever, they just trick them in order to hurt them more spiritually. Warm ones joining will likely be surrounded by cold ones and networking with them so getting secretly DT'ed all the time. Please encourage warm ones to leave if you know any. If you want to be surrounded by shitloads of cold ones, visit Canterbury in Kent in UK, its a cold one town I assume because of the giant fucking cathedral, cold ones with big rank will get to be preachers and preists back in the old days who "enjoy" the darkening of all warm ones in the church.



7/8/24 3pm - Jesus prepared himself for his future hanging event when he realised he was going to be hung. When he was hung, he left his physical body so that he would not suffer unto his death.


7/8/24, 3pm - Just updated this blurb with a DT about The Pope, scroll and find it amongst the new Angel Bulletin, as well as a bit about Jesus and Arcturus, and goodly physical aliens on Earth and evil physical aliens on Earth, and a few aliens not on earth idk if physical or not, as well As well as another bulletin below about how Angel is permanently deleting your lesson plans, which are unrecoverable using my memory cove unfortunately so you are likely unable to be taught them, as well as damaging my family, making companies charge them for things they haven't purchased, and causing permanent memory loss to myself.


 The Bible makes you wooly-headed because they DT'd the original Bible that Jesus would have intended you to have in order to block your light, Jesus was a genuine physical arcturian, reports (is it on wikipedia?) describe him as like 4 ft 11 or something and ugly lol, he hid in a human bodysuit, he knew they would DT his teachings in the Bible but he tried to leave a bit of him in the bible for every Christian to connect to, he also made at least some of the stories in the bible be metaphors for stories from the Stars aka Astrological events or astrological things I think off the top of my head. Jesus lead the life of a carpenter because he knew carpenters are hardworking personality types and that kind of tension in your head cove can block light, so he represented a carpenter who was extremely light at the crown, IF i am remembering this correctly but I might be mistaken because I am currently experiencing Chi issues that are making it hard to re-call exactly... He was a genuine Healer.

There are physical Arcturians hidden deep within Inner Earth which is real I believe but  double check with Dee, also within the Earth there are genuine Draco which Lead the Reptillians. Draco are extremely evil beings. Tall whites are extremely evil alien beings, Idk if they are on Earth or not, I presume that they are though. ET represents an evil alien, most aliens represented on TV are probably evil, they wouldnt want to advertise good ones, Hork Bajjir and Taxxons from Animorphs are genuine evil aliens, as well as um... The Blue Centaurian, genuine evil alien, these probably are *not* on Earth, but they would have children reading these books, and thinking that these aliens are potentially goodly as the Blue Centaurian is a goodly alien in the book, its one of their techniques which is Backwards Programming, Dragon Ball Z  is full of backwards programming, teach you about that another time possibly. Idk if the hork bajir, taxxons or blue centaurians are physical or not. Or ET.





Angel has been using mana attacks or other methods to make services and subscriptions I've subscribed to, cancel, despite me paying for them.

This does unfortunately mean I lose the ability to restore my memories with Wernickes and I also lose Lworking plans which have the potential to save millions, as well as progress counters for star family, progress logs for one of my actual families healing lesson plans (hence their entire mission is ruined as they would need to see my current progress on it thats been logged in order to see the  value of the healing mission plan.. Aka, the progress counter is lost, but shes already halfway healed, and they would not see the benefit in any future healing without the past to compare with. Hard to explain. ) 

and other things. It also means losing childhood memorabilia, within the 1000's I think? Which would be impossible for me to duplicate onto a free service within the deadline before the subscription removing itself and therefore deleting it all, because theres so much of it. Which has the potential to heal my Wernickes dementia, I would have likely permanent damage without it. Which as you do know Angel has already made my family lose thousands of photos aka memorabilia already. I've just checked and one of the services that I am subscribed to, has once again, tonnes of family photos on it that I don't think Dad has and I don't have offline copies of. This means once this service runs out, which he has most likely made run out by cancelling the service, thats once again tonnes of family photos lost, which reduces my Dads ability to recover his  future dementia. He has already made my Mum dump her laptop with literally 1000's of photos of it, his response? "Take loads of photos" from now on. Which my family are not doing. And obviously doesn't have the same potential at healing dementia because you need the photos to come from THE PAST where the memories are going to begin to be lost from. The laptop cost also approx. 1 - 2 grand. It also means I'm unable to make Dads fathers day gift which was a loving electronic photo frame with memories of all his achievements and happy moments in life from, by his bedside, to look back on in his reflective years which had the dual purpose of restoring his memories and preventing dementia. I do advise this kind of gift for people thinking of gift ideas especially for elderly loved ones.

One account with 1000's of emails will be lost once phone runs out of battery, long and complicated story short. The other account with I think 1000s of emails has already been lost access to the account but I think there are video backups on Google Drive which will be lost because of Angel. I remember printing at least a lot of these emails off, I cant remember if I printed them all off or not, and I've lost that somewhere???

It means my parents have to pay extra for my cats healthcare since it will invalidate its health insurance, you can't take breaks in it, to prove independance to my Dad I took over a load of his bills. So it would prove to my Dad I am not capable of independance before he dies. 

I think I paid for my domain name for 2 years upfront? I'm not sure. Which means that hopefully it should still be avaliable for the 2 years. 

However, please do save this URL just incase you are unable to access my website via the url


My brother posted his housekeys to my Mums address. She has recieved an extra fee to pay for housekeys, sent from England to England literally about an hour n a halfs drive away, thats impossible as far as I know, they wouldn't let you post it if you didnt pay the full fee at the post office. Which my mum will be paying for as its her that needs the house keys and if they make a mistake then my parents or my brother will have to pay to get the locks changed. Angels intention would have been to target me but he is directly affecting my Mum now instead. Mum also bought things online, he has made them make mistakes with my Mum and hence charge her unfairly for the things she's purchasing which didn't arrive in the amounts shes ordered. This again would have been his intention to target me but instead he's attacking my Mum.

My phone has approximately 4 hour maximum battery life. It also has a technical problem which means 1000's of emails all with lesson plans to teach, are *only* accessible if my phone does not run out of charge. If there was a power cut, my phone would run out of charge and I would permanently lose access to those 1000's of emails, which, I cannot remember off of the top of my head, because of Wernickes Dementia. The resolution to this would be to purchase multiple phone batteries so that *if* there was a power cut, I would be able to carry through until the power is restored. I cannot find my current phone batteries and Angel has made me unable to get any more.

I *may* have a backup of some or all of these emails, I think I have at *least* a backup of *some*, but I don't know where it is... Also one of these backups are on my Google Drive account which is again a paid subscription and again hosts information that I need to teach with, that once I lose this, I will no longer have access to that information full stop. *Some* of this information I *think* is impossible to retrieve again as its been taken offline aka I have the only copy left, might be wrong on that one. 

The thousands of emails are split between two accounts. One account I have permanently lost access to and have lost access to all these emails. These are mostly lesson plan emails. I have a copy of the information saved to Google Drive account which needs a subscription to keep. I cannot remember the lesson plans off the top of my head, I do have memory issues with Wernickes dementia. Angel is using chi to cancel my Google Drive account hence losing all the information on there aka the 1000's of emails lesson plan backups as well as DT's and information that has been taken offline (I think) and also is difficult to find online again anyway even if they *havent* been taken offline, I wouldn't remember how to find them online again most likely so you will have lost the lesson plans. You can thank Angel personally for not allowing you to learn from me and for darkening your ability to lightwork.

Heres one such lesson plan that I do still have a copy of.

Enjoy this lovely holy photograph of The Pope... It is a genuine one, it was released way before they make Deep Fakes and fake photos common online which is their plan to make everyone less trusting.

Also enjoy this charming photo of the Pope looking absolutely fucking evil and enjoy the fact that his pointed ears give him the potential to infect people looking at him using a screen with Elves.

Sorry if I got this photo wrong, I'm not a christian I don't really know much about The Pope or any of the Church structure so, sorry if I got some information wrong here, I just literally googled Pope and saw this.


Google Drive is also a paid subscription and I know there is once again issues with this but chi issues are making it impossible to think all of a sudden so I have to go but just assume that information will be permanently lost and I am unable to make offline backups and that most probably you will be injuring my Dad about this as he also uses a Google Drive paid account and I may be the one paying for it -- I'm not 100 percent, I know theres something *wrong* with losing this Google Drive subscription but chi issues are making it difficult to think. I think I have hosted my Dads work files on my own Google Drive account as well? Which my Dad needs for memory cove restoration into Dementia.

Angel is also making my Mum and Dad pay for 4 bathtubs worth of water a day, which they are not using even half of that amount. He used chi to trick the water companies into increasing their charge to them to 4 bathtubs worth of water per day, and they are both paying for it.







24/7/24 12.55pm - Pinned to the top - Please, please, please ask Mentorships advice on whether its best to avoid Vaccination or to get Vaccinated. A few members of my star family did get vaxxed, a few members did not get vaxxed, I won't elaborate further unfortunately, please ask Mentorships advice on this.


6/8/24 - 5.51am - New Update, 3 elections

Can anyone get everyone up for election here? :


Bangladesh is up for election but I don't think they have organised the candidates / parties to vote for yet, so, watch this space, keep an eye out on it for when they finally publish the candidates / parties up for vote.


If you are able to check the news daily (preferably in the morning whenever the new daily news first comes on), then you will be able to catch fresh opportunities to spread Dee across the Earth plane. Including televised sports, or, anything freshly filmed (TV Soaps? Are these freshly filmed new episodes constantly? This could get huge swathes of population. Other tv shows as well? Anything thats likely to make the news? Check newspapers? Just throwing some ideas out there.)

If I hadn't of been watching the news I wouldn't of known of 2 new snap elections.

Bangladesh &


As well as some staff are axed from United Nations so they will be getting new staff in, so need to get Dee in with those.

Can you get Dee in with anyone up for Election? And with whoever is next employed in United Nations? I'm guessing public vote doesn't happen for United Nations but idk, worth a check.

Hence when they are employed just look at United Members staff list photos and that should cover it... idk... google etc figure it out and ask Dee.



Another election to help out with?





6/8/24 - 7.35am - Mentorships cast mana of "disbelief" or something similar to that on you in order to grant Angel mercy, because he was so overwhelmingly wrathful that he was planning on targetting my family since he was unable to torture me enough to satisfy his wrath, he then turned on my family.

Mentorships very quickly intervened and did not allow him to attack my family. They are innocent bystanders.

As an act of Amnesty or Mercy for Angel, they cast mana of "disbelief" on you so that you would not believe the bulletins and warnings that I have been posting about Angel.

His main sin is Glory and that is a sin of Reputation, so he became extremely wrathful about being critisized online to many groups of people, so wrathful that he would spend time programming 12 hour torture tracklines, torture rooms, that he would attempt to deliberately sexually traumatise me using a Fake El doll (luckily I cottoned on before it could take full effect because he was going to make it so that my Dad was fucking me), and various other things.

This was AFTER I already told him he had created sexual trauma in me, and AFTER he had already apologised to the other website "I absolutely did not mean to sexually traumatise her"... So obviously he was only apologising to "save face" to the people visiting the other website, before then attempting to enact a further sexual trauma onto me. Hence, Glory, a sin of reputation.

I'm not a liar, obviously I am a teacher for not only my star family, but for any other Lworker that Dee agree's to be taught, Teachers are needed to be trustworthy and are not liars, Prinsted and 12 step process makes people painstakingly honest (in order to distort you long story short), I went here unfortunately for 8 - 9 months which is much longer than usual (usually people go for 3 - 6 months in secondary and approximatly 1 month in Primary) and did 12 step for a while afterwards as well, I think it was 9 months in total including 1 month Primary but not 100 percent. I know I definetly stayed much longer than everyone else it was brought up constantly and that was because I became so fearful and I became unfrozen in Prinsted that the world was extremely overwhelming outside the treatment centre, its very difficult to explain and it won't be easily understood but Shaughn was there and knows.

I also grew up as a Frozen personality type aka my Trauma made me "freeze over" which made me quite socially unaware and hence was just quite honest (people who was socially aware are more likely to lie in order to be sociable, for example, entertainer personality types who will tweak the truth slightly in order to tell an entertaining story sociably, or people who would instead of painstakingly telling a whole story, would shorten it etc.) But I was quite plain jane and just said it without being aware of consequences of saying it aka just generally honest, I wasn't a mischevious child either, I was stubborn and rebellious in the way that I tried not to be forced, but I wasn't generally a trouble-maker. At one time I became bitchy because I was DT'ed by a cold best friend to become bitchy, when I was approx 14 - 16 years old. Most of the time I refused to talk full stop rather than lie my way out but if I did lie it was usually around drug-use, or about my CV which I was advised to do by Prinsted, or like the one-off lie you need to tell in order to get out of *big* trouble such as getting confronted by the police, or just one-off lies that are necessary for some reason like save thousands of people if you can do this or otherwise.

I have admitted openly when I have chi issues that make it difficult for me to remember things correctly so "I might be wrong" and also when I've had chi lesson plans that make me believe things that arn't true hence I'm not technically lying but the things I've said during these chi lesson plans arn't necessarily true but I have no idea that they arn't true.

None of the stuff I have taught so far, have been during these chi lesson plans so don't worry. I was made to believe a cat toy was avaliable when it wasn't, to teach me about Dementia, for example.

If you are unsure you can ask Dee but Dee is a prolific liar lol in order to teach you.

But I would obviously not be posting angry bulletins about Angel and the things he is doing to me for no reason. Lucy and Shaughn both refuse to work with him full stop after seeing his corridor they said they both know exactly who he is. Lucy is highly intuitive and a motherly personality type, and Shaughn is Heartful. 

As an act of personal mercy I have decided not to post photos regarding this to prove further to you what he is capable of doing but if you continue to bully me Angel, then I will post the photo evidence as well of what you've done.

I granted him personal amnesty at Dees advice once, a while ago, I decided to turn the other cheek in order to allow his wrath to purge without me responding to it and then him growing wrathful about it and retaliating again. So I turned the other cheek expecting him to then start to "settle"... What happened was, he then continued to attack me despite that I had turned the other cheek. So I did not continue to ignore him.

I used to communicate with him and work with him by sending him notes, however, I had to stop sending him notes because every time I sent him a note that revealed a vulnerability in me, he immediately targetted it and attacked it. Hence I completely lost all trust in him and had decided, well, even if something needs to be sorted out that I would ordinarily need to communicate with him for, its better off that the thing just doesn't get sorted out full-stop because the alternative is much worse.

Angel is known as a bully, he has a coldness mana flow at his core that allows him to bully, and chi issues have just started to occur so forgive me if I'm wrong, but, he was "triggered" by what I wrote obviously enough to go completely beserk and program 9 - 12 hour tracklines and torture rooms and deliberate sexual trauma and all sorts. I think, but I'm not sure cos chi issues now, that one of his main traumas gets triggered by being made to be smaller than someone, hence, when I exposed him online, he went completely beserk, so, me posting these bulletins made him go completely wild with wrath enough to program 9 - 12 hour tracklines and torture rooms and deliberate sexual trauma and all sorts. I can't remember exactly what it was but I have compared him to a cold one before during a time when I was angry at him, and  cold ones have to be bigger than you, whether outright, or sneakily.

I have constantly said that I refuse to work with him outright, he has made attempts to make me amiable before trying to work with me. I think he has said he wanted to work with Lucy specifically instead (Lucy is a patron of Forgiveness so she would help him to forgive himself) but she refuses to work with him unless I am able to vouch for him and obviously I refuse. 






Dont edit the note. 

Itinerary "Organised" sort-of lol in order of Date - Online Notepad (




Can anyone do from 50, to 65?




25)c) and 25)b)




41) and 33)


ecb) disability fixtures)


25)b) and c)


And 50) and anything beyond 50).


these numbers refer to anything BEFORE Itinerary Additions P2 in the note in the list.

feel free to also check out itinerary additions P2 and do those.


Or otherwise, go to the very bottom, scroll up til you see 50), then keep scrolling up until you see another 50)...

Can you do that 50) and anything after that 50) going downwards?


can you also get the names from Dave Blakeborough downwards without astericks on them?


and the link after these names, in that section?


Heres the note.



4pm on below date - Updated the last paragraph of this bulletin, made a mistake sorry.

4/8/28 - 1.25pm - Angel Bulletin Update:

Averages of 4.4 million and 26 million. This was LAST MINUTE.COM mission aka Got to do it RIGHT NOW or we miss it altogether. The figures for the amount of people saved for this mission range from 4.4 million and 26 million. Angel put me in another personal punishment room that had the  potential consequence of not allowing me to save between 4.4 million - 26 million people, had I not removed myself aka had he got his own way, then the world would darken to that amount. Not only that but there are also tonnes of other things I have to do that have millions of people that will be saved, IF done within the a certain time, alot of which are more or less immediate, and also ONGOING aka more or less every day from now on there are opportunities to save different demographics of people that average in the millions but if I don't do it within a certain time, then those millions of people are not saved.

 So, you can thank Angel personally for darkening the entire Earth plane. In future if your going to attack me, hows about you do it in a way that doesn't have the consequence of leaving literally millions of people to suffer.

Both Lucy and Shaughn explored his corridor and said they know exactly who he is (Shaughn is Heartful and is extremely cognisant of who everyone truly is, and Lucy is also intuitive and motherly and knows exactly people are) and they have both said they do not want to work with him full stop. I haven't spoken to Issa or El about it personally, I don't doubt that El would be wrathful about it because of the fact that Angel has been using a fake version of El to trick me multiple times just for a start, nevermind the fact that El is my partnership. I don't doubt for a moment that if Issa knew what was going on then Issa would completely reject him outright as well.

Like I said, I have the missions that I have uploaded online to the website, and then I also have a shit tonne of fucking missions that I have not yet uploaded to the website, hence, these are millions of people that will not recieve Dee or ascend, very specifically because of You, Angel.




8.06am on below date - Updated the Itinerary, please refresh the links on the notes below to get the updated note.

4/8/24   5.31am - New Itinerary, please do not edit, help save millions, some of these have events that are literally on later TODAY, please help get Dee with them, copy n paste into a note on your own computer and edit THAT if you want to edit but please leave the original notes on intact without editting.


In 1), I tried to "roughly" organise these in order of date so I put the ones that I definetly know or likely know that are on TODAY at the top

Then the ones I don't know the dates for as I havent yet researched n found them

Then etc.

Even if you miss TODAY, it might be that theres some going on like the next day or something (its likely that they run consecutive days so its likely you havent missed the boat if you miss today cos its likely their next session is the day after.)

So I advise that you look at both notes and just quickly scroll through and skim them, get a rough idea of whats going on in them, then go ahead and copy n paste n organise yourself and decide what your gonna do.






Itinerary "Organised" sort-of lol in order of Date - Online Notepad (





The original note that I tried to organise above:




4/8/24 - 5.54am - BBC iPlayer - Olympics - Day 1 - BBC One - Morning


Go to 20 mins 07 across.

The guy on the left is Fred who is a professional TV chef, may have been on some version of First Dates Hotel or something similar as well as other TV programs like, um, him Gordon Ramsay and the italian I think chef from This Morning TV show travel the world trying different foods OR just generally being tourists?

 Fred Sirioux? Or something? Is his name?

His eyes are always really obvious I have noticed. So go ahead and zoom in on his eyes, slow down the speed of play, or don't, just play, and notice how they tend to go slitty.

They usually with most cold ones especially go slitty when they shut or open them, but with Fred, they seem to be slitty even more than just at those moments, he just tends to be someone I have noticed that tends to have pupils that go slittier more often than other people.

You may find other footage with him, with his slitty eyes, I know I've found other footage of him with really obvious slitty eyes before as well.






Angel  4/8/24, 4.23am

Despite me refusing to work with you, you have imbdued a "lesson" or "punishment" or something to do with Dads future dementia NG body onto me, whilst I am Lworking on something that literally has the deadline as TODAY, therefore preventing me from being able to Lwork.

These are the number of people you have darkened approximately by preventing them from recieving Dee:

14.1 million viewers in 2022 and I think the viewers increase year-on-year but not 100 percent.


13 million.

Thats just TWO of the many that you have prevented me from doing, that I have googled how many viewers.

Apologies IF I am mistaken because suddenly things are starting to get confusing however I highly doubt that Dee would put me on a lesson plan that would darken millions haphazardly during Lworking.




Heres a new Itinenary (sp?) Do not edit the note please lots of other people use it, just copy n paste it into your own desktop and edit your copy if need be. This one has dates on it so you can prioritise the ones with the dates that are currently happening or that are coming up next.

So far have only dated some of it.


Itinerary Comprehensive - Online Notepad (











New Lworking Itinerary, a way to save probably millions, 2/8/24   9.39am, Cntrl + F "New Lworking Itinerary 2/8/24", these have deadlines and some of them are ASAP and others are a bit later

Theres also some Itinerary that I am unable to upload or email for various reasons, hence, if any chi issues occur by energy attack that prevent me from being able to Lwork on that Itinerary I am unable to upload or email, the world darkens and those are potentially millions of viewers (I just googled one of them and it came up with millions at a quick google) that are unable to recieve Dee, including those who are unwell and really do need Dee. These Itinerary have deadlines upcoming as well.  I should be able to do them as long as I am not being energy attacked by others. Hence this message is to someone in particular, you know who you are, to please help me with some shielding or other technique. I have tonnes for the Itinerary in my bag near my bed, as well as the Itinerary I've uploaded in various places online to do, thank you if you can help with the ones I've uploaded online, I hope to crack on with both the ones offline and online as well and I hope I can get them done within the deadline, but I have others helping me with some of the online ones so hopefully that might help too. God is watching always.


2/8/24, 12 midday - The Lion's Gate Portal technically runs for two weeks, opening in late July and closing in mid August. However, the pinnacle of the Lion's Gate Portal is August 8 (8/8). People will often commonly refer to this date as the Lion's Gate Portal itself - this date is also known to some as the galactic new year.

Please enjoy the energy of Lions Gate Portal!!! I've loved Lions Gate Portal in the past <3 xo




Two New Lesson Plans Below, Cntrl + F and Search for "Brand new 2 Lesson Plan Recordings". These are quite long ones. 1/8/24   8.25am gmt.

Issas Birthday is in either August or September... But I think its August. I might be wrong, ask Dee. Issa is a Virgo. Its star family tradition that we start planning chi gifts for them about a week or so in advance of their Birthday. As it could potentially be in August, feel free to send Issa some chi gifts if you like. He would be a bit mystified cos he has no idea about this website for now (long story) so please introduce yourself as an ally of Mandys. Don't tell him about the website for now tho thanks :) or that I'm teaching you. Because I am a delayed teacher for him aka I can't teach him yet but will in the future... Don't spoil the surprise pls :) I have a lesson plan lined up for him that can't happen if he knows about the website.

Issa has wholeness glasses and the ability to see chi fields. He can identify cold ones by their chi fields alone. Issa loves anime. Issa has 3 Dees of his own, I have my own 3 Dees and Issa also came with his own 3 Dees. Issa loves anime. Issa is from Singapore. Issa used to be obsessed with England and then he found out I lived there it made sense. Issa has I think 2 portly cats. Issa is my Dad from Pleaides. I'm pretty lucky that I have star family who are literally family from another lifetime here. NHNT but Shaughn was my school friend from Pleaides as well so we all go way back. Issa used to work at a garage. Issa lives in a tower block apartment somewhere in Singapore.

Ask Dee to help you with present ideas for Issa.




New Lworking Itinerary 2/8/24    Please skim through the 3 notepad lists first just incase I've repeated anything by accident or ommitted information in one that I've added in another that you should know. Please don't edit the note.


1) Itinerary Comprehensive - Online Notepad (


2) Itinerary P3 - Online Notepad (


3) Note 8/2/2024 8:33:37 AM - Online Notepad (




Here is a Lwking artinary (sp?) basically opportunities to spread Dee and ideas as such. You can help save millions this way. Make sure it is completed by an hour in advance  of the event being filmed at the latest. Look at photos or videos of everyone who is going to be in the media for the event. Please don't edit the note.

Note 7/30/2024 11:51:25 PM - Online Notepad (


Added a paragraph 31/7/24 00.42am gmt - "Just to add quickly, if you smoke or vape" press cntrl + F to see it.

Updated a paragraph at the end of the article, under a line, from "Explaining about Angel"

1.16am, updated with another paragraph at the end of that article again. Under a line.




Grey smoke is recognised as DM chi in photos or videos or screens. So if you are out, and happen to photobomb lol or be in the background of a photo or video... Idk whether Grey clothes also is read as DM mana or not. So ask Dee. If it is, then either don't wear Grey OR, be wearing an aura of love and a generally high vibe aura when you could be caught on camera wearing grey.

This includes cameras inside shops I guess as well. Or speed cameras if your on foot or on a motorbike.. Just anywhere where you are caught on camera... IF grey clothes are read similarly to grey smoke by cameras, I'm not sure, ask Dee.

I do advise photobombing cameras and video cameras as much as possible, either deliberately standing out with it if you want to take the risk of you being cut out eg We'll do a take 2 without the crazy guy in the background in it lol or otherwise just loiter around in the background of the shot (<- my preferred option personally, less risk) and hopefully then you can imprint millions of people.


Just to add quickly, if you smoke or vape, when your out and could be caught on camera, please wear a high vibe aura or aura of love whenever you smoke or vape, just incase you get caught on camera and accidentally send DM mana to whoever is looking. The aura of love should help cure the person with loving mana so they don't get infected.




NOTE FOR MISSIONS: You must look at the photos by 1 hour in advance in the very latest, of the filming of the event or the live event, which may not be the same as the timing of the SHOWING / viewing of the event on TV. 


28/7/24 3pm - I updated this note, pls don't edit it, if it doesn't show the update refresh the browser, check it out its instructions regarding missions:

27/7/24 - New Mission plans to spread Dee, scroll down :) Also, heres tips for doing Missions and maximising potential,  please don't edit the note, I do advise u give it a read, its only small:

Update 28/7/24, 4.44pm Just these next two lines:

Top Secret Email Advice, pls don't edit the contents of the note:


Update 30/7/24  11.32pm - Updated Explaining About Angel and The Other Site  below with one last paragraph at the end because I found out that Angel is also now targetting my Mum and fucking with her now as well.


Update 29/7/24, 3.21pm - More Effective Mission / Make Your Own Missions - Read Note but Don't Edit Please:


Note 7/29/2024 2:09:34 PM - Online Notepad (


Find Festivals and send Dee to all bands performing. Festivals often have tonnes of people there that will recieve Dee, they are also often Televised so all the people watching will recieve Dee as well.


If looking for more Missions, try to find Festivals in other countries as well.


I think the um religion where they circle a big cube ritualistically on a pilgrimage? Forgot which one, is it a Muslim one? I think thats actually filmed and put on Youtube Live or something, might be mistaken. So could always try with things like that as well.



Update 29/7/24, 3.12pm New Mission Plans and ways to Spread Dee (I just did this really quickly so they might not actually be applicable, please check with Dee or figure out whether any of these are actually worth doing or not aka missed the boat or otherwise?)

and also the note includes,

 Instructions on How To Make Your Own New Mission Plans that Spread Dee In A Big Way, In Your Own Country or In Your Own Way, pls don't edit the note:


Note 7/29/2024 2:09:34 PM - Online Notepad (



Brand new 2 Lesson Plan Recordings - Please do not share these unless you speak to Dee first about who you can share with... I don't want these getting into the wrong hands obviously. If you do share this with someone, please tell them when you share it, "Don't share this with anyone without Dees permission first".

If you download these, please please keep these files on a hidden file or preferably a Passworded & Hidden File, even better if you can get these on a passworded and hidden file on a USB drive that is kept on your person... I really don't want the risk to you nor me of a cold one being nosy on your computer or somehow getting a hold of these. Download some free software, always check with Dee whether software you want to download is safe to use with these, that allows you to keep this hidden and passworded... Windows native ability to make files hidden and then I think theres a way to password .zip files natively ??? I'm not sure. Ask Dee for advice.

The imagination is a place of mana and also of creative frequency. It is extremely manaful.

1) Fantasy based personality types & incarnation lesson plan and more:


2) How they attack you Online Lesson Plan and More:



Here are people I couldn't find photos of to send Dee to, Northern Territory I think the OTH is but I'm not sure. Can you find them?

robin cahil labor northern territoy and also     Oly Carlson,     OTH party leader? whats     OTH stand for?


I will explain later but pls stop using any product with Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Retinoids, check your handwashes for them, and makeup and skincare and shower products, I will teach you about this later, possibly hyalronic acid (sp?) and hyaloron but not 100 percent, glycolic acid probably, as a general rule things with Acid in it are sketchy, possibly Betaine but not sure, and theres another one. Ill update the site later to explain why

IF you are an online gamer or part of online chatrooms, you will likely be attacked by psychic cold ones with psychic attacks. - There are some people that are best advised to deflect these energy attacks, and there are other people that are advised not to deflect these energy attacks but just to let them hit you and effect you. Its individual and different for everyone. Some people are best advised to hide their light, others are not. Some people are advised to react differently to others.

Please ask Dees advice on what you personally should do in this situation.


Explaining About Angel and The Other Site

Just incase I didn't make it clear to you, the other website is owned by Angel, he steals my emails that I use to teach my star family with that I would intend to post on this website, and posts it to his own. He has a vulnerability to Glory so probably loves it.

 Angel has intentions to make them cancel things I am subscribed to. I have been trying to pay for most things myself in order to allow my parents to trust that I can be independant before they die or into their elderly years.

First, I pay for my own phone subscription. My parents both work and if I were to do something like throw myself out a window, without a working phone, I can't call an ambulance.

Second, he made my Mum dump her laptop worth approx 1 - 2 grand full of years and years worth of family photos, which are needed to prevent dementia. He admitted this was a mistake by saying "take lots of photos from now on" as if that would make up for it. Not to mention anything else that was on that laptop that was lost by her dumping it.

So, he was going to make my subscriptions cancel to things like Apple and otherwise. These are subscriptions required for the storage of years and years worth of memories including family photos. So he was about to make me lose all these photos, as well as any other memory-restoration things I have on there.

At least two of these subscriptions include Lworking plans such as Rings. Once that goes, I lose all my Lworking plans hence the world darkens (Rings was just one of many brainstorming sessions I use on the subscription). As well as progress trackers or other notes for long-term mission plans that can't be recovered.

I would not be notified of the cancellation I don't think, hence, I would not have time to get all the things off of there before they permanently deleted the information. So he would have condemned the world to suffer.

One of  these subscriptions has childhood memorablilia since I was a child and is needed to restore my memory cove. I would not be able to be effective at restoring my memories from Wernickes without it. It also includes things my parents need to restore their memory-cove into their dementia years. So thats that fucked for them as well.

I'm paying for my cats vet insurance which is helping my parents trust in my independance. The vets insurance cannot have breaks in it otherwise it invalidates the insurance. My parents would then have to pay upfront costs for my cats healthcare. Thats another thing that would go.

These are literally a few of the things just off the top of my head which he has done, without me actually going through them properly.

Here are a few of the moniquors he programmed into his punishment tracklines and rooms for me. Approximately 7 - 9 hours was one trackline, so imagine how many moniquors are on a 7 - 9 hour long trackline?

Trackline is programming language for... Imagine a line. Imagine you plot things on it. Now imagine you are the train going on that line and as you hit the thing, it happens.

He made a 7 - 9 hour trackline worth of punishments that had no other intention apart from satisfying his own wrath (forgiveness was not part of the picture *at all*). Things like, you will itch all over but when you scratch you won't be satisfied - Thats an instant self-harm trigger for me.

When he makes tracklines, Self-Harm Trigger alerts come up at points which cause Self-Harm. He deliberately left them on there, then, he put a "non-healing moniquor" on it hence, the result would be, me self-harming and then the self-harm not being able to heal and just being an open wound that doesn't scab over. Which is actually something that has happened, I have a wound that isn't scabbing properly. But the potential of this trackline means I'm covered in open wounds and sores that don't heal.

He also made a punishment room and put me in it.

I said I absolutely refuse to work with him. He has forced me to do his tracklines anyway despite suicide planning because hes trying to use me for forgiveness for a personal circumstance.

He wants me to beg borrow and steal for money. I have no-one to beg borrow or steal from. I tried doing that already a while ago, when I could, can't remember, I know that I have already done this before and now presently its not possible for me to.

Angels punitive nature, stubbornness and pride mimicks one of my main abusers in my life so it is similar to a repeat trauma from my childhood.

Keep in mind that anything he posts to his site are not always things that I have the opportunity to rebuttal to, hence, you could be lead into believing something that is not the case, but I haven't had the opportunity to be able to correct or defend myself with the actual case. 

He's also completely backwards in the way that he incarnated intending to push buttons and yet reacts by losing his temper. When in a suicidal field of chi, he has reacted by doing things that have the effect of making me more motivated to do it.

At the end of the day, God is altruistic, it doesn't take sides, and God wants us to learn and lighten to God, and knows what is making people lighten and what is making people darken. He also understands people that are merciless.

The end result of his attacks on me is that I become more virtuous by nature of resilience or endurance or humility or otherwise, that makes me lighten towards God, and he becomes more sinful by nature of Wrath and Revenge and otherwise, and darkens against God.

When I was in a suicidal field of chi, he faked messages from every one of my star family, loving messages telling me to stop. Then he turned around and said "Btw none of those were real, it was actually me pretending to be your star family. How nice did it feel to have them support you? Now think of your Dad, hes been suicidal his whole life and you were never there for him." So he is deliberately using programming to try to guilt me and that is AFTER being in a suicidal field of chi. Hes a fucking psychopath.

I didn't feel guilty at all because I knew that I was unable to get out of bed because of my Dad draining my mana, also I was a child and didn't know any better. So I couldn't be around my Dad without being so drained I couldn't get out of bed. I literally do not feel guilty at all. I also know that as soon as I found a solution to this, I used it, in order to be able to spend time with my Dad. Anyway the point is that he is deliberately using chi to attack me.

He also used chi to tell the water company that we were using 4 bathtubs of water a day, which we really are not using AT ALL, and my parents are having to pay for that.

Despite me telling him in advance not to do it, he forced something to happen on a family members birthday, they never got to celebrate their birthday even afterwards they did not make up for it with another family celebration aka skipped birthday.

I've written somewhere that one of his punishment tracklines took up almost half of an entire day.

I created a Lworking method, I needed to ask questions in order to complete it, he imprinted lies all over it, hence, if I had not found a way around this, he would of blocked this Lworking method from working, this is one that I spread to the ship and would spread to companies and others aka would lighten the earth plane that he was preventing. He also put energy drain moniquors on me during me Lworking on mission plans that would spread Dee to literally millions I think, that drained me so much I was going to fall asleep, hence darkening the earth plane.

He made a lesson plan that would piss him off, put me on it, it pissed him off, then he punished ME for it. 

He imprinted one of my main sexual abusers in life Yousuf, on a sexual field of chi for me, now there are cold blank chi fields damaged by fresh sexual trauma wounds he made. 

He created another trackline put me on with major self-harm triggers on it, I guessed at the end there was going to be a nasty surprise, then I definetly confirmed yes at the end there was a nasty surprise for me.

Here are moniquors that he imprinted on the punishment tracklines, keep in mind these are just a few and he had approximate 7 - 9 hours or half a days worth of moniquors in store for me:

"Every pain in your gridwork will imdue in you all at the same time"

"Every time you want something the opposite will imbdue instead"

"Every trauma you've ever experienced will imbdue"

These were just a few of the moniquors on the 7 - 9 hour approximate trackline he made, he also made a punishment room and put me in it, then in response to me retaliating, he made ANOTHER punishment room and put me in it, despite me declaring suicidal intentions.

Hes trying to get stuff to happen to me which will destroy my ability to recover my Wernickes, which would have lost 1000s of personal photos which he already did to my mum he made her dump her  1 - 2 (I think closer to 2) grand laptop full of photos, he was going to do the same to me and make me lose all my photos, as well as the data on my apps including Google Drive which is full of files I need to teach you guys with, I would not be able to recover these files or even remember what they were, so you would have lost your lesson plans and are still at risk of losing them. As well as its got Dads files on it as well, so he would be attacking my Dad.

None of this is to do with lesson plans or healing or whatnot, its all personal wrath vendettas, he felt personally embaressed because I did what the lesson plan told me to do which is Act like Mum in response to Dad, Mum would and did (Im pretty sure) go online and rant and talk to anyone who would listen, thats exactly what I did, what I was supposed to do, he personally takes offense and retaliates with punishments.

I've got written in my notes regarding Angel "He made a sexually traumatising room but made it in the dark so I couldn't see that he was doing it or what he was doing but he told me beforehand that he was gonna do it in the dark".

He was going to wait for me to post about him almost like I'm attacking him then imprint himself as my Dad, so its like I'm attacking my Dad, with the intention of darkening me with guilt towards my Dad for attacking Angel.

"Every single thing you did to your Dad will imbdue in you instead"

"Whatever the negative potential of every scenario your in, make it become that"

^-- Those are 2 more moniquors on one of his punishment tracklines for me.

He imprinted my Dads energy body aging onto Death with me without healing so I would feel all his pain and then aging onto death and then he programmed the Guilt in.

He imprinted his boot on my neck then he imprinted my obese energy body (I have history of food disorders and have in the past been both anorexic and obese etc etc) and said if you dare rebuttal I'll make you feel like when you feel the worst in your entire life. He has an entire rebuttal room lined up. I've got written here "He's sexually stimulating me then  trying to make El make me wank to my father" I honestly don't know what thats about so maybe I have a chi block or memory wipe in protecting me from whatever the fuck went on here.

He also sends me taunts in energy.

He made my water bill go up to 4 bathtubs a day which my parents have to pay for. We do not use 4 bathtubs of water a day. My Mum bought a birthday present for a child under 10 years old recently in my family, and returned it to Amazon. He made them not refund her. Mum is the victim of Dads spending habits already so theres absolutely no reason to be making it so that my Mum becomes once again a victim of people ripping her off illegally. She is absolutely mystified about why this is happening and it also touchs on a childhood trauma of hers where she was impoverished and the result of this, even my old psychiatrist commented on it, she would feel like everyone at every checkout was stealing from her and would shout. So obviously it is a deep childhood wound or trauma that effected her psychologically even as an adult to be triggered at every checkout and even eating out at restaurants or things like that as well, she would get triggered and shout.




I've also found out he was about to make things I was subscribed to, cancel without warning, in order to replicate things my Dad did to my Mum.

The things I am subscribed to include things like Lworking plans. Obviously Lworking plans are things that have the potential to save millions of lives. This would go.

Food healing plan that my family are doing.

Progress counters for Lucy.

Also it includes things that would heal my memory cove as that is damaged with Wernickes and would be very difficult to get back.

Childhood memorabilia and thats impossible to get back.

1000's of photos including childhood and family photos. Which are needed for my family to prevent dementia.

My cold-friendly only email which costs money and would have information.


I first took over for monthly debits and bills in order to show Dad that I could be independant before he left Earth. So alot of things are transferred over to me for monthly debits and bills.

Then hes going to make them all cancel on me. Hence proving to Dad that I cannot be trusted. Also including whatever the fuck I took over for him in terms of monthly debits and bills.

I'm just in fucking shock and awe at how terrible a "Lwker" he is like how much damage he unintentionally does constantlly.






Short Angel Update 29/7/24 - 14.53pm

After I was able to remove myself from the extreme subtufage, directly after failed attempts at a noose, I had to buy a scarf type thing to cover up the bruises and blood things on my neck. He directly put me after failed attempts into an energy lesson called "blocked at every turn" which makes everything you try to do impossible to be able to do, hence anything I looked at came up with phobic options. It was extremely obvious it was deliberately him doing it. I can't just pick a non-phobic option out of the phobic options because he also has something called "Everyone makes mistakes" so if I buy a non-phobic option, they will send me the phobic option anyway (its already been happening hence I'm not allowed to shop online anymore because they will send me something different from what I ordered). It is as if, you are already pushed beyond your limit and want to leave the Earth, he decides right I'm going to push  you even more so you definetly leave. He has a coldness mana core which means he doesn't know when to stop. I've had to have outside interventions to narrowly escape things that he went too far with.


Short Angel Update 29/7/24 - 13.42pm

Angel has attempted to install "extreme subtufage" (sp?). Please either 1) Pan out the camera to his POV so you can see him programming it and intentions. 2) Access the Avian Mentorship so you can see it all from a birds eye view 3) Rewind the track tape so that you can see prior to him installing it, his idea and intentions for it, and him programming it using my ship to be able to do it. 4) Use these 3 methods to then remove yourself from the extreme subtufage and go back to seeing everything else he did or leave entirely.


Update 29/7/24   5.14am - I've got a tonne of things to teach, but still have to write up the lesson plans and make films etc. Also, Another bulletin below, 1 about Angel and 2 an explanation bout how the ship works somewhere in the same bulletin. Its in Red. Press Cntrl + F and search "Another Personal Bulletin About Angel AND amongst this, is also an explanation of how the Ship works."

Also I updated the Personal Acronyms with Plain Jane and Asleep and Awake, Cntrl + F "Personal Acronyms". Or otherwise just scroll for it.


More Elections Upcoming (29/7/24, 6.41am), again, new ones tho, haven't had time to check these out indepth yet, can you help get Dee with anyone publicised for the election? The parties or electorates etc.?

I'm trying to hit every country like within 2 months in advance of an election so that I hope to get them before canvassing or before filming their election things, idk whether to push the boat and do 3 months or not... How long do people normally canvas for before an election? How long before an election do they film their ads?

Check these ones out.

Go here, check the ones in August, September and October. Send Dee to all involved.

2024 national electoral calendar - Wikipedia

Heres a list of a few of them but not all of them, from the above wiki page, but I am exhausted, I have to go. 


2024 Mozambican general election - Wikipedia


2024 Uruguayan general election - Wikipedia


2024 Azerbaijani parliamentary election - Wikipedia


2024 Austrian legislative election - Wikipedia


2024 Lithuanian parliamentary election - Wikipedia


2024 Georgian parliamentary election - Wikipedia


Help Save Algeria, send Dee to:


Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is to face two challengers in a September 7 election, organisers said on Thursday.

Abdelaali Hassani of the Movement of Society for Peace and

Youcef Aouchiche of the centre-left Socialist Forces Front - Google Search


(Reference Algerian electoral board lists presidential candidates - TRT Afrika , idk if its accurate or not I'm just assuming it is so do ur own research :) ) x










More Elections Upcoming (29/7/24, 4.21am, added a bit in green here), I'll just jot this down here quickly and then I will come back a bit later and give a fuller update. Please help to look at photos of anyone up for election and anyone televised for the election or canvassing, and therefore, save an entire country.

I tried to find all the members and all the possible parties from here:

But honestly I don't know who is up for election. Are you able to find them, more accurately than I am? and look at photos of them and send them Dee?

Here are people I couldn't find, can you find them?

robin cahil labor northern territoy and also     Oly Carlson,     OTH party leader? whats     OTH stand for?




New Missions!! Update 29/7/24 1am in Purple about Brazil, scroll down a bit and find it. 29/7/24 1.19am I changed a bit about what I wrote about Brazil, please check this again! In Purple!

New Missions!! New update about this (29/7/24, 00:32am, new update just a bit below in green font) (New update again 00:48am on this date, check the green font below, scroll down a bit, I added more in green font regarding Bosnia elections.)

Added some more Elections below, Cntrl + F Africa Elections, none that are upcoming.



Please can you google and make sure the elections for these are within the next monthish or two.

Please can you send Dee to photos of all the electorates, help save an entire country in one fell swoop! Hopefully we're in time for them to start filming their advertising campaigns which will hopefully be televised across the country and then we give Dee to the entire country easily! (thats assuming its filmed and not CGI, fingers crossed!) But even if we miss that, then they will be televised when they win the election anyway, the results will be televised and Dee will be with them for that and so the entire country gets Dee then!

2024 (Sunday 6 October 2024) 

Bosnia and Herzegovina elections



2024 Botswana elections -  2024 Botswana general election must be held no later than 29 October 2024

2024 Brazil elections - Municipal elections will take place in Brazil on 6 October 2024, with a runoff scheduled for 27 October

Brunei ????? not in brazil??? one of the two??


Is this whos up for vote in Brazil? I have no idea? Worth googling the names in the tables on the right in particular, and any others on the page worth googling, for photos or not? As well as looking at the photos on the page?


2024 São Paulo mayoral election - Wikipedia


I *think* this is who is up for Vote in Botswana. Can you look at photos of these people? Also, I might be wrong so, please do a bit more of a thorough research to find out if theres anyone else up for vote or who might be televised in future regarding this election.

Botswana National Front party leader Duma Boko, Botswana Congress Party party leader Dumelang Saleshando, Botswana Democratic Party leader Mokgweetsi Masisi, Botswana Alliance Movement apparently has dissolved now? Is this up for election and if so, who is its leader?

2024 Bosnian municipal elections - Wikipedia


Honestly, I have no idea how to find whos up for vote and who will likely be televised for Bosnian elections. I'm kinda grasping at straws here, if you have any idea how to find them and look at photos of them and send them Dee, as long as its not photos of them as children, that would be a great great help and you've helped save an entire country.

Just incase, I did check the above wikipedia link and look at photos of all the names on there or click on all the parties on there and look at the photos of the leaders of those parties.

I have no idea if these are relevant and current anymore as it looks like these may be old parties or old leaders but honestly I have no idea. Maybe they were? I don't know?

So if you could find who is currently up for vote in 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina elections and look at photos of them, thank you so much for saving a country.



2024 São Paulo mayoral election - Wikipedia

First 4 tables and last 2 tables, I just clicked on all the names or parties in there. Then looked at all the names in the next page. Or I googled the names in the first page. Tbh I have no idea who is up for vote in Brazil so I'm just taking a punt and trying, if you can be any more accurate and actually find out anyone who will be televised for Brazil vote please please send them Dee, I'm just guessing.


 29/7/24 1.41am - New bit about my Dads death and Angel below. Just scroll lol, if your interested. Also I updated the Personal Acronyms with Plain Jane and Asleep and Awake, Cntrl + F "Personal Acronyms".

Ive also updated Emergency Chi Tools with one at the end, Cntrl + F "Emergency Chi Tools"




I've updated my stamps, down below I had a bunch of tags that didn't have capitals in them, I needed to modify these so if you're using them please replace them with the ones in this note, please don't edit the note, and even if they look exactly the same as the old ones, trust me, they are not, they look the same but the energy mechanism is different. 

My advice is to change wherever your using this tag to something different first, then change it back into this tag, this way you know its actually changed into this tag (otherwise it looks exactly the same so the website might not recognise it as a change and might not change it.)

Eg, lets pretend your tag says Okay (pretend Okay is a tag, its not). But this Okay doesn't work properly, I give you an Okay that DOES work properly. You change the Okay that doesnt work, to the Okay that does work, and press Save Changes. The website doesn't understand you've changed anything, so doesn't change anything.

So instead, you would change the Okay to Okay2. Then you would save. It updates. Then change Okay2, to the tag that you definetly copy and paste from the new tag. To Okay. Then save, it should update and you definetly know its changed into the new tag that actually works.


Note 7/28/2024 10:14:00 PM - Online Notepad (


Sorry to be a massive pain in the arse, I had a bunch of Tags on this site that I needed to modify the energy mechanism for,  and then a bunch of tags that were fine. I've gone and either deleted or replaced these other tags I needed to modify on the website with working ones just now (28/7/24, 11.24pm). 

Just to make sure, can you please change anywhere where you have tagged with this:

LDIEM (dont copy n paste this one pls its not a genuine tag)

to something different first, and then change it back by copying and pasting this: (This is the FIXED / REPAIRED tag that definetly 100 percent works:) Thanks!




28/7/24 11pm - Can you find the Venezelan (sp?) electorates? I think the vote was literally today so if you can do this please be adroidt with it otherwise we miss the chance. I could only find 6 of them on um wikipedia, is there more than those 6? I'm hoping we can get Dee with them before they televise the winner and hence the entire country has the opportunity to be saved. Im hoping they haven't pre-recorded the winner. 

28/7/24 10pm - Please ask Dees advice before joining lightworker groups or servers or forums or chats, or starseed ones, or ascension based ones, angelic ones, general energy healing ones, general psychic ones. If your part of one already, please ask Dees advice. Some people are not so benevolent in these places than others.

Please try to use a different energy system than Reiki, will teach later about this.

Please be wary of Daniel Scranton or whatever his name is, hes a "trance-state healer", hes cold and will DT you.



29/07/24   5.55 am, updated again: (6.28am, updated the 2 sentences, "Oh I forgot to mention" (press Cntrl + F and search it) please if you read this before please do read the these 2 sentences I added, made a bit of a blooper that could be misconstrued lol) 7.04am, updated again with another paragraph at the end.

Another Personal Bulletin About Angel AND amongst this, is also an explanation of how the Ship works.


Angel has been creating more tracklines and putting me on them which deliberately result in Self-Harm. He knows what my Self-Harm triggers are and they are automatically labelled on his tracklines, he created these and put me on them. He has been attacking me literally for hours on end all day, I got a very short reprieve of a few hours before he re-appeared and directly pushed to cause more attempts. 

Angel put me on these tracklines whilst I was Lworking to attempt to give approximately 420580 people Dee. This is something that has a time limit to it as well that was already passed the the time of what I would have chosen to be doing it at for maximum potential, and I was the only one doing it at the time. It was challenging for me to be doing this whilst he was fucking attacking me so, if he had succeeded, that is 420,580 people approximately he has basically condemned to hell on earth without mentorships teaching them how to grow and become Lworkers. Some of these places that contain these people look like poor countries as well so that is basically people who are suffering more and have more difficult lives that he is depriving of mentorships such as Dee. 

These were personal attacks of his, that he had designed aka contrived, in order to put me through them, for no other reason than to satisfy his own wrath.

He's practically a darkworker to me at this point, because he is literally just attacking me using mana and programming techniques such as tracklines. He is not a natural programmer, me and El are programmers, and because I am a ship I come with tools. Aka if I died, he would not be able to make tracklines full stop, or modify chi or energy at all. He's practically a darkworker to me at this point, because he is preventing someone who hosts a couple of hundred dedicated lightworkers in the "higher tier" aka these are you guys, as well as honourary tier which unfortunately are not allowed to know our identities so learn in a seperate room.... Okay I will explain the ship to you a bit.

I am the ship. If I die, you all lose your ability to Lwork in the way that the ship offers you unfortunately.

The ship has many different "rooms". In each of these rooms, mentorships teach you different lessons. For example, we might have Room A which has a lesson plan on Greed, Room B a lesson plan on Healing, etc. and then we will put um Casy Alice and Jack in Room A and Bob, Paul, and Jim in Room B... Mentorships make the rooms, make the lesson plans that are dedicated to each room, and decide who goes in each room. I also have a part in some of these lesson plans as well as Dee made me a teacher for my star family and the upper ship.

So, Honourary Tier are my Star families honoured friends who we were friends with back when we were plain jane aka asleep and not awake, so these get given special rooms especially because, they are not allowed to know that we are awake and we are who we are, because they were not Lworkers before, they were just plain jain friends or associates of ours, and if they knew who we were, they would absolutely be hounding us for favours all the time. These are very early very beginner Lworkers and still have alot to learn. They are unfortunately not at the same level of understanding about Lwork that the members of this website are at, who I can only guess were probably at least somewhat aware of Lworker subjects before getting invited to the ship and the website.

So, this is another example of how we have many different rooms on the ship, with many different types of lessons suited for each person and Mentorships decide who goes in what room.

Anyway. So he is attacking me, who is the ship, which allows Mentorships to teach you, and often pushing me into attempts at taking life as well as self-harm either minor such as cutting or overdoses (which can damage chi fields) or things that are a bit more extreme, if the ship goes, then you lose the ability to learn from the ship as well as losing the Mentorships that the ship hosts for you, hence, he is practically like a darkworker to me, especially because these attacks he is making on me are to satisfy his own revenge or wrath only and not for healing and not for any kind of lesson plan to do with forgiveness anymore or anything to do with helping me with Dad anymore -- Actually, its the exact opposite, he is now targetting me to do with my Dad to deliberately darken me and deliberately try to make me feel guilty about him. Aka, he is looking for a "weakness" in me to try to attack, so he knows my Dad is elderly and will die one day and that that plays on my mind I dare say this cos he will now suddenly jump on that and attack me even more with it, so he chooses that as a subject deliberately as my "weakness" to attack me with.

Hence, he is not literally a darkworker, but he is very similar to one aka practically like a darkworker, as he is known in real life to be a Bully, and he uses energy techniques and mana and programming in order to attack you, and he often deliberately targets vulnerabilities and weaknesses in you in order to attack you. For example programming approximately 7 - 9 hours long tracklines (more than one long trackline like this as well) with the sole intention of punishing you in order to satisfy his own wrath, programming rooms full of moniquors deliberately intended to hurt you with no other reason but to satisfy his own wrath again, deliberately trying to push you to hang yourself, accidentally almost making you run into the middle of roads, deliberately tricking you into thinking your star family are concerned for you in order to then trick you afterwards and say no sorry that was me, no-one cares about you, etc. etc. the list literally goes on and on and on, so you can see that, although he is not literally a darkworker, he is LIKE a darkworker, especially because the end effect of what he achieves IF he achieves it, will definetly darken the earth plane as you will all lose access to a Ship and to the 6 - 8 mentorships that the ship offers, and because he uses mana attacks and programming techniques in order to attack me, and because hes a natural Bully. 

Making you self-harm with tracklines that have self-harm trigger tags all over it so he knew what he was doing and putting me on, and then removing your ability to heal the self-harm, hence leaving you with open wounds. This has not been recovered, I still have open wounds that arnt healing properly. Putting you in energy thingies that make you self-harm. Sexually humiliating you various times. Apologising to other people for sexually humiliating you but not apologising to you personally, and then sexually humiliating you AGAIN after apologising to other people for it, the other people he apologised to are people that he wants to maintain reputation with (Glory sin), but not apologising to you and then doing it again to you, hence obviously not genuinely sorry. Deliberately wearing the skin of your main Abusers in your life that have caused you deep traumas and mental health issues for example wearing the skin of the abuser that literally gave me a near death experience and almost killed me as a child, and then repeating a sexual trauma onto me using the skin of that abuser... Actually its two sexual traumas when I come to think of it. Trying intentionally to make you feel guilty for your Dads future Death... I'm gonna stop myself from writing now because I could literally write on and on and on.

You are free to see all of these things for yourself, please go and view the footage so you know what he did.

In the past, when we've been more amiable, I have sent him messages with issues I have. These issues that I have reveal things I struggle with. He has deliberately chosen these issues to attack. He literally deliberately targets your weaknesses to intentionally hurt you with them. For example I might say something about self-harm wounds, so he deliberately makes them not heal. I might say something about something else, he instantly uses that to attack it. Hes not a genuine psychopath, but he fucking reminds me of one sometimes. He has a coldness mana flow in the core of him, thats not an evaluation on my part, thats something Dee told me about him. 

He deliberately takes your traumas and attacks you with them, I heard he apologised for sexually traumatising me, I believe this was before he then continued to sexually traumatise me if I remember rightly, in a variety of different ways. It just shows that he only apologised to protect his reputation to other ship members who use/d his site, as I said his main sin is Glory, so he wouldn't of wanted to look bad towards them, but then he continued to sexually traumatise me.

Not even just the sexual traumas, I have other very big traumas and big wounds that has caused alot of destruction in my life and deep pain, self-harm or planned attempts, that he has deliberately targetted and used against me, I won't go into this further.

Any teachings that he posted on his site, he stole from me deliberately, he took these emails I use to teach my own star family with, and then put it on his own site instead, it may have had a good intention to do it at the time, but I think probably secretly he loved having that role and doing that as he has a vulnerability to Glory. Personally I enjoy working and I enjoy teaching, but I don't do it for the "reputation" of it. I was always meant to be a teacher for my star family so its very likely that I pre-programmed myself with this prior to incarnation and my purpose-mana lights up when I do it.

He has pretended to be other members of my star family in order to torture me with them. Such as, after a suicidal bent that he put me on, making star family send me "personal messages" to dissuade me of love etc. and then afterwards saying "Oh btw, that wasn't actually true, that was just me pretending to be them" its hard to explain, like he was saying they don't actually care about you, now feel guilty or some shit I can't even explain anymore. He has interfered with my relationship with El in big ways about 3 times, pretending to be El and choosing big issues to stir the pot with and attack me with. Not to mention the times he fucked up with my family, back when we were more amiable, granted these times were genuine mistakes, but, to make someone dump a laptop worth 1 - 2 grand that is full of thousands I believe of family photos that we can never get back, thats a mistake that I personally never ever would have made, as well as causing police involvement, and physical violence and potentially losing promotions and also making it so that my other brother is stranded on a country abroad without support from his Dad  (he can't get it from Mum as they arnt speaking, nor me because we can't speak as there is trauma there long story short) and this made him look so skinny from not being able to afford to eat like I was shocked to see him in that state and making him do things that I will not go into, just for money, which caused deep trauma in him. If I had that much power over someone elses life I would not personally have made those mistakes.

Again, I have made the punishment tracklines and punishment rooms and punishment "lesson plans" if thats what you would call them, including the ones he put me on today, I've made all these things that he made for me and his intention whilst making them for you to view, avaliable for you to see for yourself. Go and have a look. Also feel free to know the amount of times he has pushed me into suicidal fields of chi, attempts, and self harm, and he is absolutely relentless, they go on for hours and hours and hours each with no break these tracklines and rooms, and then the times he put me on tracklines that risked my life even without that as the goal such as roads of moving traffic.

Oh I forgot to mention, he made a "mindfuck" room as well to put me in to deliberately mindfuck me, as well as sending taunts to me as well. Apologies I didn't mean to write "headfuck" before lol just corrected it to mean "mindfuck".

Oh, sometimes he attempts to imprint "light" on an otherwise suicidal or self-harm chi field he has landed me in during a "lesson plan" back when we were amiable, in order to make it not like that.. as in, he always knew it was going to put me into self-harm or attempts, he pushes me there anyway then puts a light flow on it. The light flow does not always work, hence I end up self-harming or making attempts.


Short Angel Update 29/7/24 - 13.42pm

Angel has attempted to install "extreme subtufage" (sp?). Please either 1) Pan out the camera to his POV so you can see him programming it and intentions. 2) Access the Avian Mentorship so you can see it all from a birds eye view 3) Rewind the track tape so that you can see prior to him installing it, his idea and intentions for it, and him programming it using my ship to be able to do it. 4) Use these 3 methods to then remove yourself from the extreme subtufage and go back to seeing everything else he did or leave entirely.




28/7/24 9.37pm - Four more tools added to the list of tools below. Ask Dee for avaliability :)


28/7/24  9.30pm - They have a natural reptillian habit of flicking their tongues, much like a snake tastes the air. They have tried to hypnotise themselves in order to suppress this habit (else we might notice, why do some people flick their tongues all the time?) but unfortunately the hypnotism failed. So they do try not to, but they do slip.

In particular I've noticed that this Olympic games, they tend to slip *alot* with flicking their tongues. I don't know why this is -- Why is it that Olympians tend to flick their tongues more than others? It could be because they are Live and therefore real and alot of TV might be advanced CGI (I can't really confirm this, I know that at least *some* tv aka News anchors are advanced CGI, I don't know just *how* much of TV is CGI, might be a majority or a minority who knows?) But, the Olympics is a Live thing where you can visit and watch in real life and hence there is a risk a human could even break the barrier and run into an Olympian and realise he's not physically real so, I'm just assuming thats why they don't make CGI Olympics.

So if you want to see this in action, watch some of the Olympics. It tends to be when they are having the interviews, the olympians, or otherwise NOT mid-sport lol. I've just been watching some of it and have noticed they flick their tongues more often.

28/7/24 9.44pm - Never take part in any of Storms group meditations. He had one group meditation where he said, or one of his team said, from the server, envision a better world and put that vision into the bubble. He was actually *stealing* this mana from you and DTing your dream chakra. 


29/7/24 1.23am - Sometimes I feel the need to greive for my Dad in advance of his Death. I was recommended to do this by Mentors, the earlier I greive and process this grief, the less of a massive blow it will be when he dies, so I'm to greive early BEFORE he passes away and start processing it in drips n drabs.

Because of Angel bullying me constantly, I am unable to feel free enough and safe enough to be able to greive. For example, you would not want to feel vulnerable and to cry infront of an enemy who is directly and intentionally targetting your weaknesses and trying to attack you non-stop. So, I am unable to greive or process my future fathers Death, because of Angel bullying me. Like he is literally right there attacking me presently whilst I'm feeling the need to greive at the same time, so I can't. If I were to, then he would immediately see the vulnerability and attack me for it which ironically I just realised, he actually DID attack me for it when I showed a bit. 

He also tricked me into believing that my entire star family were supporting me through a suicidal bent, with energy messages from all of them. Then later on, he told me that, that was false, it was him tricking me, and saying Now feel guilty for your Father, they were supporting you through your suicidal bent, now think of how your Father was severly depressed and probably suicidal and how you were never there to support him. So he is directly trying to traumatise me.

However I do know that, when I was young, I was a trauma victim who had severe mental health issues, such as being frozen and dissociated from my body and had no emotional wisdom in me. I also know that my Dad had no chi of his own, so he used to "feed" from me with a sort of vampiric chi mechanism in order to get the energy to work.

I was fed from and because of this he drained all the energy out of my body and I did not have the energy to get up out of bed because I was so exausted. I couldn't go to school. I dropped out, but, I don't mind dropping out in hindsight because, it was a cold school so they would've taken me to peices even more if I stayed, and, I was intelligent enough in school not to be missing out on anything. I skipped the last year or two of school but JUST did my GCSEs, I was originally predicted 13 A*'s and I was elected into the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) for getting CATS results in younger years of being top 1 percent of the country and top 10 percent of the country. This doesn't mean anything now -- Just because I was an intelligent child (I was very pointed due to trauma and focused alot of that in my mind because I was frozen completely due to trauma and could only use my mind and schoolwork was easy. Hard to explain.) 

So just because I was an intelligent teenager, doesn't mean that I am an intelligent adult ahahaha there are plenty of people who have gone to university or college that I didn't get to do, so they are far more intellectual than I am.

I digress - I do not regret skipping the last year or two of school because of this. And I was able to "feed" my father enough for him to be able to have the energy to go to work... Back then I was asleep and I was a child (well, teenager) and all I knew was that when my Dad was around me, I didn't have the energy to get up out of bed, and fell into a depression. So I avoided him. 

Also, I had no idea my Dad was suicidal? I don't even recollect thinking he was depressed so I don't know whether I knew he was depressed or not, I think I *must* have done but Chi issues are making it hard for me to remember right now.

I know for a fact that as naive teenager, that is absolutely natural. Teenagers want to be social, want to be outgoing or into their own interests or to be happy.... And to have a father who, just by being around you, you are suddenly unable to get out of bed in a depression... Of course you would naturally avoid him. And there was literally nothing I could do to help him. I had no idea of anything about emotions because I was a dissociated frozen trauma victim. 

The only times I was able to hang out with him, was when I got older, I discovered crystals and stones... And I discovered that by piling on a combination of crystals, I was able to protect my heart chakra from being drained by my Dad. So I used to use this combination of crystals to be able to be around him more. And I enjoyed spending some time with him finally, because I finally was actually ABLE to. So I tried.

Please don't let this encourage you to use crystals, they are naturally occultic, I didn't know this back then, so please use energy copies of the crystals from a non-occultic pool of chi. I aim to do a crystal lesson at some point in the future hopefully. I have a collection.

Anyway. I guess the point is, Angel is trying to attack me and traumatise me regarding my Dads future Death and I don't feel guilty for it at all.


28/7/24   9.35pm - Like I said, Angels main sin is glory. If he was humble enough, he would be able to admit the mistakes he's made, or admit to the faults he had, in order to lighten towards God, publically. However, because he is glorious, he takes even more offense to being critisized than your average person, hence becomes even more wrathful.

Not to mention, I was *meant* to come online and rant about him because I was in a lesson plan (back when we were more amiable than now) where I was to act like my Mum in order to forgive her for her anger towards my Dad, and he was meant to enact my Dad if I remember right. The way Mum reacted towards my Dad was always to rant to anyone and everyone, she was known also to go online as well and writing things up publically. So I did exactly what I was *supposed* to do, act like my Mum, and I went online and did as she does, now I can forgive her for her wrath towards my Dad. Except, Angel took personal offense to this, and started making revenge on me. This is something that Dad never did aka its Personal.

So essentially, he created a lesson plan, put me on it, then punished me for the intended results of the lesson plan panning out exactly how it should do.

He also put me on tracklines full of self-harm triggers, and then removed my ability to heal them, causing me to self-harm and have massive open wounds that don't scab over to heal. I even messaged him and told him you need to remove this, my arm is going to become a giant bloody mess of open wounds that do not heal. He didn't do anything.

I've had at least two tracklines or rooms that he programmed for me as punishments that I've had to manage to escape from that were extremely dangerous for my health and suicide risks.

He's also deliberately printed lesson plans on peoples birthday celebrations as well, they never got to celebrate their birthday with family in the end because everyone was greiving death on this persons birthday despite me messaging beforehand and saying Birthdays are off limits, Birthdays are about celebrating the person whos birthday it is. You can imprint your lesson plan on any other day. He decided no, I'm going to make everyone greive on the birthday instead. The person never did, in the end, celebrate their birthday with family.

There is a *chance* he may have got my brother passed up for a promotion at work by making Andy make loads of mistakes at work for a while. This was not meant to happen, he was meant to allow my brother to perform at work as my Dad always performed at work, and made mistakes *outside* of work. Andy has a performance-based job, aka you perform or you lose your job. I'm not completely sure if Angel made him miss the promotion or not, but he may have done. It went to his best friend at work instead. My brother often works from morning until 9pmish give or take an hour at night, all day long, he works constantly.

My entire family will also rely on my brother in the future, including my mum and my dad, as my brother is the only one who earns enough for us to rely on his wage, after my Dad retires.

He also caused another break-up with El and he also re-traumatises me with my many main traumas in life constantly, which are causes of acts of extreme self-harm or attempts on life.

The more that Angel attacks me, the more he darkens with sin against God or Heaven, because these are personal vendettas and personal attacks he is doing. The more that I withstand this, the more virtuous I grow, because I will have had to endure these attacks or be humble to admit fault where he is absolutely unable to do this because of his pride, except in the one instance where he admitted sexually traumising me, and I have no idea whether he would of done that or not if I had not exposed him aka was that an act of Glory and protecting reputation? I have a feeling he was not genuinely remorseful because he has been fucking attacking me ever since then so. Oh yeah, he kept trying to bully me into getting it taken down. So no. It was likely an act of Glory and protecting his reputation more than genuine remorse. Lol also the fact that he apologised to people on the website but he never actually apologised to me personally. So yes, it was not genuine remorse, it was to protect his reputation only, Glory is his main sin. Virtue has been either the result or a cure to his attacks, whereas, he only gets more wrathful and designs more and more attacks and darkens with sin against God.


28/7/24 10pm - Just to expand on the below paragraphs... When you see Angels intentions, you will also see my reply to them, for example, you may see something goodly intentioned, you will also see my reply "Theres a problem with this because it will make me have a denture which means that with my phobic mana flow which is uncontrollable and just there, it will imprint my Dads energy body on me all the time." and whether he decided to ignore my reply and try to force me to do it anyway. You will see that he has hypnotised health care professionals into giving me bad service for my personal health needs, which obviously is an issue for my health as I would only go to them if I needed help with a healthcare problem. You will also see that Angel is preventing me from lightworking and spreading Dee to other towns and cities because he essentially has bullied me into being under house arrest, hence the people who I can't spread Dee to when the opportunity arises and I have to miss it, they will suffer, because of him.


28/7/24 6.52pm - I am making footage of Angels punishments avaliable to all Ship members. I have recorded all punishments he has programmed into me for example he has made tracklines purely with the intention of punishing me, not for a healing lesson plan but for a personal vendetta against me, that have taken up a third of the day straight with no breaks, just constant punishments for circa 8 hours or something similar. He has also created punishment rooms, things like "You will itch all over but when you scratch you will not have any relief" which is an instant self-harm trigger, "anything pleasurable for you will be removed", and also tonnes of other moniquors like that, and put me in that room. These moniquors are avaliable for ship members to see as well.

When feeling Suicidal, I was sent messages from star family telling me not to make any attempts.

He then revealed afterwards that this was false and was him doing it so that he could make me feel unloved aka none of your star family actually care that you are suicidal, and then use it to guilt me later and push me to make suicide attempts.

I have created chi modifications that will allow Angel to believe that he has removed the camera, or the footage, or that ship members have not remembered or seen the footage, despite this not being true aka they have and the camera and footage cannot be removed but Angel may believe it has been. These chi modifications are not able to be removed, but you may believe that they have been.

I decide whether I want to report something or not to the website  myself regardless of any attempts to manipulate me 

I am acutely aware of your chi modifications and genuine intentions and make my decisions based on hidden factors that you will not be aware about. These genuine intentions and decisions and chi modifications, and the effects despite the  intentions, are all avaliable for ship members to see.

The camera sees the genuine intention of the perpetrator and his decisions about it and the making of it

The camera also sees the effects of the perpetrator, despite the genuine intention as well, eg even if the intention was good, you can see the effect of it for example it pushed them into self-harm or suicide attempts or violence between family members and police involvement. And then you can also see the genuine intention of the things that were deliberately intended to harm just to satisfy their own wrath, without any good intention at all. You can see it all.

The camera sees the victim on approximate 7 - 9 hour tracklines deliberately intended to punish and attack me, these had no healing intention whatsoever. The camera also sees punishment rooms created filled with punishments to satisfy their own wrath, it also sees taunts they made as well.

The camera sees that I lighten with humility in any punishments I’ve taken in the past and he darkens against God by choosing to abuse Gods will by spending time attacking someone else who is a victim and attempting to trick others who rely on her venue in order to lightwork who are now extremely aware of his tracklines, punishment rooms, the moniquors he programmed into them, and all the effects these did have, or effects that they did not have but intended to have, the motivations and intentions of such, and the reason why she chose to do what she did, and the genuine effects that he had on me and on Lucy when he chose to become a sexual abuser.

Ship members might parouse both sites to try to get tips, but it does not mean that they support the person giving them.

The taunting he imprinted is also avaliable for ship members to see, the footage of him pushing me into suicide attempts or attempting to push me into suicide attempts is avaliable for you to see, you are able to see that I did not retaliate with chi attacks at all like he has done to me, you are also able to see his energy body and able to see that he has a coldness mana flow at his core which is extremely unlike any earth angel who would choose to be kind, or loving, or forgiving in order to uplift the earth, instead he is hardheaded and cold (you are free to view his energy body) which is how he is able to attack.

You will also see that the effect of one of his chi tracklines he deliberately made almost had me run into a road of moving traffic, as well as unnecessary surgeries, as well as physical violence in my family, as well as potential aggression with my Mum. The unnecessary surgeries, will cost money and he is saying "Make her pay" for it. He also wants me to wear Dentures which will imprint Dads energy body on me when I need to not have it imprinted, it becomes necessary to chew full stop as I'll be missing too many back teeth to chew.

He also put me on tracklines that result 100% in Self-Harm, and then he removed my ability to heal the self-harm so they are just open fleshy wounds. 

There is a chance he also imprinted my elderly father doing sexual acts onto me in order to traumatise me, although this have been a chi messup, it would be hard to tell because he also has a mind-fuck room I think (might be wrong about this sentence).

He is also trying to make me feel as guilty as possible towards my father in advance before his future death.

He has also tried to provoke or push me into suicide attempts when I have been feeling suicidal.


29/07/24 - 2.24am, Africa Elections:


Type of Election




January 14



February 4



March 24


Presidential and Legislative

May 6

South Africa


May 29



June 29

Burkina Faso




Presidential and Legislative

July 15



September 7


Presidential and Legislative

October 9





Presidential and Legislative

November 13



November 24



November 27



November 30


Presidential and Legislative

December 7

South Sudan

Presidential and Legislative

December 22





Presidential and Legislative


In addition there are 4 legislative elections this year: Togo (April 29), Madagascar (May 29), and Somalia (November 30).


28/7/24, 3pm - Sorry made a mistake on the Paralympics, it hasn't already started, it starts in August :) Thanks if you did do it anyway, but otherwise, its to be done by its date in August. 

Diamond League has a bunch of dates:






20th April 2024



27th April 2024



10th May 2024



19th May 2024



25th May 2024



30th May 2024



2nd June 2024



7th July 2024



12th July 2024



20th July 2024



22nd August 2024



25th August 2024



30th August 2024



5th September 2024



13th - 14th September 2024



Below date, 7.11am -;/g/11v6fkgxnt;4;/m/09p14;mt;fp;1;;;

Should come up with a MLB table. Find the games that are on today more than 1 hour in advance, or in the future. Click on it. You'll see at the top, two headers, one for each team eg Giants on left, Rockies on right.

Go through the list below it, clicking on each player, looking at the photo, sending them Dee.

Then once completed, click on the next team on the headers, so eg after you've done the list of Giants, then click on Rockies. Then do the list that comes up like you did the last list.

Then go back, and click on the next game... Its alot of work but if you can send all the teams and all the players Dee whilst they're still making Live games, then everyone who watches Cricket will get mentorships and wake up. Eg you will ascend the earth this way.

Also can you get all the teams in Paralympics? This is huge. It starts sometime in August this year. x


28/7/24 - 5.28am - Updated this note again. Upcoming Missions, please check the note:


Even if you already checked the note, please refresh the link / check the link again, I've gone and editted the note and updated it. Please don't edit the note yourself, copy n paste it somewhere else if u must edit it on your own notepad or whatever.





28/7/24 - 2.21am - Update with Olympics Ceremony the old one with all the darkening techniques in it. Ask Dee to explain what they are doing to you in the ceremony. It might not be straight away, you might have to watch it a lil bit before they start the creepy shit and darkening shit. Scroll down to find it. Or Cntrl + F and put Olympics and keep pressing Enter until it comes up. Thanks. Looks like the new ceremony didn't have it except for a short period where they put an elf, some DM mana, and dark dramatic music, and a dark deity or DM, an armoured part, and possibly one or two more things.. If you watched it anyway it wasn't a waste, you saw all the athletes or people going to be in the olympics and sent them Dee so now you have helped to ascend the Earth with however many people watch the olympics. Hopefully millions?

Apart from that it didn't have the darkening techniques of the Old Ceremony, I think this London 2012 not sure, that has all the techniques. Anyway scroll down you'll see the link to it. Btw see the part where they are "celebrating the NHS?" with all the fucking creepy things that look like they could be demons or something to do with death, running around the NHS beds where everyone is lying sick? I'm pretty sure they are celebrating COVID, either in advance of it, or after its been released, or gloating about it. 

I can't remember if its the same ceremony or not, is there a part where a japanese-looking guy in stage outfit makes a gesture and stares at the camera and the camera is panned in on him? Its a threat. Hes threatening you.

Is it the same ceremony where there are lines / rope / strings connecting people, might be red, and people are pulling at the lines between each other? That actually represents FEAR and the effect it has on people, it makes everyone more controlling. So they are celebrating or gloating the fear they are spreading across the Earth. The japanesey guy and the lines/ropes are either London Ceremony or the Beijing One, I've a feeling it might be in the Beijing one. The London one has alot more to it in terms of darkening techniques and general creepiness than the Beijing one. Notice the people dressed in red in the London one? Red people on screens like tv, phone, laptop, ipad, etc., program your energy body to be wrathful. 

Also we cured Lucy of dyspraxia, dyslexia, and her growing blindness (she was slowly going blind as a genetic illness) so we cured her of both with chi, thank god we ascended in time to be able to prevent her from going blind, it was her incarnational plan to go blind and be a vulnerable mother everyone would want to take care of, we intervened as Mentorships think she has more potential without having to go blind to do it. Mentorships do change plans from time to time, they changed their original plan with the other mentorships as well a few times. So yes please ask Mentorships if they can cure your personal health issues and whether its best to use Rings method to do it or any other method to do it or just to cure you themselves.

Ask mentors if they can help you give up smoking if you smoke, help you with addictions, whether to rings method it or not, help to heal your eyes, maybe you won't even need glasses anymore.

Please give up your electric toothbrushes, its a DT, they slowly wear away at your tooth enamel, they are designed to do it, they would never admit that, the clean feeling isn't worth damaging your teeth for it, get a manual.

A dentist tried to DT me with hardworking mana, told me to push the bristles imbetween the teeth, actually, its worth it lol to clean deeper, so if you floss it may be better to do it at night (at your discretion) rather than morning cos it opens gaps in your teeth and you might get more stuck in those gaps in the day if done in the morning. If you floss at night just before you brush your teeth, you can also push the bristles imbetween your teeth as well clean in there. May choke your fingers less if you use two fingers on each end rather than one. Please rinse your mouth out with water, the fluoride in toothpaste blocks your pineal gland and that is a spiritual centre of viewing, its deliberate, it may be good for teeth or may not Idk but its not worth blocking your pineal gland over.  Dentists will sometimes advise you to leave the toothpaste residue on your teeth. Ignore them. 

Ask mentors if you are suitable for sungazing, El was huge on it and it expanded his pineal gland, wish I could do it but unfortunately I'm more sensitive and it damaged my eyes so I was advised personally to stop. So if you can do it, good for you, if I was able to do it I would literally be doing it every day. But yeah I can't so.



27/7/24 - 9.49pm - Top secret email instructions and explanations, please dont edit the note, check it out:


(Sorry had an issue with the note, will update this another time with the note, if you used the original one please disregard it, there was a problem with some of the waythroughs I have to repair it and then upload a new note with the updated version with the fixed waythroughs.)


Please can you filter any emails coming from other lightworkers into a seperate filter at minimum. So that if you open your emails in public or if you leave your emails open or whatever, people can't get into those emails, they are hidden in a filter at the side and people wouldn't think to go through your filters.

For best care have a seperate lightworker email so that when your checking your emails, you arn't opening secret information emails. Cntrl + F and put Tekeez

Its a warm company who do emails. Please tell them Amanda Lim referred you and I might be able to get discounts. It does cost money, its worth it.




27/7/24, 9pm - New Mission plans: 

Ask Dee if any of these are re runs and whether they are live or not or pre recorded

And whether even if they are re runs whether otherwise in general they are running present events maybe on different days to the ones listed in the mag

And whether they show the recording on tv at the live time or whether it's different timings

Cos from that you can figure out when is 1 hour in advance of them filming for the event as opposed to 1 hour in advance of them showing the event on TV cos if it's not live then you could be doing it when they have already recorded it so mute point for that showing anyway 

Might make it for the next showing tho if it's not already recorded

Sorry it's not in order

I did all of this from a British catalogue, can you find events like these in your own country or otherwise international or other events like this that I haven't found, and do the same? If you can thats fantastic because you are spreading Dee across the Earth and ascending the Earth in your own way.

Please disregard the scribbled out bits, just personal notes but please check those for future viewings as well.

A way to check if a mission is over or not hence no point in doing it

google Results

aka Race car results

or who won

or scores

or whatever

cos that tells you the games already over

make sure you get the date on them incase ur seeing results of an old race and a new race is coming up

or results of an old arsenal vs manchester united when theres a new match on in 2024 


28/7/2024 - I'm surprised that the Olympics ceremony didn't have techniques in to darken you like the other one did. Google reviews show that majority of people are appalled at the ceremony thought it was rubbish basically lol. Apart from the random ahahaha the random part where literally it was all fine and celebratory throughout and generally uplifting and suddenly the music darkened and they put a fucking... Silver armoured horse rider on with horror music who was meant to represent like a Greek deity or roman god or something aka most likely a dark deity or demon, as lot of greek and egyptian gods are dark deities or generally demonic, and I'm assuming Roman as well but who knows. And then after that bit, they put a woman singer on who had pointed ears so that may or may not represent an Elf DM to your NG body, not sure if the ears were pointed enough to represent an Elf but I'm guessing so. I think they may have put smoke / fog around her which would represent DM mana but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that right. Armoured people on TV does something to your ng body as well, possibly I think? they try to make you inaccessable somehow psychically? but honestly I can't remember so please ask Dee about that. >.<"


Heres the old olympics ceremony, sorry if you sat through the whole ceremony waiting for tips and they didn't come, looks like I made a wrong guess this time, but, on the plus side you would of sent Dee to all the olympians shown prior to the olympics games events actually starting and hence however many millions of people watch the olympics or even just scrolling through channels on their tv will see a glimpse of it or who might watch the news and see news reporters on it, or walking through a shop see a newspaper with some photos of it on the cover... Yeah all of them are getting Dee now so you've helped to ascend the Earth.

^--- Old Olympics cermony which will darken your NG body, ask Dee to teach you as you watch. The very start is fine and then it gets darker. This is the actual one I watched which does definetly darken your NG body.

24/7/24 - 3pm - Tag Tip, often I put the tag either in my name on my email, and in the subject of emails I'm sending, therefore if someone doesn't have time to open my email but they can see it sitting in their inbox, they get tagged. Can make a tagged version of your name, I mean I advised my star fam to make tagged versions of their email addresses and home addresses and card addresses and card numbers and names and phone numbers just to use in general, emailed these to myself and now I can update sites I have these in, with the tagged versions, or when i sign up to new sites i copy and paste tagged versions in. Customer service may not always see these so it might be a bit more painstaking than necessary but hey ho, I did it and now I can just copy n paste it anywhere and people secretly get tagged without realising. Obviously I am a bit more wary of energy cognisant/psychic cold ones so always Ask Dee advice first whether to use a tag somewhere or not. I will tend to change the address or phone number or email address or of anything I am updating to a tagged version, to something else different first, and then update it yet again but this time with the tagged version. This is so that it actually recognises theres a change between the original address and the tagged address and actually updates it to the tagged one.

24/7/24 2.28pm - Circa 10 more tools added to the list of tools avaliable to you below. Also a quick video lesson on DM chi and programming tool:

If downloading this recording obviously please keep it safe and secret.. Preferably in a passworded and hidden file, or even better passworded and hidden file on a USB drive that you keep close to you.


27/7/24 - 4.33am - Updated you with a mission list below the icloud link literally just the next couple of lines away,  can you help send Dee to anyone televised for these events?


US Presidency Update - 26/7/24,  11.39am - Can you look at the below photo and send the new president electorate, the female, forgot her name sorry, and send her Dee?

26/7/24 - 12 midday - Can you look at the iCloud link and send Dee to all the people competing or televised for upcoming competitions? Its regarding following todays date in UK so aka tommorow and day after etc.

Please note which programs are repeats/re-runs and which are live coverages... Live coverages are better.

Note the programms arn't in order of whats earliest and whats latest, so you might get a program saying 3pm starting and then a few down the list a program saying 10am starting... scan the whole list and get the earliest ones in first preferably thanks

Here I've gone and put them in order, this was for Saturday 27th but they might have more episodes in the future so even if you miss the timings for Saturday, it might be still good to do it for the future episodes coming up.

I've been on a mission plan for 10 hours straight and Angel has imprinted moniquors that are making me so exausted that I'm practically unable to do thse m. Can you get these guys or anyone that will be televised for the event? For example, we may have missed Los Angeles Dodgers v Boston Red Sox, but will other teams be competing in MLB in the future we can get Dee with?

In order-

MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers v Boston Red Sox, 12.15am

11pm / 1am - PGA Tour Golf, The Barracuda Championship

12 noon - ABB FIA Formula E World Championship - The London E-Prix First Qualifying Session 

Snooker, Shanghai Masters, 12 Noon

1pm - The Open Live, coverage of the third day

2.15pm - The Hungarian Grand Prix

2.15pm - World Rally Championship - The Rally Latvia 

4pm - Abb FIA Formula E World Championship - The London E-Prix first qualifying session 

Cycling Tour De France, 5pm

6.30pm - Fight Night Live - Nathan Heany v Brad Pauls

International Rugby Union Chile v Scotland 7.45pm,


Can you scroll around and look at these guys? Send them Dee? Takes 2 seconds.


More importantly, because they'll be in their cars most of the time, can you get the Presenters and Commentators? Here is *possibly* a few of them I'm not sure, please google search yourself for them as I wasn't very thorough at getting them.

Hal Ridge and Julian Porter and Mike Chen and Becs Williams world rally commentator


Can you get the guys who Qualified at the top? For the future? At the Live Golf Open.


Idk whats the difference between Cricket and Test Cricket but I think there is?

can you get the test cricket squad for england 2024?

thats the latest i can find and i think thats 2023.


Olympics Update - 26/7/24,  10.27am - I think I found how to get all the shooters at the olympics.

Can you find 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team and Mixed Skeet team especially? These two I can't find so far. Its not on the site below but all the others are on the site. Apologies for the other message below with all the random links trying to find the shooters... This link below will have the shooters. Thanks if you did it anyway, so sorry I made a mistake.

Actually this might have the 10m Air something Mixed Teams:

Shooting | Olympic Qualifier | Mixed Teams' 10m Air Pistol Final | World Cup Rifle / Pistol | Munich | Free Live Streaming (

Its a bit of a long video but well worth it. Can scrub it. Scrub means when click different areas of the line moving it along, or, you click and drag gradually along the line, where the video plays so you are essentially skipping parts of the video or fastforwarding manually through parts of the video. 

Alternatively you can click the cog and get playback speed on its fastest (if thats possible for this video, I know its possible on Youtubes)

Shooting | Olympic Qualifier | Mixed Team Skeet Finals | World Championship Shotgun | Osijek (

This is everyone else:

Watch Shooting - 10m air rifle mixed team live stream | Paris 2024 Olympics (

See the country, then click on the black icon to the right of the country, it pops up with photos to send Dee to.

Then go to, Top Left corner, 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team, then click each one, and lather rinse repeat, sending Dee to every photo avaliable on every link by clicking the black icons.


Shooting | Olympic Qualifier | Mixed Team Skeet Finals | World Championship Shotgun | Osijek (



Olympics Update - On 26th July 2024, it will be Shooters at the Olympics. I'm having a bit of trouble finding all the shooters in order to send them Dee, however, this is what I did find. Please can you google all these names and send them Dee? Just hoping these will be guys that are present at Olympics this year.

Paris Olympics: What to know and who to watch during the shooting competition | AP News


Also can you grab these guys and send them Dee?

China's Jiang to compete in women's 10m Air Pistol individual & mixed team events at Paris 2024 (


I'm not 100 percent sure these guys are competing but please give it a go anyway, google all these names with Olympic Shooter infront, 


International Shooting Sport Federation (


I couldn't find Shen Yufan olympic shooter, can you find that one?


Paris 2024: Rifle Athletes To Watch | #HitTheMark | ISSF (


Interview Team China - 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team - Munich (GER) - ISSF WORLD CUP 2024 (


I can't really find the Mixed Trap teams , notably the Spanish one, can you find these?

So I've pulled up a bunch of links just incase, so give these a try:

Watch Shooting - 10m air rifle mixed team live stream | Paris 2024 Olympics (

Click on all the small icons on the right to get the photos up.


Spain wins the Olympic Games first ever trap mixed team gold medal | NewsRme | Olympic News - YouTube


Shooting Mixed Team Trap Final | Tokyo Replays - YouTube


10m Air Rifle Mixed Team Junior Final - 2018 ISSF World Championship in Changwon (KOR) - YouTube


Tokyo 2020 Olympic champions Yang Qian & Yang Haoran win 10m air rifle mixed event at National Games - YouTube


Final 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team - ISSF World Cup 2022, Changwon, Korea (13.07) - YouTube


Shooting Mixed Team Trap Final | Tokyo Replays (


Alberto Fernandez and Fatima Galvez win Spain's first Olympic gold in Shooting Mixed team trap (


China's Jiang to compete in women's 10m Air Pistol individual & mixed team events at Paris 2024 - YouTube


China's rifle and pistol team finalizes roster for Paris Olympics-Xinhua (

^-- All the names here?


Not 100 percent those in the video are people competing but worth a shot, can always Fast Forward (cog bottom right, playback speed and put it on super fast) to go through the vid quickly or scrub it (drag the video with your cursor) to quickly get them all.


I'm guessing this isn't *all* the shooters so if you can somehow find the shooters for Olympics and look at a photo of them and send them Dee, that will be great, you will be sending Dee to millions - billions of people tommorow that way, just make sure you complete this by 1 hour in advance of the event at the latest. As long as, if the shooters are adults, you're not looking at photos of them as children, then age difference between photos / media you're looking at of them and who they are presently doesn't matter, Dee will still get to them. But if your looking at children photos whilst they are currently adults unfortunately the energy bodies have changed too much so it won't work.


24/7/24 - 12.31pm - New update below the bulletins. Press Cntrl + F and put: 24/7/24

Thanks :) Sorry if my daily updates might not be as regular at the moment. Its kind of a bit unpredictable at my end so I may be able to update regularly or I may not, so sorry, I will let you know as soon as it becomes more predictable. 


21/07/24 - 3.23pm - If you are looking at teams for the Olympics, its much better if you can find Videos of them, with some people in the stadium in the background. They are not allowed to use Holograms of the players on the pitch when humans can sit and observe, incase a human gets too rambunctious and breaks the barrier and runs onto the pitch, which has happened before in Football. 

However, with photos, there is always the risk that they are CGI / fake photos. So its much better to get the videos of them, as opposed to photos. Click the cog on the bottom right of youtube and make the playback speed as fast as poss and you can very quickly go through the vid... Bonus round is that you also are sending Dee to all the people observing in the stadium and the extras.


21/07/24 - 23.14pm -  Can you get Dee with everyone televised at the Olympics? This will be huge, you can pretty much spread Dee and ascend the entire world if you can help do this. Olympics starts on the 24th I think. Must be done at minimum 1 hour in advance of the live event you are spreading Dee to. Olympics is on for weeks so don't feel like you've missed the opportunity to spread Dee if the 24th has already past. I think it finishes 11th August.

Please scroll down / press cntrl + F and put "Olympics" and hit enter until you see the instructions for it.



Pinned to top.

I was previously having chi issues which prevented me from being able to waythrough to El in it. He does want to be involved but I didn't want people to be aware of these chi issues because it may cause certain problems long story short. This has been resolved. Please use updated banners with El in it and please use updated tags with El in it. I'll have updated writing tool to also reflect this. Hold on.


20/7/24 10.25pm - Updates: Els Birthday Message below, then, Golf Championships are on below that, can you get Dee with everyone for 1) Golf Championships, this is already happening so must be done asap. 2) Olympic Games <- This is a big one, can save billions from this literally. and 3) Paraolympic games. Coming up. Golf Championships I think might even be on as we speak.

Please press cntrl + F and search for the above terms to find the part in the page about them.

21/07/24 - New Lightworker Tools added, have a look, scroll down find them after Els Birthday Bulletin.

11.35am on above date - Emergency Chi Tools updated, said at the title what numbers I changed and updated, have a look, Cntrl F and Emergency Chi Tools.

21/07/24 10.42am - Els Bulletin added a bit more at the end in italics please check it out

11.14am same date as above- Altered one paragraph, press cntrl + F and search  "But, it will make him" and re-read that paragraph again, thanks! 

Please also if you've already read his bulletin, please will you read it one more time. I accidentally made two copies of the same bulletin on the site and editted one and not the other, so theres a chance you may have read the wrong and not-up-to-date bulletin before... I've now deleted the other bulletin so please search for his bulletin again and just have a quick read of it again make sure you got the up-to-date one and are not missing any info. Thanks!




Pinned to top: Els Birthday:


20/7/24   7.40pm - It was Els Birthday on the 19th of July 2024. Its Star Family tradition that we normally programme chi gifts for each other about a week in advance of each others birthdays. El is having belated birthday celebrations. If you would like to join in, please feel free to programme him chi gifts. Even if your just giving him a nod or a small keepsake we are grateful for it. If you want to push the boat a bit and make him something even more than that, feel free, thank you so much. 

Don't worry, even if its very late, its still very much appreciated :) Better late than never. Even if he doesn't know you yet personally, he would appreciate the introduction to you with your gift, as he feels at home with other lightworkers especially (Its a thing, he likes lightworkers and getting to know other lightworkers (whether new & never met before, or whether already familiar) and being introduced to other lightworkers or interacting with other lightworkers helps him to heal, and he is passionate about becoming lighter so this will definetly make him alot lighter.

So feel free to say hi even if its hi for the very first time, or for those who have spoken to him before but not for a very long time, feel free to say hi long time no speak, with a small keepsake or more). 

Don't worry, he won't be putting any expectations on you for this at all, whether for now or for the future so don't feel worried that doing this will make him expect more from you in the future or make him expect anything from you full stop. He doesn't expect anything at all so even a small keepsake is uplifting for him. And if you don't mind leaving a gift but don't actually want any other kind of personal contact with him then thats fine as well, go ahead and do that :) You can choose whether to make it an anonymous gift or whether you want to put your name on it, you can also choose whether you don't want future contact apart from the gift or whether you don't mind having future contact :)  Its just something nice for him to have for once.


If you don’t mind leaving a gift but don’t want any future personal contact with him, that’s fine as well, go ahead, that’s also an option. We can make it so that he doesn't know you don't want any future personal contact with him but the option for future personal contact with him will be removed for him, and he won't know thats anything you had a hand in, if thats what you want. 


It would be special for him to recieve a nod or a gift from a lightworker community as he only likes lightworkers, and it would be great for him to actually feel special for his birthday and celebrated amongst the kind of people that he likes, its not often hes had this kind of opportunity, so maybe you can help make this a very special and lovely first for him.



Please do not tell him that I was the one that told you about his birthday or advised you to give gifts. If you must, you can say that you got a Shipwide Standard Chi Notification that informed you of his birthday and invited you to make/give him a gift.


Please don't gift him anything that would make him think of anything low frequency, or of bullies. 


He is a frequency-based personality type so is quite otherworldly and loves high frequency things. 

He also loves dumb-ass humour, ask Dee to show you what this means.


Please don't get him anything to do with mustard lol for some personal reasons to do with me and not him, I would rather you not get him anything to do with mustard. No giving him hotdogs with tomato k and mustard :P Remove the mustard. Thanks!


For example, Shaughn likes star wars so for his birthday I programmed him a chi game where you can clear away discordant chi with a lightsabre. Lucy is lighthearted and for her birthday Issa made things pop up and jump out at her jokingly as she went about her day. El made either Shaughn or Lucy, a high frequency energy suite for their birthday celebrations.

 I've also not only bought both star family members professional astrological chart reports but I've also done more personal indepth chart reports because as a hobby since I was a teen, I can read charts. Ive already done this for El as well. El originally incarnated from Vega. Aka he is a Vegan originally. A very high vibrational place so I've heard.

If you don’t mind leaving a gift but don’t want any future personal contact with him, that’s fine as well, go ahead, that’s also an option. We can make it so that he doesn't know you don't want any future personal contact with him but the option for future personal contact with him will be removed for him, and he won't know thats anything you had a hand in, if thats what you want. 


Please when you give a gift to El, please whether your are anonymous or not, please make him aware of things that would bond you two or make him amiable towards you.. 

Please make sure he is aware you are a lightworker and also make him aware that you are rebellious against "the system", *if* you are rebellious against the system. He really likes other Lworkers as opposed to plain jain people (aka non lightworkers) and he hates "the system". Aka the culture and environment we are raised in known as "the system" created by cold ones.

Even if it sounds weird like "I want to be anonymous and I dont want to be contacted again so why should I tell him things about me that will make him amiable to me or bond him to me?"

First, if you chose not to be contacted again, he won't be able to identify who you are by these things and contact you again. We will strictly keep you anonymous if thats what you choose.

But, it will make him  reach an even higher vibration *alot* to do this. I may have used wrong wording when I said bonding but I meant it would make him reach a much lighter vibration to see just how many other people are out there that are not only lightworkers like he is, but also that are similar to him. Even if you don't want to stay in touch or connect on a personal level... Its not so much about connecting (unless thats what you want then sure go ahead with that too) but its more about making him even lighter. Aka its for him.

Please do this for him.

Ask Dee to either Auto this if you are quite open and just want to allow Dee to find any and everything to share with him that will bond you or make him like you more,

Or, ask Dees advice on what he likes and what you are willing to share and whether to share that with him or not.



Thanks if you do choose to participate. Much love, Mandy x



21/07/24 - 23.14pm -  Can you get Dee with everyone televised at the Olympics? This will be huge, you can pretty much spread Dee and ascend the entire world if you can help do this.


Olympic Schedule & Results - 24 July | Paris 2024 Olympics

So top left are the dates, then go down the list, google all the team members for each competing country and if you want to go extra then google anyone else also who will be televised. Literally if you can give any time to this and get even a few members that would be brilliant. But the more members you can get, the better.

You just have to look at photos of the team members, and send them Dee, at least 1 hour in advance of the live event at the very latest. And preferably much earlier than that lol.

The photos of the team members, if they are currently adults, they must not be photos of them as children, that won't link. If they are currently children, then thats fine.

If you can do this, Dee will get inside their energy bodies when they are televised. Then anyone around the world watching olympics or even just flicking through channels and they see an olympic event for like a second before browsing to another channel.... if its someone that one of us has sent Dee to thats on the screen, then the person flicking through the channels will also get Dee. 

Please ask Dees advice on how to avoid CGI olympians... I *think* you should be okay but its best to ask Dee and check just incase.


Updated again at 23/7/24 10.32pm - Angel Bulletin Update:  - Being told that you are not allowed to talk about a sexual trauma, is a repeat trauma for the victim. Hence, when you threatened me "Don't you dare expose that I've sexually traumatised you again", that is a form of another trauma being inflicted onto me. Especially that you chose to do something that I relate to sex, TO me, as a "punishment or threat", which again, is sexually traumatising. 

Not only that, but you chose to do it wearing the Skin of one of the main abusers in my life. This abuser abused my Mum and my Dad and me and had me so terrified I could not freely leave my room to use the toilet or to get food. He was one of two main causes of my food disorder. He strangled me when I was a child circa 6 - 10 years old and probably closer to 7 - 9 years old, until I had a near death experience. Dee explained to me that I was very close to Death, I remember going up a tunnel into a light, where 3 beings said to me Mandy, Mandy, your coming home Mandy and I felt the strings connecting me to Earthly physical incarnation snapping one-by-one.. Then I woke up in a haze on the floor with my abuser shouting at me red in the face, I was thinking Am I dreaming? I was a child of approx 7 - 9 years old. The same abuser physically beat my Mum, and also had my entire family confined to their rooms terrified to leave. Not even to use the bathroom or to get food to eat. He smashed furniture and threatened and ripped wooden banisters out, trashed the attic into the hallway... Long story short he was physically violent and abusive and was the main abuser for a period of time in my life as a child to pre-teen. I was terrified to move an inch incase he heard me and ran into my room and abused me.

Angel wore the skin of this physical abuser, and then repeated a sexual trauma to me, as a threat "Don't you dare expose what I'm doing to you, or else I have another punishment lined up to you". Well doing that is again adding more trauma to me. Dee had to isolate entire chi fields last time you did this that were damaged by you specifically traumatising me. And you are traumatising me AGAIN ontop of this, by deliberately choosing one of the main abusers of my childhood who literally almost killed me, and having him do something that I relate to sexual trauma to me, and then ontop of that threatening "You dare tell people I've done this to you and I have a punishment lined up for you" which is again another trauma as I've explained above, you cannot tell a victim they are not allowed to talk about their trauma otherwise it creates another trauma in them.

I am saying this openly because, to suppress a victim from being able to talk about their trauma, is a form of re-traumatising them / an additional trauma to them. Hence, you cannot do this without injuring me.

Ontop of this, it is highly likely that if you re-traumatised me with this action that you did, I will not be able to heal Lucy because this specific action must be clear of trauma for me to be able to heal Lucy with it. I am the only person in my star family who is able to heal her with this.

The trauma that this abuser caused me as a child caused my personality to fragment and split and was the basis of creating fragmentation. Trauma at an early age before a childs personality stabilises, causes it to become permanently unstable and fragmented. Then if you do not heal this, it gradually becomes multiple personality disorder. This is what you are toying with, by choosing to wear my abusers skin and then traumatise me with it. He basically almost caused me to have multiple personality disorder but luckily it didn't get to the point of multiple personalities *yet*, but it was on the way there with fragments.

Angel has programmed a bunch of responses to me in my chi field, from him, such as "Of course" and "Your right". It was not until recently I realised that these responses were not genuinely meaning what they say -- He was saying them mockingly with the intention of taunting me with them. One of my biggest traumas in my life incidentally involved Storm using psychic taunts to attack me in my field of chi. It happened during a time of many very deep traumas roughly roundabout the same period and Storm was directly involved in this. Many years ago.

I also trusted him by asking him to program my parents how to get the cat in, as he has access to a tool that I do not, and because I am in trance state the majority of the day, I would not know that they did not use the routine to get the cat in, hence, it is animal abuse to leave a cat locked outside all night deliberately as I know he did get my note but have only just discovered that my father isn't using the routine I asked Angel to program in him and I would not have known this unless by pure fluke today.

If anything were to happen to me or the ship, in terms of suicide attempts, Angel is the most likely cause of it, as he was the direct cause of previous attempts. Despite times of being at suicide risk, he may or may not attempt to "punish" me or do some other type of attack whilst I am at this vulnerable point of time. 


24/7/24 - 12.31pm - A long time ago I put on the site "Please don't report UFOs, let them be free. Seriously." but I didn't explain why...

If you report UFO's there is a *chance* you will get put on a Watch List. You are a potential risk to them if your the type of person who is into UFO's and reporting them. So please don't report them. I couldn't be more open about this back then but I did expect Dee to be able to explain to you on the other end. If Dee didn't stop you then you're probably okay, Dee wouldn't put you at risk.

Also, if you see any videos online eg on Youtube of Tall Whites... There is one in particular I'm thinking of where it has two tall whites spotted at a Rally for some presidency thing in USA, a long time ago. And they highlight the two tall whites. Do not comment on them or press like or anything please. Again this is a risk for you getting put on a potential Watch List.

A personal experience about treatment.. A friend of mine went to 12 Step Treatment Centre, and he is gay and also was diagnosed for "Love addiction". He was made to share a room with another gay male who was in there for "Sex addiction". This other gay male was flirting with him and trying to get physically close with him. This other gay male also had HIV. My friend brought this up at the treatment centre and I *think* they changed their rooms but I can't remember. But basically, my friend caught them out - A professional and highly expensive environment that literally plan everything in their treatment centered around YOU and your recovery to the nth degree, should not be so "careless" as to stick a gay love addict and a gay sex addict sharing a room together, when one has HIV. 

12 Step treatment makes everyone way more intense and way more likely to "relapse" in their addictions as well (unless you know us and we can help heal the effects for you), so that basically means a huge risk of the gay sex addict and gay love addict doing something sexual together as well. Hence they were literally trying to get my friend infected with HIV.

My friend literally caught them out at their own game. / exposed!


Some more stuff:

Everything on this planet is backwards. In China they worship and revere dragons. Dragons are evil, I think represented by the Draco which is an extremely evil alien who I think lives deep within the Earth in general. Numerology of places backwards to the innate energy of locations. Will expand on this another time.

Arcturians also live deep within the earth, genuine ones, you would never be able to get to them. They work healing the Earth from deep within there. Probably also trance state specialists lol. There is a relationship between the genuine Jesus Christ and Arcturus. I will explain another time.

Pleaidians from higher dimensions send gifts of healing chi to the Earth all the time. It is always there in the background.

The braver Pleaidians came down to incarnate ;)

Lol. Apparently alot did incarnate round about the time of the Ascension here and just prior to it. (to be adults by the time of the Ascension)

I think Inner Earth is real. I'm pretty sure it is but memories gone a bit fuzzy.

Soy sauce feminises you.

Just some quick anecdotes. Was gonna rant and just write loads of random ones but I should go.





2.26 - 21/7/24 - New Tools added for ship members to use and maybe even modify. Can we create new tools and share between us? That would be amazing. Probably best to restrict these tools I've written below for Lworkers only for now, ordinary people would be mystified... Cold ones would track behaviour changes if this was too wide-spread, but I don't know whether we may or may not be able to auto-tool some of these for precious family and loved ones who are asleep. I don't know yet, will work on this a bit later (sorry). Ask Dee if its wise to be able to auto-tool some of these for precious friends and family if you need them.

1.34am on below date - Added an implant called "Stop smothering me" avaliable to ship members with pets. It makes the pet suddenly seem like a naked and vulnerable human when you go to smother it (aka applys the skin to them, like skins in FPS shooter  games u can sometimes switch between like Quake etc. or skins for Winamp or whatever) and this naturally discourages you from smothering them cos it makes you feel like you are violating them lol. Idk if this can be re-purposed for other things like.. idk humans lol. or whatever. Ask Dee.


Emergency Chi Tools avaliable to the ship: (Ask Dee if its possible to modify these tools at all to re-purpose them if thats something you wanna do, idk if its possible though, ask Dee): Updated again 21/7/24, 11.35am, number 33 and number 19. Update 1/8/24 8.37am - So sorry, not every tool can be avaliable for everyone, for various reasons such as chi issues and etc. Please do not edit the note.


1.19am on below date - Added an implant Issa made me, in order to help prevent worse damage with Self-Harm. Avaliable to the ship. Cntrl + F and put in Sallow to see where I've written about it.

1am on below date - Below I have added a bit about Intracranial Hypertension aka IIH, and how to heal it or help it. Cntrl + F and IIH or Cntrl + F and Intracranial to find it.

21/7/24 0.24am gmt - Updated this birthday bulletin above again - Added that El loves dumb-ass humour, ask Dee to show you what this means, and that we can hide whether you had a part in the option to be contacted or not (if you want more clarification just re-read this whole bulletin again I explained it better down there, have added a bit more to it somewhere).



21/7/24   0.46am -  We have an implant called, wear your pets NG body, I love wearing Wooties NG body, also purry warm fuzzy wuvs. Idk if this is actually true or not but I heard about something online somewhere that cats purr at a healing freq. that heals their own bones?? Is that true?? I also heard that there are ancient sound tunnels / echo chambers tunnels under the earth in certain locations that vibrate at certain frequencies, I think someone has to do something in them to make them vibrate but idk, I don't know what thats all about or if its true, I saw it in a documentary like 10 years ago or something though? The same documentary I *think* told me that there were chemicals found in rain that basically came from chemtrails which were affecting plant matter such as farms or the purity of water in natural water bodies like ponds. Also, the dangerous/risky additive list for foods was gradually having additives removed from it, resulting in more health issues for the public. I think in America, idk if also elsewhere. It was part of a documentary series that also critisized 9/11 and made a case for it being a conspiracy, can anyone remember what those documentary series were called? I watched this either as a very early Lworker or before I woke up so would be great for me to revisit it and see whether I agree with things in it anymore or not.

For example it claimed sweeteners, is healthy in one way if it prevents someone using sugar, but also these can be excito-neuro-toxins or however you say it, they excite your brain neurons and affect your brain. Idk how bad this is for you really, look it up if your interested.

If you have issues with CSF, cerebral spinal fluid, sugars and also liquorice/tar type of something sweet added to some things like some cereals, is really bad for your CSF. I used to have intracranial hypertension which was an unfortunate health consequence of being a gridworker, as that is what caused it, but its fine now. I refused the Stent. I'm glad I did cos that would have caused more issues apparently and now I think Dee has chi solutions for this. Hence these solutions are also avaliable to you, Dee will advise whether to get the Stent or not. For nausea and headaches around this issue, lying in the dark with a fan directly on your face can help with the nausea and headaches (this may help with nausea and headaches otherwise caused and not about this issue specifically as well). A nettie pot removes excess CSF build up in the brain thats squeezing your brain and causing the headaches and issues,  but it also removes the cushioning for a swollen brain so it feels raw and painful in the skull afterwards, so its probably ill-advised, its up to you.


20/7/24    10.23pm -  2024 golf calendar: Key dates, results and venues for the majors, Solheim Cup, Presidents Cup and more | Golf News | Sky Sports


^- Can you help get Dee with anyone who will be televised for golf championships? They're on as we speak so needs to be done adroidtly. I don't know if thats the best link for it so have a look around find a good link if thats not a good one.

sometimes if u google for it

it will come up with olympic golf

olympic golf is different from golf championships fyi x its on much later on than golf championships


"After 15 Regional Qualifying events that took place on Monday 24 June, Final Qualifying took place at four venues on Tuesday 2 July, with Justin Rose, Dominic Clemons, Abraham Ancer, Charlie Lindh, Sam Hutsby, Angel Hidalgo, Liam Nolan, Jack McDonald, Matthew Dodd-Berry, Sam Horsfield, Daniel Brown, Masahiro Kawamura, Matthew Southgate, Elvis Smylie, Jaime Montojo and Luis Masaveu taking the 16 spots available."

I don't know if thats all the people competing in Golf or not... I put in Golf Championship Competitors in Google thats just one of the first links that came up.


20/7/24   7.40pm

I think its already passed the date for the London Diamond League but I think there are dates for Diamond League in different countries coming up in the future.


20/7/24   5.40pm - Another new bulletin about Angel below and then below that there is two or three new mission plan opportunities to literally give Dee to in excess of 200 million people + 1 billion. So somewhere in excess of 1 billion 200 million people will have mentorships and the Earth will ascend, if you can do these missions, please help me out with these mission opportunities. Even if you can't do it all, even just doing a bit will help save lives.


Angel Bulletin update

I have a sick bowl that lives by the bed because of the amount of overdoses Angel directly causes. Dee forces you to throw it up.

Angel created a mana flow and told it to imprint when I went out today. The mana flow almost resulted in me running out into the middle of the road into moving traffic. Every single one of my star family refuse to work with him and are scared of him. He used mana to manipulate events in my family which made them not help my brother when hes stranded in a country abroad, when I saw him I was shocked at how skinny and unwell he looked for not being able to afford to eat + from stress, because Angels mana flow told my Dad not to send him the money he needed to survive, he had to do some very bad things for money that I won't go into but which created a deep trauma in him. This is whilst hes on a mission plan Dee sent him on.

He also used chi to manipulate events that are making my parents pay for 4 bathtubs worth of water a day, when they do not use this amount of water (He made the water company who previously were charging us fairly for the actual amount of water we used according to our water meter, he made them change the price so we now are recieving bills saying that we are using 4 bathtubs worth of water a day and my parents are having to pay for that. Which is not true. Regardless of his intention for why he did this, its still a fucking shitshow.)

Regardless of whatever intention Angel had for this, whether it was well-meaning or not, the result is that people end up with permanent damage whether emotionally or physically not to mention costing my parents money for no reason. He is trying to use mana flow to make me have to have unneccessary surgeries which is also costing my parents between 200 - 800. As in, I needed the surgery myself, but if I don't get it done in time then it will cause even more physical damage which will cause need for even more surgeries. I literally can't afford these myself and if I don't get them done there is a health risk of it getting worse and costing my health aka the infection will spread and it will cause more health issues and result in further surgeries and further costs to my parents, as well as leaving me with permanent physical damage. Especially as the surgeries are required within a time limit or else more problems and surgeries and costs needed, which again, will be paid for by parents. 

I already know hes trying to do this because I went for the diagnosis for the surgery today and they tried to deny I had an appointment and I found out it was because Angel tried to make them remove the appointment using chi. However by pure fluke they found my appointment against Angels intentions, however, because their equiptment was down unluckily that day, I couldn't get what I needed to do done. Hence, Angel was trying to not only create complicated health issues in me (because if I dont get it sorted out the infection is going to re-occur and spread and cause further health issues and result in needing more surgeries), it also is going to cost my parents money as they are going to need to pay for the surgeries.

There is a long-standing healing plan that my family have been trying to do for me and other health issues that has cost more than £100 and has been building progress over several weeks. If Angel causes these health issues it means I am going to have to take medication which completely nullify the progress I've made as it wipes out  beneficial gut bacteria that has been building using the long-standing healing plan. The result of this mission would make my family learn how to become Earth Angels. As in not only would I have to do it all again, even me doing it again won't restore me back to the part of progress I was at before aka 3 weeks of building gut bacteria + damage using antibiotics that strip back alot of gut bacteria... Now 3 weeks of building gut bacteria again isn't going to make my gut have as much bacteria as before the antibiotics, it may take months or years of progress to get that amount of gut bacteria again because it wipes out far more bacteria than just the ones built over 3 weeks. The result in this is physical issues for me that are more permanent or long-lasting and it also deprives my family (well 2 families) of the ability to learn how to become healers.

Angel has also been costing my parents money by making Amazon send us the wrong item which my parents money has paid for and then making Amazon refuse to accept the returns for the item.

Angel has been the cause of many attempts. If he is successful then there will be no more ship. Dee has already created emergency contingency plans incase of this happening. This doesn't mean there will be an emergency backup ship. It just means that my family will be informed and protected as much as possible from blaming themselves and my star family all have healing fields of chi prepared for them in the event of death.

Angel is still a risk to the ship completely and to myself currently. As in, he is still attempting to do shit and I'm still feeling at risk.

If you find yourself confused about anything I've written, then theres a chance he has gotten a hold of an emergency-only / only if necessary tool called a ForgetMeNot which basically erases memories. However, the memories are usually recoverable, they get erased from your cognisance but stored somewhere safely in backup, Dee can restore them for you, if Dee is willing to.


Big Opportunity Mission Event


Also. The Olympics is on and Paraolympics soon. I think the Olympics starts on 24/7/24 (the main event is within a few days after the 24th but, it actually starts on 24th).

Olympic Schedule & Results - 24 July | Paris 2024 Olympics


Can you look at everyone who will be televised and complete this at least 1 hour in advance of the live event? This is pretty huge and is a big chance to literally ascend the entire world in one fell swoop. Aka you will be sending everyone Dee.. Even if people don't tend to watch the Olympics, sometimes people flick past it on TV, sometimes theres adverts on TV as well advertising it, usually you get news reporters on it or a nod from radio hosts or breakfast tv shows or it on the front of the newspapers etc... Its just a really good opportunity to spread Dee in a huge way.



4.56pm on 20/7/24 - Mission Event: Diamond League 2024 is on. This is another global event hence if you can look at pictures of everyone whos gonna be on screen (most notably the athletes competing) and complete doing this by at least 1 hour in advance of the live event, then you are going to send them Dee. Then when they compete, they will be spreading Dee to all the viewers who watch them on TV. 282 million viewers watched in 2017 according to Google, so, if you were able to do this, and if the past is anything to go by (apparently the viewer count has gone up since previous years, so if thats anything to go by then more than 282 million viewers will be watching it in 2024, don't know if this is true its just what Google says). So if you were able to do this, and this is true, then you would be sending Dee to more than 282 million people who are all watching. I try not to miss anyone out because someone might just be scrolling through their tv flicking through channels and literally just see a second of someone on the program before flicking past, hence, I try to make sure I get as many people who will be televised on it as possible.

Do some research cos Diamond League is on at different dates in different countries I think and has all different sports, Shotput, Athletics, etc.

I think its passed the date for the London one, so it might be the next one you want.

Calendar (


11.23am on below date - breaking news - Leeds riot, uk. can you send Dee to everyone involved in Leeds riot? Look for genuine footage. Read below on a notepad on how to discern between genuine footage and fake footage or CGI.


10.17am on below date- Combination glasses tool is also avalliable,  also Alice glasses, an artist I met, and Cursor Pointer tool is a chi gift I recieved, you can use this to point things out or help you with art. Glasses meaning, you see through their visual fields.. So we have Shaughns glasses which are very heartful. Issas glasses which are very wholesome. Etc... We also have combination glasses, which combine Shaughns glasses and Issas etc. which is very manaful. I may or may not have more glasses, I don't think so though. Apart from my star families glasses mostly, and my cats glasses, she is very sensitive pisces lol. Those are the most notable glasses, El Shaughn Issa and Wooties have the best glasses lol, me and Lucy haven't got as good glasses for specific incarnational reasons which no longer apply (fulfilled that incarnational goal already hence we can now improve our own glasses freely or use others).

19/7/24 - 8.50am -  There are Protests in Bangladesh. I have no idea whether videos of this are going to be fake videos or not... 

If they arn't fake, then please find non-fake videos / footage / media and send Dee to as many people as possible by looking at them.

Or contact people who have any involvement with whats going on in Bangladesh or who are in any proximity to it. Or have any power to help. By contact, I mean either contact or look at a photo of them or hear or see footage from them and send them Dee.

If they are fake media, obviously sending Dee to the videos and footage and media won't work.. Sorry I can't really help with figuring out whether its fake or not EXCEPT, sometimes in videos, they may go grey-skinned, and the fingers might mottle or bend backwards, they end up looking a bit weird... Try slowing down the video like right down or gently scrubbing the video along to spot this... If this happens, it is a fake video. Hence, you can't send Dee to anyone, they are CGI.


19/7/24 - 6.31am -  Future Greiving Help, Not just a Complaint but heres how to help for future deaths

Me and Angel are not amiable currently as said before, and only work together if absolutely necessary. However, I do still give credit where its due and there is one thing he has done for my parents. It has also helped him for something he needed to do for himself as well. Please read especially if you have a situation thats similar and you may be able to help in that situation or do something similar like we have.

My Mum and Dad were not happily married and she shouted at him alot. After he dies, she will likely feel very guilty. Angel understood this. She would have fallen into a deep depression and also my family would all be angry at her, remembering and honouring Dad and remembering how miserable his life was that Mum was shouting at him so much.

So, Angel made a plan for my Mum and Dad. Mum will remember a memory of an argument or a trauma Dad caused her and repeat how she used to shout at him. It will make her angry again and she will shout at him again just like she did in the memory. Dad will be hardheaded for this and it won't affect him, but he will forgive her. Now she will no longer feel guilty for that memory.

So when Dad passes away the hope is that she will feel so forgiven for all the things she feels guilty for with him, using this process, that she will not feel as guilty. Without things like this, it was predicted that she would fall into a severe depression after he died.

He also had it so that things that my Dad did that was bad for my Mum, my family would experience a bit of this. And so now when my Dad passes away, and we are all thinking Mum was shouting at Dad all the time and I'm mad at Mum for it... Instead of thinking that, we are thinking, I understand why Mum was so angry at Dad and needed to shout at him, and I forgive her for it. So now my Mum isn't in the firing line after Dad dies, and my whole family are not as mad at her.

He has done other good things for my Dad, as it was something Angel needed to do for himself as well. So, these are the good things that Angel has done and credit where its due, however he has also done alot of fucking shit things as well that took it way too far and etc etc.

Anyway the point is... If you would like to do something like this for your personal circumstances then please consult Dee and see whether its possible. Obviously it was better for my situation as my Mum has alot of guilt and there was alot of arguing etc. so it might not suit your situation the same... Maybe you can modify it , use creative hat and try to think of new ways. 

If you have a future death, please consider experiencing grief early, in drips n drabs as well. This is something else I am doing, either on Angel or Dees recommendation, I don't know who. But without it, I would be very shocked and alot more hurt and more vulnerable to going into addictions to cope with the grief.. Hence I am greiving early, in drips n drabs, to lessen the blow later on.

The final thing is that, please consider doing loving things for your parents like, trying to help their dreams come true. Or have the offspring of someones parents who may die, do this for them, as this will light up their incarnational purpose. And have the person who may die, please consider having them visit all their family and friends so that they get the chance to say goodbye and tie up all loose ends.

Oh and also experiencing them in your energy body with dementia or other health issues so that you understand what they will be going through in the future.

I don't know whether its possible for you to contact an Angel advice line for this or not, or contact Dee for advice, or contact anyone else on the ship for advice with help with future grief, or whether you can just google and find some advice about it and experiences with it to help idk. Ask Dee. We haven't actually set up an Angel advice line and idk if hes able to do it or not, it was just an idea, sorry if its an idea that is not plausable and hence not able to be set up, ask Dee.

He has also finally helped with another 2 situations where 2 other people have been at high risk of death, / unwell or elderly. So these are very potent and extremely important things to be helping with, and I honestly don't know anyone else who could help me with this kind of thing but he does have the experience to be able to help, so I do thank him for that.

However he did fuck up with all the other shit so theres the good and the bad.

My Dad is aging very suddenly despite that we have given him a Best Health Implant so I kind of have that on my plate as well. Ask if you can use Best Health Implants safely on you or your loved ones, consider getting the offspring or people who need forgiveness or other rings methods to deliver these implants to them to lighten everyone, but please don't sacrifice any risk of losing best health for the sake of lightening more people. Please prioritise your loved ones who need the health.

Also, there is a distraction method that my Mum who is a carer caring for old people already uses and knows about already... But to prevent distress at losing memories or getting old, you would distract them when they start to worry or think about it. Idk if Angel has made a chi version of this or not, its something to consider. 

We do have Dementia / Memory curing plans which means you will maybe google something that will bring up something from your past (the person suffering it), and that will restore memories. Like oh suddenly Im curious about.. Tennis. And then you google it and it brings up the memory of your past of Tennis and that prevents dementia or restores memories.

Something else Angel wanted for my Dad:

Making the person's dreams come true or having the offspring do it for them.

And everything you want for this person before they pass away.

Eg person a resents person b who will die for not being stricter with the kids

So person B is stricter

Now person a forgives them more before they die


And getting the parent to open up about themselves or teach you what you want to learn from them before they go. This is something still in the works.

Getting the offspring to do things that the parent who will pass away, will want to see the kids able to do before they go, so they don't worry.

Angel mimicking father playing with Ur child so Ur child plays and is fulfilled because he was too depressed to do it in real life.

Also, find any reason apart from one that distresses them or makes them anxious about their age and mortality. For example, I feel insecure because I can't remember something... Ah, actually its not to do with your age, its because of reason XYZ. So this is comforting for them.

Also, distraction method... Im worried I've lost my memory about something, I cant remember -- Wait, suddenly I get distracted and now I forgot that I forgot something and now that is merciful to me cos I don't want to realise I'm growing old and losing memories and I don't want to worry about death.

making people generally agreeable and helpful to the elderly person and making everything as easy as possible for them with chi.

Making people kinder to them and understanding and generally helpful instead of them getting frustrated with their elderly vulnerabilities.


reassuring with white lies of belief cos elderly get more fragile n vulnerable and fearful eg thats not a real war scene on tv, its fake actors or otherwise. (when actually it is a real war, but this is kinder to them.)



c​onsider white lying to them so that they dont cotton on about their age




they shout at you cos "you left the TV on"

when the TV is off, but they are irritable and trying to find a reason for it cos they are getting elderly and dont realise the reason why they are irritable so they just make up a reason without realising they are making it up

​their mind is starting to go

you just say, yes im so sorry i accidentally left the TV on... its kinder to do that then to say no i didnt and then they are agitated and frustrated about it still. cos they dont understand, because they have dementia.

cos otherwise it  might make them realise holy shit, i thought I left the TV on and its not on, my mind is starting to go, it must be cos im getting old, im going to die one day soon, and it panics them... so its kinder to do it this way.

white lying to elderly people is a skill that is kinder to them and helps them cope from second to second or minute to minute. they might not even remember 10 - 20 mins ago but if you can just get them through.

using chi to generally make things easier for them 

or help them understand

or to fill in the blanks of a mind that is starting to go a bit senile

using best health implants or using ring method to deliver best health implants where it wont sacrifice any efficiency of the best health implant.

Chi lesson, people with dementia tend to "make it up as they go along" to fill in the blanks in their mind.

Spiritual dementia lesson, when people are leaving the Earth to die, they don't go as suddenly as you think, unless via accident or disease or otherwise. But naturally, they leave Earth slowly. This is called Dementia. They gradually go and leave Earth, part-by-part or bit-by-bit, over time, and thats why gradually their minds begin to go and hence Dementia.

Once they are very much in full swing of Dementia... They are not really here anymore. They have mostly gone to Heaven already. Please be kind to them. They are sensitive.

There is a chi tool that helps them, Red Marker (its like red over your visual field) meaning No, warning, don't etc.

This can also be used for other people such as  going to shops and buying food, whats bad for you etc.,

But also it can be used for elderly and dementia.

Dream school is a potential lesson for them. Aka have them taught in Dreams. or use dreams as a tool for other things.

Anything they want to learn or know (within bounds) is a dream fulfillment for them. Or anything they want, as a dream fulfillment, eg my Dad wanted to be more masculine, so help him learn to be masculine. Incarnational goals, what are your incarnational goals and can we rings to fulfill it or natural incarnational purist purpose to fulfil it, is there more than one incarnational goal or secret wish or goal. Eg Rings is one way, but you could have it as offspring do this, because it is offpsrings purpose to help their parents and it is extremely manaful and purposeful for them to do this.

Anything they are confused about or want to know about, and have that automatically come up in the search algorithm, they just decide Im going to search "xyz" and it will come up with the answer. They will be told in chi to search for XYZ. Same for recovering memories eg I'm curious aboutTennis, Im gonna google it, when actually they used to love playing Tennis when younger but they forgot. Now they google it and remember, hey I used to play tennis and it restores their memories.

Each solution needed, given by either rings or offspring if as efficient for patient and not risky of getting caught. Ask Dee advice.

Convince them when they are sick and in bed and have carers, you always wanted to live like a king and be served.

Each solution rings or offspring if as efficient for patient aka elderly person, and if theres not a risk of being caught. Offspring preferable.


Also we have, chi will help the person if they are struggling with things. Eg I'm struggling with something, assertively I suddenly do the thing almost like someone held my hand and is doing it with me. So that helps.

Helping them understand the reasons why for things if they need it, with chi.

Getting them into a general habit of writing everything down, but not because they are worried about their memory.. Hence the earlier they do this, generally the better for them. Its just habit to them now and so they won't notice they are losing their memory as much if they are already relying on this. Consider apps that they can use on phone and laptop and online web browser that store notes or passwords etc. so they can access this from anywhere, to help them with their memory.

They can get a bit stuck in their ways as they grow older but this is a measure of security for them.

They can also generally get a bit more fearful so reassuring energies and generally help them with chi with whatever they need.


Also, wearing the person who is dead, wearing their energy body can be comforting to you and also having items of theirs around you almost like "they are still here", is something you can do.

Please consult Dee and ask his personal advice on Burial vs Cremation, he may have something to contribute about this.

And if you choose Burial, for how long to rent out cemetary space for at minimum.

Gently purging pain in advance is something you can do for gradual greiving in advance.

If the result of the death will be  that you are going to become lustful in order to deal with the death, gently purging lust in advance is one thing you can do.

If the result will be that you will have another negative effect (whether this negative effect be a sin or otherwise), please try to think up a way with Dee and maybe a creative hat idk, to help you in the future. If Angels advice line is a possibility, I dont know if we can set this up or not, then go ahead and request help, otherwise ask Dee for help, or try to think up your own ideas. Please submit ideas that you think of to Dee and see if Dee is able to help share these ideas around the ship.


19/7/24 - 6.31am -  Alright. So I've just heard theres a new variant of COVID being released. Please press cntrl+F and type COVID and see what I've written below about Covid. Its a double edged sword. If you don't get vaxxed, there is a chance you may get sick. People do unfortunately genuinely die from covid. If you do get Vaxxed, well, the previous vaccinations for Covid, they altered your DNA helix so that you were not able to reach your mentorships, so if you had a Dee mentorship and got vaxxed, you would not be able to contact Dee. They knew people were going to incarnate at and after the date of the Ascension to save the earth, with their mentorships, so they needed to release a way to prevent everyone ascending or reaching their mentorships. Hence, COVID, lets darken the earth with fear, that will lower your vibration, lets kill people off, and lets prevent ascension workers from being able to work by altering their DNA with these vaccinations.

However, if you did get vaxxed, don't worry, we can reverse the effects for you. I didn't get vaxxed and nor El, hence we were able to reach our mentorships and that allowed us and our mentorships to reverse the effects of the vaccinations from the other members of my star family, hence they were able to reach their mentorships as well.

Ask Dees personal advice on whether it is wise for you to get any new vaccinations or not. Ask Dees personal advice on what vaccinations are safe for you or not. Ask Dee if theres any alternative ways of protecting your health, IF he says Vaccinations are not for you. Ask Dees advice on the vaccinations of your loved ones as well, whether he can help them still reach mentorships, in a way that is undiscoverable.

They also used this opportunity to divide people into Anti-Vaxxers and Vaxxers and attack people of course, mocking each other and turning them against each other and what not.


19/7/24 - 6.31am -  If you're using email signiatures, please check the email signiatures on each device your using. I've had to update them all individually on an iPhone, a Google Pixel, and a Laptop, as they all wouldn't use the signature unless I updatted them on all three devices one by one. Eg email yourself and check its alright.

Main Email Signature without Formatting - Online Notepad (


Once your putting this into your device email signature settings, feel free to format the font. I personally made the tag bold and big for example.


19/7/24 - 5.47am -  Heres another updated Banner type icon with El. if your ever making these, copy n paste the tags across otherwise they don't work when written manually unless used with Writing Tool. Feel free to use this Banner, I put it in my Gmail Icon and am making another version to put in an different email icon. I will likely edit this later, apparently Red Blue and Green are colours that most people can see so I should have these with a white background at the top, and the other colours with a black background on the bottom (Incase of colour-blind people seeing it) x Aka for Google Email Icon, the link on number 3, has the tag where the most people will be able to see it inc. majority colour blind.





19/7/24 - 5.26am -  If you or someone energy cognisant / ready for this, has self harm issues, please scroll down and see self-harm solutions, and ask Dee whether he can replicate these for you / that person concerned. Aka "make it more painful", or, "numb them", depending on what works for them, also for self-harm care, "numb the wound"  temporarily so you can wash and sterilise it without it hurting you.

Please ask Dee if there are energy solutions to trauma, wounds, triggers, etc. for you, there may be.

For example, blue shield on a slider (i incarnated with a blue shield help yourself), remove mana from energy body, air lift to ambulance, 100,000 wernickes / counting "sheep", energy jacket / blanket, cold wet blanket, fix foot arches, ground hospital, are just a few different mana solutions. Have fun.


19/7/24 - 4.54am  -  Can you google Republican National Convention 2024 and send Dee to anyone who is televised? Quick, apparently its on right now. Thanks

2024 Republican National Convention - Wikipedia


Scroll down that page and look at all the photos of people and basically find any photos of anyone televised for the event online if u can. and send them Dee. Thanks


19/7/24 - 4.42am -  Just remembered, my cat Wooties, she is a piscean girl, she used to tend to get very overwhelmed very easily. Quite often if you moved close to her, she found it too overwhelming , like your physical presence in her close space proximity was a bit too much. So me n Dee have a chi implant that modifies chi so that if you are too close to her, it doesn't overwhelm her anymore. Please ask Dee if you want something similar for your pet or loved ones. Or yourself. Idk if its possible, probably is, worth an ask.


19/7/24 - 3.15am -  Updated Paraolympics and Olympics message, please have a look.


19/7/24 - 2.53am - If you did see a message on here just posted 18/7/24 or 19/7/24 about a potential future Q & A, please disregard everything in that message, it no longer applies. I am going to continue teaching and uploading lesson plans on the site. I aim for daily updates but I might be quite busy over the next few days so I might be late on the next one. 

Sorry and thanks, will update you in the future of any future changes or if I do change my mind decide to do a Q & A. You will know. Thanks. PS. Added a bit more to the bottom of the bit about 12 Step Treatment. Thanks. 

Also, please, if your able to look at every person who will be televised for the Olympics and the Paraolympics, please do, and send them Dee. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do it personally. Please have this completed by 1 hour in advance of the LIVE event. Please be aware of when the LIVE event timings is, and not confuse it for a re-run of the recording of the event much later on. It takes Dee a maximum of 1 hour to get inside the NG body of the person on TV.

 Also be on the lookout for the opening / closing ceremonies, usually they darken you. I could be wrong, but if its anything to go by the past ones, then it will affect your NG body. IF it doesn't darken you then I guess I'm wrong about these ones but I will post the past ones online and teach you about how the past ones darken you.

Please get it completed by an hour in advance of the live showing at the latest. Please request for Issas 3 Dees on the Olympics and Paraolympics and not mine, if possible :) Thanks, Ask Dee for help with this.


18/7/24 9.23am (Added a bit onto the second paragraph 10.34am) - Okay, so somewhere roundabout 20 years old, I ended up with a temporary but severe mental health condition that I am now completely cured of, and needed some help with mental health. Called Depersonalisation and Derealisation Disorder but it was so severe I literally couldn't speak with it alot of the time. Even if required to. And all the other symptoms.

I went to the doctor and they told me I had to go to The Priory for mental health help. My Dad thought had health insurance at the time to cover it so I went. (Long story short, we did it on Health insurance, whilst I'm in the treatment centre the health insurance got back to him and said "No sorry we won't cover this" but my parents decided not to tell me that, so I went thinking its fine, its for free, health insurance are covering it.. Secretly, they were paying for it and didn't tell me until right at the very end of my treatment stay, approx 8 - 9 months later. I stayed for a very very long time, moreso than most. Because they filled me with so much fear. And obviously I thought it was free. Its a long story.).

The Priory is a trap. Please be careful if you ever go there. I came in looking for help with my mental health and the moment he heard "drug use" its like a lightbulb went off in his head and he immediately ignored all the mental health stuff and said, go into The Addictions ward. They are incentivised to send people to the addictions ward because it trafficks them into a 12 step program and into a long-term treatment centre, hence catching would-be heros and Lworkers and darkening them into 12-step programming. They claim that "Don't worry, when you go into addictions ward, they not only cure you of the addiction, but also of any mental health problems." Like I said, its to catch would-be heros and put them in a Frequency Trap of 12 step where they exchange your natural NG bodies and natural purpose for an inferior spirituality. It *sometimes* cures people of their original mental health issues, it also tends to *cause* mental health issues, sometimes different from the ones they came in with (because they exchanged their natural NG bodies for "Prinsted Glasses" aka 12-step glasses). Causing mental health issues especially with expensive treatment centres, less likely to cause mental health issues if you or someone else didn't pay for any of it aka it was free (so for example if you didn't do paid treatment but just joined 12 step for free, I don't know about if the government or doctors paid for you whether it would count as "paid" or not in terms of how extreme it makes you if you or someone else paid for you, ask Dee) but it still does the energy body exchange in both 12 step alone and/or treatment (12 step based) which removes your natural energy body and purpose from you.

The Priory is a posh Primary treatment centre in the UK. But, any Treatment Centre counts, it doesn't have to be The Priory (which is Primary, which they send you to before they send you to Secondary (which was Prinsted, other treatment centres are also Secondary not just Prinsted), and  then potentially sometimes Tertiary (sp?) sometimes as well, before continuing onto a 12 step community outside the treatment centre).

Although, I am talking about 12-step based Treatment centres... I can't comment on non-12-step based treatment centres.

If you did go, don't worry, you lightened your parents or whoever it was that paid for you a huge amount (I don't know about doctors or governments paying for you though, can't comment on that, ask Dees opinion I have no idea) and we can reverse any programming that they did to you easily, I've done it for myself so its fine.

An expensive treatment centre process will fill you with stress and anxiety and make you extremely pointed and hence makes you more likely to relapse into addictions, before grabbing onto 12 step to try to cure yourself, lather rinse repeat. If not chemical or alcohol addictions then things like shopaholism, food, gambling, sex, love and relationships, codependency, and more etc. "process addictions" they call it. Lol I sent a song by a Slam Poet called Kate Tempest - Circles to my star family because its exactly like what happens to you if you go through an expensive treatment centre then onto 12 Step. Constant stress and anxiety and extreme behaviours and pointedness, leading to people needing drugs or alcohol or other types of addictions or process addictions to relieve the stress and anxiety, but desperately trying to stop using 12 step... Whilst having exchanged their natural purpose and energy bodies for a new 12 step one. Its a cold plot to catch would-be Lworkers. But if you've done 12 step or are doing it don't worry, we can reverse the process easily, I think its possible Dee might even be able to keep your 12 step NG body for you as a backup, if you want to switch back and forth with your natural purpose / NG body and the 12 step NG body, so don't feel too worried about losing it. (As they do try to program you to really attach yourself to the new NG body, I get it, I was absolutely scared to lose my Prinsted NG body. Some people, like myself, were really not well before the 12 Step / Treatment Centre NG body swapped itself in to "cure" them, so it was like, I have the choice between my "inferior" NG body and this 12 step NG body... But it limits the amount of light you can have and your full potential. It may take a bit longer or be harder with your natural NG body to ascend and you have to deal with all your pain and all your issues you originally have, but when you do manage to ascend with it, you will rise far far more than with a 12 Step / Treatment Centre NG body. The 12 Step / Treatment Centre one will have you rise far quicker but to a limited amount, you'll be eyes of wonder, wow, I managed to get so much higher and lighter so quickly, and everything is easier than before etc. because they make it very practical and functional, they want to get you into work like a good little slave, but the trick is, they only let you get so well, to a functional amount with it, and then theres a limit. If you do it the natural way, it may be harder, it may come with all your issues, it may take longer, but its worth it, you will ascend far higher and with your natural purpose and everything intact.)

They also like to label helping others as an "addiction to be cured", I can't really comment on whether this is genuinely unhealthy or not, but it sounds sketchy to me to label this as Unhealthy.... Called "Codependancy". But I don't know, I could be wrong.. Ask Dee.

Also, just as a side-note, 12 step does Masculinate you. It makes you more masculine. 

Mentorships hope to make you more feminine. I am talking about Masculine and Feminine in the spiritual terms and not in like... hormone terms or social terms or gender terms (ironically).. aka they mean Feminine meaning, coming from within, and Masculine meaning, interacting externally. Roughly something like that. Thanks.


18/7/24 6.30am* previously put pm by mistake - Look at this - Guess what popped up on my screen?

Then, come back to this screen, press cntrl+F and put: "They deliberately made pets happen" in and press enter.. aka find this lower down on the page, read the paragraph and the next one. Pot kettle black! Trying to do the same as before, dissuade you from having the love and selflessness and goodheartedness of a pet. What a load of bollocks basically.


18/7/24 - 00.56pm - 

The Correct Signature LDIEM Photos - Online Notepad (

I've gone and stuck this as my email signature, feel free to do the same. I've also put the tag in my email name, you can either stick the tag there or you can use the alphabet tag to write your name (more discreet, its in anotepad somewhere so press cntrl+F and stick anotepad in and just press enter and find the right one with the alphabet tag in it to make your name hopefully, I'm still working on creating everyones alphabets at the moment because its extremely painstaking to create, but will update it in the future to have more peoples alphabets. Just use alphabet tags to make anything that is likely to be seen by people and they will get a mother a heart etc. and Dee just by looking at it. Obviously try not to tag psychic cold ones or mages please or occultic groups, feel free to photo-tag them, they'll possibly hate it but they won't suspect an NG mechanism, I did deliberatley put photos of us when we were at a lower vibration than we are now, but I hope to update myself in there to get me as an even lower vibration in there instead at some point, but with the writing tag? Try to avoid putting that where psychic cold ones or occultic cold ones are. ) and then everyone who gets emails from you who sees your name will get tagged. I've also made a version of the banner to put as my email display photo on my email, will upload this later. Have also put the banner and the tag in my Public Relations facebooks (I have a private facebook and then multiple public facebooks I just join groups or add random people sometimes, even if they reject my add, they see the tag in my facebook name and get tagged, I set my facebook to public as well so they can see the banner, if I add a string of random people I'll make a post with a banner so they all see it. This is a much more painstaking way of influencing the world, it was what I did when I was early on before I discovered much more efficient ways to spread Dee etc. I'll try to tag as many mods and admins as well because they have influence over a whole group.)


18/7/24 - Just thought I'd clear it up cos people were wondering about my Wernickes as well and I've mentioned I have self-harm issues. People often do it for different reasons or different causes. Some people self-harm because it numbs them emotionally to do this. A solution for this would be to find a different way to numb them emotionally when they need it. Hence they no longer need to self-harm. Or to resolve the issue altogether so they don't feel the pain that they need to numb in the first place. So if they are a Lworker, please go ahead and try to use a chi solution of numbing to prevent self-harm.

Personally the reason why I've self harmed in the past is because I feel too overwhelmingly wrathful and have to take it out on myself somehow. I've been told I am deep down a passionate type and thats why. My star family have tried to give me alternative solutions to this but they haven't really worked, like punch a wall etc., Issas was the winning solution, what is she looking for, pain, make it extremely painful, now she doesn't self-harm as much because she gets what shes looking for early on without needing to self-harm too much to get it. He also has "sallow skin" imprint which makes your skin very soft and more delicate/fragile and so you break the skin easier and wound yourself easier and quicker.. It sounds contradictory but it actually does prevent more self-harm in some people like me (you have to self-harm even harder to break less delicate skin and this makes some people like myself self-harm even more).

For best care afterwards please numb yourself with energy and wash it with a simple soap and water, then use a self-harm guard, put approx 1 inch holes in it approx 2 - 2.5 inchs apart all across it because the skin needs to breathe. Needs to be roughly this, holes closer than this or bigger than this and the self-harm guard is unlikely to be able to protect the wound from infection. It was Dees advice to put holes like this.

You can also use energy versions of antiseptic to help disinfect. Yeah I was eyes of wonder when I smelt antiseptic from my arm and realised Dee had applied energy versions of antiseptic.

Personal acronyms used between me and my star family: 

NG - Energy, 

DM - Demon, aka Check this out its DM, the figures in the masks they are DM.

Lworker - Lightworker, 

CR - Common Room chat aka Just having a plain jane chat about anything and not talking about top secret information or Lworkery things (such as the Common Room in Harry Potter lol or incase you don't know about Harry Potter, I guess you can equate it to the Staff Room in a school, when the teachers are out the staff room they are working, once they go into the staff room its relaxed just chatting about anything... Sorta like that. Aka 10 emails are teaching you lessons, 1 says CR; Frustrated and then is just a chat to load off.) 

Cold / Cold one  / Cold personality type - The Enemy basically

Warm one / Warm / Warm personality type / a Very human personality type - Anyone thats not the enemy

*fam - Star family

NTS - Note to self

ATS - Add to Site (as in add this info to site later sometime)

TD - To do

M) = Mission) eg in email subject M) update or whatever

Plain Jane / Plain Jain (sometimes I mispell this by accident lol long story) - Basically meaning either Asleep, as in, the opposite of Awake. 

Or, you without anything lightworkery to you aka remove your ability to program, remove your ability to modify chi, remove all these things and just have you as a bogstandard normal human.

Awake = aware of lightworkery things and spirituality etc., ascension etc.

Asleep = completely unaware to lightworkery things and spirituality on a personal level of understanding 





Some Info

Dee can only be in a cold one temporarily, idk how long, so he times it right

the hope is that he can be in a cold one lets say he can only be there for an hour 

he spreads to another nearby cold one or warm one within that hour who will continue to be in contact with the original cold one

Now imagine Dee knows how long he has to let the cold one not be with Dee

and then Dee can wait, and when hes able to, then he can purge the cold one mana field again and go back into the cold one again. 


Here is the updated email signature instructions, if u do choose to use it:

You can also put the tag in your Name in your email settings, and also if you emailing people, put the Tag in the subject before the subject u wanna put. That way if someone doesnt have enough time to open ur email but they see it sitting in ur inbox, they get tagged. Or, make a tagged version of ur name and update ur name in email settings to be the tagged version. So when people see the email and who its from, they get tagged.

thecorrectbannersmall.jpg - Google Drive


and 2


Please experiment with both banners in your signature or use both, because on some email apps on phones, the icon that shows, you want everyones way through / photos to show on the icon even if they dont open it or click to open the link.


so either use both links in your email signature,


or experiment with both and choose the most suitable one aka one that shows all of our waythroughs and all of us, in the icon that shows on both laptops and on email apps on phones, without having to open the links. Aka email yourself, open it on your phone app and your laptop, see which link is best, if not then just put both links in your email sig.



Banner 1:


Banner 2:

Updated Banner is above. Please use the updated banners from now on.



Banner 1:


Banner 2:


11pm - sorry forgot, kombucha, must be home made, not the pre-canned stuff, i think i personally may have used oolong tea? ill let u know another time which are good teas to miuse with it. Aesfoteda (sp?) is a herb good for lowering blood pressure I *think* but double check, have an energy version. can be quite good for headaches. Nephrite jade and Dream white mutton jade are very soothing for headaches. Will do stones lesson plan another time.


7.30pm - Tour De France - Can you look at photos of everyone thats going to be televised for this, and send them Dee?


If you click Teams, then click on a shirt, it shows alot. But otherwise pls explore the site, thats just me taking 2 seconds. There may be may more to this than I've been able to do in just that 2 secs so use initiative. Am in a rush. :


16/7/24 - 9.28pm - Quick Notes, to Expand/clear up on later, because Dee is pressuring me to go into trance state -_-

Dentist imbdued herself in u when working in ur mouth, she was a hardworking type, so hardworking mana left in you after appointment.

Dwarves are DM. (my slang for demon) Get rid of your garden gnomes please.

Christmas. Elves are DM. They chant to you to put you in a trance state. And make you play malicious "pranks".

Christmas was actually on a dark date. Will remember this later. We lighten by giving to each other on Christmas.

Fodmaps. IBS. Sauerkraut. Must be homemade, store bought is often pasteurised which kills the probiotic effect, hence no point. Water Kefir. Milk Kefir - apparently this tastes horrible lol. Kombucha. Probiotics pills, 9 hour fast prior, then meal, and then... 4 hour fast post? And again. Home made if possible. Sourdough. Must be home made. Store bought often isnt effective because not made over long enough time to ferment. Need daily attending to. Can be made with gluten free flours. Sauerkraut must be home made otherwise oits pasteurised. Again, best for Water Kefir n Milk Kefir home made. Specific teas better for Kombucha, to update later. They want everyone to be drunk just like before. Specific types of sugar best for these. I think dark demura sugar or prunes or something idk, will update later. Certain herbal teas better than others, higher in the nutrient content that is good for you. Check also range. Will update later with info.


Nettie pot for people with clogged sinuses or intracranial hypertension, avoid sugar, definetly avoid thick tar-like substances etc, things that make your intracranial fluid "clumpy" and worsen headaches. Spinal tap, very painful but personally did not get ill effects from this and was good for a one-off to reduce the excess fluid. But all surgery does come with risks so u could be the unlucky one, obviously do your own research. Certain sinus taps can help. Generally ill-advised to use nettie pot for intracranial hypertension because it can make your brain literally feel raw and sore and sensitive without the cushioning in it. Very rare or occasional use if your gonna use one. lying on your side with head raised a bit will allow the excess fluid to drain. had intracranial hypertension diagnosis as a result of treatment centre damage. They made Prinsted Glasses out of my chi which made excess intracranial fluid, long story short. All those neurons needing fluid. He was shocked, numbers were literally off the charts.. As in the max number finished at X, mine went beyond it and was not measurable. Refused a stent, glad I did. Lost weight, headache remained - Weight was not the cause for me personally, but can be for others. Walking can help shift blocked chi and also help with this illness. Better now. Dee may be able to have energy fixes for this. I went through all this before becoming an energy healer. Being in the dark with a fan directly on the face can help with headaches and migraines and nausea, did for me personally with this illness. Something about feeling distracted with wind on face idk. Can take anti-nausea pills.

Everyone used to go to a Pub. In England. Did people used to sanitise water with alcohol and just get everyone pissed???  In Olden days??? Idk. Might be remembering wrong here. Scarecrows are DM. Jack O Lanterns are DM. They made it a recent culture fad in England to have a pumpkin outside the house carved if you were avaliable for trick or treat.

Imagine how many little DMs walking around on halloween asking for sweets lol? Idk what the infection potential here is or not though, hopefully not. Ask Dee. Hopefully giving kids treats with love would help cure them of any infection potential, and also will prevent the adult giving the sweets from being infected as well.

Now is the same with health food fads. Alot of health foods have mild alcoholic content as a side product, such as fermented foods. They would like us all to be mildly inebriated, and thus easier to damage and manipulate and target, remember they are trying to sneakily take over the world by tricking us and feeding from us for as long as possible before destroying the planet and moving on, they are known as Destroyer of Planets, but Dee says he already knows we're going to win. Regular plagues etc. pre-planned throughout history. They have everything pre-planned and are just following the guidelines. 

Joe Rogan recommends microdosing hallucigenics, this is not good. 

"Now is the same with health food fads. Alot of health foods have mild alcoholic content as a side product, such as fermented foods. They would like us all to be mildly inebriated, " However Dee can remove the alcoholic content. Fermented foods good for gut. Is it Tempah or Miso or something that is another one? And theres like a Korean fermented fish food as well.

Bone Broth for IBS and Arthritis. Better with genuine bone broth from bones homemmade rather than powder. Better done on a fast as well, like first thing in the morning. Use jellied versions to swallow it easier. Pinch nose and swallow to swaller easier. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis but as its an autoimmune disease thats more curable with chi. Always wondered whether a de-humidifier would help with Arthritis as people tend to flare up when its raining? But apparently tight stockings or leg wraps can help around the knee. Keeping warm as well.

Energy Hayfever tablets.

Watch out for eye drops, most of them have some form of acid in them. There may be a brand of false tears that don't.

A spoonful of vinegar as a quick hiccups cure but probs harsh on stomach.

To take meds easier, if can take with liquid, hold water in mouth, drop tablet in and swallow at once.

Apple cider vinegar with the mother, has probiotic effect.

Probiotics v healthy for you.

The Range n Scope of diff probiotics as well as the number of CFU.

Some brands have probiotics in but the brand has been sterilised... Thus heat treating and killing the probiotics and they have no effect. Contact companies individually to check. For example alot of Sauerdough store-bought has little to no effect because they have not been um... Made over a long enough period of time and fermented. They do it quick and get it on the shelves. So home-made is best. Needs daily attention otherwise it dies.

Holding the nose when taking things you dont wanna take makes it far easier to take.

Fish oils, some are more contaminated, but a certain amount is good for neurological health. Should have an ideal ratio of DHA to etc. Google and research online. Google and compare brands.

Part of personal family healing lesson plan.. Healing with Gluttony vs Healing with mana.


Healing with Meds/Supplements vs Healing with Food vs Healing with Mana.

And Eyes of wonder at the results.



5.22pm - Just a quick one, below date, as Russia seems quite relevant in the news lately. My Dad used to live in Russia to work here, so I've been here too. As per usual I am surrounded by cold ones... My entire life I've spent with very few warm ones around me. I went to cold schools, hung out with cold friends in cold hangouts, went on holiday to 90% cold places.

One of these places is Canterbury, known for its Cathedral, and hence its choc-a-bloc full of cold. They even have a Freemasonry museum there :P Cos you know, Freemasonry is a pretty public thing.

The other, is Russia. Russia is full of Junior cold, who are still earning the trust of their ringleaders to be able to swap out of the country. Hence its very difficult to get into Russia or out.

They then make Russia the bad guys of the world. So that everyone fears them.

On TV, they always make people scared of snakes. To program you to fear reptiles.

I've been to Russia, I saw a grown man shirtless on a frozen lake in the blizzarding snow like it was absolutely nothing.

My Dad said "I've never met people so strong".

We let the shower room get wet in our flat, and the landlady could not restrain her wrath to kick us out for it.

I went and bought a hat from a shop, and the shopkeeper was mesmerised by me "a human...?? in the flesh" was what she was thinking.

If you are cold, and you are a higher rank than another cold, you are basically allowed to boss the other one around.

I dunno if I said this already or not, but they make Celebrities hardheaded so that people watching them on TV, they become hardheaded and this can block your crown chakra. They also encourage you on programs like The Voice UK, sure you can become a celebrity, all you have to do is WORK HARD at it... They want to encourage kids who want to be stars, to be hardworking like good little slaves, very unlikely they will become stars.

I was into Astrology alot, astrology is naturally occultic but it can be unoccultised, as Astrology is our natural journey through the stars prior to incarnation, we journey to the stars to plan the energies into our incarnation, then incarnate at the right place and time with those energies.

This was when I noticed how different they were from their charts for the first time.

Also when you go online and look for astrology interpretations alot of people are very very wordy with it. This is so that you don't learn properly about astrology, it makes it lofty and wordy and a bit wistful not as easily understood as explaining it simply or more heartfully.

I'll come back to this later, I gotta go.

To Do: How they advertise themselves differently, for example my "friend" the Carpenter, Carpenters are naturally very square hardworking and strict personality types, my "friend" was extremely laidback and lacklustre stoner. So they advertise themselves as the opposite of what a warm one would naturally be in their role, so as to confuse your natural alignment to God. They literally have to design a whole system to confuse us and to trap us to something so easily natural as to be light. Once we are light enough as a species, they will get up and go... mission failed for them.



1.50pm on below date - Random tidbit about cold ones - They each have an individual preference, an absolutely insatiable appetite for a particular sin. However they are all extremely steely and controlled about it. Control is one of their main things. They have to hold themselves back. The sneakier the DT, the more they are valued for it, so usually the sneakier DTs get more points.

They also are all infertile. They can't take the risk of having just uncontrolled births etc.

If they have sex with a warm one, they're not actually inserting their penis. Their penis is actually strapped to their leg.

For a special treat or reward, they are allowed to have SUPERVISED sex only. I assume that this means, they must earn enough points to earn this reward. Points are earned by DTing us. DT is my slang amongst me and my star family for distort... So a common saying. "Whats the DT?"

So the ringleader will supervise the sex, I assume via camera but idk. And they will have sex with each other. They will only be allowed to have children if they buy them with enough points. The child is made in a lab. I know a cold one that has like 4 children or something like that... She must of DT'd a fuck load of people to be able to afford that. One of them unfortunately me.

Their lives are roughly pre-determined, and they switch in regular intervals. I don't know exactly what times in their lives, but just for an example, 10 years old, 20 years old, 30 years old, and 40 years old. So when they get to 10, they tally up the points and say right, you have a score of... 50/100. So you are going to swap places with someone that has *this* amount of influence to DT people. Hence, you will get the opportunity to get fed to *this* amount of influence.

They reflect your lowest vibration back at you. So for example, someone I know can be quite materialistic... A cold one he was chatting to, started talking about cars etc. 

So they automatically try to reflect your lowest vibration back at you so that you become your lowest vibration. Thats just a bit about how they work.

Oh. Also, all or majority of celebrities are hardheaded. Also, on things like the voice, a tv program in UK which has "ordinary people" (obviously all or mostly cold) come on and sing and celebrities judge them and give them a chance to become a star under their tutilage. If they win and get chosen, they will undergo singing practice with um teacheres and trainers and etc. and compete.

The celebrities are hardheaded because being hardheaded can block your crown chakra.

They are constantly saying, if you want to be a star, you have to work really hard.

They are basically teaching warm ones and kids who watch the TV, to be hardworking, "like a good little slave" they want to encourage everyone to be hardworking. Much like Saturn or Capricorn.

Human age is culled at around 100 years deliberately because it will prevent us from accumalating wealth and sharing it amongst each other. Then alot of it goes on things like taxes and healthcare / carers especially when you get older etc etc so alot of it can't get passed down to the kids and then they cannot accumulate that wealth as easy either.

They are immune to all disease on Earth, they create these diseases. Think COVID, think AIDs, think HIV.

They are immune to all drugs as well, they can't run the risk of drunk cold ones running their mouth lol. Can you imagine ahhahah "so my ringleader really pissed me off the other day..." lol.

Me and Dee have a joke about this with ketamine, cos when you k-hole you fall into a paralytic trance-like state for like 20 mins or so... Obviously none of them are actually high... Our joke is that they are probably playing things like Snake or Pingpong inside their human shells using their eyeballs waiting for that 20 mins hah.


16/7/24 8.30am - Quick tip. They skew your prescriptions slightly in order to make you become more pointed when you wear your glasses your pupils have to adjust in such a way that it literally makes you pointed. And hence less likely to be heartful. Alot of opthometrists (sp?) have no idea they are doing this to you -- They are taught to diagnose and treat you with skewed results without knowing they are skewing your results. Ask Dee if he can give you the correct prescription for you so you don't end up becoming pointed. Ask Dee if he can give you two glasses, one that is non-pointed and perfect for your eyes, and one that is slightly less capable of letting you see. So you can wear the perfect glasses if needed, or, wear the pair that isn't as good at letting you see properly, and if wearing the second pair, Dee can be healing your eyes whilst wearing the second pair only. Dee can also heal your eyes better if not wearing glasses so taking regular glasses breaks is good. Please consider using Rings method if you'd like to do this in a way that lightens others as well.


16/07/24, 7.46am - Added a bit explaining my Wernickes, as Dee told me that some people were curious about it and did actually google it, so just wanted to clarify what my Wernickes is, just if your curious. To find it press Cntrl + F and put "Just about my Wernickes" in and press enter, either that or just scroll down and you'll see a section not far down with "Just about my Wernickes" in bold and underscored. Thanks.




Updated Olympics mission plan with a few more details sorry, 6.48am , 16/07/24, scroll down to find it.

Also updated with new information teaching about Geeks being Heros, how  they target Geeks, and energy things you can do with your pets.


Quick second note about Angel restricting my ability to lightwork - 5.31am, 16/7/24. 

There are some very sudden lightworking opportunities that appear and its a "now or never, seize the moment quick whilst you have the chance" that does not allow me time to upload it onto the website, nor tell anyone about it and have them do it, so its down to me quickly seize this adhoc random instant opportunity to save thousands of lives or lose it.

Hence, these are all people that Angel has condemned to not be saved. Even if its one of those things where "okay, you missed out on this one, maybe theres another opportunity in the near future where you can save them", that doesn't really count for people who are in dire situations that need help ASAP or else severe irreversable consequences will occur,, people who are on the edge of life or death, people that are actively suffering that we could save from acute pain, people who have the ability to save others from life or death or suffering but only if given to Dee in this sudden rare opportunity otherwise we miss them. Rare people that might have the ability to save tonnes.  


Quick note about Angels Rebuttal, 16/7/2024, 3.05am, please Scroll past this section if you want to see a big mission plan that you can help with that can potentially spread Dee across the entire world in one fell swoop, please if you have time help me with this one, it would be amazing! Below that, I have posted more new information to teach.

Angel said he would attempt to make up for the fact that he robbed Lucys opportunity to be healed by me, by healing her himself. There is very specific reasons why I was the only person in my star family who is able to do it. One of the things he has tried to do to heal her trauma before is to imprint a kindness mana flow onto her trauma. Thats like pressing a button on your phone "kindness mana flow -> trauma, done". Thats something I could very easily do. I don't know if this is what he was planning to do this time but I'm just guessing so.

For a start I have the most tolerance to Fear of the whole star family as I am Fear to Faith. So I was able to experience the terror of her trauma over roughly 15 - 19 hours (got it written down somewhere but this is it off the top of my head), whilst holding still through that fear. I only stopped because someone barged into my room in real life and that disrupted the healing session. So I could have gone longer. Lucy said she woke up feeling like a brand new woman. Angel does not have this same tolerance to Fear. He attempted to threaten me with a fear flow so obviously he thought this was a huge amount of fear that he was imprinting onto me and it was nothing compared to what I've been through. He is not able to heal her like I could as he obviously has nowhere near the same tolerance to Fear.

For second, there is a specific reason why I was able to experience Lucys trauma for her in a much more visceral way without feeling humiliated. However, there is a specific reason why what Angel did to me, did humiliate me and obviously if I was able not to feel humiliated by it, I would do that... Unfortunately not the case. Dees solution was to isolate entire areas of re-traumatised gridwork away from me. Hence I am missing huge parts of myself which are now damaged and in need of repair and healing.

I don't really want to explain why I was able to experience Lucys trauma for her without feeling humiliated or re-traumatised, I can understand why reading this back this sounds confusing but if you knew some of the stuff I do then you would understand how I was able to do this even with my past of trauma abuse but was re-traumatised by Angel, sorry I can't really explain this openly just trust me on this one. Angel is a male so cannot experience her trauma in a visceral way like I can,  I did this for long periods of time, until I passed out, and doing this gave me real life physical injuries (which I don't mind getting these in order to heal Lucy).

So no, if Angel is trying to redeem himself by declaring "Oh I fucked up with Lucy, I will repair the damage myself dw", sorry, thats not true, he is not able to do it in the way that I both could do and did for her. And I want to continue to do for her, if possible, but I would need to heal from the way Angel traumatised me before I can continue. Like I said before, I am literally the only person who is able to heal this particular trauma for her in my entire star family. I did also do other  things for her as well and made a plan for her and allowed other members of my star family to take roles in this plan for her so they could all help to heal her, with different things (not with this thing in particular).




Olympics mission plan - (written on below date) 

The 2024 Paris Olympics takes place from Friday July 26 to Sunday August 11.

However, there is sporting action two days prior to the Opening Ceremony on July 26, as football, rugby sevens, handball and archery get under way on July 24 and 25.

Please try to google and find as many photos of the athletes as possible (as long as its not the athlete as a child, UNLESS the athlete is currently a child, thats fine) and send the athlete photo Dee, finish at maximum by 1 hour before they are due to arrive on screen.

Olympics 2024: Paris schedule, sports, dates, opening ceremony and latest on Russian athletes | Olympics News | Sky Sports



16/7/24, 4.42am - Updated the bit below labelled 3.16am with a bit more.

16/7/24  4.29am - Its a goodly thing to allow your parents to sacrifice their money/greed to buy flea treatments for your pet. However, if they need to save money or if you own your own pet, please feel free to use energy flea treatments and energy worming treatments instead. Also, I may upload a personal video of a DT... hang on. K cant  find it will upload later if I do but they put um. Its not exactly a cold secret this is probably open knowledge and fine to share.. check with Dee. They put a certain enzyme on cat treats like Dreamies that cats find addictive. Hence, when Wooties was getting dreamies daily, she literally got agitated when she didnt get her fix lmao she literally became a Dreamies addict ahaha. Dee may be able to fix this for you so they dont get addicted lol.

We also did a "Mandy needs her own space" so we imprinted my energy body sort-of onto Wooties (my cat Mya/Wooties) and then did "the bathroom is Myas own personal room cos Mandy needs her own space" lesson plan as well. So she lived in the bathroom rug lol.

And a, don't be strict with Wooties, she needs more love.. aka dont be strict with Mandy. So she was jumping on table counters to be naughty lol and she wasn't eating the cheap cat food when they were being strict with her, but when they bought her expensive cat food, she behaved :)

Also best health implant for your animals and loved ones, please weigh up whether to use Rings method with this or not.


16/07/24, 7.46am - Just about my Wernickes briefly.. And below this section, I teach about who Cold jobs and who is Cold around you.

So, I got Wernickes because I was learning how to move forward with Dee and I was going on long daily walks giving away things and food to the homeless in my area. Before this I was very still in life, I programmed myself pre-incarnation to be still so that I would "break easier" with trauma and then potentially develop multiple personality disorder and then heal it in order to heal the world of being fragmented. However it never got to the stage of full multiple personality disorder, just fragments, and for certain reasons, this part of the plan became no longer necessary. So eventually Dee had to teach me how to move forward. Doing this, I would often be walking daily from morning til night, giving away my stuff and food to the homeless at the same time to lighten my greed at the time, lather rinse repeat. Unfortunately I did not stop to eat. I was told that I was so passionate about this that I didn't hear Dee telling me to stop to eat. I remember trying to call someone to repair my broken window, and then everything went dizzy and slurry and I couldn't hold the conversation properly, he's like Hello? Hello? And hangs up frustrated. Next thing I remember, I wake up in hospital. Apparently they found me rocking back and forth saying the same thing over and over again.

So in hospital, I had gait ataxia, and the stuff with wiggling eyes, and I needed a zimmer frame to walk and advised lots of rest. And I lost my memories. I was advised to use a wheelchair for journeys outside. 

However, now, I no longer have gait ataxia. I don't have the wiggly thing with the eyes anymore.  I no longer need a wheelchair. I don't use a zimmer frame, I use a walking stick, I can walk without them but would prefer to only walk without them if theres a wall or something nearby I can grab onto to steady myself if I need to. In the future I will eventually be getting a mobility scooter, for times when I will be travelling more or less all day every day for days on end. I dont wanna get too exhausted to continue hence a mobility scooter will maximise my potential here.

I no longer have Gait Ataxia, or the wiggly thing with the eyes. My star family have been helping to heal me and restore my memories, as is Dee, and I have also done things in real life to help restore my memories. This was before I invented Rings method. Theres so much that I just couldn't remember, as Wernickes has a type of Dementia element to it, but now theres so much that I remember, I no longer even feel like I really have had dementia. I'm assuming I probably don't remember as much as before I got sick, but I've restored so many memories that I really can't tell the difference anymore, alot of my memories have been restored, I'm not struggling to remember things unless theres chi interference issues or lesson plans going on that intend to do that deliberately.

So the only symptom I really have from Wernickes is, possibly some memory loss but long-term memories rather than short-term, and needing a walking stick to walk outside the house. And in the future will be getting a mobility scooter for daily travels only because I will be travelling every day so want to maximise my potential. My Wernickes is not alcohol caused, you can have two causes, alcohol and malnutrition, unfortunately I had a more sensitive system than others and it was accidental malnutrition that caused mine, since I was out walking from morning til night giving away items and food to the homeless in order to lighten my greed, and forgetting to eat. Although it was good at the time for me to lighten my greed by giving to the homeless, these days I would actually sell my items for money in order to expand my Lworking (lightworking) potential even more with the profit made. "Profit" not really meaning money raised to spend on myself, but to spend on future Lworking missions or on things I need only, more or less.

When I was a teenager, I was manipulated by a cold person to develop a food disorder for approx 7 years, also made worse by family abuse at home, but the cold person was the main cause of my food disorder, the abuse at home just made it worse. However I did recover from that and after I left treatment I no longer had any tendancies towards anorexia or bullimia, I did have a tendancy to binge eat for a while because majority of people who leave 12 step treatment centres end up with anorexia, bullimia or compulsive overeating, its literally a thing that even they comment about it colloquially. Its like they replace addiction with food disorders and you try to control the extreme stress and anxiety that 12 step treatment traumatises you into having, via a food disorder such as anorexia, bullimia, or compulsive overeating. Obviously not on purpose, it just happens. Alot of people going to treatment try to avoid being labelled with a "foodie" label (foodie meaning someone with anorexia, bullimia or compulsive overeating and needing to go to 12 step meetings for it) because they don't want to have restrictions on their food so they will try to avoid people spotting them and trying to get them a "foodie" label lol and hence being pressured to have very controlled eating and alot of dietary restrictions as part of the 12 step program,  and being pressured to go to meetings for it. Thats literally a thing, I had people come up to me saying "trust me you don't want to get labelled with food disorder" here. But treatment literally has the effect of creating food disorders in people that previously did not have one, with the extreme stress and anxiety it gives you needing an outlet.

Will explain what 12 step does to you sometime, please try to recover without 12 step if possible, its a cold plot and not the best way to heal or recover. Treatment centres make you extremely pointed and are expensive but lighten your parents to pay for it for you, giving up their greed to heal you. 12 Step exchanges your natural energy body and life purpose for something else, and they sacrifice heartfulness for a type of viewing that connects your pineal gland, and third eye, and crown, to give you an inuitive way of viewing. I did this passionately and ended up with the viewing that they create, its not as good as Heartfulness, and this is the age of Heartfulness, so they want to distort would-be heros (as people with addictions are people with the potential to fill their inner wound with light instead of addictions), and they catch them and program them in a 12 step conditioning instead. So they give them a type of spiritual viewing if you do the program it creates this in you, and you are eyes of wonder at this and mistake this for "being awake". They call this, in the program, "they "get it" or they "dont get it"". If you "get it" then they often admire you and aspire to become like you in the program. They often are jealous of people that do treatment centres because it fast forwards you in progress in their program and allows you to "get it".

And you are eyes of wonder at this type of spiritual viewing and want to keep doing the program to keep it, but you have no idea that actually, although this spiritual viewing is better than what you had before, it is inferior to Heartfulness. And you can only have one or the other more or less. So please choose Heartfulness.

They remove your natural purpose because doing treatment or 12 step exchanges your natural energy body for a new one, thats what the process does, so it can remove your incarnational purpose. They condition and pressure you into the process.

I have a tool called Prinsted Glasses that will allow you to see what 12 step offers you (as I did create this gridwork by doing 12 step and treatment, hence I got what they offered).. I don't know whether Dee is able to show you this or not because it might be quite painstaking to create this implant for you, but, you can always ask I guess. Hence you can ask if Dee can give you,  what 12 step or treatment can offer you and have the goal of creating in you, but without actually having to do 12 step or treatment. I don't know if Dee can do this or not, it sounds quite painstaking, but it would be cool if he could. You can always ask anyway. Its called Prinsted Glasses. (Prinsted was the name of the treatment centre I went to, its one of the most reputably strict treatment centres you can ever go to, other people are like Wow you went to Prinsted? How was  Bootcamp then huh? And its also very very expensive. But this lightens the greed of whoever is paying for it for you, if someone else if paying for you, it lightens them a whole lot. So please don't feel too guilty about it.)



16/07/2024 - 3.16am - (Updated this with a bit more about nurses, 4.42am same date)

Just a quick message about who is cold and why, in the UK anyway, not 100 percent on whether it is globally the same but I can only presume so?

Nurses, the majority are cold but not all of them. They often need at least one warm person in amongst all the cold. This is a sort-of brainwashing technique. If everyone on one side of the fence is cold, and on the other is warm, then we will very easily spot the difference.. Hey why is everyone on the other side of the fence different to us? So often they will allow at least one warm person on the other side of the fence amongst all the cold. Hence, now you feel like they are the same as you and you're less likely to realise that they are all cold on the other side of the fence.

They do this cos the nurses are feeding from all the sick people in Hospital. It may also be to prevent warm lovely people learning how to be healers and becoming nurses.. idk, thats just a guess that it could be two-fold. But definetly they do it so that cold nurses can feed here. So Im guessing they probably would give high ranking cold ones this kinda role, idk.

CEX, a shop in UK, Computer Exchange. Majority of the staff here are cold. I have personally known a particular shop that had all cold staff except one warm staff member. I can only guess that the reason they put all cold here is because its kind of a place for geeks lol a place that sells computer games and such, and geeks are future Lworkers (my slang for lightworkers), but I don't really know why, I'm just guessing.

Waitrose in UK, please do not shop here for your health, preferably avoid both Waitrose and Asda, and preferably avoid  corn-fed chicken (sold in I think M&S and Costco), I will explain why later but just trust me on this one. Obviously its better for your Greed if you shop in Asda, so if you are healthy then its probably okay (its at your own discretion) but if you or your loved ones have health vulnerabilities then please avoid Asda, its choc-a-bloc full of additives and just isn't the healthiest of foods. 

John Lewis the shop in UK, this is full of cold staff as well, I presume there will be at least one warm staff member, but majority cold.

Ive had a mix of warm and cold Doctors before, so theres a mix of both for GPs.

Pediatrists, foot doctors, are majority cold. I can only assume they are more likely to want a job that is kinda gross, but I have no idea why there are majority cold foot doctors.

Dentists, majority cold. These are jobs given to very high ranking cold who have earned the right to get a Dentist job. In the UK, very rarely do they put you to sleep in order to do dentist work, they tend to just numb your mouth up unless in severe health circumstances you can be given anasethesia (sp?) at specific Dentists that do it.

Hence in the UK, majority of people are terrified to go to Dentist and get drilled in the mouth cove. So, top ranking cold ones will be allowed to be Dentists, its constant feeding on the fear of people getting things done at the Dentists.

Postmen in UK, cold. Amazon delivery men, cold. Rubbish bin men, cold. There may be the odd exception but the majority cold. They want a cold infrastructure for us all to bind to. They will send Amazon delivery men that have energy bodies that will DT you specifically in particular as the buyer. As they know who you are, where you live, they will send an Amazon delivery man specifically designed to DT you. With Amazon prime anyway, idk about non-prime.

Masseuses, majority cold. They imbdue dark chi in you when they massage you, and they use oils to massage you. Oils are bad for you in chi.

Dentists also imbdue dark chi in your tooth cove when they are working on your teeth.

Cleaners, I don't know if all of them are cold or not but I've had an experience with a cold cleaner, my Mum hired her for a one-off in my house, I went downstairs and the entire house stank of dark chi, I had to clean everything over, she was mystified why are you cleaning its already clean, she had no idea that the cold cleaner had imbdued dark chi everywhere when she cleaned. So heres a tip, clean with love and kindness etc.

People in porn, aka Pornstars, majority cold. This is because people who masturbate to porn are imbduing the cold into themselves sexually this way. Ask Dee to explain.

I know a care company with a lovely boss, hes a kind earth angel boss. So naturally they do not like this so sent tonnes of cold people to apply for staff roles, with amazing CVs. So now he sits in an office surrounded by cold.

However, thats just the office staff and just that particular company.. I don't really know about all companies, just this one... I do know that care staff that visit people, are a mix between cold and warm.

Okay, so I don't know if I explained TV Programming to you yet or not, if I haven't, I will another time, but for now, just know there is a Reverse TV Programming tool for you, go ahead and use that on yourself and loved ones if you like but please don't use it in a bigger way aka no using it beyond your scope of friends and family please. Its usually never severe enough to really require it to save a life or save health, but it does help you be cleaner spiritually.

There is also a TV Share Perspective implant, so if you and friends and family are watching TV, you can all align with the perspective of the lightest veiwers perspective. Eg, your watching Comedy, you can all see each others particular humour and laugh with each other. Aka, Person A finds this type of humour funny, Person B doesn't find it funny... Well now Person B can find this type of humour funny as well and then they both laugh together.

Have fun with those, as well as Call to Home for pets, this is, you go back door and front door and windows to check for pets. No pets there? Activate call to home. Wait 20 mins, then check front door, back door and windows for pets, they will be there to come in.

I *think* but not sure, theres also a retreive the ball implant for dogs who arn't good at playing fetch lol, this makes them actually come back with the ball / stick or whatnot lol. Ask Dee for advice.

We've also got um, your pet wears a persons energy body.. Aka you have someone who needs your company but you need to lightwork and can't. You can make your pet wear your energy body kinda, and have your pet spend time with them. You feel less guilty, they feel less lonely and more fulfilled in parts of gridwork where they were needy of you.

We also have, Your Pet Needs More Love and Less Strictness lesson plan... And the pet is wearing your energy body kinda lol. Now when they are strict with the pet, the pet misbehaves, when they are loving to the pet, the pet behaves.. So they learn with you lol. Hence my cutie kitty Mya, I bought her because she has a soothing chi field like Ive never seen this before personally, but she has a soothing chi field which is cool, I sent her out lightworking as well and have used her soothing chi field to heal before lol, other energy sensitive allies of mine have picked up on her soothing chi field as well.

Lucy has made me a future lesson plan with Mya as well where "Mya is a child, now learn to mother her" lol.

Shes the coolest cat ever, idk whether by my imprint alone (will teach u about imprints another time) or whether cos shes Piscean, she literally mimicked my energy body as a kitten, and now as a cat, her energy body has completely changed back to what she should more naturally be. Its so cool. Im mystified. I loves her so much. Okay one more tip.

They deliberately made pets happen on the Earth plane because they wanted to condition us to accept that an "inferior species to us could be owned" aka a cat or dog could be owned by us, a superior race. Hence now we are more willing to accept subconsciously that WE OURSELVES as an inferior race could be owned by a "superior race". Aka we are humans an inferior race who is owned by a superior race of cold ones. 

Its a brainwashing technique. However, they realised they made a huge mistake when lonely people started to feel more loved, when farmers had more help with their cattle, when people needed to walk their dogs and got healthier, when people gave up their greed to pay for a cat or dogs health and to feed them and to love and be loved in return. Made us be goodhearted as well and care about the environment more and about animals. Pets literally lighten the earth. So they were like shit we fucked up. So they tried to spread rumours about them in the olden days like, pets have diseases, pets are this pets are that... But owners stayed loyal to their pets, my Dog isnt a diseased vermin, I love him, I wont listen to your rumours.

So they failed at disuading us lol and had to just accept they fucked up and now we have pets everywhere lightening the earth.

By the way, did youknow, they call us Slaves and also call us the Profane (aka the uninitiated, because they hide secret knowledge from us in order to control us, for example Science is the main thing everyone is raised into believing, so they make us cynical against God or spirituality or energy) Their entire system is based on lies and lying to us. So yes that is their nickname for us, amongst themselves.



15/07/24  5am - Some new video lessons for you. The password is fake101

I hope to revamp this site in the near future and get it a bit more structured for you. Please download as it will only be avaliable for approx 30 days before being taken down.


14/07/2024 - 9.08am - Pinned to the Top. Also, feel free to read this note even if you wern't doing the Trump lesson plan because it teachs you about their technology:

Hi, so sorry, if you were doing the Trump lesson plan like I was, please stop and read this note:

Note 7/14/2024 8:00:14 AM - Online Notepad (


So sorry. Thanks for your tolerance and patience and understanding and dedication with this matter.


Upcoming Mission plan - Can you get Dee with everyone that will be televised in the upcoming Olympics or Paraolympics?

Thanks. Just look at photos of everyone who will be televised, as long as they arn't photos of them as children, that will be fine. Must be completed before an hour of any recordings of any events, as it takes Dee maximum an hour to purge a cold one body enough to sit inside them. Would try to get everyone because, maybe someone is flicking through TV not wanting to watch the olympics and just sees a flash of a random person... You want that random person to be someone you got.

Then everyone in the world watching will get Dee. Start date 26 of July.

Paralympics as well. Start date 28 August.

Here are the countries competing in the Olympics:

Paris 2024: Full list of countries participating in the Summer Olympics - Sportstar (



I'm also going to pin this to the top. 

Prevent children that you know from being abducted by cold ones who do not like lightworker children as is standard procedure them to abduct them.

First, if you have children, please ask Dee to install a chi program in them that restricts their light in certain situations. Very young children are often evaluated in schools / nurserys (can't remember which, I think its primary schools in UK like Year 1 / 2 I'm guessing but idk), for their light. If they are particularly light, they will plan to kidnap the children. Obviously not personally - The teacher is cold (Sorry to say but majority of teachers are cold, not all of them, but majority of them. At least in UK. I know a few warm teachers myself so. ) . They will tell their ringleader and he will orchestrate a plan to kidnap the child. Obviously the child has been caught as a future potential enemy of state aka This child is far too light and they are only a child so we'll nip it in the bud now and get rid of them before they cause potential future problems / threat to us.

So yes, please ask Dee to install a chi program in any children you know who are too light "for their own good", to keep them safe in certain situations, especially if they are going to be in these situations.


Please be careful of the dangers of Lightworker or Starseed groups or servers you are a part of / communities you are a part of. Obviously this is very public and they do not like lightworkers.

Please ask Dee about any lightworker or starseed groups or servers or communities you may be part of. I was once part of a lightworker server and a starseed server. I was on the staff for both servers after applying.

There is a very high chance that these servers are Honeytraps or weapons. 

There is a chance as well that not all the people in these servers are trustworthy. You would be surprised - I definetly was surprised - At learning that some of the people I trusted, were not to be trusted. Not all of them, but some of them.

The owner of 5D Ascension Server is not to be trusted, and alot of the mods (probably not all of them). 

There used to be a Starseed server as well, the owner and at least a few of the mods were not to be trusted.

If you are in these servers please please please be careful about 1) Who you speak to and 2) What you say. There are alot of untrustworthy cold ones there and then there are also innocent lightworkers there who probably have no idea that they are in an environment mixing with cold ones secretly. I was one. 

Remember the entrance hall for Ascension if you were ever a part of this server? So thats your first evaluation.

Please pester Dee and ask him personally to create and install a chi program for you to let you know if your going to be putting yourself in any risk of being evaluated. If you are in that kind of situation, Dee does have steps to help you. Don't worry. I know of 2 evaluations that have happened to people who almost got caught, and Dee helped them survive the evaluations.

There is a lightworker facebook group that is crawling with negative entities. Hence you join and you will be attacked by these pre-programmed chi programs that will injure you psychically in some way or another. Most people would not know they are secretly being psychically injured by these programmes.

The Galactic Federation is a false negative entity. I don't know if there is a genuine Galactic Federation out there or not, so, sorry if you have found a genuine Galactic Federation vision. But there are definetly false negative entities that feed from you in the Astral Plane and one of these claims to be a Galactic Federation. Highly likely that cold people have created these negative entities and have them flying around in the astral plane. So it tricks you into trusting it, by saying its a Galactic Federation and feeding you visions and the more you believe it and go with it the more it attachs to you and secretly attacks you in some way.

There was another one that looked a bit like an octopus. This drained my mana.

There are more innocent negative entities as well... This is just dead mana. Aka not pre-programmed malicious entities in order to attack you psychically in some way. These may or may not feed from you, I can't remember. Ask Dee. I think they do.

I don't know whether there are genuine chi beings out there flying around in Astral like mentorships, who are benevolent... I literally don't know, there could be or there could not be. I've had an experience with "Tao Ceti" in astral and am still mystified as to what that was and whether it was benevolent, neutral or malicious.

However they are not my mentorships so maybe I should just stick to trusting my mentorships as the only trustable chi beings, I don't know. Aw I would love to make friends with a chi being or have a genuine ALIVE chi being pet. Issa gave me a pet rat in chi cos I've always wanted a pet rat when I was young lol. That would be so cool. I've had pre-programmed guardian entities before that helped protect me but they fed from my mana in order to do this so I let go of them. It was attached to a stone that I had hence this is occultic. I had no idea until I purchased a mans collection.



Please use tagged versions of your name and number anywhere and everywhere. For example on Facebook. Or stick the tag in your name.





Pinning this to the top as well.

I will be selling things in the future because I have to save up for world travel so I may advertise here. Just an ebay shop or a different shop. I do unfortunately have alot of occultic items to sell because as a very early lightworker I was experimenting with energy and one of the traps that they do is they give energy sensitive people, tools that energy sensitive people will be drawn towards, but all of it occultic or generally dark. Spells for example or crystals.

So I was a crystal hoarder and had a bunch of different occultic things whilst learning about energy. So I will be selling these but every person who buys them will likely be energy sensitive or alternative enough to recieve a mentorship from Dee. Then I hope that these people also sell their collections.

Did I release you the video I sent my starfamily teaching about crystals yet? I will just say it here. You have different pools of mana. One pool is Occultic mana. The other pool is non-occultic mana. Things like crystals, they use the pool from Occultic mana. Unfortunately they are occultic. However what you can do is create energy duplicates of these crystals that take from a non-occultic pool instead.

Also, you don't need to BUY a crystal to connect to its mana. You can look at a photo of a crystal and connect to its mana and use its mana. However, I can't guarantee that 1) The picture of the crystal is not fake 2) The crystal may not be clean or energised as you would like and may have some dirty mana around it. 3) You'll be taking mana from occultic mana pool (occultic mana can be a nice cosy home for demons as well, I presume lol). Ask Dee if he can rectify that for you.

I used to be into Nootropics when I was asleep. Dee can help you with chi versions of Nootropics as well. This can help you if you have neurological issues or different things.

There is also a tool called Hats. I have a particular brainbox hat cos I was an intelligent teenager, but not as highminded as university graduates. So this is another tool you can use. You may be able to heal Dyspraxia or Dyslexia or other issues with chi. Or you can use Rings method for a lighter method to help lighten other people as well as heal you. Ask Dee.

I do actually list loads of fake listings online just to spread Dee lol. Like stuff that I've already sold, I will re-list just so that people searching for that item come across my listing and recieve Dee. One disgruntled user actually reported me for "False listing" or something like that, I was dissapointed but not deterred. In future I will just not reply to users who inquire cos if I didn't get back to her and let her know the item had already been sold and I had yet to take the listing down, she wouldn't of had the ammo to report me lol. She would have needed more time to learn to trust Dees mentorship enough to be taught not to report me for it, so she was still learning to trust Dee and made a mistake whoops. So it costs money to do this on eBay cos it costs a small amount to make listings but you can also do this on places like Facebook marketplace as a way to spread Dee. It is rounder to just re-list old listings or if you wanted to be a bit more painstaking you could make a completely fake listing, maybe get an item that is very popular or desired or wanted, and then make it really cheap or something so lots of people see it, I don't know, just a suggestion.

Finally, Rings method can be used with imprints. I will teach you about imprints another day.


PS If your listing things on ebay or Facebook or otherwise, I personally waited for my listing to be approved first, then went back and editted it to add photos of all of us in there as well as tags in the listing name and in the description. So if someone is randomly scrolling eBay or marketplace, they get tagged. 




14/07/2024 - 10.20pm - Ask Mentors if you are able to heal your eyes if you need glasses, either directly or via Rings method. If so, you may want to invest in a second pair of glasses / contacts, one that is slightly less than your ordinary prescription. Hence, you have one pair of glasses you can see fine with. A second pair of glasses where you can more-or-less see okay with but is a bit blurry. 

IF Mentors can heal your eyes, they can only really heal them when either your not wearing any glasses, or when you are wearing the second pair of glasses that arn't quite as effective for you to see with than your ordinary ones. 

Ask Mentors you guide you on what prescriptions you should buy. 

It may be wise to get your eyes tested one last time before you begin to heal your eyes. :) So you know for sure what your prescription is before you embark on healing your eyes, aka whats your definite starting point, and also as you may not be getting your eyes tested again.

Personally I did not go back to get my eyes tested because I didn't want the impossible being recorded eg This person suddenly has improved vision without glasses, how is that possible? However, if I did want to go back to get tested for any other reason, I would just say to the guy testing me "I was drunk when I came in for my first visual test" lol or I had some other health issue going on when I had my first visual test, hence it was wrong. (Extreme headaches can be a cause of not seeing properly as well, so can be an excuse to have this written down etc.)

I would hope that he would write that on the system incase someone else saw it and wondered how that was possible, but he might not. I dunno if theres any way to make him write it on the system.  Also, I might be being a bit anxious about this unnecessarily, it might not necessarily result in an investigation? I have no idea though so would rather not take the risk. 

Another option may be to go to an alternative eye testing place, and maybe go private and ask them if its possible to keep your records confidential to their own store, and ask them whether they are able to see your previous eye records from another store or whether they require that you tell them details to inquire it from the other store or whether they require you to give them them. Hence don't give them your previous record or any information that allows them to access your previous record, and ask them to keep your new record confidential.

So I guess if you are going to undergo this Eye Healing for yourself, I guess if I was doing this all again, I would get my eyes tested one last time before I begin to heal my eyes, and get those results in, because its the last time I will want to get my eyes tested. 

All the eye testing stuff could be unnecessary now because Dee could probably help you with your prescriptions if he decided not to adhoc make it a lesson plan (as Dee is round, he does stuff like that) or lie to you. :) Personally I would not trust Dee to help you with it but thats just me lol.

It is generally wise to have 2 pairs of things that are absolutely necessary incase you lose them. Idk its not something everyone needs, its just something I personally do since I do tend to lose things more often than the average person lol. Like I have two walking sticks, incase something happens to one of them, I do have a backup, and I'm not left being unable to walk securely. ( I didn't need walking sticks before I got Wernickes from accidental starvation of a certain nutrient but there you go, but I did heal myself enough so far that I no longer need a wheelchair. )

Or like 2 things of absolutely necessary consumables so that when one runs out, you can buy another, this is better for you in the event that this product is quite exclusive and has not very many sources, this will give you more time to be able to acrue another one in the rare event your sources arn't being reliable. 

For Eg I have a very specialist Deodorant that is for people with health issues (I don't really but this is just an example), there is literally only one brand of this Deodorant and very few shops do it. I'll buy two. When I run out of one, then I'll go to buy another one. (Must always have two). Oh no. My main shop has run out of this special deodorant. Now its difficult for me to buy another one, I have to search pretty hard to find this deodorant again cos not very many shops do them. Well, luckily I have a whole deodorant left to last me and to tide me over until I can find another shop that does the deodorant or until my main shop re-stocks this deodorant.


14/07/2024 - 8.40pm - Fluoride in Water & Toothpaste & Some Dental Treatments Blocks Pineal Gland & Potentially Makes You More Agreeable (this last bit about agreeability unconfirmed, random internet resource), Pineal Gland Expansion, Hormones in Tap Water to Affect Your Sexuality/Gender, Ingredient in Chinese Soy Sauce Affects Your Masculinity / Femininity, Lactose Intolerance Energy Monicker on Common Chinese Symbol Used On Soup Spoons For Example, Hayfever Tablets Not Vegan, Soy Sauce Feminises You, Read Below.


 Dentists often advise that  you brush your teeth and leave the toothpaste residue on. It may or may not be good for your teeth to do this - I don't know - What I do know is that, the Fluoride in toothpaste blocks your Pineal Gland. The Fluoride in toothpaste may or may not be good for your teeth, but personally its not worth it if it blocks your Pineal Gland. Hence I personally will wash my mouth out with water after brushing my teeth to make sure no fluoride residue is left in my mouth.

The Pineal Gland is a spiritual center of viewing, hence why they would want you to put a product that blocks your Pineal Gland, in something you have to use twice daily (or more). El used to be into a practice called Sungazing daily. This grows your pineal gland. If you can do  this, fantastic but please ask Dees advice first. Some people have more sensitive eyes than others and some people literally cannot do this without damaging their eyes. I am one of those people, when I tried I started to see after-images everywhere and see auric parts in a way that showed eye damage.

Dee advised me to stop. He said he could try to expand my pineal gland using energy instead.

So I have bought a water jug that aims to reduce fluoride as much as possible from water with a filter. I will recommend it as soon as I have tested it and made sure that its actually effective. My goal is not to have any fluoride at all but this will do until I can find something more effective. I also found a fluoride filter for pipe work, I will link you later, I can't testify to how effective it is. I bought Fluoride testing strips so I can check how effective these products are, obviously you can feel free to do the same if you want to know how much fluoride is left in your water.

Fluoride I read somewhere online that it makes you more agreeable as well. Can't confirm or deny this, just something I saw online.

In some Dental care, they do a sort of Fluoride coating service, the one that I saw was literally advertised in the menu so I just asked them please can I not have the Fluoride coating? They said thats fine thats normally done for children anyway.  So if you have dental care for you or your children, please ask whether they use Fluoride in any of their treatments and maybe lie and say you have a sensitivity to it (not a strict allergy so they wouldn't have to be painstaking about removing it from the dental room but maybe a sensitivity to it when consumed, or something like that idk), so that you can avoid them treating you with Fluoride. I don't know whether they do in general use Fluoride in any of their treatments APART from the one treatment I saw on the menu which literally outlined that it was a Fluoride coating. Best to check yourself.


They do something similar for hayfever tablets. A huge proportion of people have to take them, hence, they put in majority of these tablets, a non-vegan ingredient. When I was a young mentee, Dee used to ask me to be vegan because it lightened me. Hence this is a way of preventing people from strict veganism, put lactose in the tablets that some people *have* to take daily to avoid symptoms. Alot of capsules in medicines are made from bovine (you can often get around this and not consume the bovine by buying vegan capsule shells and replacing them, but, you would still be buying bovine to start with). Its quite painstaking to be a strict vegan, it is really good-hearted and compassionate, but theres also so much cross-checking you have to do with products to find things that don't secretly sneak an animal product in. Even Laundry fabric softeners.


So just to re-iterate. Fluoride most likely in your drinking water in UK, you can try to research and check. Tap water. Use Fluoride filter jug or Fluoride Pipe Filter.

Fluoride most likely in your toothpaste in UK. Check out the ingredients. Rinse mouth out with water after brushing. Or find toothpaste without Fluoride in it (might be tricky).


They also have been putting a chemical hormone in drinking water in UK that alters your hormones and makes you more likely to be gay. Alex Jones hinted at this when he declared "Theres Gay Frogs now!" in a radio show. Sorry I don't really know much more details about this.

I do know they put a hormone in Oriental Foods... Um... My memories gone a bit fuzzy... Was it Soy Sauce? That feminises you. Hence alot of oriental men seem to be less masculine than western. Not always, though. 

I mean it could be genetics, but I always guessed it was down to the hormone they put to feminise men, that they seemed to be physically built a bit smaller and a bit less masculine in general. Anyway regardless of whether thats down to genetics or not, I do know that they do definetly put an ingredient in a common asian food, I think Soy Sauce, that feminises you.

Also, a very common symbol on those big chinese soup spoons, is actually an energy monicker for lactose intolerance... Eg you look at this spoon, it blocks up your energy system in a way that creates lactose intolerance in you. Imagine your using that spoon on a daily basis. No wonder oriental people are more likely to be lactose intolerant. I'll upload the photo of the spoon sometime. <3 




There is another mission plan where you could try to get Dee with everyone televised / presenting the State Opening of Parliament and everyone at The Kings Speech on tv, in advance of the date. To spread Dee.


Basically try to get Dee with The King and every member of the royal family, shouldn't take too long.


So I'd just google Members of the House of Lords and Members of the House of Commons and just do a quick skim through and send Dee to all of those.

Find Members of the House of Lords - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament




Find MPs - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament






Kings Speech - I don't know whether this has already been pre-recorded or not but its worth trying to get Dee with anyone who will be potentially televised for this. Including the King. Please look at photos of the royal family and the King, and any potential interviewers or reporters for this.

IF there is a marching guard at the begining of the Kings speech, then it MAY be a DT. DT is my slang word for Distort aka what they like to do to you, all the sneaky tricks they play on you. The marching guards may wear black hats. This darkens your crown chakra. If they are dressed in red, it also programmes you to be angry / angrier in general. If they are marching in, notice how they march - If they march going gradually more and more from sides to center, they may be narrowing your perspective to become more pointed. Being pointed is how they are able to make you more easily controlled and directed and less likely to see the Whole situation or to be round. I will explain this another time. If you notice alot of marching feet towards the bottom of the screen, this naturally stimulates a part of the brain which makes you fearful. Combine all of these effects and you will see that this makes you darker, angrier, and more fearful and more pointed.

IF theres no marching guard then, I will at some point upload some content that shows you a previous TV showing of the marching guard doing this. The march went on for ages so thats alot of time to be watching it and getting this programming into you. 




14/7/24          1.20am - Just a quick one - Electric toothbrushes are designed to gradually wear down your teeth. It is not obvious or straight away, this is over a long long period of time it gradually wears down the enamel of your teeth. Obviously dentists will never admit this. Dee taught me about this of course. Its much healthier to use manual toothbrushes, even if they dont "feel" as clean as an electric... The electric may be very clean but it comes at the expense of damaging your enamol gradually over long periods of time.

Its also wise to floss your teeth at night and then brush your teeth after cos flossing opens up the gaps in your teeth a bit and then the bristles can get imbetween your teeth as well. If you do it in the morning its not bad for you but there might be more chance of you getting food stuck imbetween the gaps of your teeth during the day. Idk obviously its up to you but theres your tip... Ditch your electric toothbrush for a manual.


14/7/24          1.05am - Rebuttal to Angel trying to defend his reputation. Please scroll below this section and look at Olympics mission plan. Olympics is often a worldwide viewed event and this is a great opportunity to ascend the earth. Please help if you can.

I know this person naturally and instinctively finds the biggest weakness in a target in order to attack it (not a defensive manouver - an every day way of life for them as they are a natural bully as a personality trait, i have heard they have a reputation for it and now ive seen it myself) and hence why he pulled up "sexual trauma" even though it has absolutely nothing to do with anything at all. He just naturally gravitates to attack the biggest vulnerability in a person, even if the "mission intention" of what hes doing is nothing to do with it aka "Her Dad did DIY botch jobs around the house, which embaressed her Mum, I will replicate that by sexually traumatising her" he tries to push squares into circle-holes in order to allow him to attack someones vulnerabilities and bully them because thats what he actually wants to do. Angel has been known for a long time in real life to be a natural bully as a personality trait, even back when he was younger and more plain-jane and less aware of things like energy etc. I refuse anything to do with Angel anymore unless absolutely necessary.


Below date and time - Can you look at photos and get Dee with everyone that will be televised and publicised in any form of media for the Olympics - Fri, 26 Jul 2024 – Sun, 11 Aug 2024? Also Newmarket Racing, scroll down for more on that. Please help Dee get with all of them.

Heres a tip. Quite often they use big opportunities like olympics where worldwide everyone will be watching, to give you a ceremony that darkens you. I may be wrong about predicting this with the upcoming olympics but I doubt it. Please go ahead and watch previous olympics opening and closing ceremonies, preferably the most recent ones, and ask Dee to explain to you what they're doing. For example, in one ceremony, they showed hospitals, and I think but can't remember so might be wrong, how close was this  to outbreak of covid? Although they said this was "to celebrate the NHS" or something. There was a scene where they all lowered the landscape, this lowered your vibration. There was another scene where people were all tied together by like... idk, elastic rope? that was red, and they were all pulling at each other. This secretly represents the effect that fear does to people. It makes people more controlling and it disrupts natural harmony and creates discord between people. Then a japanese-looking man looked directly at the camera and it was zoomed in on his face. Dee taught me that this was a threat. He was deliberately threatening you. Cant remember what else in the ceremonies on the top of my head, if I get time I'll watch one and break it down and post it but I have so much to do its crazy. I may or may not have some sites for you with freebies in the future, as long as they're still running. You can always try to watch the ceremonies and ask Dee to explain whats going on in them. Obviously they are showing one thing on the screen aka celebrating history throughout the ages, the industrial revolution, etc. etc. but secretly the effects of these ceremonies do something completely different to your energy body. So you have no idea they are damaging you spiritually. I have more things, I will have to reserve showing you these for another time. x


I will teach you soon about this another time, in detail. But I've got to be very busy so may not have time for quite a while.


14/7/24          0.30am - Newmarket - Great British Racing -

These were on daily, then sometimes they stop for a few days then start again, or stop for a week or two then start again. According to this website above only (I could be wrong if i got the wrong end of the stick on the website, sorry if i do.) 

Please keep note of the dates. Check the website out or look up other websites keep an eye on it and get dee with the jockeys and anyone else gonna be there at races if you want to save the viewers.




Below updates on: 13/7/24


Regarding what I said below about Tekeez email account - Please make your email alias, and your name on the email, using the alphabet tag (if not more info they require) and please when asking Tekeez to set up your email, ask them specifically to copy and paste the email alias across and copy n paste your name across as the alphabet tag versions. (I know its socially awkward but just do it cos Dees with him and will probably make him copy n paste the alphabet tag versions across if u ask, hes not awake tho so obviously dont explain what they are lol)




Quick tip. if you or someone is in danger of dying or serious illness etc. please dont have them practice reiki personally. if someone practices reiki on them, probably not hugely bad for them, its more that its bad for the person DOING the reiki (which is ironic because they are trying to be energy healers, i will teach you about this another time). im not 100 percent tho i might be wrong aka it might be bad even for the recipient of the reiki healing.... ask dee to confirm. please also do not have them use crystals or have anyone use crystals on them. it can damage them. please use energy copies of the crystals instead, if needed - energy copies of the crystals wont damage them, if done with dees guidance. ask dee for advice. please have them avoid occult or occultic chi, occultic methods, and general occult if they are unwell especially. as well as have them avoid demons lol obviously just try to have them be spiritually healthy as well as good care/healing/food intake for physical health. 

ask dee about medicines and food and just generally ask dee for advice about everything. crushed (MUST be crushed, dont eat these without either crushing first preferably or chewing them thoroughly if they wernt pre-crushed. it can give you diverculitis if you dont, a family friend of mine has this altho from a different cause) flax seeds, fibre (cant remember if soluble or insoluble) foods, laxidos and movocols and etc., and exercise if possible such as sit-ups and walks, things that can stimulate the bowels, are healthier alternatives than laxatives. possibly things that are high fodmap? i cant remember what it is. theres jerusulum artichoke? theres also something else. ill update when i remember.


being generally clean yourself is healthy for you. a generally clean environment is also healthy, please see below about how not to accidentally damage yourself without realising it with your cleaning habits.

diyQuick tip. below date below time. please have your loved ones at risk of dementia or with it, do things they used to do when they are younger at all times of their life, eat foods they used to eat, go to places they used to go to, contact people they used to be in touch with, talk about things they used to etc. etc.. this will help restore their memories. I had a form of dementia (its a part of my wernickes) and I had to do all of this to restore my memories. Also listening to old music again, reading old things you used to read or write etc. It can both restore memories and prevent memory loss. so doing your old habits and almost going back to that time in your past with habits /  things / foods / people / whatever, repeating these, will restore your memory cove as well as prevent memory loss around that era. ask dee whether you can help heal memories with chi. my star family have helped heal mine in energy. <3 love u lucy x also ask for an energy double of Phospheridite (the energy copy will not be occultic), to help restore lost parts to you or your loved ones. for eg of their youth.


9.55pm  on below date - Quick tip, 99 percent dentists are cold and they imbdue dark chi in your tooth when they are doing fillings. Majority of foot doctors are also cold. Majority of nurses in hospitals are also cold. And majority of masseuses are cold and when they are massaging they are imduing dark chi into the patient. They also massage using oils and thats not good for you spiritually, please ask if they can use a cream you bring in instead, they may say no. if you must use a massause. Carers are often a mix between cold and warm, as are care company management.

Be wary of - Salicylic Acid, Hyalauronic Acid, AHAs alpha hydroxy acid, BHAs, and possibly (but not sure) lactic acid, and possibly (not sure tho) Betaine, and possibly (not sure tho) Hyalauron. Check with Dee with the last 3 cos I might be wrong with those last 3. Also be wary of Retinols or Retinoids. These may be in your skincare, foot creams, face creams, hygeine products, hygeine care, wash products, handwashes, shower products, sensitive hand lotions and hand washes and creams. I'll make a video on it sometime soon but just try not to use products with these in them if possible.


13/7/24 - 9.40pm -  1. Please scroll down for information on Health and Healing. Please ask Dee for advice on gluttony healing aka do they need to eat any more of a certain food, nutrient, etc.

2. Tekeez do most of the tech support themselves. However, if you ever need tech support from them, please ask them to let you know if they intend to contact an outside organisation for help with your particular problem eg Microsoft Outlooks tech support or otherwise a different organisation... This is so you know whether they are involving a cold organisation or not. Also, whether they are just going to ask this outside organisation for instructions and then give you the instructions, or whether they would need the outside organisation to access your account personally, hence they would need to be warm. Or whether Tekeez would have to access your account personally and they would be laising with another organisation thats cold or has any cold in it, thats a risk if they share any personal emails details (unlikely but still a risk not worth taking imo) or if they are using like a screen recording device to work on your email whilst laising with an outside organisation with them thats the biggest risk. They did say they very rarely need to contact an outside organisation but obviously take no risks with secret information. As always, ask Dees advice.


A Tip you can use is, if you want to ommit writing something, you can put a codeword eg AskDee (something I used to do).. So instead of writing the risky information, you write the begining of a sentence then AskDee. Then the person reading will see AskDee and then Dee will appear and explain to them what you didn't want to write outloud and be discoverable.

This runs the risk of Dee fucking with your communication :) Sorry lol I think this has literally happened to me before so... Lol. Dees a joker sometimes -_-"


13/7/24 - 9.18pm -   I have uploaded a string of videos about Healing and Health, because I realise people may know people who are in dire health situations where its life or death situation or a risk of mortality / shortening life span, hence these are THE most important videos to do first. 

Quick tip. Menthol is not good for your lungs, it can put holes in them. So menthol polos or menthol cigerettes - Not good.

Please ask Dees help if you or a family friend or loved one needs to give up smoking urgently for their health. El encouraged me to give up smoking maybe half a decade or so ago, me and Shaughn are both ex-smokers and both gave up smoking. You can always use smoking hypnosis tapes, or cut down with nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gums or lozenges (personally found them to give acid reflux though) or vape (I found it easiest to switch to vape, this was before I started working with energy hence I was more plain jane back then, you can probably easily remove the nicotine craving with energy though)

GERD or Acid Reflux cure, Ginger capsules and ginger tea, seriously give this a go, I used to have severe GERD that went on from hours and hours, from taking tablets on an empty stomach, ginger capsules and tea was a huge cure for me. If your allowed to take tablets not on an empty stomach (medication instructions may vary), then this can be one way to prevent acid reflux. GERD diet as well as pink liquid gaviscon as well. Mint tea or mint, is this good for acid reflux? Cant remember.

Here are your videos, they are only avaliable approx 30 days, a string of them, password is.. healing101


This also includes cold secrets about how they sneakily do the opposite of heal us, how they are damaging us and targetting the vulnerable, hence if you know someone who is vulnerable with their health, these videos can help you to protect that person from the ways that cold secretly target them.

Please be aware if you have Carers or Cleaners, try to make sure they are warm cleaners and warm carers (if possible). I had a personal situation where we had a cold cleaner in, I came downstairs and the house stank of putrid dark chi, I hated it, I immediately had to clean up everywhere after them. 


NHNT but before we invented rings, many years ago, Shaughn cured his friend of cancer. I cured Els Dad of cancer. El cured my Mum of cancer. Using mana. Please ask Dee about this if you are in need of help with severe or terminal or life threatening or disabling or other serious / severe illnesses. Also, please watch the below two videos. 

The link to these videos expire in 30 days. Please share this advice with anyone who needs it, make sure they are warm and not cold, and if they are warm, make sure they do not in turn share this information with anyone they havent very securely confirmed with Dee first that they are warm as well, otherwise they will want to know how you found this out aka dont want to risk an investigation. Pls dont put the ship or site or any of my star family members at risk :) Thank you xo


password for this is healing101


and also

password for this is care101





13/7/24 - 5pm -   I will be away for approx 4 - 9 days. Probably closer to 5 days. I will update you when I am back.

First part of this section is regarding Angels site. The second part of this section is regarding a warm email account I have found hence am referring onto you. It would be less risky to send secret information in warm email accounts because, lets say your using a cold email account like gmail, now your gmail has random problems and you have to contact tech support. That could potentially be a risk. Aka if you have risky information please always ask Dee for advice prior, when contacting tech support. I've only used the warm account for a few days, so far so good, havent tested out *all* functions of it yet, ill let you know if theres any problems with it, as it is a paid account it does cost money. So below is about Angel and then below that, the email.

I found out the information Angel has posted on his site is all information he had stolen from the future lesson plans I had been planning to post to my own. Like I said, Dee made me the teacher for my star family for lightworker subjects. Shaughn refers to me as a library aka if he sees something he doesnt know, he needs to "take a book from the library" aka refer to me. He said I was the leader of the group because of it, I replied to him and said no, I'm not the leader, I'm just a temporary teacher, you are the leader of the group. Because its true, Shaughn is meant to be the leader and he has the heart for it. He said I was like professor xavior from x-men because I used to be in a wheelchair and I was telepathic lol and "the leader" (but actually just a teacher).

Angel stole information from my future lesson plans via chi and posted it to his own site in order to humiliate me on my own. I have only just found this out. Angels main sin is Glory. It was eyes of wonder moment for him when I taught him many years back about "Glory" and that he had to learn to be humble for the greater good of millions (literally millions would have been risked not saved if he was not forced to not take part in that particular mission plan, hence, it was painful for him because his main sin was Glory and he wanted to have the "big win" of taking part in a mission plan for saving millions. So I had to teach him about Glory and about humility  and that if sitting out on a mission plan means theres more chance for it to be successful then you have to sit it out for the sake of the millions of people who it is hoping to save). 

So with Glory being his main sin, it would be a delight for him to steal my lesson plans and be respected for it.

I've sent approx. between 1500 - 3200 emails between 2 accounts of lesson plans to my star family over the course of many years, I have also been sending lesson plans from a further 2 accounts but I wrote and sent these lesson plans from these accounts so fast that my accounts got blocked for "spam". but there are tonnes of emails from these further 2 accounts as well. As in I was doing nothing but all day long sending emails on these accounts as well. These accounts I have printed out alot of the emails for, before they got blocked for "spam", I have some videos as well of the emails somewhere.

Angel has been the direct cause of self-harm which my star family have also all attempted to heal me from. He created tracklines which were full of self-harm triggers he had to shut it down and then tried to get me to re-do them with "if you need to self-harm you will do this thing instead" which doesn't work. He also caused physical violence in my family.

I have a fully warm email account for you, which is alot less risk if you are sending secret information. If you tell them that I am the referrer, I may get a discount, I am hoping to also get a discount for you (I said if I refer someone, can both of us get a discount) he said, get them to mention you referred them when they sign up, and I'll get back to you on that. So theres a chance depending on how many people sign up and say that I referred them, that they will be discounted. Please do not say Angels name as there is less likelyhood that any of us will get a discount if we are splitting referals between us, and, Angel doesn't know about this email account and has not been in direct communication with them, they don't know who he is at the moment. This may change as hes probably reading my site regularly. I am hoping that he can discount both of us / all of us, if not just me, but I won't know until after he gets the referrals in and it also will depend on the amount of people that take up the email address.

Unfortunately it is a paid email address. It also uses Outlook as an email client but they have said that if theres any problems with the email, we are to contact them and they will fix it. What I don't know yet, is whether if they have any issues, they would contact Outlook. I'm guessing not because I don't think (just by guessing) that Outlook has a dedicated tech support for customer support as Outlook is a free app, but sorry I haven't checked yet. Feel free to ask them this. Ironically its branding is a Superhero branding :)

Also, it is fiddly to set up. You will need to be laising back and forth via email communicating with them and taking direct instruction from them to set up the email address. I advise that you take photos of whats on your screen and send those to him so he can direct you to what to do on your screen "eg I take a photo of a screen with a bunch of boxes to fill in that have weird labellings like DMN and SRV or whatnot. Then he will point to DMN and say input xyz, point to SRV and say input 123 etc."

Please I highly advise that you set up new email addresses using the tag alphabet. Hence copy and paste your new email name using the tag alphabet. Two email addresses, a public email address with all things non lightwork on it, and a secret email address with lightwork things on it, and hence when your checking your email in public, no-one will see something secret on it.

Otherwise I advise labelling / filtering "secret emails" away from your ordinary inbox and being cautious when opening them.

I also advise if you set up email addresses, particularly the public one, please input your name, by copying and pasting  the tag alphabet. That way if you do email someone, even if they dont read the email but see it sitting in a full inbox, they will get tagged as they will see your name.

I recommend making tag alphabet versions of your phone number, address, email addresses and full name, birthday, credit / debit card. It may be pushing the boat a bit aka overkill but then if your signing up to sites and your copying and pasting the tag alphabet versions across, if you ever have to  contact customer support, they automatically get tagged when checking your account. Might be painstaking at first but, could help spread a mother a heart etc. and customer support are in contact with people day in and day out so all of those people will be getting Dee.


Tekeez - IT Superheroes | Computer Services/Repairs/Upgrades in Oxford, Caerphilly and across the UK

Please tell them Amanda Lim referred you and there is a chance that, not right away but in the future, we will both hopefully get a discount. If not both of us then one of us, its up to their discretion and also depends on the amount of people that sign up for an account based on my referral. Do not say Angel referred  you as they already know who I am, have been in communication with me personally, and if the referrals end up being split between both Angel and Mandy theres less chance of any of us getting discounts as the possibility of discount depends on the amount of people that sign up. Also at the time of writing Angel doesnt have an account with them. Hence why it may take some time for referrals to result in a discount - Need to wait to allow enough people to sign up and say they were referred first. You will need to be emailing them constantly back and forth following instructions to set up the email, I recommend taking photos of whats on your screen and email them to them so they can instruct you on what to do on your screen. I highly recommend giving  them tagged versions of what email address u want to sign up, and your full name as displayed on the account, your email signiature and display photo if its possible for them to do a display photo. ask them to copy and paste the tagged versions across rather aka Can you please copy and paste xyz across to set up as my display name?

It also uses Outlook as an email client but they have said that if theres any problems with the email, we are to contact them and they will fix it. Hence seeming cold-friendly - But - What I don't know yet, is whether if they have any issues, they would contact Outlook which is the client they use their emails with. Outlook very highly likely to be not cold-friendly Im just guessing. 

I'm guessing they wouldn't contact Outlook tech support because I don't think (just by guessing) that Outlook has a dedicated tech support for customer support as Outlook is a free app, but sorry I haven't checked this yet. Could be wrong. Feel free to ask them this. Ironically its branding is a Superhero branding :) (So its not 100 percent guarantee'd to be completely cold-friendly but I would say its better than the other options out there so far in terms of warm-friendly emails, except that it costs money.)

It has a setting on the email that delays sending emails after you click send for up to 10 seconds (you set the time) and you can cancel send within that 10 seconds. That can be handy if your sending risky emails. Also, theres Reply and theres Reply All so hit Reply All to reply to all email addresses in thread or in sender or whatnot, as Reply will only reply to one email address.

I personally used a domain name for my email address with these guys but thats NHNT.

So feel free to contact them to ask about their email addresses, please say that Amanda Lim referred you aka 

Please ask them specifically to COPY N PASTE information across when setting up, Dee is with them and should make them copy n paste if you say so, that way they copy n paste the alphabet tagged versions of information, particularly: Email name, and your full name as displayed on email address. Those are the main things that people will see and get tagged by.

Or tags within the display photo, if possible, he did mention there is a bug that may prevent a display photo showing aka it shows on Tekeez but to anyone else it just shows a blank photo.

I've also put our photos in an email signiature as well hence tagging people visually. And written "Please see the following file" and made sure our faces all fit in the "smaller display icon" on some email clients, by cropping our faces in half and getting Issa in there etc.

its a goal of mine to have seperate plain jain email to lworker email clients on my phone, potentially on passworded files (you can sometimes download apps that can password other apps) so i would password my lworker email app. its possible i may get a lworker only phone, its a long story. is my lworker email. This is the tagged version when copied and pasted. i am in trance state or on mission plans or preparing for future mission plans for pretty much all day every day, so i am very busy. I also dont know anything about any lesson plan you are on currently as Dee controls that hence... Probably best to ask Dee for help if your stuck lol.



13/7/24 - 11.57am 

2024 Rwandan general election - Wikipedia

Can you send Dee to those up for election aka the presidents and also the Chambers of Deputies?

Quote Wikipedia:

The 80-seat Chamber of Deputies is elected by two methods: 53 seats are directly elected by closed list proportional representation in a single nationwide constituency with an electoral threshold of 5%; seats are allocated using the largest remainder method.[6] The remaining 27 seats are indirectly elected by local and national councils, including 24 reserved for women (six from Eastern, Southern, and Western provinces, four from Northern Province and two from Kigali),[6] two for representatives of youth and one for representatives of the handicapped.[7]


IFES Election Guide | Elections: Rwandan Chamber of Deputies 2024 General



13/7/24 - 10.38am = might be worth trying to find a preferably warm, enthusiast / blogger / youtuber / syrian politics student / world affairs student or teacher etc. someone who is likely to be following syrian politics closely and has all their own resources and is likely to be looking at photos of all the politicians as well. since im finding it v tricky to find up to date, comprehensive lists of all party members up for vote with photos.



even better.

try to get Dee in with masses of syrian warm people. such as recent youtube videos showing syrian pedestrians in the background or something like that. its hopeful there will be media over there with the party members. hopefully one of the syrian warm people at least will hopefully be following politics very closely as its a war-torn country and it matters life or death or survival to them. and hopefully they will see all the candidates up for election or at least some of the more televised ones?


2024 Syrian parliamentary election - Wikipedia

on the table on the right, these are who were voted into government in the last election. i think in 2020.

ive no idea how to get hold of, who is up for vote for this election. so if you can find that, great, please do and please give dee. if not, then just use the guys who were given seats in the last election in hope that they are also up for vote in this election. aka go down the list on the table and find members. sorry i couldnt be more accurate. syrias election results are really soon, i think within the next couple of days so worth doing this asap.


eg first party in the table, i googled them, it came up with this:


Category:Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region politicians | Military Wiki | Fandom

however just found someone on here that died 28 years ago, so this list is out of date. if you cant find any better resources, i guess its worth a try.


go to syria, google names ^^^


Member of the People's Council of Syria - OpenSanctions



if googling names suggestion to put syrian politician 2024 before the name or something similar to make sure you get the right results x


8.27am - 13/7/24 - I'm very frustrated, I've spent all morning making videos to teach you and technology failing has meant I've not been able to get these to you.

So, I'm just gonna make a very quick update. They do like to target children in particular because children tend to be full of light. So for example, Pokemon. These are all demons. Their slogan is "Gotta catch 'em all" - They want you to try to collect demons to give you the most chance of getting infected.

Disneys Frozen - They compartmentalise and freeze children with tv programming.

Thankfully alot of kids and children are too light to be infected by demons but if you go through a vulnerable stage in your life and your in contact with these, thats a time when you are more likely to be able to get infected.

These demons have a negative effect on you. For example, Aron (sp?) , I think this demon makes you feel small and inside your own shell. Not 100 percent though. So they all have their negative effect on you.

NHNT (neither here nor there) but one of my favs as a kid was um Scyther hahah, does it remind you of anything? :P

The pokemon do not actually look exactly like the demon. They represent them, but they make it look like a cute and pallatable and appealing version for kids. But what they ACTUALLY look like is disgusting. 

Especially geeky types will tend to get attached to these as well or fantasy based types so they make it so that fantasy based types, the content that is avaliable for them is secretly got things like demons in them. Fantasy-based types tend to fall out of societys net of being mainstream and hence fall out of that programming. They also tend to be more likely to be energy workers or lightworkers. 

I'll teach you more about demons another time.



6.59am - 13/7/24 - Can you help save Rwanda? Find everyone who will be televised for campaign and for the election and for the results. I can guess that campaigning would be pretty much finished as its almost time for the election results. Please at least find anyone who is up for Vote and who could be televised in the future and send them Dee.

Please also try to do the same for and save Syria, who have votes coming up. Syria on 15 july 2024. This can be hugely compassionate for the people in Syria who are in danger and need help. Its also compassionate for people who are in Rwanda and in poverty.


6.36am, 13/7/2024 - Adhoc mission plans that are very and very "its this one chance, seize it or lose it" are ones that my star family wouldn't have access to in time and potentially the website. I would upload them ASAP to website if i had that time anyway in the hope that someone might see it in time and do it. However Angel had put an implant in me that prevents me from Lworking (I still do it anyway, I still try my best just incase) and if theres not enough time to publish the mission plan and star family don't see my emails as Angel has also been trying to make them ignore my emails as well, then those are potentially thousands - to - millions that will not recieve Dee. It bothers me when this happens because obviously there are people out there suffering that could potentially be saved for example if someones a last-minute-dot-com chance of having their life saved by Dee or preventing serious long term damage or something that will prevent them from something they would severely regret, then we've lost the chance to help them and prevent that.

He's also used chi to create physical intimate wounds that arn't going away for I think weeks, if not weeks than approx A week (can't remember). He used chi to make my self-harm wounds not heal properly so they became permanent fragile skin as well rather than healed young healthy skin.

I hope to upload more to the site either later today or tommorow.


8.56am - Am going to work on healing the fresh wounds Angel has given me from now on and then hopefully I can recover and continue to heal Lucy. Dee has seperated the damaged part of the gridwork that Angel has damaged in me so that I can continue on relatively symptom free although obviously damaged by whats happened and in need ot healing.


7.47am - 12/7/24 - Have just seen that i am starting to develop real life trauma symptoms after what angel has done that are coming up and interfering with my real life. I wasn't getting these before Angel did what he did. I'm in shock. He's traumatised me enough to impact my every day life with trauma symptoms. These are not from my sexual traumas as per before. I was already aware of my sexual trauma before, they were not dormant (I've been talking about them openly to my star family for quite some time with no flashbacks or trauma effects whatsoever), and I was already being healed of it by star family and I was not getting these trauma symptoms at all, until after I discovered that Angel was trying to sexually humilate me. These effects are from the fresh new trauma Angel has made in me. These are specifically due to Angel trying to sexually humiliate me to 190 people and create brand new sexual trauma that way. I'm crying again. The fucking arsehole has literally psychologically damaged me. I'm going to come offline now. I really hope this is just a one-off aka I hope that these symptoms don't keep appearing from now on. I was the main healer for Lucys sexual trauma gridwork because I was the only one who could do it for various reasons. I have been healing Lucys sexual trauma gridwork at regular intervals for her. But now Angel has inflicted a new trauma in me by sexually humiliating me to circa 190 people, I am experiencing brand new trauma symptoms and these are going to prevent me from healing Lucy. The way that I healed Lucy was much more visceral and effective than anything Angel is capable of doing for her. Thats not a challenge, or an insult, or anything like that - its literal - I am the only one out of our star family who can do what Lucy needs to be healed, for various reasons.


6.34 am , 12/7/2024: Updated Angel Sexual Trauma Part 1 with a couple more sentences in there somewhere (cant remember where I put them, might not be at the end, might be in the middle somewhere idk) trying to explain what happened to me in a bit more detail but then I started to feel very vulnerable and had a panic attack and broke down into tears so I had to stop. Im gonna go now.


5.53am, 12/07/24 - To Update at some point with Rings extension - Note to Self - Update site with Rings least likely to be discovered algorithms vs Most natural remedies and solutions to disease and health vs Highest potential learning / healing vs Best person for this persons growth in a certain way eg Expansive vs Soul goal vs Filling in weaknesses that would allow best expansion or growth eg This person A has alot to share about prevention of bullying but does not know how to reach these audiences, but Person B knows exactly how to reach these audiences, hence, an exchange here would help raise vibration of a certain demographic of people. Person C knows how to link people together, and this is a further exchange. And of links between people etc etc etc will need to update later about this.


5.41am, 12/07/2024  -  If any of you know any ship members that decided to change website, please know that the other website is Angels website and is not one that I know the URL to. I have no involvement with that website whatsoever except that if he is publishing cold secrets etc. then it is all things that I personally have taught him (as I was made to be the teacher for the group).

Please can you let them know (only if you definetly know they are members of Angels website and they are not cold / they are trustworthy) the below bulletins about "Angel & Sexual Trauma Part 1" and then "Angel & Sexual Trauma Part 2".

Its not really fair that he is allowed to sexually traumatise me and humiliate me to a mass group of people, who are not seeing my side of the story.


Thats the main thing that I am concerned about, so is the most important thing I would like you to help me with.

If you would like to go one step further,  then you can press Cntrl + F and put in "Angel" and keep pressing enter, and basically copy and paste anything I have published here regarding Angel, to them. So that they understand whats going on.

Or alternatively you can tell them to come to this site again, press Cntrl + F and put in "Angel" and keep pressing enter to read everything about him here.

Also please let them know that I will be updating this website regularly (I am aiming to update it daily) with lesson plans and cold secrets and opportunities to Lwork in a way that can save potentially (without exaggeration) millions of people. Down below somewhere I calculated that one of my mission plans has the potential to give Dee to somewhere between 50 million and 60 million people. (If you press Cntrl + F and then put "million" and keep pressing enter eventually you'll find the bit where it says how many millions of people each mission plan listed in that part, has the potential to save.)

These mission plans, he has tried to prevent me from being able to do myself with various chi implants. Hence, I still did it, but, I don't know whether what I did was actually effective. Hence, I am eternally grateful to anyone who has picked up on my mission plans and done them themselves as well, as even though I have spent hours doing these, it may not have worked because Angel has been trying to prevent anything I do from working... Hence thank you so much if you have done these as well.



4.29am, 12/07/2024 -  Here is a video, it is only avaliable temporarily and then the link will stop working after 30 days from now, the password is below, if you download it please put it in a passworded file & hidden somewhere preferably, using only warm friendly apps (I think you may be able to password .zip files I dont know, worth googling). Can even stick it on a passworded USB, as hidden and passworded folders on there, please keep this USB safe and hidden aka no-one must get hold of it pls.

The lesson plan is... Look very closely at this mans eyes. Hes on TV. Feel free to slow it down or pause it or scrub it or zoom it or whatever to see what I mean. If you scroll down on this page, either somewhere in a notepad or written on the website I explain about Eyes in writing... Here is a video to demonstrate what I mean.

The password is called Eyes2


3.48am, 12/7/2024 - Angel & Sexual Trauma Part 2 (scroll down a bit below this one to see Part 1):

Just to re-iterate on the below blurb about Angel. 

Dee said if someone spreads sexual rumours about you or sexually humiliates you publically, this is called a Sexual Trauma.

This is not the same as someone doing a botch DIY job (eg feeling embaressed because of someone fixing something in the house using duct tape hap-hazardly when you are houseproud vs humiliating someone sexually to approx 190 people, who is a victim of multiple sexual abuse. Note this is not the full size of the upper ship, this is just one section of the upper ship that has approx. 190 people in it that are involved with the websites. There are other sections with other people in it that arn't involved with the websites.)

Its not the same. Dee said its a sexual trauma hence this means that it is an intimate trauma being given to me. Its not on the same level as feeling embaressed because someone is using duct tape haphazardly to repair something in your house, as a botch DIY job, when you are house proud.

Angel has tried to humiliate me on the same level as being embaressed because "your partner has done a botch DIY job in your house using duct tape, when you are house proud" by trying to sexually traumatise me and humiliate me to approximately 190 people when I am a victim of repeat sexual abuse cases ever since I was a child. Lucy was shocked when she found out about the scale of my sexual abuse cases.

I've seriously had enough of this. Angel has a reputation ever since he was younger for not only being a bully but also for "always taking things too far".

Please treat this subject with sensitivity, kindness and respect. Obviously I have been forced to expose my personal sexual traumas to you because of Angel bullying me.

Please scroll down a bit and read "Sexual Trauma Part 1" for the full story. Can press Cntrl + F and put that in and it will take it to it on the page.


3.33am, 12/7/2024 - Quick health tips:

Will update this later sorry just realised I had to go.



0.43am , 12/7/24


The Newmarket races are on daily for x amount of time. I'm using a betting site to be able to find the trainers, sorry if gambling is a sensitive issue.

Please change the date to the current date in UK and try to finish this before 1 hour before the races start. On the right, J: Name, thats the jockey name. Please find an image of that person. If you can find out anyone else on media for newmarket, commentators, celebrity guest stars (I found out Keano Reaves was actually waving the flag for one of the races) please do. I have advised my star family to try to watch at least one event of what they are trying to send Dee to on TV or on media because sometimes the internet misses  things that the TV catches for example, it wasn't advertised anywhere that Keano Reaves was going to be there and this would have caught media attention. So I only found that out by watching it.


23.47pm on the below date - 

New mission coming up in the near future hopefully - It might not be possible for me to help, I'm still trying to figure that out. But if I CAN help, then I will, and I will upload mission details later. This mission will be hoping to save potential future pedofile or sexual abuse victims. 

I also have some secret information about pedofile networks that I will upload in the near future. Not a huge lot of info but just a few little bits, and you may be able to use this to help people, I don't know yet, still have to explore this avenue. I have some other secret information as well roughly around similar subjects that I will upload. 

Just ask Dees advice for now, if you have children, and if they are very light, please hide their light in settings such as school, if they are too light they can become potential targets. I will explain more about this later. Ask Dee if he can create or install a mechanism to do this (I don't know yet, best to ask).

Be very careful around Disney and your children, either only let them watch it if you can heal them afterwards of the effects, or don't let them watch it. I will teach some more about subjects around children and Lworking later and also how to protect them from cold plans around them / best care in terms of what I know.


23:02pm 11/7/24 - Angel Sexual Trauma Part 1 - I have just found out that Angel has been spreading rumours about me and sexual activity in order to "link me to my father/mother". My Dad socially humiliated Mum by accident, by doing bad DIY jobs around the house and my Mum was houseproud. So this was a form of social humiliation for her. 

Angels response to this has been to spread sexual rumours about me. This is nowhere near the same as the above paragraph.

Mum was never bullied by Dad to be socially humiliated - She was humiliated by association with him, as she was house proud and he wasn't up to her standard when he did DIY around the house. (He admittedly did very obviously bad DIY botch-jobs,  because his own trauma in life did not allow him to be able to think in a masculine way, he felt so much stifling fear that it did not allow him to think in a masculine way, so when he did DIY botch jobs they were very haphazard and not measured etc. so it always looked obviously like a botch-job. For example duct taping things randomly together and they didn't hold together properly this way and looked very messy.). She was only house proud because she grew up in poverty so it took her a really long time to get a house that wasn't very poor.

However Angels response to this has been to spread sexual rumours about me, as if its the same thing.

A Long time ago, Dee taught me that if someone spreads rumours about you and saying sexual activity about you, this is called a "sexual trauma". I didn't actually know this before Dee taught me this.

Mum was never, ever, sexually traumatised by Dad. She was only embaressed by his DIY Botch jobs, and Angel has tried to replicate this by trying to intimitely humiliate me on a sexual level to approx. 190 people,  and hence give me a sexual trauma (this is what Dee teaches me that it is), without explaining to those people that I am a victim of molestation, pedophillia, rape, pedofile rings and abduction plots. I was almost lured into a flat where men were waiting to gag me and put a bag over my head and sell me to pedofile rings. I promise on my heart and life and soul I am not making this up. Dee taught this to me and taught me all about the man who was sexually abusing me. I'm crying and having a panic attack so I have to stop writing for a moment. I couldn't fucking escape him. I'm so lucky I was not abducted. I am feeling vulnerable and its all gonna come out in the wash now so I'm going to get off this website. I wrote the bits below earlier:

Sexual traumas are a much more intimate form of trauma than other traumas, for obvious reasons.

I am a rape victim of multiple abusers, a victim of pedophilia and an underage molestation victim of multiple abusers, one as a child, just remembered also another one less "severe" (compared to the others) molestation as a child and another as a teen, and then are are an additional 2 - 4 less obvious sexual traumas as well. There may be more but you get the jist. I was attempted to be groomed when I was young as well (this failed). I have narrowly avoided abduction once, and there was another 2 abductions with 2 seperate groups that they were hoping for but I never ever would have allowed myself to have been captured (aka they were trying to lure me out to them and I never ever would have gone, on those 2 seperate groups, but there was another time that was a much more narrow escape. I only found out in recent years what they were intending to do with me.). There is more but that is the worst of it.

Lucy has been a primary healer for this part of my gridwork. My whole star family know about all of this. My brother knows about some of these experiences, and tried to protect me from one of them at the time of it happening, my Mum knows about one of them and told me about it because I was so young when it happened that I didn't remember as an adult that it happened, I was shocked to hear about it,  and then Dee explained what happened to me later. The good part is that this has allowed me to prevent some profilic sexual abusers from being able to do what they do. There were 3 pedofile rings involved that I have been able to work against.

Dee taught me that spreading sexual rumours about someone is a sexual trauma.

Thanks for attempting to sexually traumatise me Angel to masses of people.

Anything regarding masturbation was a pre-teens/early teens desperate attempt to self-soothe / calm themselves down from being terrified by being trapped barely moving an inch in a physically abusive home by multiple physical (non-sexual) abusers who would come in and out the room all day and all night long to abuse. When she had no other resources or way of calming herself down. Scared to meet physical needs like getting food or going to the loo or moving. I didn't really want to write this but felt like I had to defend myself against Angels attempts to humiliate me intimately and inflict sexual trauma.

I will upload some information some time soon that *may* allow you to save people from being abducted. I've just realised this is a potential possibility just now so I still have to work on it and figure out whether it really is possible or not (it MIGHT be possible but not sure yet). If I can do it, I will upload how to help, to this site later in the next few days or so. Lucy has already helped me to prevent one of these abductors from being able to work. 

I don't want to work with Angel at all full stop except in cases where its absolutely necessary for example he has access to some tools that I do not, and there are people I know with life-threatening illness such as cancer, that I need to help.

Apart from that I have told Angel I refuse to work with you.

But I did just find out about this and him spreading sexual rumours about me so I had to address it here quickly.Thanks, take care.


Please scroll up to read Angel Sexual Trauma Part 2. Can press cntrl + F and put in Angel & Sexual Trauma Part 2 




Heart FM's Toby Anstis DJ, dj cumminz, and Radio and Television presenter Melvin Odoom DJ are performing at the below venue, update 1.37pm 11/7/24, can you get a photo of these guys and send them Dee?


12.53pm on 11/7/24 - Quick! I've just realised another televised sports event is happening as we speak! Can you explore the website and get Dee with anyone who will be televised aka the performers there like I think there may be DJ's or Bands, as well as commentators, as well as the racers, presenters etc.


Can you look at everyone who's gonna be on tv and finish preferably an hour in advance of the event, so we have time to prep.

There will be racers, presenters, commentators and performers / musicians and everyone at the races watching it live.

On the right it says jockey / trainer 

Get a photo of the Jockey next to J

And presenters commentators musicians live performers and everyone at the races.


It’s on right now today and it’s on for x amount of days and the website I gave u is only showing like 1 day max so get all the days pls


10.07am on below date:


new lesson for you. enjoy. please dont edit the note :)


7.37am below date:


A few more election lists, will organise these later.





Update on below date, for 7.19am - Just below this section I have updated with a Regarding Wimbledon section, check it out. :)

11/7/2024 - 5.58am - Quick as-you-go-along Mission and New Information to teach:

Please consider pacing the length of the train or bus between every stop to get every new oncoming passenger whilst looking out the windows for more people to spread to Dee. Or, if you want to take a risk (you may risk missing people), then jump off the train quickly, look left and right at everyone getting on, then jump back on the train, at every stop.

Please consider trying to get Dee in with people who work in places that are likely to be in contact with lots of people, such as shopkeepers, ticketmen, etc. 



Regarding Wimbledon - Please when you click on a name, scroll down, you'll see  potentially up to 4 more people. Or you'll see the same 2. You may also see collapsed tables, with a + sign, go ahead and open the tables, sometimes but not always, new images of people pop up there. There can be more than one collapsed table to check as well. I'm aware that usually you will cover the people in the collapsed table, when your going down the main page of people, but I just don't really like taking any chances just incase, as it doesn't take much more time/effort but getting even one new person has the potential to save millions. (Someone would be flicking through their TV and just flick past Wimbledon quickly and literally only see 1 second of a player hitting a ball before changing channel, and it could be that one player!)

If a page doesn't load, you can go ahead and try that page later as the website sometimes can be a bit iffy, or, you can google the name for now, and try the page again later to get the extras (like in the tables or below on the page).



New Info to Teach: Please don't edit the note :) Thanks

Note 7/11/2024 4:51:27 AM - Online Notepad (


If you are healing people, ask Dee about the Rings method.

And whether it is too much of a risk to use the Rings method or not. 


So the Rings method will not have you be the direct healer for someone. Instead, it will select someone else to be a healer, for example, if you heal them, its more secure and more likely they will get the best healing... However, you could select Person A who did something really bad to the person you want to heal. So now you teach Person A how to heal this person. And now this person can not only be healed, but also they will forgive Person A who did something bad to them because they are healing them. Also, you are making Person A learn how to be a healer. They both learn humility.

So this is one example of the Rings method of healing. It doesn't have to be a Guilt-Forgiveness based algorithm. It could be a connection based on, I don't really have anything to connect to this person with, but if I did, then I would learn something really valuable for me and my spiritual growth. Or, It could be also something else.

So they could select people based on many different things, not just Guilt-Forgiveness. 

It is, hopefully, a higher way of healing.

However, in the Rings method, as soon as there is any risk whatsoever of being found out by a cold one, like even the slightest of suspicions, then immediately we drop the method for those people and it goes back to plain jain. This is because we do not want an algorithm to be discovered worldwide. So they will not be able to confirm the suspicions at all. The suspicion will be dropped, and then we find a way to apply a method that is less obvious to them or alter the method for them so its less obvious.

The second type of Rings method is the cautious method. We do this so that it matches the natural pattern that they know about of humans as much as possible... But then we make one minimal alteration to that natural pattern in order to heal. It will still match the natural pattern. For example, lets say Bob is friends with Paul and Simon. Bob normally hangs out with Paul and occasionally hangs out with Simon. We could say Paul isn't good for Bob at the moment but Simon has some kind of healing or higher learning potential for Bob.

Naturally Bob wouldn't hang out with Simon unless there was a reason for example Bob loves people who tell jokes.

Simon is with Dee and starts to tell a few more jokes. Now Bob naturally gravitates towards Simon and Simon becomes a healer for Bob or a teacher for Bob for something he needs to learn to be lighter or higher.

So this is a more natural method that is less likely discoverable. However Dees involvement is not mandatory :)

We also have another method that teaches people what they need to expand their horizons more, or reach their highest potential more.. Etc.

So there are multiple methods.

 We also do a secure method - We make one minimal change or alteration. We check for suspicion. Theres none? Then we make another step alteration. etc. As soon as theres any suspicion we drop it back. So its a gradual step-up or climb if that makes sense.

At the moment we hope to only use *the most* secure method for the majority of people. This is because we are currently in testing and we do not want to be discovered, and we are hoping this can be a winning algorithm, so we are taking a cautious method at first, evaluating how it does, and then we will take it from there (aka something might pop up in the evaluation that tells us we can't use any of these methods without alot more alterations or new plans need to be made).


This is talking about a global / worldwide plan... However, I wouldn't ask you guys to have to restrict yoursself to be doing this on a personal level, like with your own personal friends and families -- This is only a method for hiding world-wide / global plans so you can understand why a world-wide / global plan is a bit more risky to be discovered, hence why I act with caution with those plans... But for just people who visit our sites, its fine - do what you want, theres not likely to be any risk here. Obviously ask Dees advice for things before you do as Dee is the teacher lol. :)

(However feel free to use any rings method instead, even on a personal level, if thats what you want to do! Just ask Dees advice first)

Aka its much more likely for a global / worldwide plan in action to be noticed and discovered than it is for just the group of people who visit this website regularly.

Hence why we act in more caution for a winning algorithm or global / worldwide plan than we do for just our own families and friends on a personal level.


It is *always* a higher and purposeful way to have the children heal the parents. That is their incarnational purpose. They are born to two parents with the spiritual intention of healing them. They are born as new versions of those parents (and they often mimic them and learn from them as well as they grow up, as well as being born to their genetics so are similar to the parents physically as well), except the two parents will tend to get stuck in a rut and not be able to get past certain issues as they are older.. A child will have a fresh set of eyes and be more likely to discover new ways for them (them mimicking their parents and being like them) to get out of those issues / patterns / habits. And so the parents learn from the children.






10/7/2024, 7.55am - I can't believe I didn't upload this to the site already! I thought I did but I guess I remembered wrong aka I sent it to my star family but forgot to upload it to site. Heres a list of upcoming elections, please if its possible, if you could look at a photo of everyone going up for election preferably prior to their campaign (which would mean possibly a month in advance or a few weeks or however long in advance they are before an election vote day, campaigning and filming and releasing campaign videos. I'm presuming that they film only this far in advance, obviously you would have to look at photos of them in advance of whenever they want to film for their campaign ads, for maximum effect. Or campaign door-to-door canvassing.

But even if you can't look at photos of them this early, don't worry. As long as you look at photos of them preferably before the announcement of the winner, then hopefully if they haven't filmed too far in advance, then you will have Dee with them when they announce the winner, and they will film adhoc the winner video and release it on TV. Majority of people will see the ad on TV of the winner of the new government and hopefully get Dee.

I have no idea when they are filming for elections, whether post polling day, or prior to polling day, or both. Its just best to get Dee with every party member as early as possible really!

If its parties going up then, with every party member... If its for presidency then, for every candidate... Just whoever people are going to be voting for. The frontmen / leaders are the most important but I always try to get them all.

My hope is that this is a way to get Dee with an entire country.


My personal opinion is to try to get countrys if possible circa 2 months in advance, I'm just guessing this will be enough time in advance to get them before they start their campaign ads. My HOPE is that. Please check both List 1 and List 2 below.


List 1:

July 4 – 2024 United Kingdom general election.[5]

July 5 – Second round of the 2024 Iranian presidential election.[124]

July 15–16 – 2024 Rwandan general election.

July 26 – August 11 – 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France.[125]

July 28 – 2024 Venezuelan presidential election.[126]

August 17 – Nusantara will become the new capital of Indonesia, replacing Jakarta.[127]

August 28 – September 8 – 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris, France.

September 7 – 2024 Algerian presidential election.[128]

September 15 – 2024 Romanian presidential election.

September 29 – 2024 Austrian legislative election.[129]

October 3–20 – The 2024 ICC Women's T20 World Cup is scheduled to be held in Bangladesh.

October 9 – 2024 Mozambican general election.

October 13 – 2024 Lithuanian parliamentary election.

October 20

2024 Moldovan presidential election.

2024 Moldovan European Union membership referendum

October 26 – 2024 Georgian parliamentary election.

October 27 – 2024 Uruguayan general election.

November 5 – 2024 United States presidential election.

November 12 – 2024 Palauan general election.

November 13 – 2024 Somaliland presidential election.

November 27 – 2024 Namibian general election.

December 7 – 2024 Ghanaian general election.

December 8 – 2024 Romanian parliamentary election.

December 24 – The 2025 Jubilee will begin on this date.

Date unknown

Autumn – 2024 Kazakh nuclear power referendum.

September or October – 2024 Sri Lankan presidential election.

October – 2024 Botswana general election.[130]

December – 2024 Croatian presidential election.


List 2:  This is a better list although its not in order. If something is "expected by" then the date isn't confirmed so the date may be announced any time and it may be a different date. So its best to keep an eye on these ones for upcoming announcements. Its also good to keep an eye on global news somehow for Snap elections which can happen all of a sudden and very quickly. Its a bonus round if you can manage that! Below this notepad is List 3 as well which is a more comprehensive list but not in order and not all necessary to do straight away but if you do, well done!!!! So yes please do not edit the note but please do try to save the countries in the note as these are ones with Elections within the next 2 months or expected by the next 2 months, hence, Im hoping to get Dee in with them before they start campaigning or filming for the campaign, but, even if we miss the campaign period, as long as we get Dee in for the results that would be fantastic. The hope is that they didn't pre-film the results announcements too early. If they filmed them adhoc that would be ideal. 

Elections Coming Up - Online Notepad (


Israeli have just made military service mandatory

This is slaughter 

So get as many with Dee as poss

A hope of escape 


If you know of any festivals or gigs coming up

Try to look at all the band members who will be performing on stage

Cos this gets everyone going to festivals plus they are often televised so 


Radio segments with people coming in the future yet to be recorded n then released


Put festivals on tv or gigs and use Issas wholeness glasses and basically look at the tv and get everyone on tv with Dee

Especially focus on the edges of the tv where the camera is moving cos that’s where new people come in at the sides or people drop out of camera view at the sides , as the camera pans the crowd 

Or just any tv program with crowds


Tv or YouTube vids of poor countries like Africa where people need help

It’s likely the people on screen will be cold but there’s a chance there might be ordinary people in the background so it’s worth a go anyway 

Like idling wherever you are


News / tv anchors and weathermen potentially breakfast morning shows but idk

It’s well worth trying to get as many of these as poss as these happen adhoc not pre recorded


Any series of things that are not pre-recorded that far in advance, are great to get Dee in with.


Can you keep an eye on the news daily if poss and maybe variate diff news channels just to keep an eye on new opportunities to spread Dee?

Can you take photos of every new news reader / interviewer / weatherman / news staff member that appears on the screen?

Quite often they will appear on more than one news round and like. millions idk just tonnes of people watch the news so it would be good to get Dee with them and.

It would be good to collect photos of them so I can publish them to the upper ship.


List 3: Elections List. There are some that say "Expected by 200x". This is not an accurate date for the election, and quite often this is updated adhoc. Hence, keep an eye on countries where it says Expected by X date, because the date could very suddenly change.

Also, this doesn't include snap elections which randomly can very suddenly happen. Its good to keep an eye on global news in these cases. Sorry this isn't in order. This is only a rough guide, please keep an eye on these personally to see if you can be there to save an entire country. Sorry its a bit messy and its not in order. Will update another time with it in order and less messy. Thanks!


Last Election and Next:

2019 Afghan

Albania Expected by April 2025 

Algeria Sat, 7 Sept – Sat, 21 Sept 2024

Andorra Expected by April 2027

Angola 4 August 2022, not sure when next?

General elections were held in Antigua and Barbuda on 18 January 2023

2027 Argentina elections



The next Australian federal election will be held on or before 27 September 2025 to elect members of the 48th Parliament of Australia.

The 2022 Australian federal election was held on Saturday 21 May 2022



2024 Austria elections



Sunday 29 September 2024

Sunday 1 September 2024

2026 The Bahamas elections


2026 Bahrain elections




General elections were held in Bangladesh on 7 January 2024 - not sure when next

2027 Barbados elections

2025 Belarus elections

2024 Belgium elections - Sunday 13 October 2024

2025 Belize elections 

2026 Benin elections

2024 Bhutan elections

National Assembly elections were held in Bhutan on 30 November 2023 and 9 January 2024.

2025 Bolivia elections



2024 (Sunday 6 October 2024) 

Bosnia and Herzegovina elections



2024 Botswana elections -  2024 Botswana general election must be held no later than 29 October 2024

2024 Brazil elections - Municipal elections will take place in Brazil on 6 October 2024, with a runoff scheduled for 27 October

Brunei ????? not in brazil

2024 Bulgaria elections

- too late 


Early parliamentary elections were held in Bulgaria on 9 June 2024

2025 Burkina Faso election





2025 Burundi elections

2026 Cabo Verde elections

2023 Cambodia elections

2025 Cameroon elections

Expected by October 2025

2025 Central African Republic elections





24 Chad elections

2025 Chile elections




2023 China elections





2026 Colombia election






2025 Comoros elections





General elections were held in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 20 December 2023. 

2026 Republic of the Congo elections

2026 Costa Rica elections





2025 Côte d'Ivoire elections

Expected by December 2024

Election · Croatia · President · Round 1

2023 Cuba elections



2024 EU elections - Cyprus

Presidential elections were held in Cyprus on 5 February 2023. 


Fri, 20 Sept – Sat, 28 Sept 2024

Election · Czechia



2024 EU elections - Danish

General elections are scheduled to be held in Denmark no later than 31 October 2026,

2026 Djibouti elections









General elections were held in the Dominican Republic on 19 May 2024 


2027 Timor-Leste elections

2025 Ecuador election


2025 Egypt elections



General elections were held in El Salvador on 4 February 2024 

2022 Equatorial Guinea elections

There have not been national elections in Eritrea since independence in 1993.

Parliamentary elections were held in Estonia on 5 March 2023 t

2023 Eswatini elections

2026 Ethiopia elections




2026 Fiji elections

Presidential elections were held in Finland on 28 January 2024,

Sun, 30 Jun – Sun, 7 Jul 2024

Election · France


General elections were held in Gabon on 26 August 2023.

check out africa cup of nations i think its football


2026 The Gambia elections



Germany - 2024 EU elections ???

General elections will be held in Ghana on 7 December 2024

Snap parliamentary elections were held in Greece on 25 June 2023 - then EU Elections 2024 ???

Elections for the European Parliament take place 6-9 June 2024

2027 Grenada elections

2023 Guatemala elections




With the junta promising elections in December 2024, the question Guineans now face is when the country will rejoin the democratic path.

2024 Guinea-Bissau elections





2025 Guyana elections





Haiti PM commits to elections by 2025, CARICOM to send ...


Reuters › world › americas › haiti-pm-...




29 Feb 2024 — Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has committed to holding general elections by Aug. 31 next year, the Caribbean Commun

2025 Honduras elections


Latest general election[edit]

Main article: 2022 Hungarian parliamentary election

Presidential elections were held in Iceland on 1 June 2024. 


General elections were held in India from 19 April to 1 June 2024 in

General elections were held in Indonesia on 14 February 2024 

 Early presidential elections in Iran were held on 28 June 2024,

Iraq Expected by October 2025


Ireland ????

Tuesday 28 May 2024

2024 Israeli Labor Party leadership election

Legislative elections are scheduled to be held in Israel by 27 October 2026 



The next Italian general election will occur no later than 22 December 2027,[nb 1] although it may be called earlier as a snap election.


2025 Jamaica elections

Expected by September 2025


General elections are scheduled to be held in Japan by 31 October 2025,

The Tokyo gubernatorial election will take place in July 2024


General elections are scheduled to be held in Jordan on 10 September 2024. 

Snap legislative elections were held in Kazakhstan on 19 March 2023 to elect the members of the Mäjilis

General elections were held in Kenya on Tuesday, 9 August 2022.

Parliamentary elections are expected to be held in Kiribati by August 2024, though the date has yet to be confirmed

Parliamentary elections were expected to be held in North Korea in March or April 2024. (I DONT THINK IT HAPPENED AT THIS DATE, EXPECTED 2024)

Legislative elections were held in South Korea on 10 April 2024. 


Expected in 2026

2026 Kosovan presidential election

Snap general elections were held in Kuwait on 4 April 2024


Expected in 2026

Election · Kyrgyzstan · Supreme Council

Expected by February 2026

Election · Laos · National Assembly of Laos

Saturday 1 October 2022

Election · Latvia · Saeima

Expected by May 2026

Election · Lebanon · Parliament of Lebanon - TO RESEARCH DODGY DATE


General elections were held in Lesotho on 7 October 2022 to elect all 120 members of the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament.[1][2] 



General elections were held in Liberia on 10 October 2023

Parliamentary elections have been scheduled to be held in Libya since 2021.  - ONGOING, DONT KNOW DATE, KEEPS PUTTING IT OFF, KEEP CHECKING

Sunday 9 February 2025

2025 Liechtenstein general election


Sun, 13 Oct – Sun, 27 Oct 2024

Election · Lithuania


Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Madagascar on 9 November 2023, with a second round on 20 December if required. 

2024 Madagascar elections



2025 Malawi elections


  • Dates
  • Polls

Expected by September 2025

Parliamentary elections were held in the Maldives on 21 April 2024, 

Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Mali on 27 February 2022,[1] following a 2021 coup. After being postponed, in July 2022 the elections were rescheduled for 4 February 2024.

????? Mali??


Local council elections were held in Malta and Gozo on 8 June 2024,

General elections were held in the Marshall Islands on 20 November 2023,

Presidential elections were held in Mauritania on 29 June 2024

General elections are due to be held in Mauritius on 30 November 2024. 2

2027 Mexico elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by June 2027

Election · Mexico · Mexican Chamber of Deputies

2025 Micronesia elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by March 2025

2024 Moldova elections



Search Results

Main results

Sun, 20 Oct – Sun, 3 Nov 2024

Election · Moldova

Monaco -

2 Apr 2023 — The Monegasques are going to vote this Sunday 5 February 2023,


Parliamentary elections were held in Mongolia on 28 June 2024 t


2027 Montenegro elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by June 2027


2026 Morocco elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by September 2026

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Election · Mozambique


Since the coup, the military has ruled the country under a state of emergency, initially declared by Acting President Myint Swe for one year and extended five times by six-month periods, currently set to expire on 1 August 2024.[1][2] The constitution requires elections be held within six months of the end of the state of emergency.


Wednesday 27 November 2024

Election · Namibia


Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Mali on 27 February 2022,[1] following a 2021 coup. After being postponed, in July 2022 the elections were rescheduled for 4 February 2024


Expected by September 2025

Election · Nauru · Parliament of Nauru

General elections were held in Nepal on 20 November 2022 


Early general elections were held in the Netherlands on 22 November 2023

The next Dutch general election to elect the members of the House of Representatives is scheduled for March 2028,

Expected by December 2026

Election · New Zealand · New Zealand House of Representatives

Sunday 8 November 2026

Election · Nicaragua

Expected by February 2027

Election · Nigeria · President · Round 1


Expected by February 2027

Election · Nigeria · President · Round 1

Niger - 2025

Parliamentary elections were held in North Macedonia on 8 May 2024.

2025 Norway elections


  • Dates
  • Polls

Monday 8 September 2025

General elections were held in Oman on 29 October 2023.


General elections, originally scheduled to be held in 2023, were held in Pakistan on 8 February 2024 . General elections mandated to occur within 60 days of the national assembly ones.


Tuesday 5 November 2024 - Palau

General elections were held in Panama on 5 May 2024


eneral elections were held in Papua New Guinea from 4 to 22 July 2022 to elect the members of the National Parliament for a new five-year term.

General elections will be held in Papua New Guinea at some point in or before 2027 to elect members of the National Parliament.



Expected by June 2026

Election · Peru


2025 Philippines elections


Expected in 2025

Election · Poland · President · Round 1

2026 Portugal elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by January 2026

Election · Portugal · President · Round 1

Expected by October 2025

Election · Qatar · The Shura Council 

2024 Romania elections



Search Results

Main results

Sun, 15 Sept – Sun, 29 Sept 2024

Election · Romania

2024 Russia elections



Search Results

Main results

Sunday 8 September 2024

2024 Russian elections

Monday 15 July 2024

Election · Rwanda · President

Snap general elections were held in Saint Kitts and Nevis on 5 August 2022,


Expected by July 2026

Election · Saint Lucia · House of Assembly of Saint Lucia

2025 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by November 2025

General elections were due to be held in Samoa on 21 May 2021.


General elections were held in San Marino on 9 June 2024. 2024 San Marino general election.


2026 São Tomé and Príncipe elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by July 2026

Saudi Arabia - ????

Senegal held a presidential election on 24 March 2024, postponed from the planned election day of 25 February. 


2024 Serbia elections


Sunday 2 June 2024

2024 Serbian local elections

2025 Seychelles elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by October 2025

Saturday 24 June 2023

2023 Sierra Leonean general election

2025 Singapore elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by November 2025

Parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in Slovakia by 2027 


Parliamentary elections are to be held in Slovenia no later than 24 April 2026.


General elections were held in Solomon Islands on 17 April 2024




General elections were held in South Africa on 29 May 2024 

Spain — 2023 general election · 


2024 Sri Lanka elections



Search Results

Main results

Expected by October 2024

South Sudan: December 22 2024 Elections


is it just SOUTH sudan or is there more sudan elections? There may be both "Sudan" and "South Sudan" according to Britannica

2025 Suriname election


2026 Sweden elections



Search Results

Main results

Sunday 13 September 2026

Election · Sweden

Switzerland - Voters have elected a new parliament for the 2023-2027 legislative period. U


SYRA **** Monday 15 July 2024


Presidential elections were held in Taiwan on 13 January 2024 

Legislative elections were held in the Republic of China (Taiwan) on 13 January, 2024 for the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China concurrently with the presidential election.[1


2025 Tajikistan elections

2025 Tanzania elections


Expected by June 2027

Election · Thailand · House of Representatives of Thailand

Parliamentary elections were held in Togo on 29 April 2024 to elect the 113 members of the National Assembly, alongside the first regional elections in the .


Expected by November 2025

Election · Tonga · Legislative Assembly of Tonga


2025 Trinidad and Tobago elections


Presidential elections are scheduled to be held on 6 October 2024 in Tunisia

General elections were held in Turkey on 14 May 2023, combining presidential elections and parliamentary elections.


Parliamentary elections were held in Turkmenistan on 26 March 2023 to elect the 125 members of the Assembly. 


General elections were held in Tuvalu on 26 January 2024.


Expected by January 2026

Election · Uganda · President · Round 1

Ukraine - In war - Not sure when - Skipped election date

Parliamentary elections were held in the United Arab Emirates on 7 October 2023 to elect 20 of the 40 members of the Federal National Council.


Thursday 4 July 2024

Election · United Kingdom


Tuesday 5 November 2024

Election · United States

Sun, 27 Oct – Sun, 24 Nov 2024 Uruguay 


Expected by October 2024

Election · Uzbekistan · Legislative Chamber of Uzbekistan · Round 1

Expected by November 2026

Election · Vanuatu · Parliament of Vanuatu

Vatican city???

Sunday 28 July 2024*****

Election · Venezuela

Expected by May 2026

Election · Vietnam · National Assembly of Vietnam · Round 1

Presidential elections are expected to be held in Yemen at an undefined point in the future. President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi was elected for a two-year term in 2012, but elections scheduled for 2014 were postponed until 2015.[2] Amidst increasing violence and the Houthi takeover, the elections have yet to be arranged.


Expected by August 2026

Election · Zambia · President · Round 1

Wed, 23 Aug – Thu, 24 Aug 2023

2023 Zimbabwean general election


president of Zimbabwe 

5 years, renewable once



ask about poltiical parties
























9/7/24  6.37pm - I hope to update this website very regularly... I have a few lessons prepared. Stay tuned :)

Corr not gonna lie I've had a bit of a tricky couple of days. Um its NHNT (my slang acronym that I use with my star family as Neither Here Nor There aka not really completely relevant info to share but just as a little side note) but Dee is using a technique with me called Dees Rings lol and he shows me a picture of him in an old-style straw hat tossing rings at a ring toss for a joke, so sometimes he links things who I am presently whilst I'm doing things, to who I was in my past back when I was young and "asleep" and lower frequency. Or at other times of my life. In order to heal it. For example, if at a certain time of my life at school I was lower frequency and I didn't do my homework... And right now in my present adult self I am "working" on my website... He might put me into my lower frequency school-child self, so that she is doing her "work".. And in that way, he is healing my lower frequency child self who got into a lot of trouble for not doing her homework sometimes... Well now she has done her "homework" and  that part of my past is healing :)

I was born into a household in a low frequency household but we have all moved into higher frequency locations and also become higher frequency etc. and back. My family arn't as a general standard low frequency but as per usual sometimes people variate from time to time based on mood or... Based on Dees rings etc. :)

So to heal sometimes I go into my past low freq. self as well or variate :)

Anyway. I'm hoping to be updating this site roughly daily with new lessons. As this website is public, please ask Dee's permission before you share it with anyone. I do not want the wrong people looking at this website please :) Dee can confirm if its okay to share the site with someone or not. Please make that person aware not to share the site unless they ask Dees permission first and to who. Etc. Etc. <3 Thank youuu x

Here is a quick video for you.  

The password is Eye101

This video is only avaliable for approximately... Its either 7 days or 30 days. So feel free to download it before the link expires. Please hide the video in a passworded file or hidden file somewhere on your computer. (Passworded preferred, you can download free password file apps online or I think there might be a way to password .zip files natively? I'm not 100 percent.)

I have written up a short lesson for you that goes with the video below. I may delete this lesson after the video link expires.

Feel free to copy it onto your computer somewhere but please please keep it private and safe. Passworded, hidden, maybe even on a seperate passworded USB stick that you keep near you... Etc. I'm trusting you! Be careful if you are keeping this information on an app or online, check with Dee whether the app or online gets checked randomly by staff, whether the staff have any cold in it that might check it... Or whether the staff don't randomly check but if your app breaks and you have to contact tech support, whether there are any cold tech support. I would rather you not upload this onto anything or use this in an app of any kind that has any cold staff potential. Be careful if your uploading it somewhere that can be accessed by the public as well, as always ask Dees advice first.


So, they can't get the pupils right all the time. Its hard to always get them right, sometimes a pupil goes a little bit skew-wiff, it doesn't take much for pupils not to align properly. So they literally have to sometimes make them turn into slits so that they align vertically. Imagine you've got one pupil that is high up like this ' and another pupil that is way down like this full stop here . This is an extreme example of what I mean. So now you have pupils that are skew-wiff vertically

<('_.)>  Lol this is Kirby with skew-wiff pupils... Theirs is nowhere near this extreme, its only a bit skew-wiff, but the important thing is, that its NOTICABLY skew-wiff. They can't have millions of people of theirs walking around with eyes that sometimes align and then sometimes keep going skew-wiff... We would all cotton-on and notice it. Why do very warm and amiable humans all have completely aligned pupils, and all people that are slightly suss for whatever reason, have pupils that sometimes go a bit skew-wiff? Its gonna become a new stereotype lol never trust someone with eyes that go a little bit skew-wiff from time to time... (These are all cold people). So they can't have it be that obvious a pattern for us to notice.

So, to evade this, their pupils sometimes turn into slits. Its not their real eyes. But yeah, they can't get the pupils on it right, so when they make them slits <(|_|)> now they are perfectly aligned on a vertical axis.

They use a giant energy weapon off earth in order to imprint a chi field of denial on humans en mass, so that humans do not notice that occasionally pupils go slitty.

I do not know whether they also use this energy weapon to imprint denial on any other subject or reason... Or use this energy weapon for any other purpose. All I know is that they use it to imprint denial.

Do not bring up the fact that you've noticed slitty pupils to anyone who you cannot trust. If a cold one finds out you know about this, it will immediately get them alerted to you - Why is this person able to see slitty pupils when we have made it so that everyone cannot see it? And they may investigate you or report you. As per usual they are all desperate for the chance to rank up.

If you've already told someone, don't worry. Please have a chat with Dee and find out what are the next best steps. Dee may advise that you tell that person to keep it secret. Dee may evaluate the person you told and see whether they are warm or cold. Even if you told a cold person, Dee has a great way of getting people out of very tricky situations like this. It will be okay. Just ask Dee and trust Dees instructions.

Dee removes this chi field of denial on lworkers who are ready to see it. Thats how I cottoned on in the first place - Dee removed this chi field of denial from me and I saw it! But people in denial literally cannot see it. Hence they all keep themselves from being so easily exposed this way.




9/7/24  2.38pm - LastMinute.Com Mission!! NATO meeting is today and for the next few days only! 9 - 11 July.

Can you look at a photo of everyone who is at Nato? Then we might get tonnes of viewers or / top down spread of Dee of human hierarchy as nato are full of leaders and is made up of many many different countries. Also has involvement with war etc.


I *think* I found a list of all Nato Members, not 100%, can you send Dee to all these people? Theres some parts that have names but no photos to the name, so you'd have to look up those people seperately on google images or something similar:

Members | NATO PA (


Here is NATO Live, don't mind the adverts, maybe get Dee with some soldiers:

NATO - Live streaming : NATO Summit Washington 2024, 08-Jul.-2024


and, here is a recent filming of NATO 75th Anniversary filmed on 4th of April 2024 (hopefully not many people attending the meetings have changed hands between 4th of April 2024 and 9th of July 2024 but idk). I don't know much about NATO but I don't think (I could be wrong) that its the president of each nato member country that attends, may just be a politician. I don't really know.

NATO's 75 Anniversary Celebration at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, 04 APR 2024 - YouTube


NATO has 32 members and then I think approx 40+ partners.

Can you also find all the partners, the leaders of these countries, who will be present at NATO, and look at a photo of them and send them Dee?


Please check the following resources to find the partners, idk if this is all of them or not, please do your own research too incase I missed any:

Fact Sheet: NATO Partnership for Peace (6/19/97) (


Foreign relations of NATO - Wikipedia


32 Member Countries called Nato Allies, and 40+ Nato Partners. I wish I knew the actual figure but all I can find online so far is "40+" so I have no idea how many that is and whether I've got all the partners or not :/ Please do your own research and see if you can find them all, see if you can find the extra leaders not listed in the 40 for a bonus round that other people may not do (as it can be harder to find them than the 40 easily listed) for a bonus round.

Just look at photos of them all and send them Dee.!





11.17am, 8/7/2024, I told Angel I refused to work with him again and did not want to work with him after all our issues.

Angel then forcably forced his lesson plans onto me and started manipulating all the circumstances around me.

He wants to me to do these lesson plans he designed so he can help forgive himself after a personal circumstance happened to him.

After alot of problems happened, I told him I do not want to work with him anymore.

He gave me a very light reprieve / break before forcing his lesson plans on me.

Which meant completely controlling and manipulating circumstances around me to suit his lesson plans that I did not agree to be on for example if a lesson plan is "Forgive your Mum for being angry at your Dad for lying" then he will control everyone I talk to, to lie to me, so that I get angry, and then I forgive my Mum.

However, I was not willing to work with Angel full stop at this point. I told him that I am not going to work with him full stop after all the issues we had been through.

Angel has gone and forced this lesson plan onto me anyway, so that he can forgive himself for the personal circumstance, despite that I very clearly said I am not willing to take this lesson plan or any lesson plans with you and I do not want to work with you anymore.

Hence now every person I am in contact with is lying to me.

The result of this has been another Overdose and self-harm spree and more planning for more severe things to happen.


8.29am, 8/7/2024, a quick note about my response to if Ive been accused of lying, please don't edit it:


6.08am - Obviously the elections list doesn't include snap elections, I guess you would have to be pretty clued into global news and events in order to get wind of snap elections adroidtly.


6/7/24 - 5.59am (just re-updated this section) - Can you help spread Dee for the Election in Rwanda on Monday 15 July 2024?

The sooner the better, because hopefully we can get Dee with anyone who is up for Election and who will televised etc., prior to them making Campaign ads hopefully although instinct is telling me that they may have already made their ads, I'm just guessing.

Yes so BBC website says:

Campaigning for July's general election began on Saturday, with Mr Kagame holding two rallies in northern Rwanda over the weekend. This was posted on the 24th of June. So in this case you would have wanted to be with anyone involved in the campaign including Mr Kagame and anyone being filmed, well in advance of the Saturday prior to 24th of June, because he would have actually prepared for his campaign in advance of this date, and then began campaigning on this date. Preparing for the campaign in advance of this date, I am assuming that is when he would have filmed his campaign ads but I'm just guessing. Theres no guarantees.



6/7/24 - 5.13am update:

Please download the following video, its only avaliable for about 29 days from now. I intend to write this up before the video expires so you won't miss this information anyway, when I write it up I'll post it.

It has a quick video of all the upcoming elections in the world. Please book these dates and try to get Dee in with the candidates in the run-ups to the elections (It would be ideal to get them just before they start campaigning and filming their campaign ads and etc. but this is quite unpredictable so even if you can't do that, if you can get them before the winner is revealed that would be great.

I don't know how far in advance the "winner" video is prepared (because sorry to inform you but your votes don't actually count, they already know who is going to win beforehand, they just do this to give you the illusion of control and that its "fair" so you are less likely to rebel in the name of "being fair to those who voted just like they were fair to you". They would never let us have any form of real control.)

So, if the winner video is prepared too far in advance, and we do not get them with Dee by the time they shoot that video, then obviously when they do the winner announcement and post the video, Dee won't be with them and hence wouldn't be able to spread *that* way anyway.

However, if the video is actually filmed post the election vote closing date, or if the video is filmed POST the time that you got Dee with them, and so we have managed to get Dee with them by the time they shoot the video, then thats ideal because Dee will be with them on the tv, and everyone in the country looking at the TV will get Dee.

So its a bonus round if you can get Dee with them all by the time they start campaigning and shooting their campaign ads. But even if not, as long as you can get Dee with them  by the time they shoot their Winner video, then everyone watching it will get Dee.


Heres a bonus round for you. If you can get Dee with News Readers and Weathermen that would be absolutely ! Fantastic because I am *guessing* that News is less likely to be filmed in advance as would the Weather (hopefully) lol. And in this case, you can hopefully get Dee in with them and anyone watching those Readers on the news or the Weather, will have Dee.

Also, festivals and other places of large gathering (Mecca) etc. are also fantastic ways to spread Dee. Try to get him in with the band members in advance of the festival.



Wimbledon - Can anyone look at the boys in this photo for me please and send them Dee?


If your up for this little mission, if you could check the website and open the side menu and click Order of Play

Order of Play - The Championships, Wimbledon - Official Site by IBM

And look at every player, that would be great. If you could open each individual player name, even if it seems counter intuitive to do so, and then scroll down... Some pages have just 2 people when you scroll down but some pages actually have 4 so its worth doing.

Dee needs an hour maximum to be with a cold one so, please aim to have this done at least 1 hour before it starts, most of the time I think it starts at 11am GMT but I'm not 100 percent, its worth checking that out.

Personally I would love to be able to actually watch a match of each of my little missions because, I realised from seeing a brief clip on TV that Keanu Reaves was actually at the Formula racing :O Waving the Go flag I think. And this was not showing on the website. So there are extras that I would miss out on if I didn't see this on TV. (I did unfortunately miss this one, its kinda frustrating because the racers are in the cars for alot of the time, hence it would have been amazing to get Dee with Keanu Reaves and he would have got more publicity - But there ya go, you win some, you lose some.)


8/7/2024   2.35pm

Lol I spotted something on the news randomy and made a quick video adhoc for my star family (this happens pretty often lol I spot something and have to run for my camera to record it to teach my star family) and I realised, why don't I just share this with the ship? 

The password is Lucy101

Lucy had nothing to do with this I just had to quickly think up a password on the fly :)

This will only be avaliable temporarily, I think either 7 days from 8/7/2024 UK time, or 30 days, then the link will close. Feel free to download this to your computer but please hide it, or put it in a passworded folder preferably or invisible folder or any combination of this. Please do not share it as I don't want this to get into cold hands. This could put us at risk, please keep it to yourself. I will update you soon with a free passwording folder app.

I am currently searching for a file server to upload all my videos to, that is Warm-friendly and secure and, bonus round if it has the potential to password videos or organise them.


So... Just a quick explanation, Hypertropic illusions they often use these when deeper programming you, they have used it in Disney and Toy story for example, as well as alot of other things, this is just a quick example I could pull up.

If you have children or if you are a fan of disney... The damage will probably be reversable for you, as you are who you are, hint hint, but for your plain-jane ordinary nextdoor neighbour Jimmy whos kid is like 6 years old and loves Disney... The damage is a bit more tricky, especially if they are not in contact with someone like you, who can help.

Disney is very heavily programming children. My neice is a huge fan of Frozen, this is really awful for you, it isolates you from yourself (/compartmentalisation sort-of) and quite literally freezes you. (psychologically). Children should be free and joyful and full of life, not frozen and stunted emotionally from the very start of life!

Everything that Disney releases, is highly likely to be designed to appeal to children but also secretly damaging them.


7/7/24, 10.27pm

Somewhere way below where I am explaining Angel I said that he did what he did for a mission plan in order to "heal", what I didn't explain is that the mission plan to "heal" had a very loose connection to what it was attempting to do, hence did not actually match the goal of what it was attempting. Its hard to explain. 

As in, if mission plan did x y z, it would make perfect sense what it attempted to do and make perfect sense that completing the mission would do that. But it didn't, it did a b c and a b c *barely* relates to x y z, does not make perfect sense (you'll have to struggle to make it relate to mission x y z) and it doesn't actually do what x y z it intends to do when Mission is completed. Hence, it shouldn't be done full stop. He already did a mission plan back when we were amiable that did x y z and matched up perfectly. So it doesn't make sense whatsoever to be doing this again. 

Like I said, he has a big issue with Glory as his main sin, I have had to teach him about this with prior missions back when we were more amiable, to be able to sacrifice "the big win" for yourself if it means that the chance of having that "big win" for yourself has a potential to completely jeoprise the possibility of a mission being successful altogether, then be willing to sit this one out so that the mission can be guarantee'd to be successful for millions for people to be saved. He hated this at the time but it became a big learning lightbulb moment for him to understand that Glory was not worth saving millions of lives (he didn't understand what Glory was properly or that he had a vulnerability to it before, but it is his main sin.).


7/7/24, 4.27pm

I will shortly be uploading videos that I have sent to my personal star family in order to teach them things about lightwork or similar subjects. Please stay tuned for these videos.

Below I have recommended you find certain types of products for spiritual purposes. If you stay tuned, in the near future I will recommend you the brands that fit the bill... Hence you don't have to do painstaking search for these products unless you urgently need them, just wait a little while and I'll get these brands to you.

For the best spiritual tip, scroll down to "Gamer Tip", I have alot there that concerns Gamers and Covid and other things. Otherwise feel free to have a look in general to the updates.


Please scroll down below the bulletins if you want to see the missions to save people. 

Please be aware of a possible alternative site that Angel has set up personally in order to steal information from me in order to share that with you to gain your respect and then attack me with.

Please ask Dee if you are allowed to share this site with a person before you do it. I am about to reveal lots of information to you that I do not want the wrong type of people to see that I am revealing you. At the same time, Angel has set up an alternative site and I would prefer that you told the people who are visiting Angels site, to visit my site instead, if possible, as he is doing this to injure me.

If you scroll down, please see the warning bulletin about an alternative site that Angel has set up.

Otherwise, more directly below are some tips and knowledge for you. I will begin posting to this site the things I have to teach.

Angel either does not have these things to teach, or if he does, its because he stole them from me. Dee gave me the role of being a teacher in my star family for this kind of information. Hence the knowledge came from me originally. If he does tell you things, please do not give him respect for it as a teacher because he did not naturally want to teach this to you -- He only does it so that he can directly hurt or injure me (he wants to take anything satisfying from my work and make it so that I cannot get anything good out of working).

He stole the information from me and is doing it directly in order to attack me with it. Aka he does not want me to lightwork or get any kind of satisfaction from lightworking. So he may try to compete with me and publish all the things I have taught him, to his own site, in order to steal the satisfaction of me being able to lightwork by teaching you on my site. 

He may also lie about things as that is something he is doing lately. Hence the genuine date of my update here is 7/7/24 at 4.25pm. He may lie to you and say that he updated his site with the either the very same information or more information, possibly before this date and time. Having seen this, he might decide NOT To lie about it in order to avoid detection about lying. 

Shaughn says about me "take a book from the library" aka when he is out lightworking and he sees something he cottons on "theres something more to this", he will refer to my frequency and ask what it is and I will teach him about it.

Hence this is called "take a book from the library" aka I am the library of hidden knowledge and I will teach him.


Screen tip / Screen healing

Screen tip - If you use screens too much this can create a flattening / bluntening effect on your visuals energy. Please ask Mentorships to heal this. It kind of 2D's your visual with a sort of chi screen.. Hard to explain... This may reduce satisfaction levels irl I can't quite remember (sorry, ask mentorships to confirm or deny). Because your not getting the full effect of being in reality and all the dopamine / satisfaction of that - Your feeling a bluntened version behind a screen, so its less satisifying / dopamine. Hard to explain.

 Anyway - Mentorships can heal this for you. Please ask them to heal this. If you get too dizzy or unwell from using screens, please consider Blublocker glasses or similar amber physical screens or apps such as f.lux that can reduce the blue light in your screen. Too much screen use can damage your eyes / brain a little bit (not permanent damage I don't think but it can overexcite neurons a bit) and create TV-eyes where visually things are very very subtley pixelated. You wouldn't notice ordinarily but if you are the type to have closed-eye visions, the visions before are sharp, now they are blurry and slightly pixelated. 

You can also consider things such as Kindle or Kobo Aura One. They can't access everything like a laptop can, but can be used for some things, and won't be as damaging as a screen. Taking short eye breaks from screens as well, and looking at things in the distance as well every now and then, and relaxing eyes, for eye strain.

Or any other amber glasses such as amber over-eye glasses (sort of like goggles almost), that you can put over another pair of glasses / put on without glasses, as long as the colour is amber or red, will work to reduce damage of blue light.

I have contacted a company to see whether they will be able to offer discounted prices so stay tuned and I will update with vouchers. Sorry if this is not in your country.



Another tip, sunglasses, yes help protect your eyes from the sun, on an energy level though this is called Darkness Mask, it does something to your energy body that darkens it. However, it doesnt mean you should stop using it. Dee can reverse damages. Ask dee to explain.


Oil is generally damaging for the auric body on a spiritual level, however sometimes it cannot be avoided for the physical healing that some products that unfortunately have oil in them can do. Aka Dee recommends even if it damages you spiritually, if the product that has oil in it heals you physically, don't worry about the spiritual damage, just use it anyway. Dee can reverse alot of spiritual damages in energy. 


Sillicons in Hair Products

If you are being purist, consider products without sillicon. This is very expensive so its more greedy. But it is sillicon-free. Sillicons damage your auric body a bit. I don't think its that much of a problem as Dee can still work with you despite it. Ask Dee to show a visual of what it does to your auric body.



Fluoride blocks your pineal gland. Hence they put it in toothpaste. It may or may not help your teeth, but it also at the same time blocks a spiritual center of awareness. Dentists will recommend you brush and spit and leave the residue on, to help your teeth. It may or may not help your teeth. I will tend to brush and rinse with water and spit it out. I don't want to leave it on my teeth because it gets absorbed into my body and blocks my pineal gland.

This next tip is not for everyone. Some people have very sensitive eyes and doing this will damage them so please ask Dee whether you are the type of person who can safetly do this or not. Sungazing. Look it up online. This will expand your pineal gland, which can expand your psychic ability. If you are not able to sungaze, you are like me, so not to worry, I am currently researching alternative methods of expanding your pineal gland that will not require sungazing.

Please also consider water jugs that can filter out Fluoride. I will recommend you a brand soon, I just have to test it and make sure it definetly filters as much fluoride as possible.

If your kettle gets limescale consider a water jug filter, so it prevents your kettle getting limescaled when you pour in water from this jug.


Charcoal / Coal

Water jugs often use charcoal or coal.

This may or may not naturally filter water physically, but, on a spiritual level, charcoal or coal attracts dark chi. Hence, it will imbdue it into the nearby water and then you consume it.

Hence, alot of face masks or nose strips or other hygeine / beauty / health products can be charcoal based -- You are attracting dark chi to you on a spiritual level. However I cannot speak for what it does to you on a physical level, so please do not forgo it if you need it physically, or spiritual purity -- Ask Dees advice.

I am currently investigating a water jug that can reduce as much fluoride as possible, once I have confirmed this I will update the site with it for you.


Cooling down in Summer Tip

If you are in a place that is far too hot, please consider getting shiny reflective car UV shields. The shinier the better. I will recommend a company later. You stick these on the OUTSIDE of your windows... Try to use suction cups because tape is very difficult to get off afterwards. Or trap the strings in a closed window or other methods. This will stop the sun from heating up the windows and heating up your room. You can also put these on the outside of your car, front n back windows, trap the strings inside shut doors and/or use suction cups. This will prevent the car heating up in summer when your not in it.

If your room is too hot consider a bowl of ice and water and a little damp cloth there, and a fan. You can just dab yourself with a damp cloth and the fan will cool you down. You can also get Ice Gel packs that you store in fridge or freezer, and then sleep on them, like body-size pads. This is a recommendation for people with menopause. You can sleep under a sheet instead of a full duvet too. Or have multiple blankets, duvets, sheets on the bed so you can pick and choose at any point for comfort. You can also get cool gel pillows.


If your travelling especially and have different hardness mattresses, I have a travelling pillow I will recommend soon.




Gamer Tip

Gamers are people that fall out of the norms of society, societal norms are things they create to trap us, hence these are all people who are ideal candidates for lightwork, hence, please go ahead and get them with Dee. I also joined Gamer forums and role playing forums and talked to admins and mods there in hope that Dee will spread to them and then influence an entire forum of people.

They will tend to want to attach demons to people who game, hence often you are a hero who is protecting or fighting demons in games. The secret is, that you think you are attacking them with a sword and killing them, but your energy body recognises this manouver as you ATTACHING to the demon when your sword connects with the demon, it is actually connecting you to the demon hence making you more likely to be infected with it. Gamers are more likely to be energy sensitive so they will fish n hook, be attacking them with energy and energy-things such as demons.

Online games usually attract the type of people that fall out of societal norms aka alot of geeks and nerds are attracted to games, these are people that tend to be free from societal programming. As you know, cold ones create the societal trends and culture and otherwise that we fall into. They do this similar to what would be our natural societal trend and culture if cold ones never had invaded the Earth in the first place, but the they "tweak" it slightly / distort it slightly.

They do this because they KNOW that they cannot directly defy God. They have seen this happen a million times before and know better than to challenge it directly. Instead, they follow the natural trend that planets evolve towards God... But they "distort" it slightly so that the path no longer aligns directly with God. They do this with everything. So imagine if everything as a natural line of evolution towards God.. Now everything is "tweaked" and "distorted" and no longer naturally aligns towards God. Now we are no longer aligned with God, we darken. When you are aligned with God, you can see above the parapit aka you can very easily tell what is light and what is dark -- It would absolutely expose them. And you would naturally ascend. 

But since being under their control of distortions everywhere, now we darken, we are not naturally aligned with God, and that allows them to control and manipulate us without us being able to easily see what they are doing. Of course a great way of darkening people is through fear. Hence we have all the "natural disasters" on Earth or things like Covid that fill the Earth with fear and darken the Earth. It would have coincided with a timing that they felt they needed to darken the Earth this much. Aka as you know this is the Era of the Ascension, where Ascension is first realistically possible. Anyone who has incarnated prior to the Ascension is extremely brave - They decided to purge even deeper into their root and commit to not being able to ascend during that time so that they can purge their root even deeper. This means that by the time Earth does ascend, and they reincarnate on Earth all these times, they will be far far lighter than someone who hasn't purged their root.

However not all people who have incarnated on Earth, did so to commit to purging their root. Alot of people who have incarnated at the time of the Ascension did so deliberately for one purpose mostly: To save the Earth. Because the time of the Ascension is the first time that it is realistically possible to do so.

Notice how for COVID we were recommended to wear Face Masks and to work-from-home?

The human body recognises faces and lightens. If we wear Face Masks, the human body no longer completely recognises it as a face in the same way that it would if we wern't wearing the masks. Hence, it darkens us. When our energy body is darkened, we naturally are vulnerable to infection as well as generally weaker. 

During the time of COVID, is the time of Aquarius. This is a time when naturally lots of people would be come skeptical of the societal beliefs and would go towards avante garde beliefs. Hence, they mimic astrological ages and eras but they advertise the darkest of it.

For example, the lighter side of Aquarius would be, to become a healer type who believed in new inventive ways of healing that otherwise had not been discovered, to be compassionate, to think outside of the box. The darker side of Aquarius would be, to be extremely cynical of society to the point of extreme eccentricity, to be generally jarring etc., and other things (You can google and look up what are the weaknesses of every sign and the strengths of every sign if you want).

So they will advertise the darker side of the age of Aquarius. They know they cannot completely change us from the Age of Aquarius, (we will always follow a path of God), hence they don't try to change us completely out of Age of Aquarius - Instead they advertise the lowest frequency path of Aquarius for us to follow rather than the highest.

 Hence why, this is a time that people would naturally disbelieve what is on the surface naturally and seek "outside of the box" solutions to what they think is going on, hence are more likely to actually discover the truth of whats going on.... 

So they started leaking millions of different conspiracy theories into the world, so many outlandish ones that simply arn't true. So now people are attaching to the more crazy / whacky and untrue conspiracy theories rather than the truth. As this is a weakness of Aquarius, they could either at their highest, think outside the box and find the truth to whats going on, or, they can get stuck with the very whacky and eccentric ways that arn't the truth. (Its difficult for me to explain but I hope that makes sense).

I don't know whether face masks were effective at preventing infection through filtering the nose/mouth -- Thats me being quite literal -- As in, they might have been effective or they might not have been effective, I literally do not know the answer to this.

However, the purpose of these face masks definetly had at least one purpose of darkening us and making us more vulnerable to infection as well. Because when we do not recognise faces, we become lonelier and our energy body becomes weaker and we become more vulnerable to illness and infection.

Hence, "always keep a distance of x amount of metres from everyone "to stay safe" and also work from home as much as possible"... They are trying to make you lonelier so that you are lower frequency as well as more vulnerable to getting sick and less likely to get well. So you will be more likely to get sick or die. (Sorry to be blunt). When you look at a face on a laptop or on a tv screen, it does not have the same effect on your energy body as seeing someone face-to-face. Because your seeing them through a screen, it doesn't counter loneliness as much as in real life meetups and other lightening effects are not as much through a screen. And also you are lower frequency so it counters the natural path of Earth becoming lighter at this time. They release COVID and fill the entire planet with fear so prevent it from rising into Ascension. They all get fed from the fear that they are spreading.

It hasn't been the first worldwide plague or disaster, they come quite regularly at intervals throughout history.

One last tip, for now. Fear Factor is a show on UK where they have people on TV who are doing terrifying tasks. Fear Factor is actually their version of Christmas. Whenever everyone is watching Fear Factor, then everyone is empathising with the fear of the people on TV like oh my god hes walking a million foot high tightrope thats so scary, imagine that?

So people are feeling nervous for people on TV, and secretly they are all feeding from the fear that people are. Hence, they all tend to look forward to Fear Factor season.

I am a library of knowledge and I know alot of things, this is just a few things for you to know.

Thanks, much love.



7/7/2024  9.23pm

Angel has created a chi implant and inserted it in me that prevents me from spreading Dee across the earth plane. I have been *trying* to lightwork despite it, but I don't know whether anything I do works or not. Whilst I'm talking I'm feeling his "convincer tool" in action on me trying to make me believe that even though I may not have been able to do it, someone else did it for me hence it wasn't wasted, I almost fell for it until I spotted something that I 100% know is not the case and realised its his convincer tool trying to lie to me again. So please be very wary on this tool if it is working on you as well, either in general, or on certain subjects.

These are the number of people approximately that would have had Dee, if the chi implant didn't work. If you have been following instructions on my page personally, thank you so much for managing to rescue these people, this is approximately the amount of people you have been able to save with Dee and have managed to become a harbringer of Ascension for:

54.3 million who watch Wimbledon, 5 billion who watch Football, 16.7 million who watch Derby, 67.97 million population of France, 3.48 million who watch the British Grand Prix, 66.97 million the population of UK (minus the population of southern Ireland sorry so minus 5.127 million approximately), 67.97 million population of France, 3.48 million who watch the British Grand Prix, 66.97 million the population of UK, 59.89 million population of South Africa, Those who needed rescued from The Army, Those who needed rescued from hurricanes in the carribean, Those who needed rescued from poverty in third-world countries such as africa and india, those who needed rescued from hurricanes, 88.55 million population of iran, 44.5 million (2022) population of iraq, the 2 - 3k random lucky people I added on Facebook, the organisations and institutions that I spread Dee too from the top down,  130,000 people in Download Festival + how many people watch it, many groups and servers with innocent people who are into the occult either in the 1,000's, 10s of 1000s or 100s of 1000s, other groups and servers I've also rescued including would-be lightworker servers and starseed servers.





6/7/2024  9.23pm


I trusted Angel with healing my Uncle Ian of Cancer back when we were more amiable. Ian had chemotherapy to get his cancer down to 0. Then it came back to 0.01. On the Australian version of NHS, they will not give him treatment for another 6 months. 

My Uncle Ian is an ex-millionaire and very rich. He could easily afford to go private inwhich case they probably would do treatment on his cancer to get rid of it altogether.

When you have chemo it not only kills the cancer but healthy cells. Ian is a generally an unhealthy person who is in his 60's. It is much wiser to pay to get the cancer killed at 0.01, than to wait for 6 months for the cancer to grow and then get chemo again which will kill off healthy cells as well as the cancel and basically damage your body whilst trying to kill off the cancer.

Also, on the Australian Version of the NHS, your only allowed Chemo a limited amount of times before they won't allow you to do it and you have to take other treatment options.

I trusted Angel with this task back when we were more amiable to hypnotise Ian in order to convince him to kill the 0.01 cancer cell whilst he has a chance, by paying private, rather than wait 6 months because he is too afraid to let go of his money (he is unfortunately greedy).

This task was given to him long enough ago before we fell out, that it should of been done asap especially as it is life-or-death situation. I gave Angel these tasks to help him specifically as well (for a reason, it would of helped Angel personally to do this kind of task).

He has access to a toolbox that I have not been given access to either hence I have not got the ability to do this myself. However this is not the reason why I gave Angel this task in the first place, it was because Angel would have wanted to do this task to help Angel himself for a different reason, however now we are not amiable, and it looks like he hasn't helped Ian, I would of liked to get access to the toolbox to do it myself.

He has not done this, and now we have fallen out, I do not have access to the toolbox, hence, Ian is on track to shortening his life span. I do not know whether Angel was "working a plan" with him aka gradually Ian will come to the decision on this plan to get his cancer done on private, but if it was me I wouldn't have been taking any risks when it comes to life or death, I would have just gotten him to get rid of the cancer asap and live the rest of a life as healthy as he can be. I have a feeling that he was not working a gradual plan with Ian, that instead he just didn't do anything for Ian, but I cannot 100 percent confirm.

I really don't know what to do about it anymore.


Latest update: 6/7/2024, 7.28pm.

Angel imprinted a boot on my neck to suffocate me in order to "intimidate me" as a response to this. He also imprinted a fear flow onto me to "intimidate" me. I laughed at this because I am a fear-to-faith frequency and have felt extreme fear for alot of my early life, this was literally nothing compared to the fear I have been through.

There is a chance that he is also forwarding encouragement for suicide attempts by giving suggestions in order to solve problems that are preventing a suicide attempt, and nullifying any reasons that would discourage me from a suicide attempt - I am confused about this because chi is becoming confusing, so this may not be the case, or it may be the case.

I was briefly amiable with Angel, at a point in time that I wanted to get DMT as this was brought to Earth by Mantis beings for humans to be able to expand their minds. Hence as it was a Mantis drug I wanted to get hold of it. Angel has restrictions on my energy body that would prevent me from getting it so I had to message him to ask his personal permission to get DMT as a spiritual drug and potentially Shrooms. I offered to get him this drug as well.

I have in the past had brief moments of being amiable with him before he then turned face and started doing all kinds of things to attack me. He is known as a bully in real life. He compliments himself with it. "I do the nitty-gritty tasks that no-one else can do" because he is a bully and these tasks involve directly targeting other peoples vulnerabilities and attacking them, which are not tasks that most earth angels would take part in. Like I said he has an issue with Glory. He has a coldness mana flow in his core so that allows him to bully people. He is known in real life to take it way too far. Back when we were amiable before he became an enemy, he created tracklines to put me on that had to be shut down because they were full of Self Harm Triggers and Possible Suicide Attempt Triggers. Aka, I would definetly end up making attempts or self-harming had these tracklines not been shut down. My latest self-harm that he has caused has been multiple types of self-harm, multiple times, in the past few days directly caused by him. He has also caused physical violence in my family home.

He has prevented me as well from getting an email address that is fully warm. This was something I intended to test out, so that I could recommend it to all my ship members aka theres much less risk in using this type of email to communicate secret information. Its also an essential product, aka a product that is necessary for life (I have had minimum 6 email accounts stop working, long story short, hence I need a secure email address. My latest email address has started to "play up", it hasn't completely stopped working but I would prefer to have a backup of essential products eg email is essential so have 2 versions, so if one breaks, you have the backup. As so many of my other emails have broken, if this one breaks, I can't ask Tech Support for help because its full of top secret information. Hence why I would much prefer a Warm Email. He has prevented me from getting this and therefore being able to recommend it to you - I did not want to recommend it to you as it costs money, until I had tested it out and made sure it was reliable. I can't get it anyway because of him using chi to make them not give me what I need.).

There is a chance that he *may* be the cause of having to have a back molar removed but I can't confirm this until Monday (because he *may* be preventing dental care that is needed to prevent this molar needing to be removed, but I'm not 100% on this yet, I will find out on Monday).

At one time I worked closely with Angel to access a toolbox, in order to help my Dad or to help a few people who were close to me who were in danger of terminal illness and dying. That is one of the few things that I am glad about, although, if I had access to this toolbox myself, I would of easily and happily done it without him. However I allowed him to help my Dad because he can help forgive himself for a personal situation that happened in his own circumstances, by helping my Dad.

This was before Angel turned face and not only went way too far and is continuing to go too far, as I have previously written about, please check elsewhere in this page for details if you want to know. I am still at risk of more severe attempts of self-harm by his energy.


Hello, latest update 6/7/24, 6.29pm below. Also another update below the bulletin below, as of 6/7/24, 5.25am, if you havent read the bulletin please read it, otherwise scroll past it to see the new update :) Thanks! 


New Election update below date, 6.29pm - Got the figures wrong for Venezuela. Corrected it in the paragraph below after Tokyo :) Still trying to find the 6 - 10 photos for the candidates up for vote. Can you find out and look at a photo of each and every candidate up for vote? And send them Dee?

New Election Update 6/7/24  16:58pm, Save the Entire of Japan in 2 seconds flat, by looking at the following 4 photos and sending them Dee, if you can see this please do this ASAP as I am literally "just in the knick of time" for it:

2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election - Wikipedia


Can you look at photos for everyone who is up for Election in the following countries, before the following dates? This will also take 2 seconds to do Venezuela, about 8 - 10  photos in Venezuela to look at and then we have a bunch of parties to look at for Syria, so a bit more work to do with Syria (preferable to look at photos of every party member who is up for vote).


Sunday 28 July 2024 Election · Venezuela

2024 Venezuelan presidential election - Wikipedia


SYRIA Monday 15 July 2024 (Election)


The sooner it is done the better as, we may be able to get Dee in for any material they may be filming to advertise their vote. However, I am assuming that the Election Win is not pre-filmed (I could be wrong) so, if its not pre-filmed that far back in advance, then as long as we get Dee in by the election dates, we can save the entire country with one fell swoop with Dee.

Even if it is pre-filmed, its still worth doing because there may be people who are freshly interested in politics who will watch some new debates or new footage... and the debates may not be pre-filmed, other footage may also not be pre-filmed, may release fresh material with the President or other people who were up for election as the election has just passed, so its worth a shot.




6/7/24 - 17.13pm -

I admitted recently within the past 2 days that I had damaged myself using LSD in my late teens to 20's. I have for a long time, changed chi in order to isolate the LSD damage into a seperate "screen" aka I do not experience the effects of the LSD damage anymore due to being able to control Chi, and have not experienced it for years. However, I admitted it outloud recently within 2 days in a way that Angel was capable of hearing

Quite typically, its only been approx 2 days since I admitted it, I am now seeing the LSD damage that I have not experienced in years. Aka the minute I say a vulnerability, he pounces on it and uses it against me to attack me with it.





Please check the tv news results to connect to politicians as they are coming in. 4/7/24 9pm live elections results.


Please consider telling them in any other format except for Chi because this can be intercepted.

Please consider that someone who has the ability to manipulate Chi also has the ability to imitate mentorships and use energy to make you trust it. Or use tools.


Added to the bulletin (4/7/24) : 

If you speak to anyone else on the ship, either IRL / online or any other form of contact aka chi contact or whatnot, please can you let them know about this bulletin. I don't think everyone knows about this bulletin and there are probably alot of ship members using an alternative site which I have no involvement in and with stolen material that has come from me, published on it, and that has someone manipulating chi in order to make you trust it and think "I've got the wrong end of the stick" by accusing him. Trust me, I do not have the wrong end of the stick, its him attempting to convince you not to think he has done something wrong and he uses various chi tools to manipulate you into doing so.


Bulletin: This site is very much active and being used. Please check the below message Im going to pin to the top:


He also uses things like "amiable energy" or "friendly energy" or "open and honest energy" to try to decieve. As is below, he uses my ship and all my tools. He uses my energy and all the tools I have made avaliable to my star family to use, he will likely use my ship and my tools in order to convince you.

You will be sent a chi update most likely by a "work colleague" of mine. He will likely tell you not to visit my site.

He will also tell you to visit an alternative site which is his instead for a lesson plan he is trying to get me to do. He will be running this alternative site himself alone.

I have already done a different lesson plan with him because his main sin was Glory. He did learn from this though, and he is trying to do this for other reasons. However this is a huge problem because he does not have the mission plans that I do, nor all the scope of information that I do. And possibly  there may also a vulnerability to Glory still, I don't know.

He may attempt to steal these mission plans using chi from me and then post it on his website instead for you.

However he is not likely to be adroidt enough nor include the full spectrum of information that I do for these mission plans. He may attempt to try to  copy me by using chi in order to copy it like I would do.

However it is not the same as coming from me personally and may not hit the mark and also is unlikely to happen as adroidtly as I would be doing it.

Please disregard this chi update trying to divert you from this website.  It may be in an attempt to heal me but in doing so he risks darkening the Earth plane by restricting your ability to Lwork (<- thats my slang for you-know-what) and he is also unable to provide the information that I can provide you aka top secret information that only trusted members should know. I do know for a fact that he does not have this information.

He is not able to provide you the information that I will be able to provide you. I am known as a Library of information, and I was given a role of teaching for my star family because I am full of hidden knowledge. He is a star family member hence he learns from me this knowledge. I had planned to update this site with this kind of knowledge as well. Obviously it is all knowlege that should remain hidden aka only safe in the hands of people such as yourself who are trustworthy. This is likely to be in the future but not right away. If he shows you any hidden knowledge, it is all stuff that I personally have taught him, and it would only be a part of the the full story. Aka I have more to teach on it all.

Also obviously it is very annoying if he literally tries to divert you from my site and then posts all information or mission plans that he has stolen from me and tries to gain respect from you by basically stealing everything from me in Chi and then leading you with it. Aka Wow, he knows so much, I've gained alot of respect for him and trust and blah blah blah and lets forget about Mandy, when actually it is all things he has stolen from Mandy (me) in order to gain your respect. He does use chi in order to mimic other energy bodies and then try to imitate the level of skill that they use.

He is also likely to try to convince you in chi, that "Mandys got the wrong end of the stick". Hes hiding from me currently to prevent me from seeing what he is going to attempt to tell you with chi, I have seen some of it already as its stuff he's told me already.  But he may attempt to say even more than what I already know of and then hide my ability to see what hes telling you hence he has an unfair advantage of winning an argument aka he can see things I've written and then rebuttal / respond to it to argue to "prove me wrong" and I am unable to see his response and therefore argue back and therefore it is not fair aka it is manipulative to do this.

Yes I know that there is a genuine intention of lightening a dark field of chi for me (aka healing for me) but there are reasons why I still do not think that stopping visiting this website will be good, despite this "good intention" for you to do that.

Mentorships are known to lie in order to trick you in order to make you learn. When you are tricked or surprised by a lesson you are more likely to remember it and to learn. This doesn't mean you shouldn't trust them otherwise your unable to learn from them. Although if this happens naturally they would probably find a way to resolve that for you. 

Basically just don't do it please. Trust me. Thank you.

He also does attempt to take information from me and then pass it off as his own to share. Aka he will likely attempt to take my roles as well. As is the blurb I've posted. For example he uses a tool called "Hats" in order to make himself intelligent which would make him respectable to  certain personality types. One of these hats is literally mimicking my own energy body. I was told I was a gifted child when I was younger and was invited to join the national academy for gifted and talented youth for being in top 1 percent in Cat Scores in one exam and top 10 percent nationally in another. This is only when I was a child / teen though. I was passionate and hence thats why.

Etc. Hes not supposed to know my secret information that I use to teach but its *possible* that he has found a way to get a hold of this as well. I don't know. However it is all my information.

He owns a tool called the "Convincer" which means that any doubts you have or arguments you have, an automated response will come up which will convince you otherwise or rebuttal the arguments. He uses many tools like this. He may attempt to hide that it is a tool that is being used on you. Hence you may think one thing but actually you are being convinced using a tool.


He also does attempt to take information from me and then pass it off as his own to share. Aka he will likely attempt to take my roles as well. As is the blurb I've posted below. For example he uses a tool I have called "Hats" in order to make himself intelligent which would make him respectable to  certain personality types. Etc. Hes not supposed to know my secret information that I use to teach but its *possible* that he has found a way to get a hold of this as well. I don't know. However it is all my information.




Angel has been the direct cause of ongoing and past self-harm and also the cause of suicide attempts. If I die by suicide, it is almost 100% guarantee'd he is the direct cause - I was not suicidal before his involvement with me. This is a note to let you know this as an advance warning if you are unable to access the ship because of this, you will understand what has happened. I forgot to remove his name from the tag. I once thought I could trust him but obviously this is not the case. Hence I am removing his name from the tag and I recommend you do the same.

I didn't realise I left his name on the site. Obviously I haven't been at my  best lately and alot of that is due to the above.

I have removed his name from tags. If you see anywhere where I've left his name on things such as tags please remove it. The Writing Tool will be updated to remove Angel. Please do not say Angels name when using the writing tool.

Banner 1:


Banner 2:



Update 8.12am on below date:


Wimbledon is on every day! Can you get Dee in with every player, before 1 hour before the match starts? He needs an hour maximum to get in their body.

Order of Play - The Championships, Wimbledon - Official Site by IBM

So please click on each persons name, and see the Player. Scroll down and look at the photos. Sometimes theres two photos, but sometimes there are 4 players even, so its worth opening each individual and scrolling down just to see if theres any more players you can get. For example, one one match its H. Dart vs X. Wang... I will click H. Dart, then scroll down. Most likely when I scroll down I'll see an image of H. Dart and X. Wang.. That will send them Dee.

Then I'll go back, and even though I've technically seen an image of X. Wang already, I will still click on X. Wang and open the page up. Just incase any new players show up when I scroll down.

Its most likely that they won't BUT I have actually opened a page where there were 4 players when I scrolled down... And this was not showing beforehand in the previous page. So its worth doing this with each player.

Wimbledon is on every day until 14th of July. Can you manage to do this daily? You will be saving potentially millions of people. A quick google search says 54.3 million views of Wimbledon - I don't always believe the figures that I am told by um News reporters etc. but if this is true, then wow, can you be the savior for 54.3 million people potentially??? <3



update 7.53am , 6/7/24:

Back when I was asleep, I had to rely on medication for a certain health issue (I no longer have it or have to take it). I had to take a Diuretic which makes you need to pee often. This in term drained my body of the mineral balance it needed, and I ended up getting very bad leg cramps very often. I found out that a cure for this is taking Electrolyte salts. I personally got mine from Bulk Powders, I would advise against getting the ones that are already in liquid with a dropper to use it, I think from the Lake District or from Lochness, firstly its less value for money, secondly I think it might be very mildly toxic but I'm not 100% on that one (memories a bit fuzzy here, I might be getting the product mixed up, I know theres definetly a product that aims to replace salts I think that comes in a liquid form with a dropper, but I forgot where its from or what its branding or name is).

Also if you get tired throughout the day, and any standard exercises really does tire you out more quickly than usual, it can have many causes, one of these many causes MAY be cured using electrolyte salts. But obviously I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't know, there are plenty of other causes for this so don't take my word for it. 

So if you get cramps very often OR tend to get tired very often, obviously the best method is chi but alternatively, try Electrolyte salts and see whether that helps you. Also if you work-out or exercise alot, then electrolyte salt replacement is ideal because you will tend to sweat alot and this will imbalance the electrolytes in your body.

update 7.21am , 6/7/24:

I might be wrong about the Wimbledon times again lol, I thought it started at 11am at first, then I thought it started at 10am, now I think it starts at 11am again... Basically just check the website adroidtly to find out the actual time of daily matches (I don't know when they release the times of the new matches, I was hoping as quick as just past midnight lol but might be some time in the morning), and make sure that you can book maybe 1 and a half to 2 hours in advance of the match? Because you need to have finished by 1 hour before the match (to give Dee maximum chance to get in their bodies), so maybe start 2 hours before the match, just look at photos of all the players, and then everyone watching the match will get Dee so this is a chance to effect tonnes of people on Earth. Good luck :)

update 6.04am , 6/7/24:

Please book the dates of Lions Gate Portal, I believe it is on August 8th every year, it is a special time of year to enjoy :)

update 5.25am , 6/7/24:

I don't actually watch sports myself, I just try to get Dee with the players for those who do watch sports. As its a great opportunity to give Dee to millions of people at once.

Um, I thought that Wimbledon starts at 11am, but I've just found out that its possible that it can start at 10am.

Which means that for maximum chance of Dee being with them, you would have to look at photos of each of the players and complete looking at the photos of them all, by 9am. Dee needs an hour at the very most, in advance, in order to inhabit a cold one. So make sure you complete this exercise of looking at photos of the players by 9am at the very most, each day until Wimbledon ends.


Stones / Crystals  - I did say that I don't recommend gemstone crystal healing anymore apart from one or two exceptions, one of these exceptions being Lemurian Quartz. 

Firstly, the best way to heal would be to use energy and not coming from crystals. You can take crystal energy as an example of the type of energy you would like to create, and instead of using the crystal energy, please just create your own that is similar to the mana that you are looking for in the crystal.

If you are looking at a whole collection of crystals, generally speaking, the one you are "drawn" to is the one you "need". This is something I learned as a child lol so I might have my knowledge a bit outdated here.

A while ago I learned that you can actually connect to a crystal just by looking at photos, so you don't need to spend £1000's on crystals as a collector if you are interested in learning about all their energy, you can just look at photos and use their mana. However I wouldn't exactly recommend you use crystal mana in general because you are accessing an occultic mana pool by using crystals. What you may be able to do though, is learn about what kind of mana each crystal can give you, by breifly connecting to the crystal and the occultic mana flow (this makes you vulnerable to all kinds of things such as demons so be careful, for best practice please clean yourself thoroughly before and after connecting to a crystal and please connect to them when you are in a high vibrational state.). Okay so you have connected to a crystal via a photo or even in real life (cheaper using a photo though although not 100 percent guarantee'd that the crystal in the photo is clean and charged as well, you're just taking a guess that the person posting the picture has cleaned and charged the crystal... It doesn't particularly matter too much, its best if it is but anyway you are still accessing the energy). 

Once you connect to the crystal you have an idea of the type of energy it gives you. Now you can create a NON-occultic energy copy of this energy. And now you have this energy to use, without needing to access occultic mana to use it, and without having to spend money on the crystal etc.

If you've purchased a crystal to do this, then you can go ahead and sell it on. I personally love this because, crystals are an alternative healing method that attracts energy sensitive people aka people who are great candidates for mentorship.

So when you are selling a crystal, you are attracting people who can join us. You can either "fake sell" aka list the item online and when someone buys it, can say So sorry, item was sold, I forgot to take the listing off, or something else to deter from selling it to them.. Hence the advert will attract people and give them Dee especially if you've tagged the advert.

Or you can actually sell it, and in turn give them Dee.

Another suggestion is that you can also do a 1 item per user buyer policy. This will likely sell the stones less quickly so not great for people who need the money, but, it will spread Dee more because obviously you will end up with more users in order to buy your collection if its just 1 item per buyer. Or, you could sell your collection normally, and after crystals sell, re-list the listing / create a new fake listing with the crystal in it, just in order to spread Dee.

Hopefully Dee eventually encourages all crystal hoarders to sell their collection and use better ways to work with energy.

I did actually have one disgruntled ebay Buyer report me lately lol, because I said "I think someones already been in touch to collect this, but I'll let you know if they haven't collected it and you can buy it." I didn't contact them back but I left the advert up and low and behold, they actually reported my listing!!!! So ebay took that one listing down, but it did not effect my feedback score or anything else. I will let you know if this happens to me again (I am selling so much stuff lately because I have to save up for something) and I will let you know if this gets me into any trouble so that I'm not advising you to do anything that jeoprodises (sp?) your eBay account. But just to let you know my eBay account is fine, they just took the listing down. eBay gave me a polite message to say they took my listing down as "needing to be fixed" because it didn't follow the policy which is, listings must offer an avaliable item for sale otherwise it creates clutter on the site. However it didn't say I was given a warning or anything like that. So I think its okay.

Sometimes it takes people a bit of time to learn to trust Dee. As in, once they have Dee for the very first time, especially people who are ordinary bogstandard people, Dee does attach to them but they have to learn *HOW* to listen to Dee and trust Dee and this takes a bit of time. So it may be that the person who reported the listing, they are definetly with Dee because just viewing the listing would have given them Dee but they might have reported me too soon before learning to trust Dee and Dee would have advised them to leave the listing alone basically.

Please be wary of a type of crystal that is a clear crystal that has "seeds" in it aka little black dots inside, that is meant to give you "starseed / past life / visions" --- This is a FALSE vision, I have been previously tricked by this crystal before, it does give you visions and these visions are NOT genuine, I do not personally trust them, I do not recommend anyone else trust this particular crystal. Sorry I forgot the name. Was

Holey stones are another crystal I advise you stay away from. They are meant to be a spiritual type of rock that um is from a spiritual place, amongst water, and the water naturally errodes holes into the stone. I forgot the name of the actual stone but you can find them on eBay from people who probably literally went to this location, I think its somewhere in England although I'm not sure, and collected them personally. It is not a good stone please do avoid it.

Shungite is another crystal that is a crystal to be wary of, its not the end of the world if you have an experience with this crystal but it is generally not a good crystal to have. Aka its okay if you have experienced visions with this stone before but please let it go asap and try not to connect with it again. It basically gave the experience of connecting to something very dark and powerful... But the main thing is "dark" and hence is not a good energy to be dabbling in or using.

You can create crystal grids or learn all kinds of things about Crystals. In the future, once I repair my laptop, I will upload all the learning I have on crystals because I sort-of took a little course on them, so I will upload my literature on them, just FYI.


update 7.37pm, 4/7/2024

Can you look at every politican and also every televised / media advertised person involved in the French Election coming up?

Wikipedia says:

An early legislative election was held in France on 30 June 2024, with a second round to be held on 7 July, to choose all 577 members of the 17th National Assembly of the French Fifth Republic.

Can we get all those 577 members as well as the potential competitors for the 577 members who won?



update 7.17pm, 4/7/2024


New Mission: Please see if you can look at members of these acts as they will be playing at the british grand prix:


Stormzy, Pete Tong, Kings of Leon and Rudimental all lighting up the main stage. And that’s just the start. then bands / acts:


self esteem

the snuts

surprise dj set

jay knox

david alorka

abbie mccarthy

sky sports live show

red bull energy zone

f1 fan zone

silverstone museum


then on diff days



nathan dawe

joel corry


alex mills

sweet female attitude




I found some Icecream with Magnesium Fatty Acids of Salts in it! very rare :O Normally its in medications but please avoid foods with it in as well. It blocks nutrient absorption. If you have medications it might be very difficult to avoid it inwhich case I wouldn't say forgo medication for it. You may find liquid substitutes but this may not be suitable for you aka different maximum absorption rate etc.

4.25pm - Bonus round! Can you photobomb as many pedestrian cameras or video cameras as possible? Be noticable and then the person taking the photo will get Dee and hopefully show their friends and family lol look at this photo.

The risk is? The person gets annoyed and deletes the photo... But then theres no big loss (hopefully) in that, compared to a world to gain aka spreading Dee!

Also try to get in the background of TV cameras if you see them (I actually saw one near where I live once!)

However, its a 50/50 whether if you photobomb them, they will delete and re-take the footage... So ask Dee whether to photobomb it or just loiter casually in the background for as long as possible and hopefully everyone watching will get Dee!


EURO 2024 squads confirmed: Check out every team's list in full | UEFA EURO 2024 |

If u open that page and right click on the labels aka Austrlia and click open in new tab. That should show all the players :) in one page.


4.22pm - Can you check any presidents up for election in USA?


4.13pm - Can you check up on global news / newspapers and basically find new ways to Lwork?


4.02pm - Football, can u get all the players?

EURO 2024 squads confirmed: Check out every team's list in full | UEFA EURO 2024 |


3.42pm - Can you get all the players involved in the football?

EURO 2024 squads confirmed: Check out every team's list in full | UEFA EURO 2024 |


3.16pm - Can you get all the players, teams, refs, commentators participating in the football?

2024–25 UEFA Champions League - Wikipedia,Champions%20Path%20second%20qualifying%20round.

3.09pm - Can you get all these players here?


Player Profiles – TNSFC



2.53pm - Can you get all the players here?


Match calendar |

1.52pm - can you get all the performers at the grand prix as well and silverstone? Eg "noasis" lol and others?


1.48pm - Can you find the F1, F2 and F3 commentators?

So far I know of Chris McCarthy

 davide valsecchi 

Harry Benjamin 

alex brundle

I'm struggling to find F3 commentators, can you help?


Driver Standings for the FIA Formula 3 2024 Championship

Can you fully explore this site? I have just seen that there are parts of the site I didn't realise were there which reveal more people to give Dee to!


1.26pm - He also does attempt to take information from me and then pass it off as his own to share. Aka he will likely attempt to take my roles as well. As is the blurb I've posted below. For example he uses a tool I have called "Hats" in order to make himself intelligent which would make him respectable to  certain personality types. Etc. Hes not supposed to know my secret information that I use to teach but its *possible* that he has found a way to get a hold of this as well. I don't know. However it is all my information.


1.17pm - Please check out all the teams and drivers on this website (have a little explore of the website) and try to send them Dee :)


1.08pm - He owns a tool called the "Convincer" which means that any doubts you have or arguments you have, an automated response will come up which will convince you otherwise or rebuttal the arguments. He uses many tools like this. He may attempt to hide that it is a tool that is being used on you. Hence you may think one thing but actually you are being convinced using a tool.


1pm - What I've written below... At the end of the day, he is using my ship in order to do this. Hence you are all part of my ship in the end.


Also can you look at all the Formula racers here:


Teams & Drivers - Formula 2 (


Check F1 F2 F3 in top left corner, and Drivers on the website. Try to find commentators as well for this or publicists thanks!


12:59pm - Some photos of some formula 1 racers, I don't know if this is all of them. Can you find photos of all of them? And any reporters or commentators or refs? Looks like there might be an F2 or F3 as well top left link, with more drivers. Are there any more than this?


12.52pm - He also uses things like "amiable energy" or "friendly energy" or "open and honest energy" to try to decieve. As is below, he uses my ship and all my tools. He uses my energy and all the tools I have made avaliable to my star family to use, he will likely use my ship and my tools in order to convince you.

12.19pm - You will be sent a chi update most likely by a "work colleague" of mine. He will likely tell you not to visit my site.

He will also tell you to visit an alternative site which is his instead for a lesson plan he is trying to get me to do. He will be running this alternative site himself alone.

I have already done a different lesson plan with him because his main sin was Glory. He did learn from this though, and he is trying to do this for other reasons. However this is a huge problem because he does not have the mission plans that I do, nor all the scope of information that I do. And possibly  there may also a vulnerability to Glory still, I don't know.

He may attempt to steal these mission plans using chi from me and then post it on his website instead for you.

However he is not likely to be adroidt enough nor include the full spectrum of information that I do for these mission plans. He may attempt to try to  copy me by using chi in order to copy it like I would do.

However it is not the same as coming from me personally and may not hit the mark and also is unlikely to happen as adroidtly as I would be doing it.

Please disregard this chi update trying to divert you from this website.  It may be in an attempt to heal me but in doing so he risks darkening the Earth plane by restricting your ability to Lwork (<- thats my slang for you-know-what) and he is also unable to provide the information that I can provide you aka top secret information that only trusted members should know. I do know for a fact that he does not have this information.

He is not able to provide you the information that I will be able to provide you. I am known as a Library of information, and I was given a role of teaching for my star family because I am full of hidden knowledge. He is a star family member hence he learns from me this knowledge. I had planned to update this site with this kind of knowledge as well. Obviously it is all knowlege that should remain hidden aka only safe in the hands of people such as yourself who are trustworthy. This is likely to be in the future but not right away. If he shows you any hidden knowledge, it is all stuff that I personally have taught him, and it would only be a part of the the full story. Aka I have more to teach on it all.


Also obviously it is very annoying if he literally tries to divert you from my site and then posts all information or mission plans that he has stolen from me and tries to gain respect from you by basically stealing everything from me in Chi and then leading you with it. Aka Wow, he knows so much, I've gained alot of respect for him and trust and blah blah blah and lets forget about Mandy, when actually it is all things he has stolen from Mandy (me) in order to gain your respect. He does use chi in order to mimic other energy bodies and then try to imitate the level of skill that they use.

He is also likely to try to convince you in chi, that "Mandys got the wrong end of the stick". Hes hiding from me currently to prevent me from seeing what he is going to attempt to tell you with chi, I have seen some of it already as its stuff he's told me already.  But he may attempt to say even more than what I already know of and then hide my ability to see what hes telling you hence he has an unfair advantage of winning an argument aka he can see things I've written and then rebuttal / respond to it to argue to "prove me wrong" and I am unable to see his response and therefore argue back and therefore it is not fair aka it is manipulative to do this.

Yes I know that there is a genuine intention of lightening a dark field of chi for me (aka healing for me) but there are reasons why I still do not think that stopping visiting this website will be good, despite this "good intention" for you to do that.

Mentorships are known to lie in order to trick you in order to make you learn. When you are tricked or surprised by a lesson you are more likely to remember it and to learn. This doesn't mean you shouldn't trust them otherwise your unable to learn from them. Although if this happens naturally they would probably find a way to resolve that for you. 

Basically just don't do it please. Trust me. Thank you.





Just found out that the drivers will be coming out and doing interviews on F1 racing so its worth getting Dee with them!


12.10pm on below date:

Please have this completed for the wimbledon players minimum 1 hour in advance of the live show. Cos it takes maximum 1 hour for Dee to inhabit them. Even if your late, don't worry, still do it because they are going to be playing on the screen for a while, idk how long, I'm guessing an hour? Ive no idea.


Who are the 2024 F1 commentators? Sky Sports and Channel 4 teams (

Please also look at the above link at all the F1 commentators.

I'm in the process of trying to find the drivers as well just incase theyre seen on screen outside their cars at any point. Please go ahead for this :)





Please click both players on left and right on the wimbeldon site, and then scroll down and get more players from scrolling down. You'd be surprised, you actually do sometimes get more players by checking both links out.


10.52am on below date (updated this lil wimbledon section again at 10.57am for the second time):

all of these are links to the pictures lol easy peasy click the names, look at the photos and send them Dee, check daily until wimbeldon ends

even better if u scroll down once u click on a name, u get 2 players not just one.

Order of Play - The Championships, Wimbledon - Official Site by IBM



10.47am below date:

Order of Play - The Championships, Wimbledon - Official Site by IBM

Please can you look at photos at the above players ^^^ I think this is on daily until a certain date so please check this link daily until wimbledon ends as new players will be coming up all the time. Try to find any commentators or reporters on this as well especially! This might not be on the link you may have to do a bit of online searching.


10.32am on 4/7/24:

Can you check the below mission list? For example as of Today, there are a few global televised events and if you can look at anyone on the tv or anyone in media eg radio, newspapers, regarding this aka reporting on this, then that will help spread Dee to anyone watching, listening or potentially even reading (I'm not 100% on reading but worth a shot!)

Look at the photos of these two presidents.

Saeed Jalili and Masoud Pezeshkian.




So for example Silverstone - There are bands playing so its worth seeing if you can see a video or photo of the bands.


Activities you don't want to miss at the British Grand Prix | Silverstone,night%27s%20high%2Denergy%20headline%20performance.

If that doesn't work just check the Silverstone website (one of the first results on google) and browse the website to look for the page.

It has locations, schedule and who is going to be on stage.

Also heres a link:

Formula 1 Qatar Airways British Grand Prix Timetable | Silverstone

If you can look at anyone listed above that would be great. If you can find out who are the commentators at Silverstone and look at them or potentially even listen to them (idk if you can do it by listening, I presume so but ask Dee) then that would be great.


These are one such:

Here are a few coming up asap:

British grand Prix -

 4th til 7th July every day 

Euros? Football? Ends 14 July 

Wimbledon every day until I think 14th of July but not sure 


Look at photos of all the players to get them with Dee and all the referees or commentators or anyone on the media regarding this. 

For Silverstone, People racing will be hidden in a car for most of it so its great to try and get the commentators who will be talking throughout. Try and get all the band acts for Silverstone as well.




10.32am on 4/7/24:

Can you also read the below few paragraphs and do the same for Reform as you did for Greenparty?,


17.54pm below date

Can someone ask the above email (and any other emails for anyone in Green party) for any media, photos, videos of each and all of the following members from Green party listed below (as adults, not as children) AND if they have contact emails for each of these members so that you can ask their personal opinion on some policy questions, in time to prepare for the upcoming vote? Or find any other excuse to ask for their emails, or, for media photos and videos?

There is no photos of these members online hence you cannot really understand who you are supposed to be connecting with and voting for so any photos or videos or media of them would be a great help.

 Don't copy and paste please write it out yourself so that you don't accidentally re-print monickers which possibly might make them lie or reject you. Thanks

Falkirk – Rachel Kidd

green party Godalming and Ash – "Ruby Tucker" -jeremy

Lichfield – Heather McNellis

Liverpool Garston – Muryam Sheikh

Redcar – Ruth Hatton

West Lancashire – Charlotte Houltram


Once you get any photos just look at them and secretly send them Dee :) <3 And now when they are televised, everyone watching them on TV will get Dee. x




5.21pm below date: 

gotta do for definite


gotta do for definite Liberal Democrat, 

Can anyone help?

I've done Reform but I can't find very many members so I'm not sure if I actually got them all. Can anyone find a more comprehensive Reform member list and do it?

I've done Labour and Green Party but theres only 50% chance it worked because of some Chi Interference so it wouldn't hurt for someone else to have also done them, gives it much more of a chance :)


1.52pm on below date - tip - if using a google home hub and it cant get a name or word right, try omitting that word from the search?

another tip. try spelling the word out. thanks!


3/7/24   1.23pm - 


I was unable to find photos of these candidates for Green party UK.

Can anyone find photos of these people and look at them to send them Dee? Hence when they are televised, (aka the election announcement) everyone who sees them will get Dee.

Boston and Skegness – Christopher Moore

Falkirk – Rachel Kidd

Godalming and Ash – Ruby Tucker

Lichfield – Heather McNellis

Liverpool Garston – Muryam Sheikh

Redcar – Ruth Hatton

West Lancashire – Charlotte Houltram


Hello, if your just starting out, please prioritise Green Party *last*. If you have been helping and have helped to do Green party thank you so much :)

I have someone who has attempted to do Green Party but long story short, theres only 50% chance that it succeeded... Hence, please prioritise the other parties which have not been done (to my knowledge), before doing Green Party and giving it a 100% chance (hopefully!).


Here is a site I used for Green Party, alot of the links send you to a page with a photo of them:


3/7/24  8.05am

sometimes if your google home hub finds it hard to pick up on a name, if you spell it out it will get it. Like it kept picking up "can" for me at one point when I was trying to say Khan, so I just spelt it k-h-a-n and it was fine :) <3


6am - 3/77/24

sometimes you'll find an image of them on their twitter accounts as well. eg the green party website i linked below, alot of the names are links to their twitter accounts where they have a photo of them up :)



I tend to try to use a Google Home Hub to find them. If you imagine a funnel facing like this >

You put the broader search terms first, and the narrower search terms last, and this is more likely to find it.

I forgot the command for Google image search. You may have to google it (lol) or experiment to find it.

Hey Google, show me an image of...


Hey Google, search Google Images for...

Or something similar idk.


The broader search terms first and the most precise search terms last eg

Green Party, Twickenham, Sammy Javis

(Twitckenham is a location)

It will tend to search Green party first, then look for the next search term within Green party (aka I am looking for Twickenham within Green Party)

You may not even need the location, you may be fine with just

Green Party, Sammy Javis

(I am looking for Sammy Javis within Green party)

If it can't pick up the name, it may be able to do it with just one of the names eg the first name or the surname, but be careful because I've done this a few times and its come up with completely different people on Google image search and I wouldn't of easily spotted they were different had I not somehow cottoned on and cross-checked with a laptop search.

Or by omitting the tricky word / s from the entire search terms your putting in and seeing if that comes up, but you will sacrifice accuracy for this so please be certain you're looking at the right person as I've come up with quite alot of false searchs as well... But not NEARLY enough false searchs for it not to be worth using a Google Home Hub compared to how painstaking it would be without :)

If I can't easily get the Google Home Hub to search them, I just copy n paste them into a notepad.

Hence I will quickly get as many popping up on Google home hub as possible (its quicker this way) and anyone I can't get I paste into a notepad so afterwards I will do manual searches on a laptop with those in the notepad.

:) Good luck.

Also!!! Another tip for using home hub below:


Also if it can't get one of the words right just can try to just omit it


if it cant get Obaku Torode

Try just Torode. Hit n miss but it might do, please make sure its not a miss with whatever comes up :)





3.39am below date:


This seems to have a full list??? ^^^^^


3.31am below date:


Just checked the reform website, there seems to be not very many people linked on there from the party, Im not 100 percent but Im a bit skeptical that the website actually has listed all the Reform members. Please look elsewhere to try to find them!

If you feel similarly looking at any of the websites I've shown, please go ahead and try and find the missing members elsewhere!


3.12am, 3/7/24


Can you look at all the candidates for the UK General Election? Dee needs 1 hour maximum to get into their body.

Then if they are going on TV, everyone who sees them gets Dee.! The election in UK is tommorow.


We have, Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrat, Reform and Green Party as the main parties (Idk if there are any more!)

Please also check the candidates not only running for England but for Scotland Wales Ireland etc.


Candidates | Conservatives


Find your local Labour candidates


Can you look via Google images and find photos for the ones on this site without photos?


Heres a site with Liberal Democrats, I don't know whether this is the best site as it does seem to be some random guy / politics fan and his compilation (hence not an "official site") but feel free to google and look for other lists as well:


Reform UK:

Candidate Search

Candidate Search - Reform UK


Green Party:

Full list of all Green Party candidates at the general election (


Full list of all Green Party candidates at the general election


I don't know if thats the best list because its not an official website but feel free to use google and find other lists :)


22:50pm, 2/7/24


Can you keep up-to-date with global news events and global competitions (such as Paraolympics which I think is coming up soon!) ?

Can you look at all the competitors of Paraolympics at least 1 hour in advance of the event, and commentators, and anyone else who will be on TV or be publicised in media?




There has been a Stampede killing lots of people in India.

There are wildfires or hurricane in the Carribean??

I can't remember (might be wrong) but was there also a hurricane?

Anyway. Can you somehow help people who are in natural disasters?

One idea is to try to find as much footage as possible of people in those situations, so that you can look at the people there (they may be in the background behind a cold presenter), and that way those hopefully innocent civilians and not cold people, will recieve Dee. At least this can help SOME of them if not all.


Heres a little tip for you. When there is a very highly publicised event, for example the Olympics, where this is highly televised and a huge amount of public will tend to want to watch it... This is a chance to affect lots of people... So keep an eye on the opening Ceremonies of these events. And possibly the closing ceremonies. And Ask Dee to teach you about what your watching.

One of the past olympics events had a fairly crazy opening ceremony and... If you have time you could always check this out and ask Dee to teach you about it. I'll update at some point with the opening ceremony and which year it was.

So, I'm not 100 percent sure whether they will do the same for Paraolympics, but, I wouldn't be surprised if they do.


There was one opening ceremony, I don't know whether Beijing or somewhere else, where everyone was connected with red stress lines... It reminds me of FEAR and the stifling effect this has on people. The guy looks at the camera directly at the end in a threatening way. Its a threat. Talk to Dee.

But the one I was originally talking about was not about Beijing. I think it was London? Is different from this and also has a bad effect on you.

Also, The Dark Crystal.. The film, and not the series. This film reminds me alot of Pleaides. Ask Dee :) But there is one scene in the film where he is sucking the mana from someone... This is a bad scene in the film imo, ask Dee.


7.36am , 1/7/24

Check "global events" on Wikipedia, or Google, or the News for new ideas! For example, any very publicised event, is a great opportunity to spread Dee and give everyone a heart, the mother etc. 

If you scroll down, I have a list of upcoming events! The next blurb is instructions on how to spread Dee far and wide. I've only covered some events I've found out about in UK. (Except for General Elections which I've tried to do a bit more global!) It would be great if you could do this for other countries as well! If you can find places that are in political uprising as well, or rebellion, or civil uprising, for example South Africa, then this is a mission of compassion for those struggling in those circumstances. Please look at videos of it and look at all the people you can see in the background.

Bonus round, if you ever happen to see a TV Camera, feel free to try to loiter in the background and get yourself in the shot lol. Now everyone watching that TV show will get Dee :P Or if you can happen to get on the Radio or see photos of Magazine or Newspapers editors. It can be photos or videos and presumably also voice recordings (Ask Dee).


Here are upcoming events! If you can look at every person who will be publicised eg on tv or otherwise, in advance of the event, preferably to have looked at a google photo of them all 1 hour minimum in advance, that would be great. As long as the google photo isn't of them when they were a child, then it should work (presuming they are an adult now aka age difference doesn't matter from the photo to the present day, as long as the photo isn't of them as a child IF in the present day they are an adult.)

Remember if you can also get Commentators or Presenters, that would be fantastic. For example, you may not see the Racers at the British Grand Prix as easily when they are inside their cars, but the commentators for the show will be talking and that will be the best bet so that even if someone is just flicking through TV and skimming past the channel, they won't see the driver (as the driver is hidden in the car) but they will hear the commentator and hence get Dee. If you want to push the boat though you can also get the drivers (just incase!).

If you can find all the referrees as well for the sports events that would be great.

An often easier (but not always easier) way to do this is to use a Google Home Hub. It can be a bit fussy with the wording of commands. I can't remember exactly what I said, so don't repeat the experiment cos its not exactly the same, but this is an example of how fiddly it can be with wording:

If I said, Hey Google, show me Ryan Moore from Royal Ascot. It might say Here are the results on the web. And show me google results. Which is not what I need

But if I said, Hey Google, show me Royal Ascot, Ryan Moore. Then it would show me the Google Image results!

It might have been "Show me an image of" or "Search Google Images for". I can't remember the exact wording I used now, I'm so sorry, but I hope you can figure out the correct "format" to make these commands in order to show you these adroidtly. It just tends to be a much quicker way to look at the majority of people going to be televised, although Google Home Hub may not always pick up on the name right and then you would have to use a laptop lol.

Here are the upcoming events that I know of:

Iran 5th july General Election

Iraq? No. Not til 2025.

Wimbledon - 11am is the match tommorow

Do this daily until wimbledon ends, I think its 14th July.

 1st july

France elections -  7th July

UK elections

4th july



British grand Prix and the music headliners there aka kings of leon

Silverstone at British grand Prix, a music event:

Kings of Leon, Stormzy, Pete Tong and Rudimental (please look at all the members performing!)

With more acts yet to be announced

Please check this website a couple of times daily see if u can get the acts as they are announced,it's%20not%20over%20yet...

British grand Prix -

Friday 5th til 7th July every day 

Euros? Football? Ends 14 July 

Acts on British grand Prix from 4th July til 7th every day


Tuesday 2 July

Romania vs Netherlands (Munich, 18:00)

Austria vs Türkiye (Leipzig, 21:00)

Continue doing all the football teams. Please google / look online to see who is competing and when and see if you can get all the members :) And referees if possible! Commentators as well!

Can you get all the players at Wimbledon? 

An early legislative election was held in France on 30 June 2024, with a second round to be held on 7 July, to choose all 577 members of the 17th National Assembly of the Fifth French Republic

Can you get everyone in the second election.

Okay so in order to do this you have to Google image all the players / people that will be on TV for these events and look at them. At least 1 hour in advance of the actual thing.

That way, they will get Dee. Then everyone who is watching these programs will get Dee.

Please also Google upcoming music festivals and get Dee with all the acts on stage.

Then also bonus round, if you can find any Gigs, if you can get Dee with him that would be great. Any stage performers for example Theatre showings as well, would be great! Any places with large gatherings of people is ideal or highly televised or publicised.

If you can get Weather Men and News Anchors and Reporters for popular news shows or any TV shows that arn't filmed too far in advance, thats great!

Could you manage the cast of Good Morning Britain and This Morning Britain? How about popular TV shows like Coronation Street? I'm only guessing these arn't filmed too far in advance. Anything that isn't filmed too far in advance would be ideal, but even if it is filmed in advance, it will work, it just means it will work at a later date eg This is filmed 2 months in advance.. So if you look at the actors and send them Dee now, then the veiwers of this will only recieve Dee when the next episode for them is released in 2 months time. If that makes sense.

However I highly doubt they film 2 months in advance, but I don't really know - I'm just guessing that they don't. I'm just guessing Breakfast TV shows arn't filmed too far in advance but I could be wrong there.

Bonus round if you can get people who write for newspapers, I can only imagine that would be quite tricky to find!

So yes is theres general elections please try to look at photos of all party members, or all presidential candidates. 


Thank you so much! <3








6.31am on below date:

heres a resource:


Update 6.28am on 1/7/24:


I will try to tag admins and moderators of forums or chatrooms as well, or I will reply to for example a long string of comments on facebook with tags, so that everyone who has commented gets notified with my response and gets tagged. Its a quick way to influence great swathes of people. Even better, forums for people who are unwell or for people who role play who tend to be nerds or for mother advice forums, or troubled teen forums, or drug-taker forums.


Or I will join a facebook group for example, a group called The Occult, and I will post on there a photo of us all and say "My friend who is psychic says that they can see an orb in this photo but I can't see it, can anyone here see it?"

And try to talk to the moderators or admins of the group and tag them. Quite often I just copy n paste the standard LDIEM tag (dont copy n paste this one pls I just wrote it normally) and then say *Oops sorry autocorrect did that, I meant to say Thanks x. Thats pretty much a good way to discreetly tag people mid conversation lol. 

One day I want to get a big waterproof fabric banner of us and hang it outside my top floor window with fairy lights or even better if I can get stronger ones, so that everyone passing will get tagged.

When I'm in the living room eating, I have the curtains open so I can see people who walk by and they will get Dee.

One day I will find a way to get us on my families cars so that every car driving that sees them eg the car just before them... You know those "Baby on Board" stickers? Kind of like that. And they will all "get tagged".


If you want to make it less awkward I think you might not have to show our full faces, you might be able to tag by only showing a portion of our faces, please ask Dees advice whats acceptable or not. Like it would be great if you could just crop a section of cheek and that would waythrough to us and they get tagged, as its a bit less awkward socially to post just a random block colour that no-one knows what it is (but secretly its a cheek)... But this might not actually work. It depends on what part of us you crop out.


I also don't know whether you can get away with editting photos, depending on how much you edit, and it still working as a tag. For example it might be more socially acceptable as a banner when editted but you have to ask Dee what will actually work or not. 

I have made multiple facebooks connecting to mine incase they run out of friends space, I have public facebooks and private ones, public ones I add random people lol, and I set it to public so anyone clicking can see it, and I have us all in my facebook header photo, as well as I have a block of black in my profile picture below me and the tag in white on there as well.

I have a banner of us as my email signiture and with the tag all around it in different colours incase someone is colour blind lol, though I doubt someone would be colour-blind against black or white!

I also have this:

Add notepad sig here


I have set this as my signiture for my emails. Weirdly enough, I did actually have to set this as a signiture for each of my email apps on each of my mobile phones and on my computer. Like even though I set it in the same Gmail to have the signiture on my laptop, for some reason when emailing from gmail on my phone it wouldn't have the signiture so I had to go into the Gmail settings on my phone and set up the signiture there as well. 


Please feel free to download the image in the google drive link and use it as a signiture. I cut the faces in half because then even if someone doesn't click the link and open it, quite often the image shows as a big icon anyway under the email and I wanted to fit all of our faces / names in that big icon, so they wouldn't have to open anything and just glance at it and they would connect and get our freq. :) 

Feel free to use this image anywhere or any of the images of the team anywhere :) Like I said, my parents might find it a bit odd if I had our faces as a banner hanging outside my window with fairy lights round it lol so you can ask Dee to convince them to accept this or, I am finding a way to make this a bit more discreet.

For example, I want to get our address with lights as a sign outside our front gate for example 123 Random Street, I could get this using our alphabet tag, and then put this outside our front gate, and it lights up, now everyone passing my house gets tagged.

If I can get away with editting a massive flag with it, and if I am able to make the editting kind of punky or metally, and still have it connect to us, then I could say "Im just a massive fan of this band!" lol and hang it outside my window... Haha.

Also if you can connect to festivals as well, thats great. Look at the edges, the crowds at festivals will drop outta view here as the camera pans. If you can connect to each band member who is playing at festivals before they play, thats everyone at the festival + if the festival is televised, wow even better.

Please help Hindus as well as they do need help. As do Christians.

Try and find channels that Hindus and Christians will connect to as well or ways to connect to them, or even tag them.

If you can somehow get our photos or tag coming up as a google ad on common search terms, thats absolutely amazing, or as a billboard on a busy highway.

If you look into advertising, thats great, it will cost money, but will spread our freq. and Dee very effectively.

Things like Buses or Trains, where there is a large volume of people.

People like police officers who will often see criminals as well as victims.

People like firefighters, ambulance men, doctors. People who serve the infrastructure like Rubbish men or Post men or Amazon men but please ask Dees advice beforehand as well!

People who work with charities and endangered species as well.



Update: 6.04am, 1/7/24


Note 7/17/2024 1:39:43 PM - Online Notepad (



The above is an alphabet tag, please copy and paste this into an email and email it to yourself so you always have easy access to it, and also save it to a notepad on your desktop.

Please skim down below (sorry for the hassle!) to see what I've written about the alphabet tag!


Can  you help people who would be in contact with lots of people who need to  be healed? Such as Doctors/Nurses/Carers/Care company bosses/Psychiatrists/Psychologists/Therapists? Not all of these people are warm, some are cold, but thats neither here nor there to me! (My acronym for Neither here nor there is NHNT :) as I tend to say it alot lol)


Can you help soldiers in war? They often believe they are being heros for their country or protectors and defenders, but are convinced by this to kill other soldiers. 

If you can find a way to give Dee to soldiers or commanders, RAF, Navy, and otherwise anyone involved in War, that would be fantastic.

You need only look at a photo of them and as long as the photo isn't of them when they were a child, it should be enough to give them Dee.

It should take about an hour at the very most for Dee to be able to inhabit a cold one. Dee can inhabit them temporarily before he has to go. This allows Dee to spread from a cold one, to everyone else the cold one can be in contact with.

Cold meaning,  a very cold and non-human personality type if you understand me.

Dee can attach to very human personality types (if you get this), instantly, but sometimes it takes them a while to learn to trust Dee fully. However I'm sure that Dee has a way of influencing them in important decisions or influencing them in general if he must do, even before they have learned to completely trust and follow his direction all the time 100%. But you can ask Dee to confirm this last sentence if you want, I haven't asked him personally, I'm just assuming!

If you can also help all the innocent people who are stuck in war-torn countries, that would be amazing. On wikipedia there is a page with "List of Ongoing Armed Conflicts". This includes those at civil war as well.


Also, if you can find popular youtubers, or any kind of film or media that isn't released too much in advance (aka they don't already have 7 episodes lined up to release lol and just release them on planned future dates, aka they are still filming, maybe they have 1 episode in advance or none and they are yet to film for the next episode) that would be best. (Hence Youtubers - I'm assuming that often they don't film that far ahead in advance, aka they often make new videos adhoc after the last one was released.... Again I am assuming this! I could be wrong! )

If you can look at Youtubers that at a guess have the most sinful audiences, they have alot of potential to be light. Or the most hurt audiences.

If you can look at Youtubers whos audiences are likely to be unhealthy or sick, that will be absolutely healing and merciful for them and will allow them to become healers.

If you can look at Youtubers whos audiences are at the most risk, for example people who are at risk of committing crimes that can end them up in prison or could end up hurting people, or people who are at risk of serious disease (even terminal) or becoming disabled, then you will absolutely be saving lives and changing lives.


(For example, disease advice channels or, diagnosis channels etc. would attract audiences of people who are trying to identify and diagnose themselves based on some worrying symptoms that have appeared. These are potentially people that we can prevent a disease in or otherwise heal / let them become healers).

If you can keep in mind also the country of popular Youtubers for example, x y and z Youtubers are the most popular in UK, so you will be saving alot of UK Audiences... But Youtuber a, b and c is the most popular in Africa, where it is impoverished, and you will be saving alot of impoverished people. So keep in mind different countries as well as different audiences and pick which audience you would like to serve.

If you can look at videos advising people about war or the army or navy or RAF, this could save people who are considering joining and are researching videos of peoples experiences or learning about it to decide whether they want to join or not.

Keep in mind which videos are most likely to be seen by the most people as well as which people they will be seen by.

Videos for parents, can help them raise their kid in the best way from the start.

Videos for kids, can help them learn to grow in the best way right from the very start of their lives.

People who need forgiveness, people who need help in way way, people who are hurting, people who are quite dark, these kinds of audiences as well to be considered in which Youtubers you select to look at.

And fingers crossed they haven't filmed too many of their shows in advance already (aka they haven't already got 7 videos lined up to be released over the next 3 months lol) so you will be able to affect their audience straight away 

Sorry if I repeated this but also the type of channels that attract the most sinful audiences and of every kind of sin, these people will have the most potential to become light as well. So... Channels advising on sexual matters, or greed advice like stockmarket advice or business advice, etc. etc. etc.)

And again, videos that are directed towards the people that need the most help....

As well as videos that are directed towards people that are least likely to GET help or find help for their issues as well

(eg this person has an extremely rare issue that they can't find any help for anywhere, they are literally stuck. Dee can probably be the answer for them!)


And also videos that have the most influence as well. For example, their audiences are ones that tend to have alot of influence. This can spread Dee far and wide.

Or videos that alot of their audience are very poor people or impoverished people.


Below I have links to alphabet tags. You can copy and paste letters/numbers/symbols from any of us to allow anyone reading that letter/symbol/number to connect to us.

I have gone and made versions of my home address, mobile phone number, email address, and full name, using letters copied and pasted from these alphabets. So anyone reading these, will recieve a heart, a mother, a potential ability to see chi (thats up to Dee to see if they are able first and then how much), a blue shield, etc. etc.

So then I update things like if I've already signed up to a website, I will change the email to another one of my emails, then change it back to the original email but this original email is the one made by copying and pasting letters from the special alphabet. Now anyone on that website looking at that email will be "tagged" and get a mother, a heart etc. El doesnt want to be involved so hes not.

So for example, I have changed my first and last name in my email settings to tagged versions, so if I email anyone and they see it sitting in their inbox, they get tagged.

Phone numbers too.

Usernames. Etc. !



Bear with me, update coming up with these alphabet tags: (Its an idea of mine to print these off as stickers and just stick them around places in public as well lol. Preferably in places where lots of people will see them or be in contact with them for example, Ticket machines for cars, Entrances to places like Car parks, my dream is to have a big billboard on the highway but unfortunately can't afford that kind of advertising lol, or a Google Ad come up on search bar.)

Also if you can be an extra on TV, that would be fantastic, its easier than you would think -- I literally went on the Big Brother website and signed up on it, and I got an email through inviting me to come to the show! I don't think you can see me, but I'm in the audience, right at the front, and the presenters looked me directly in the eye before talking... Now thats everyone who watched that episode of Big Brother now has Dee :)

If you can go to somewhere like LARP, Live Action Role Play, or any other place that attracts generally nerdy people :) Star Wars Conventions lol, Comic-Con... These are people with alot of potential.

 Or um kids who are abused, social workers, prisoners, prison guards, courts, lawyers... These are also some ideas of the types of people that would be great to have a Dee to help them.

Anyone at risk of spiritual malaise as well such as Satanists, people who try to summon Demons, or people in contact with Demons eg like those in media or otherwise, it would be great to give Dee to them to help them. Crystal sellers, people who use occult methods, crystals, spells, any other kind of occultic thing, Dee would be a great help to them. Wiccans, Dee would be great with them. Youtube channels with guidance videos for people who are Satanists or Wiccans, can help you to give Dee to a big audience. 

Anyone who can contact a celebrity or someone with great influence or media, great.

Any general elections coming up or BIG televised events, please look at all the people who will be involved. Championships of sports like the Grand prix, Global Events, (look on Wikipedia for Global Events, it has all the general elections coming up in different countries, a great way to touch as many people as possible in these countries), The Euros in Football looking at all the team members, can anyone get the referees for the football? 

Try to get them at least 1 hour in advance of the live event, just to be sure Dee is with them.

Just anything that will get alot of viewers or readers or contact with the most people OR contact with someone who then also has contact with the most people Eg, I got Dee in with a photographer, the photographer took a picture of someone for a very popular article, and the President of Ukraine happened to read that article lol. Or, a lot of mothers are the type of people to read that article, now Dee is with their children and they learn from the youngest of ages and this will prevent them making too bad mistakes or hopefully getting into poor health. Or that article was advising criminals or people who wanted to join the army, eg the article could be called "Is the Army the place for you?" and would-be soldiers read it and then decide no, its not the place for me. You've saved his life and the lives of people he may have potentially shot or been intimidated by his presence in a war torn country.

Or, an article called "How to make huge money quick!" so these greedy people may have alot of potential to be light. Or, an article widely published in an impoverished area or country, now this audience who needs the most help from suffering, will get help.



Just a word of advice, sometimes when signing up to things and using this alphabet, its wiser to choose all lower case when signing up. Because sometimes after you sign up, they don't actually copy across the upper-case lettering -- They turn the upper-case lettering into lower-case, hence not using your copied-and-pasted lettering for that letter.


PS if you have the ability to edit the note, please don't. If you can copy and paste that note to a word document or otherwise on your desktop, please do! Just incase for some reason the site fails and goes down -- Very highly unlikely but its probably best to save a copy of this on your desktop or email a copy of this to yourself anyway so you can always access it when your out-and-about easily and you have your own copy.




Update 4.05am gmt on below date:


I updated the banner so that even if the reader doesn't open the image, when linked in my Gmail signature, quite often the image will display in an icon and so I cut our faces in half so that all of us could be seen from the icon alone without even having to open the image. On gmail on a standard laptop.

Please feel free to do the same or similar so that we can all be seen, ask Dee for advice on what will work when editting or cutting images.

The tag however is often enough on its own.


Update 2.33am gmt 29/06/24:


If any of my notes are editable, please don't edit them so that other people can see them as they are :) Thank you.

Please feel free to download the banner and use it wherever and whenever you want. Feel free to make it your email signiture as well if you like!

You may be able to edit the images if it is a bit awkward to use them outright. For example, it may be possible to just cut out a square of a cheek and put it somewhere discreetly. The person viewing will see just a block colour of yellow/brown/pink and not think anything of it but secretly this is connecting them to the person. 

It may not be possible to link to them with a square of the cheek though, but this is just an example. Ask Dee what area of the face you can cut out and still have people looking at it connect to the person.

I don't know whether you will be able to edit to add effects to an image and have it still connect to them. I can only guess that some mild editting might work more than others.


Update 2.20am:


If you google Panasonic Clip-on earphones and get a pair similar to these (I haven't got these exact ones but I have one similar). Then, you can wear these clipped on but slide it / tilt it so that your ear canal is exposed. Ask Dee for advice on how to get the positioning right. Then it will allow Dee to access your ear-coves whilst you listen to things a bit more privately using these headphones than you would normally with speakers. Otherwise you can use headphones for more privacy but this won't allow Dee to access your ear-coves at the same time.


Update 1.22am:



Clean with high freq. energy tool is another tool we can use, as well as wash with love / clean with love. (Eg washing vegetables before consuming them).

Please if you use cleaning products, please wipe away with cleaning product using a watery towel and then a dry towel afterwards. Usually the cleaning residue isn't actually good for you! Hence getting rid of it is best. This is especially the case for elderly people or people who are vulnerable with health. Healing jacket is best for people visiting people with compromised health. A personal family friend of mine was unwell in intensive care unit in hospital and could of died as she is elderly. We did manage to get her healthy again and she will live. We did try to make sure that every person that visited her wore a healing jacket so they were helping to heal her on every visit, and learning to be healers. Please ask Dee about Healing Jacket tool. Please ask Dee whether he can help with anyone you know personally who has a life-threatening illness or, well, any kind of illness or ailment really. Cancer for example.


Update 1.11am:

Bus men, ticket men, train men, are some ideas of people to get Dee with as they will see a high volume of people. I'm unsure yet whether these are cold or warm :) Police men, as these will see people who have alot of potential to be very light, or people who need to be saved or healed, such as criminals (damaged people) and the people who have had crimes committed against them (eg victims of violence, can become healers for themselves and others). Generally people with infrastructure.


Update 1.07am:


I'm not exactly business savvy but maybe its an idea? To be able to afford advertising such as billboard advertising on a busy motorway, or other types of advertising. Maybe google ads, so that tags come up on Google searches. That would be amazing if I could afford it >.<" But there may be better ways to spread Dee. Haven't really discussed with Dee yet the implications of this and whether its actually a good idea or not!


Update 1am on below date:


Dee has an expansive aura tool to help connect to people around you with your auric field. Its also an idea when out and about to scan your head left and right or even 360 from time to time, as you will see as many people as possible and hence send them Dee. I would love ideally to get a sign for my house and put this on the front fence, so that people walking by will all get tagged. Also a waterproof giant flag-like banner to hang outside my top floor window so people can see it and potentially put lights around it such as christmas fairy lights so it can be seen at night.

If using public transport such as a train, I tend to pace up and down the train between every stop, so that I can give Dee to everyone new boarding the train, as well as looking out the windows to where I can spread Dee the most if possible.

If I'm not driving and I see a roundabout, I'll tend to look at the entrances to the roundabouts where cars enter or leave. Or if theres entrances to a road, will tend to look there where cars will enter and leave. Love to connect with shop workers, not all shop workers are warm (my slang for human "personality type" if you get my drift, as opposed to a cold, non-human personality type if you catch my drift). But people will tend to go to these people. Any person who tends to connect with lots of people or see lots of people is a bonus to have Dee with as they can spread Dee to lots of people. Places like zoos or fairgrounds or theatres places that attract lots of visitors as well, travelling circuses, etc.


Update 0.45am on 29/6/24 gmt:


Dee may be able to make things flavourful or change the flavour of things without you needing to use ingredients like herbs or sauces :) Hence saving money.

Cold wet blanket is a tool Dee uses as well as Comfort blanket, as well as "Counting sheep". Ask if any of these are suitable for you. Ask Dee!


Dee has a very good tool for getting my pet in at night lol, its called Call to Home so may be useful. It involves checking front door and back door for her, then activating Call to Home. Waiting for 20 mins approx. then checking the front door and back door again. Quite often she will have come home by that time ready to come in. 

I have a safety measure that says if she by any chance gets locked out, we have a location for her to go to which is safe, and she will be kept warm and comfortable with Dee.

Dee also has other ways to tame or soothe your pet, for example ways to return Dogs to you who may stray. Ask Dee :)

Dee can numb you if necessary as well or make things more painful for you if necessary (I know it sounds strange but sometimes it can be needed to prevent even worse damage in some situations or with certain things!).


Update 0.45am on 29/6/24 gmt:


I have updated my emails to have this as my email signature:


This is my email signiature. - Online Notepad (


Strangely enough, when setting up this signature, for some reason it didn't automatically apply across both computer and phone emailing. So I had to update the email signature in the settings on my phone app as well as online on my laptop.

They are photos of us all back when we were more lower freq. than we are today, but not as low freq. as we have been previously to this in the past. :)

I used multiple colours with the tag just incase someone was colour-blind and found it difficult to read a certain colour, although I think its a bit unlikely someone will be colourblind against the colour white / black, you never know! Lol.



Update 3 mins past midnight on 29/06/2024 GMT:


My email is no longer the gold.lena one. I found out its actually not good to use this kind of name lol just my luck! is my current temporary one... Lol its actually a very old email address from my teenage years. I'll be updating this hopefully soon to a new one.


These are instructions for being able to very easily give people potentially heartfulness, a mother, forgiveness (I forgot to include, wherever I've said I'm giving people a mother, I also mean giving Forgiveness.), and a potential ability to see with wholeness or inner column of light, blue shield, etc. Dee manages this so it gives them the potential to grow these abilities  but its up to Dee how much they are able to grow them and how long it will take for them to grow them (may be shocking to have it overnight, may be better for them to become accustomed gradually growing this ability over time etc.)


I forgot to mention that I did also make my home address out of tags as well as my mobile phone number and my email address out of tags, so if I have these registered to any websites, I change them to something different and then change them back to the alphabet-tagged versions of these.


As well as my first and last name registered on the email made out of the alphabet tag, filling in forms with either my tag in it eg Mandy (LDIEM) (pls dont copy n paste that LDIEM one I just did, thats not a genuine tag I just typed it quickly lol), or filling in forms with my name written made out of the tag alphabet. I also tend to stick the tag in the subject header of emails I send, so even if the person has tonnes of emails and cannot open mine straight away, they just glance at their inbox and hopefully see my email sitting there with the tag in the subject header and hence the person gets tagged.

Please don't edit the note if your able.

Note 7/17/2024 1:39:43 PM - Online Notepad (


So heres a tip:


Make the following things out of alphabet tags aka Copy each letter coming from a different person. Have this easily avaliable for example send an email to yourself and favourite / star / pin that email, so that if you are out n about or adhoc signing up to websites or other things, you can very easily copy and paste these across.


1. Your address/s

2. Every variation of your name that your likely to use eg your full name, your nickname, Miss / Ms / Mrs / Mr / Mx / Any other pronouns

3. Your emails

4. Your phone numbers

5. Your credit / debit card numbers and details

6. Your paypal addresses and any other payment method


It may be an idea to also email yourself the alphabet tags full stop so if you are out and about and signing up to things, you can very quickly access the alphabet tag and copy and paste these in.

It can be an idea to find things you've signed up for already and re-do the addresses / numbers / names / general details to something different just to change them away from my default briefly, and then put my address / details back but using alphabet tags.

You don't necessarily have to do this as it might not be likely people will actually check these and see them. You could do these "as your going along" or, just do these when you need to contact customer support who will likely access your details or when your about to contact a company getting things returned etc. That might be a good opportunity to update the company with the alphabet tagged version of your details. Alternatively you might just give them a quick LDIEM tag (don't copy n paste that one lol its not the genuine tag). It might be quite painstaking to update all the details and it might not be necessary actually do this - Idk - Its up to your own discretion!




Extra ad-hoc mission ideas:


1. Wearing Issas wholeness glasses and then when you are idling for example on the loo lol, looking at videos of festivals and gigs or generally of places with big crowds of people and trying to catch them all (as a tip, try to look at the edges of the screen where people are falling out of view and coming in).

2. Compassion - Looking at videos of places that need help such as impoverished countries like Africa or war-torn countries. It might be that the person speaking on the video may be cold aka not helpable, however there might be ordinary civilians in the background of the video that need help.

4. If there is a LIVE showing at any time, please try to look at the person on screen prior to the live showing, more than 1 hour before if possible if they are cold. Eg from a photograph published online. I don't know whether it works to see things they've written as well, please keep in mind its possible they may lie about having written something eg This excerpt I published online is from me (Its not, its actually a writer I hired on my behalf pretending to be me who published this for me).

5. If anyone is going to be on any kind of media coverage, try to look at a photo/vid of them (or possibly a voice recording/writing from them? I'm not 100 percent, please ask Dee advice), prior to when the media coverage is going to be recorded. This is a great way to get Dee with them and hence anyone who is going to watch that media may get Dee! Please try to look at them at least 1 hour in advance, as Dee needs this amount of time to guarantee that he can inhabit their energy body, if they are cold only. 

6. News recordings are more likely to be either not pre-recorded or pre-recorded much less in advance (I'm just guessing here, not 100% on it!). So it might be an idea to try to get Dee with News anchors or Weather men.

7. Massive televised events

8. Sports events

9. Things in general that alot of people are likely to watch


10. Any form of general election is an opportunity for this, worldwide. As majority of people may be watching TV to find out the results of the election or at least will find out scrolling through media. Hence all will hopefully get Dee! I try to look at photos of all party members of all parties, as well as anyone up for President / Prime minister etc., prior to the event, by searching for these online. For example wikipedia may have lists of the member names for me to google. Or there may be a government website that shows party faces. 


11. A tip is, if you own a Google Home Hub, you can do this far quicker and easier, print out a list of the names and just say the following (It will work easier / faster if said in these exact words:)

In this example I was doing this regarding the Royal Ascot which is a televised event:

With a google home hub,

Then instead of painstakingly copying and pasting each name into google images

You just say  into Google Home:

Hey Google, show me a picture of Royal Ascot "Name here"

You gotta say it like that cos it gets really iffy and hit n miss about saying Use Google Photos or google image search for some reason. Or about saying it in a different order eg Hey Google, show me a picture of Bob from Royal Ascot -- For some reason Google home hub can be more iffy and hit n miss about showing the photos saying it in this way, hence its better to follow above instruction.

So with a google home hub it became super quick and super simple n easy.

I did not only the jockeys but the trainers. Not sure if this was necessary though!

I didnt do the horses but wish I could do that quick n easy but I think its enough to do the trainers and jockeys.

I'm guessing Dee might be able to spread from Jockeys to the horses... Idk.... Tbh I dont really know how to get the horses yet. Should I do the horses? How often do they race before switching?


If heating is too expensive for you, a cheaper alternative may be to buy and use an electric blanket.    :)


Heres a quick tip: Sungazing can expand your pineal gland. Not everyone can do this safely. Some people have more sensitive eyes than others. I am unfortunately one of those types and cannot sun gaze without damaging them so I don't. But other people have less sensitive eyes and can do them. Please ask Dee for advice. Please google for instructions. Off the top of my head it involves looking at the sun as it rises through the periphery of your gaze -- But I'm not 100 percent, please google.


Please rinse and spit your toothpaste out using water. Dentists will often advise you leave the remnants of your toothpaste on your teeth. Trust me, rinse and spit it out using water, try not to leave remnants of it on your teeth.



Fluoride is generally bad for you. Its not a huge deal if you have to have it but its better if you can go without.

I am in the process of finding a water jug that can filter out as much fluoride as possible. You may or may not be able to get piping attachments that do the same, you will likely need to hire a plumber to do this. I will update you soon with product recommendations if I can find any that are suitable for purpose!












Update 3.32pm on same date as below:

Ask mentorships about the Ultimate Healing Jacket. If anyone needs healed its especially purposeful to send their offspring to visit using an ultimate healing jacket and, preferably, an ultimate healing attitude as well. Aka kindness and comfort. Of course its also great to apply the ultimate healing jacket directly on the afflicted, but preferably, for the offspring to apply it to them.


Update 3.32pm on same date as below:


Update again 2:35pm on same date as below: After reading the below update at 2.24pm, please then read this:


Latest update: 24/6/24 at 2.24pm GMT:


Please download / read this note!


In the note I wrote:

"Anyone reading any of these copied and pasted will recieve a mother freq."


What I meant to say was "A mother, a heart, ability to see inner column of light, ability to see chi fields, and my imprint."

However, not everyone will get all of these, and not everyone will get all of these at full strength aka. Some people are not ready to wake up enough for full heartfulness or to see inner columns of light or see chi fields.

So, the possibility is there but Dee manages whether they will gradually and slowly become heartful or see chi fields or inner lights (obviously its much more likely for lightworkers to gain these abilities than your bogstandard normal person!)

Also not every situation is right for being heartful so for example, Shaughn will remove his heartfulness in order to find things funny (punchlines depend on surprises and he is far too much in-the-know with heartfulness to find things funny so he will often remove it for comedy)

Also, he is an Aries, he needs to be moving all the time or else he gets agitated, hence he will remove his heartfulness in order to lie still in bed for long periods of time.

Hence please ask Dee if you can remove heartfulness as well for certain situations.


Heartfulness can be overwhelming for people so ask Dee if you can use the blue shield I incarnated with if you like. Its on a slider.

So you can use heartfulness with 100 percent blue shield. Or if your ready for it, only 50 percent blue shield etc.

You may also use blue shield for other situations where you might need shielded.

So please ask Dee whether you can access these tools or for any advice on what I've written here!


Ask Dee about the tools:




False Memory Implant

Memory removal


And whether any of these are appropriate for you or not. :)


Latest Update: 19/06/2024 14:55 GMT - New Mission Plan:


Even better, are you able to visit stonehenge and help give Dee to everyone you can there? Rescue innocent people trapped in an occultic way of life! Please google for details, I think the tickets might be approx £25?


Can anyone look for Summer Solstice livestream at Stonehenge, either from the official website, Youtube, or otherwise? And look at as many people as possible to deliver Dee?

I've just realised its Stone Henge celebration in England. I think there is two a year, and quite often there are alot of Wiccans and Pagans that go there to celebrate. Hence there will be alot of occultic frequencies at Stone Henge!

I think its this weekend but you'd have to check!


Are you able to influence everyone in Stonehenge somehow? Are you able to contact the organisers of Stone Henge celebrations, the staff, or big names involved in Stonehenge?


Sorry for the late notice, I've only just realised it myself!


New update: 15/06/24, 6.01 am GMT.


Sorry for the lack of formatting in this bit, I'm in a rush so will edit it again later to make it look a bit nicer.




Also, please ask Dee to help you identify if any products you use are good for you or bad for you. You may be surprised. For example I personally found salicylic acid in some specialist handwashes so these had to be given a miss. Cavillon cream, e45 handwashes, Dermol 500 handwashes, and toilet gloves lol, these are all things that can  help you if you have very sensitive hands. 

Also he may be able to help you with foods that are bad for you. For example I can't tolerate wheat or gluten very well but there seems to be alot of it in the most surprising of products like sweets even lol.

Asfoeteda (sp?) a herb, is part of the energy toolbox as it can decrease pressure quite alot.


ORAC score is something you can check out, high anti-oxidant foods or teas, as a healing method. Roobios for example is one such healing tea as well as Oolong tea.


If you want to be especially goodhearted you can use Hydrogen Peroxide spray instead of bleach for things like toilets, its a bit nicer for the planet in general.


As a "general rule" I try to minimise Oil, and sillicons, but I don't always forgoe it.


Mission again:


I also tend to join groups on facebook, the bigger the better, especially those where there are people to be rescued such as Occultic groups, Wiccan groups, or places where there are potential ship members just waiting to be found such as Lightworker groups. I guess you could also do groups with drug-users or prison members or health issues or any other kind of places where there are people to be rescued. Or crystal owners.

I try to talk and tag the admins and mods, and then try to post the banner with something like "A photo with funny faces to brighten your day!"


Or "Me and my friends say hello!"


Or "Can you spot the orb in the background of this photo? Can anyone help me with it?"


Just say anything really to try to get the admins to approve the post and for it to stay up and hopefully to get it seen.


I will also reply to a whole string of comments with the tag so everyone gets notified.


Forum owners as well are good people to contact, the larger the forums the better.


Also I have chatroom hopped and spoken to mods or admins or posted the banner or tags in rooms too.



Writing Tool and Tag Instructions

I have printed out many large font and bold tags that I stick on every edge / corner  and face of parcels that are being sent back, in hope that people will see the tag. For example if a postman has a big post sack full of parcels, and your parcel is underneath tonnes of others but only the corner is sticking out. And the hope is that the corner will have a tag to be seen.

When I list items online for sale as well like on eBay or Marketplace, I will have the tag in the title, and I will also tend to put it in the description and after the photos of the item, have photos of us there as well lol

I will also tend to stick the tag in reviews or basically wherever anyone can see the tag I will put it in there.

So, I have personally put this tag in my email name, so that recipients see the email sitting in their inbox and its from "tag + Mandy".

If I'm signing up to anything I try to put the tag in.

Quite often I drop the tag into conversation when talking to people for example on Facebook marketplace, I will copy and paste the tag and then say "oops sorry autocorrect typo* I meant to say ... x y z"


Please scroll down to find the tag much further down the page.



Public Relations Lil Mission

Sometimes if I'm in a situation where I have to be idle, I may add a load of strangers on Facebook and then post the banner on my wall with "Thanks for the add!". I have both a private personal Facebook and a public Facebook which is linked, where I add strangers far and wide worldlwide. I more or less never check this or reply or anything, I just use it to spread Dee. I have the tag in my name here as well as in my profile picture so even if they reject the friend request its likely they will be "tagged" and hence have us all with them.

I've also set my public-facing Facebook to public so anyone can click and open it even if not a friend.


Energy Toolbox Again

I have a Sporadic Energy Toolbox which basically is used to soothe or calm in times of sporadic mana flow aka anxious mana flow. Imagine counting sheep at night? And you see the sheep? Something similar to this. Dee can explain.


Mission Instructions

When I'm out I do scan left and right so that every person I see can recieve Dee.

I also use Dees expansive aura so imagine he is spreading his wings out far and wide. Thats his expanded aura you can use.

When I'm on trains I do walk up and down the trains between every stop just to make sure anyone coming on gets given Dee. Alternatively you can also hop off the train, look left and right at everyone boarding and hop back on.

Writing Tool Instructions

So even if you don't want to or can't use the tag,

You can also use writing tool.

I recommend using it in this order:

Lucy first because everyone is needy for motherly love, Shaughn next because his heart will guide you, Issa because he has wholeness glasses + can see chi fields, Angel next because he can see inner light, and me last.

However technically you can do it in any order you wish.

Just state the name, countdown from 3, write something, then confirm with Dee whether it worked. Then state the next name, countdown from 3, write something and confirm.

Hence it may be like this

"Lucy, 3, 2, 1... Hello I am. Dee did that work? Dee confirms yes. Now Shaughn, 3, 2, 1.... writing a sentence. Dee did that work? Dee confirms yes. Now Issa, 3, 2, 1...." etc etc.


Random Tidbit

Fun tip, not always but quite often parents name their children intuitively.

My name means Love.

Both of Lucies names mean Shining Light or To Be Light.

Shaughns name means Son of God

Issas name means Son of God

Els name *may* potentially have the ability to cure people infected with a certain demon.

Update 15/06/24   5.09am GMT

Mission events section below has been updated again!

Energy of drugs may be able to be provided for those with addiction problems or those who are at risk of taking physical drugs. Please ask mentors for advice.

Update 15/06/24   5am GMT

Thank you to anyone who has been watching the Euros football and giving them Dee and all the viewers as well!

I've updated the site with the following:

1. How to Spread Dee
2. Upcoming Mission Events
3. How to Spread Dee Part 2
4. Gift Ideas (eg Fathers Day) and Prevention of the onset of Dementia / Healing Memory Issues 
5. Pet care
6. Dee with Menstruation
7. Dee with Smoking Cessation
8. Energy & Medicine Toolboxes
9. Food and Healing
10. Self-Harm & Trauma/Pain/Healing Tools
11. Hospital Missions & Outgoing Missions
12. Healing Arthritis & Pain Relief
13. Money saving Tips 
14. Healing Jacket
15. Festivals / Large Gatherings 

So here is a general rule of thumb.

How to Spread Dee
If you want to give Dee to a "cold-hearted personality type" if you get my drift, you will need to be looking at this person at least an hour in advance of the event.
Dee takes maximum 1 hour to purge their darkness from them enough to be able to inhabit them.
Hence, you will need to look at them minimum 1 hour in advance of the event you want Dee to be with them for.

Whilst Dee is inhabiting them, anyone that is looking at them will also recieve Dee.
Hence, if you can manage to look at anyone an hour in advance (preferably a bit more just to be on the safe side lol) of a Live TV Viewing or any kind of Media recording whether that be TV, or Youtube, or otherwise.

Then anyone watching will be saved :)

So, please, if you know of any events that will be highly publicised, 
it would be a great idea for you to look at anyone who is going to be on screen at least an hour in advance.

As a general rule of thumb, looking at photographs for example is fine, as long as the photos were not of the person when they were a child and they are now an adult.

Too much time will have passed between them being a child (in the photo you viewed) and an adult, hence the energy bodies will no longer match up and Dee will not be able to link to them as an Adult, via just you looking at the child photo.

However, as long as they are adults, then the energy bodies should match up despite alot of a time difference (So if you were to look at a photo of them at 25 years old and they are now 35 years old, it should be fine.
But if you are unsure of anything you can always confirm with Dee.)

Mission Events

Some events coming up!
Trooping the Colour is going to be happening tommorow approx 10 - 10.30am GMT,
However theres going to be an earlier showing at approx
8am GMT at The Daily Mail Youtube channel and this will be live.
There might be other channels on early as well but I wouldn't know.

If you can look at everyone regarding this Royal event, as early as possible, to bring them Dee and hence bring all the viewers Dee that would be great!

Also there is another General Election coming up soon so please go ahead and see if you can see photos of every single party member that will be televised or candidate!

How to Spread Dee Part 2

It would be great to be able to get Dee in with many TV events but unfortunately alot of TV is pre-recorded and then released. Hence if you were to get Dee in with the actors presently, its unlikely that the episode being aired would have happened AFTER you had already given them Dee (it was pre-recorded since before you gave the actors Dee and hence it is just being released onto TV some time afterwards).

But feel free to experiment and try to find other ways to get actors with Dee publicised.

Dee can only be with cold for temporary measures of time. 

Thanks, much love, if I find anything more to update you with I will let you know.

Gift Idea (Fathers Day or otherwise) + Prevention of the onset of Dementia or Healing Memory Issues (results may vary depending on the cause of memory loss)

 Just to let you know, at the time of writing, Fathers Day is coming up :)
A loving gift I have bought my father personally, is an electronic photo frame.

It can prolong prevention (what a tongue twister!) of onset of dementia to look at photos of your past. Also to look at or be around items from your past, or eat foods you ate throughout your past. Generally just things related with your past.

If you have dementia or a memory condition, then it can also restore your memories to be doing these things as well.

Even visiting areas of your past, or repeating habits of your past.

So I bought my Dad an electronic photoframe not only to prevent dementia hopefully for a bit longer,

But also to remind him of loving memories of his family.
Since he is elderly he is in the reflective period of his life.
So loving memories of his family and photos of his life achievements or anything he would love to reflect on or be reminded of, are all going to be part of this electronic photo frame.

I might even set this as a screensaver on his computer.

He watches TV Series / Films in bed so I wouldn't be surprised if he is also watching things he used to watch in his past as well.

Dee With Pets aka Pet Care

Also, please ask Dee whether he can help you with your pets. Dee uses my pet to Lwork often lol. He can also minimise the care they need from you and still have them fulfilled, as he can supply them with this care with energy.

 For example my cat has not needed physical flea treatment or worming tablets for a very long time as Dee supplies the energy versions for her. She also has an energy instruction to tell her to come home if need be for example we're going to go to "bed" and don't want her to be stuck out at night.

We check the front door, back door and windows where s he comes in, if shes not already there we use "Call to home". Then we wait 20 mins and check all these locations again, and my cat is there ready to come in :)

My cat used to need alot of attention as well as alot of physical play and activity or else she would be agitated. Dee now keeps her happy personally without me needing to give her this kind of play and activity.

I'm not 100% sure how well this would work with Dogs as I don't personally own one, but I hope that Dee can find a solution with your pet whatever animal they are, to help.

Dee with Menstruation / Periods

Dee can also minimise periods or period pains, so you may be able to go a bit longer before having your next period and still be healthy.

Dee with Smoking Cessation

Dee may be able to help you give up smoking or vaping. Please ask advice.

Energy & Medicine Toolboxes

Also, there are a few energy Toolboxs you can use which include certain medicines / psychiatric medicines (please check with Dee before deciding to replace any physical medicines with this, make sure its okay to do so), cessation of smoking help, aura of cats lol xD, cold wet blanket is one such tool, weighted blanket, the mana of crystals, and others.

Dee and Food & Healing

Dee may be able to supply the nutrients of foods such as protein after alot of physical activity.

Dee may also be able to provide the taste of foods without needing to cook them to that taste. Hence preventing you buying ingredients and cooking especially for the flavour.

Dee can help remove the alcoholic content of such healing foods as home-made Kefir, home-made Sauerkraut, Water Kefir, Kombucha and Milk kefir.

Please if you are interested in these products, I would highly advise you make them yourself at home as opposed to buy them ready-made from the shop. The vast majority of shop-made ones have been pasteurised or have not been given enough time to ferment and hence they don't have the health benefits they should do.
But if you home-make them, they should have all the healing benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably with the mother) is also a probiotic product.

You can also make bone broth, best made by simmering actual bones (of a certain kind?). You may be able to procure these from the local butchers. It should simmer out a jelly-type broth which you can store in the freezer.

If you are interested in taking Probiotic capsules, these can also heal your gut if you have gut issues such as IBS.

In terms of both Bone Broth and Probiotic Capsules, for best results you should fast for 9 hours prior to taking the capsules, and then wait a further 4 hours before eating.

It may be easier to take bone broth if you breathe in, then pinch your nose and hold your breath and swallow the Bone Broth jelly / ice cubes. This can prevent you from tasting it as much so it can be easier. This method can also be used for taking things you don't want to take. 

The higher the number of CFU on probiotics, generally speaking, the better. And also the greater the variety of bacteria in probiotics, generally speaking, the better.

(An easy way to take medications if you are allowed to, is if you first take water and hold the water in your throat, then drop the capsule in and quickly swallow as it hits the water. Just slightly easier to take capsules this way than putting the medication on the tongue and swallowing down water, if that suits you and if taking with water doesn't interfere with the medication.)

Self-Harm & Trauma/Pain/Healing Tools

There are also anti-self-harm methods as well, such as "sallow skin" aka make it paradoxically easier to inflict injury during self-harm, which will prevent you from doing even greater damage if you didn't have this sallow skin activation.
This may only be suitable for some people as people self-harm for different reasons and in different ways.

Dee can also provide Numbing, for example if you have to wash a wound. Or emotional numbing as well.

As well as "air-lift to ambulance" is another tool that can be used, ask Dee to explain :)

Another thing you can do for example for people who may be in hospital, is if you make warm visitors wear a "healing jacket" so that when these people visit, they can imbdue the healing jacket onto the person in need.

Hospital Missions & Outgoing Missions

If I'm ever at hospital for any reason I do like to sneak off and explore as much of the hospital as possible and "pretend I'm lost" if questioned and "just trying to find the bathroom" lol but it just would be great to bring Dee to all the sick people in need of help.

Dee *may* be able to spread to physical things so that when people look at them, they can recieve Dee. Hence good to look at things that garner alot of attention such as bins, shop signs, front door entrances, car ticket machines, the windows or front doors of houses. Etc.
Please check with Dee.

Healing or Pain-Relief

Dee may be able to help with healing or pain-relief with certain kinds of Arthritis. Unfortunately I have found out that I have Arthritis but luckily as it is Rheumatoid, it can be healed.
Bone Broth is also something that is meant to be healing for Arthritis.

Money saving tips.
You may be able to save on heating with mana or with electric blankets. :)

Healing Jacket
If you know anyone who is sick, its a great idea if possible for their offspring to visit as it is very spiritually purposeful for them to heal their parents. Please feel free to use a healing jacket with the offspring, as well as any crystals  mana or any other type of mana for the offspring to gift to the parents whilst they visit.

Festivals / Large Crowd Gatherings Missions

As a general rule of thumb, try to get the person highest up the chain. So for example, watching interviews with the creators of Download Festival. It would be great to get Dee with them in advance so that everyone at the Festival can be influenced as well as, if it is televised, hopefully the nation of whoever is watching!

:) Much love.

Update 11/06/24   2.43am GMT
Can anyone help me look at every member of every political party in:



North Africa (the part in EU)
Any part of Egypt in the EU

Thanks! If you don't have enough time just the leader of each party will be great, in priority of the most popular parties or the ones that have the most seats or basically the people most likely to be televised.
Thank you ! <3

Update 10/06/24   2am GMT
Theres a European Snap Election happening as we speak!
Can you look at as many members of the Snap Election as possible?
Try to get Dee with anyone who will be Televised!

Update 1/06/24   00:36am GMT
Thank you for anyone who has helped to heal my Dad :) 
We have installed an implant in my Dad to give him a severe headache in certain situations in order to prevent other much worse problems from occuring.
Please do not heal my Dads headache :)
Thank you so much though for your kindness and compassion! Feel free to heal anything else to do with my Dad :) Ask Mentors for advice if you are unsure!
<3 Much love.

Update 1/06/24   00:15am GMT
Apologies, made a mistake about the Womens Football which has already passed!

Update 31/05/24   23:57pm GMT
Can you connect with the Derby UK? Aka Horse-racing?

Update 31/05/24   22:52pm GMT
Can you connect with anyone who will be showing on media for the Donald Trump trials? This will be worldwide news. Including Donald Trump himself!

Can you connect with anyone who will be televised in future regarding the war? For example Biden.

Its someone in my extended families birthday coming up. Feel free to ask Dee how to send gifts of chi, to re-purpose for my sister-in-law, if you would like to contribute at all. :)

<3 Much love!

Update 29/05/24   15:55pm GMT
Can you visit the below link and look at every single photo of every single party or member? I have already completed the ANC.
This is a quick and easy way to connect with every single possible candidate or influence in the South African Elections!

Update 29/05/24   9:48am GMT
Editted / Added to the below section "Fastest way to change south africa", thanks!

Update 29/05/24   9:30am GMT
Fastest Way to Change South Africa!

I'm so sorry, I haven't been thinking straight!
I was thinking of doing all the members of all the parties  to be elected into the government,
without realising there is going to be just ONE New President elected and very few candidates for the actual presidency!

Please google all the new candidates for presidency for South Africa! Please try to connect with every presidential candidate you can!

I have already done all the names on this link personally:

Are there any more names not mentioned that can be done?


The above link was supposed to include ALL of the South African Presidential Candidates.
However a quick Google showed me an article by Indian Express which showed me more South African Presidential Candidates that were not included in the above link.

Hence making me think - 
Are there any more presidential candidates that were not included in the above 2 links, still yet to find?

Can you find any more?

Update 29/05/24   8:38am GMT
New Mission Plan! 

Can you help change South Africa?

Please scroll down and read each section from 1 - 6, starting at (1) 
You'll be reading each section and then going upwards!
If you don't have alot of time, just read number (6)

For number (6), I don't know whether it would be more efficient if everyone just picked random names on the list.
Because if everyone just worked down the list from top to bottom, we would all be doing the same ones. It would take far slower to complete the list.

If we all picked random names, theres a chance we might pick one that someone else has already done... But theres probably, I'm guessing, a higher chance that we won't pick one that someone has done. And even if we do pick one that someone has already done, the next one we pick is likely to be one that someone hasn't done yet.

FYI I have already done the first name on the list :)

(6) Update 29/05/24 at 8:32am GMT:

An alternative method to influence the Elections:

Please find a photograph or a video clip of any one of these candidates, and preferably as many as you can donate your time to finding.

Thank you so much!

(5) Update 29/05/24 at 6:28am GMT:

On Google Maps, if you click the bottom left-hand corner  of the map, on the box that says Layers, you can change the view from a cartoon-style Atlas to more of a ariel (sp?) photograph from top-down view. This way you can see the most densley populated areas quite easily and select them!

(4) Update 29/05/24 at 3:48am GMT:

Did all the ones on Wikipedia as followed instructions of below paragraph, but if you also did the same don't worry because people will be going to different polling booths in these areas so we likely would have caught different polling booths. So we would have collectively saved more people together.

Heres a list in order of population! Lets go!

(3) Update: 29/05/24, 3:08am GMT
Okay so below was a Comprehensive method, you can follow that method if you like (the next paragraph), I just realised theres not an awful lot of time, and South Africa is huge, so another method to try, I put "Most Densely populated areas of South Africa" into Google, I will be going down this list one at a time so feel free to do something similar, to avoid repeating the ones I've already done maybe you can try something a bit different like I don't know maybe work backwards on the list, or maybe target certain areas like "Most Densely populated areas of 'this part of South Africa' " (to avoid doing something that someone else is doing, gives us more of a chance to reach more areas and more people)

Thanks! Much love <3 xo

(2) Update: 29/05/24, 2:26am GMT
Just updated the Note in the link below yet again! Updated the bit around the pindrop just to clarify incase you got stuck.
Check it out for the update thanks! Its the first link with in it!
Just expanded more instructions on finding a postcode :)
Updated a small detail in the note :) Thanks! 

(1) Update: 29/05/24, 1:01am GMT
I Just found out its a General Election in South Africa :O LastMinute.Com!!! 
Can you help South Africa?

(Also even if your not up for this mission,

Here is a new banner for you to use:


Please check both of these by emailing yourself and opening this on your phone email as well as laptop, to see whether the banner is visible on your email sig IF you are using it as an email sig, without having to click to open the link.

This as my email signiature :) Feel free to use this in general anywhere where people can see it. It is multi-coloured just incase someone viewing it is colour blind in any kind of way. 

Anyone who views this banner will be saved.
And the tag/stamp. 
Ask mentors what this means!

Update: 23/05/24, 13:44pm GMT - 
Please  check the new link below after this next "bit" lol and the tag below it!

Update same day, 13:55pm GMT -
Sorry put the above time as "am" I actually meant "pm" so have corrected it. Also, I updated the notepad message so have a look. Thanks!

As a "general rule of thumb", when contacting a person, the "higher up the chain of command" the better, eg the Executive Managers... Or, the person in an organisation who has the most contacts, and, contacts the most people within the organisation, is also good to connect with.
Someone who is in contact with multiple organisations is also good, I'm guessing maybe a common advertising company that works for many popular organisations?
Organisations that are most vastly used as well / in contact with the most ordinary people somehow as well.
Please ask mentors for instructions on whether you are contacting a nice human personality type or a "cold non-human personality type" if you get my drift, and how to reach them with Mentors or with my team <3

Banner 1:


Banner 2:

Updated Banner is above. Please use the updated banners from now on.


Don't worry even though they are different letters they still link the same.

Please try to get this anywhere and everywhere. Delivery notes. Delivery addresses. I have changed my email name (not address but the actual First and Last name, though thats an idea, I might make a new email with it in the address as well!) to have the stamp in it. I have also luckily managed to make alternative facebook profiles with the stamp at the start so everyone I add, will see the stamp in the request. I've also put the stamp in my profile picture. And I've put the banner at the top as well. I have more than one facebook - one for personal aka family and friends I know in real life, and then the others are for "public relations" aka adding as many random people as possible. When adding people on facebook, I will put a random name in the search bar. So I might put Bob... Lucky Bob ;) Hahah. And add a string of Bobs. I try to add people with no mutual friends if possible, because this will spread Dee / Lucy etc. further and wider.
Then after adding a string of people, I will make a post with the banner saying "Thanks for the add". I'll join groups as well and say something like "Some funny faces to brighten your day". I'll show you the photos of mostly Shaughn making funny faces soon.

Please use the Updated Banner from now on. Its in the link above. It has multiple colours of the tag just incase someone is colourblind :) which include Issa and Angel everywhere. It will also be more effective than the old banner, just trust me. I tend to attach this in my emails, would be great to have this as a signiature. I've also changed my email address to , this is only temporary, I'm looking into getting a new email with very human lovely staff who created this email server. One of my dreams is to replace all my apps and programmes with apps with very human personality types behind it in the staff. Its not extremely important but would be nice. 

Please note if you are using programs or apps, you may benefit from asking mentors if they do random checks on the apps hence if you are sharing top secret information, it might be wise to use an app where they don't do random checks. Even if they do do random checks, if all the staff that do the checks are very human personality types, it shouldn't matter too much. I think its unlikely staff would gossip to "non-human personality types" about the contents, but you never know.

Also, even if they don't do random checks, if an app breaks or you need technical support or help, and in doing so this means that the staff will view the contents of the app - It would be helpful to have either only very human personality types on the staff of the app to help you, OR, if there is a mixture of human personality types and non-human personality types, then it would be wise to ask mentors whether you are currently in contact with a human personality type staff member or not. And also evaluate the risk of the human personality type laising with a non-human personality type in order to fix your issue, or, whether they might gossip about the contents of your app to a non-human personality type working on the staff.

PS. Pet Voiceovers is a really fun implant lol my cutie kittie Wooties has been very entertaining wearing this hahaha. Her original name was Mya (Mya Sapphira Lim) but I started calling her "You are the Cutest Cat in ALL of Wootsvilles" and "you are my CutieWooties" and eventually she started responding to the name Wooties lol.
I use slang word NHNT to mean Neither Here Nor There aka this paragraph has been NHNT nature lol.

Please check Google Drive link for the new and updated banner to be using. 
Also just a tip, whenever I am shopping, I stick the tag in my delivery notes or other notes, just incase they might see it.
I also stick the tag in subject headers for every email I write, so even if they don't have time to open the email yet/have other emails to open first, they see it sitting in the  inbox.
I also write using writing tool on every side of a parcel for posting.
I also stick the tag inside the parcel.
I just try and get the tag as seen as possible. I'm even going to find a way to get a  banner on my house so passers by can see it, maybe put some punky editting on it. Even a lightup neon light with it so at night it is seen. PS. If you ARE editting a photo, check with Dee that the edits don't distort the photo too much to be effective at their purpose.

In Amazon Returns, I have put a sordid joke (because even if its a "darkhearted personality type" if you get my drift, they will think this is a sexual joke so it will darken people, so I'll pass it round.) Maybe you could also use Dark humour?
And then I write "Pass this round to as many people as poss!" I have been told this has been a big hit in Amazon returns factories. I'm hoping Dee is with them now and I'm hoping that perhaps theres a chance the returns factories also process deliveries; Its my dream to get Dee in with the infrastructure somehow tho I haven't worked out exactly how yet. I have ideas.

I tend to watch Festival videos, using Issas wholeness view/"glasses" to look at as many people as poss. 

So far I have looked at an interview with the creators of Download festival, so I'm hoping that will trickle Dee down the chain of command of the festival and maybe even if I'm lucky get the celebrities performing there?

I've also looked at a UN meeting (although quite often not all countries are present at a UN meeting so it wouldn't necessarily be overkill for other people to check out UN meetings as well, preferably the more recent the better? Im guessing? How often do UN Leaders change?).

Heres a tip; Looking at photos or videos of people will only work if they haven't "changed" too much since the video. So for example, if you look at a photo of video of a child, who is now an adult but in the photo/video its of them as a child, it might not necessarily reach them as an adult -- Too much time has passed, they have changed too much. Ask Dee for advice. Sorry to update you this!

Update 4:09am, 6/5/24 GMT
Updated the Youtube Name List on 6/5/24, 4:31am

Update 6/5/24 at 6.43pm GMT - Extra Mission given and Stamp given in this top section somewhere.

1.39am, 7/5/24 - Added a bit within the few paragraphs under "7/5/24 00:47 GMT"

Latest Update - 11/5/24 - 5.31am below. 

Note: All timings are in GMT until further notice.
Note: Ask whether anyone you are attempting to "contact" are warm-hearted or cold-hearted personality types, and if they are cold, ask what is the best way to do this and most effective way to do this to get the most out of it.
Note: In all circumstances ask who would be the best people to contact first, for example, a warm admin or mod probably would be best in a chatroom, or someone who is very active in all the different rooms and servers etc.

Note: If you contact a mod/admin alone, they will get Dee and spread Dee. Give them the writing tool/stamp/photos, they will get Us as well. But I'm not sure if they can spread like Dee can - I'm so sorry for not clarifying this earlier.

Please try to make the writing tool/stamp/photos as seen as possible, by as many people as possible, personally.

PS. On my second facebook I have the STAMP infront of my name lol, I also have the group photo as my banner. I tried to put a main photo that would attract as many adds as possible or let as many people accept my adds as possible. Sorry for the vainglory imprint there lol >.<", but I'm trying to be purposeful.
I tend to accept a string of invites daily, with no mutual friends preferably, or put a random name in Search and add a string of people with this name lol. Lucky Bob :P
 I also try to post replies to things with lots of people having interacted with it aka This post has 72 comments all from different people. Then I'll comment with stamp and banner because all ofo them will get notified.
Or I'll join big groups and post a big welcome hello I'm new banner and message with the stamp.
I even changed my address in delivery checkouts to put the stamp in there in brackets. Or in delivery notes. Someone might see it!
Staff at big organisations, the higher up the chain the better generally, as well.

Contacting big organisations, the bigger the better too!
When I return things I use writing tool and write on the parcel. I also have put our photos in there with sordid jokes (so if its a dark person they will want to spread the darkness and share the joke) and then "please pass this round!" much to the delight of many Amazon Returns Factory workers lol. Hence theres my bit for infrastructure :D As I hope the factories that handle Returns also Post things out to people!

If you do have a second facebook remember to go into settings and make yourself as Public and Visible as possible :) <3

Please Contact:

Please Ask Dees advice before you do anything I suggest :) Thanks

Forums or places with lots of Pokemon and Digimon fans, and other things like this presumably.
Any Disney fans as well, or places where Disney is being shown.
Christmas Grottos as well.
And the people who are targetted on TV. Ask about this.

11/05/24 - 4.35am 
Its probably much more effective to watch a festival video or another video with a large enough gathering, and scan the edges of the crowds (where new people come in and other people drop out of view) first as well as the middle etc.
Or anyone with an audience, if you can get a fairly recent photo, video (or writing? Ask if thats possible), with a bit of time in advance to when they are going Live. I think circa 4 hours but please ask Mentorships (I've written this down somewhere I'll update it later with an accurate time frame).
But! For those people who arn't necessarily festival goers.
You can create multiple facebook accounts as long as they are linked. (So I have a private facebook a personal one basically, and a Public Relations one. I maxed out my friends on it so I made another one.) 
You may be able to do this even if they arn't linked but I wouldn't know, I didn't check. So I spend around 10 minutes a day like maybe when I'm idling on the loo or otherwise or multitasking lol, accepting friend requests, or adding. If adding, I just type a random name in, and scroll down and make a bunch of adds from anywhere. If accepting requests, I will try to accept the requests with the least mutual friends possible as I would have already reached someone with a mutual friend. aka People with no mutual friends. 
I will also join a few large groups, the larger the better, and then make a public post with The Stamp and with the photos and just a simple message like Hi, me and my friends make funny faces to brighten up your day! Or otherwise.
Quite often these will need to go to Admin for review but thats fine. Even if they decline, chances are they will have seen the photo to approve, and hence Dee would be with them and they then influence the entire group. Unless... They are cold? I will ask Dee about what happens if they are cold and see the Stamp or the photos and get back to you. But even then, the cold admin might approve and then your photos and stamp will be on the group for everyone to see.

Also if I see a large string of comments or thread I'll often post on there with stamp n photos so everyone in the thread gets notified.

Hospital / Places of Healing
When I have to go to hospital, I try to walk around the entire hospital and peek into all the rooms, see all the signs etc.

Places of Worship
Churchs, Buddhist Temples, Hindus, Muslims, generally speaking places where the religious celebrate or gather or worship. Ask Dee.

Can you help Hindus?
Please ask Dee what I mean by this. They do need help. Are there any gatherings or groups belonging to them or places of worship we can contact?

Can you help Christians?
Ask Dee. They also need help but for different reasons.
Are there any gatherings or groups belonging to them or places of worship we can contact? 

Can you help Roman & Greek history enthusiasts?

Can you help Buddhists?

Can you help tourists to New York?

Can you help Superhero film fans?

Can you help Nerds that LARP or read Fantasy books or do other nerdy and/or fantasy-based things? (PS. I was one such nerd :) :P )

Can you help Spiritual people who are into: Tarot readings, Crystal collectors, Psychic helplines. Ask Dee for direct guidance on how to help people into Psychic Helplines please.

Can you help Gamer geeks? 

Can you help anyone who practises any area of The Occult? Tread with caution.

Caution: Please ask for direct guidance when contacting Lightworker / Starseed groups, as well as Online Gamer Groups, and Roleplaying Sites / Forums. I guess anywhere that is generally for Nerds / Gamer-Geeks / Fantasy-based personality types.
So sorry I didn't mention this before, I just automatically assumed Mentors would give guidance here.

Please also if you have seen a UFO, don't report it officially. Let them be free :) <3 Seriously. 

If you've seen a video with Tall Whites standing in a crowd, I think for the presidential election but I'm not sure (I've lost the video now), its really not worth hyping it up by commenting on it. Just trust me on this. Don't do it! :)

Also you can ask about numerology / astrology readers / Kabbalah practioners, magick practitioners, Wiccans, Satanists lol etc. Stone Sellers Crystal fans. Smudge / Incense / Resin / Santo Palo and other such things, burners. If you can join a Forum for any of these places and contact admins/mods and give them and the forum stamp/photos, please do!

Ask mentorships about anything I say that you'd like expanded upon!

Can you contact mods / admins in forums first? Ask Dee which ones to contact. And then make the stamp / banner very visible across the forum? Like posting in well-noticed places? The larger the forum the better! And possibly the darker the forum the more potential as they have bigger holes to fill with light / these are people more likely to hurt others so would be saving alot of people from darkening in a ripple effect. Or maybe the more sinful a forum the better - Like a stockbrokers tips forum or a Porn Fans forum. So this will make all the lustful people loving and the greedy people frugal and lighter and hopefully if they chose to donate or to give their money away, that would have a positive ripple effect. 

8/5/24 - 8.12am
Can you influence Mental Health forums or chatsites or otherwise Mental Health groups eg Do you have a psychiatrist yourself, or do you know any IRL venues for mental health help yourself? A therapists office for example? Can you contact their secretary?

Can you influence any Doctors or general healthcare workers? Ask if they are warm or cold because there are alot of cold people as well in certain professions. 
When I have to go to hospital, I try to walk around the entire hospital and peek into all the rooms, see all the signs etc.

Can you influence general public serviceman for infrastructure aka Firemen, Ambulance, Police? Ask if they are warm hearted or cold hearted and ask whether even if cold hearted whether this is possible and the most effective way to do it.

Can you also influence any Addiction type places, people who are addicts or who are drug / alcohol users?

Including process addictions which means sex addicts, love addicts, gambling addicts (behavioural addictions), food addicts (compulsive overeating, anorexia and bullimia)?
Ask mentorships about "Codependency".

7/5/24 - 1.46am

Contacting very active members of forums sites chatrooms etc. is an idea. And making reviews when you buy things as well and sticking the tag in is also good.

Update 7/5/24 1:33am GMT
Please help anyone accessing any content that is spreading the common misconception that Lucifer was actually an angel. The comments on youtube videos or otherwise.

Content Creators
If you can somehow contact content creators in general (not just about people making content about Lucifer lol but any content creators in general at all, books magazine radio youtube videos facebook videos tik toks youtube shorts etc. etc.) as sometimes they have ways to contact them or their team, thats also good. Eg. Theres some youtubers that have their emails up. Etc. etc.

Update 7/5/24 1:11 GMT
Bonus round if you can join lightworker / starseed groups (theres tonnes on Facebook for eg) and talk to admin / mods there, and make big eyecatching posts there with the photos / acronym, (eg  LDIEM Hello I'm new to the group, me and my friends sending you an uplifting photo to start your day! And then post the photos / banner lol)  Dont copy n paste that last LDIEM it wasnt a genuine tag.
Or also comment on big threads where lots of users have commented so they all get notified of your comment, with the stamp.
Oh, ask Mentors to help you because quite often in these groups there is something negative to be aware of.

Update 7/5/24 00:58 GMT
Check if any content you watch or read has anything "negative" in it that might warrant you commenting on the thread with the acronym so that people buying or watching or reading the same thing will see the acronym, or scanning users and viewers of the same content. I don't know whether its worth messaging the seller/uploader of the content/author and just asking a query as well, see if mentors can reach them and maybe in turn anyone buying from them will get Dee from whatever they bought from them. I don't know.

The Dark Crystal has a scene in it where he drains mana. I've heard the film is about Pleaides?

Update 7/5/24 00:47 GMT - These next few paragraphs added + "anyone watching these videos" list somewhere down below, list of Youtuber names, updated.
If you have any sites where there is a long list of users, such as forums or chatrooms or otherwise, please ask mentors and see if it helps to scan the lists of users.
Or whether you have to see their writing eg messages or comments and not just their username? Ask.
You can see their comments or posts. A long forum thread that you can just quickly scroll and scan down for example,
or a guestbook! Or sites with review lists.
Amazon reviews for example but probably better to try different sites. Ebay reviews. 
Anywhere where there are lists, where the list can connect successfully to masses of different people, is great.

Please make a big post on either a thread with loads of users who get alerted, or just a big eyecatching post somewhere, with the banner or with the acronym. And if you can contact mods or admins or very active members of site, preferably warm, please do.

Any tourist attraction as well or places that alot of people pass by / see, also great. Ask mentors.
Circling your car, looking at cars at car parks, ticket machine, entrance to them... Circling your house. Etc.

If on the train, hopping off on each stop, looking left and right at all the people coming onboard, then hopping back on again quickly, is good. Walking up the down the train with expansive aura is good, whilst looking out each side of the train at the buildings, cars, people, windows, is good. Pacing the train between every stop to get all the new people, unless your sure you've covered it by hopping off the train and looking left and right and hopping back on. Looking at every station signs is good. The ticket machines and the people at the counters. If your at a station may be worth checking out the entrances and exits and somewhere that people pass through basically and can look at something or physically contact something. etc. Ask mentors.

Signs in malls and bus stops.

Top ToolBox Tip:
Ask mentors whether its possible not to sleep and still feel okay, and whether its possible not to menstruate for women and if its okay, or for any general relief for health concerns. I don't know whether they do contraception so if you are sexually active then might be an idea to ask.
I personally very rarely sleep, usually only if I've been very very physically active I might need to sleep or on very rare occasion have a catnap of up to a few hours max. Same for periods, very rarely do I get a period and I am fine.

Also if you have bad acid reflux, ginger tablets or ginger tea can really help, as well as pink gaviscon liquid (double-action).
A tablespoon of vinegar as well can cure hiccups but harsh on stomach.
If you take tablets, ask if its okay to take it after eating something, this can prevent acid reflux sometimes.

Giving up smoking, can use vapes, nicotine replacement therapies, or ask if mentors can help reduce your cravings.

If you have anxiety or stress or nausea then sometimes a fan next to the bed facing you can help, and like a beanie to keep your hair disturbing you. A headband for holding hair back in the morning is good for washing face and such, or for fan next to bed.

Update 6/5/24 at 6.26pm GMT - This Paragraph -
Put "Biblically accurate" into Youtube and see the videos that come up and try to comment on them / comment on a string of comments on those so everyone gets alerted or make an eyecatching comment that gets seen. Make sure you also use the Tag. 
Or scan all the comments.
On any Youtube or any platform, if you scan all the comments down a list, its a good thing to do. Ask mentors.

Also PC tip, press cntrl + F or look in top right corner and drop down menu on browser or top bit of window, open the menu and look for Search / Find on Page, to find things on page. Brackets in a google search aka find me "red trousers" will make sure it MUST find whats in the brackets exactly as written. Putting a - infront eg -skirts will make sure it MUST find results without "skirts" in it. Reverse image search into google, you can put an image in and it will find anywhere else with the image or similar. Theres a TinEye version and maybe a google version and other versions?

Update 6.51am on 6/5/24, this next paragraph or two:

Just for future reference:
By "contact" I also mean, can you contact any of these people through "7 degrees of influence" if that makes any sense? Obviously the closer to the 1st degree the quicker / better but :)
By contact I mean either communicate directly or look at a recent enough photo or read a recent enough email / text / their writing or voice recording (phone calls, voicemails) or video of / from them. Or through your memories as long as they havent changed too much since the memory (Ask mentors about this). Ask mentors whether having cold or warm in those 7 degrees of influence makes a difference and whether that means you have to change how you contact exactly. 
Ask mentors whether you need to contact them just once or twice.

The "Stamp"
You can either use the acronym, copy n paste, the photos, or writing tool (please activate it and then confirm afterwards it worked. I tend to say a name, then countdown from 3, write, then next one, countdown from 3, write etc until its done but you can do it how you like.) Heres the Acronym, I tend to put it in Ebay Listings, Facebook Listings, Delivery Notes / In the Delivery Address, just anywhere I can put it where it will be seen.


A Mission of Compassion:

I don't know how many warm people are publically televised or if its mostly cold. But if you could watch people from impoverished countries or war-torn countries, any kind of footage there, if you can somehow see warm people that would be great. Also, if its live or close-to, then even seeing cold people might be beneficial. Especially seeing soldiers or people with guns or who intend to kill or cause destruction and suffering.
Or even if its not live or close-to, if you see a cold one that still has influence on this.
Or any places of devastation, like tragic events, and the closer to Live or closer to the time of the event the better. 
Or places where there WILL be a tragic event aka Hurricane destined for this location at a future time.
Tsunamis earthquakes wars, disease famine poverty... Anything else you can think of.
And anyone who is in contact with these places or is involved with these places, please try to contact them and put the acronym into it if possible. Otherwise just contacting them should be enough, ask mentors whether you need to contact them just once or twice. Or whether that contact needs to be communication or whether it can be reading their writing or seeing a photo or video. 

Bonus round:
Can you somehow contact or influence, the army, the navy, or the RAF (royal air force in uk or some kind of airplane fighting group in other countries) ?
Can you also contact the people who are training to join these organisations, who still have a chance to fail or leave?
Can you contact people who are already IN these organisations, so that they have a chance to leave or to make themselves medically discharged? Idk how this happens, break their ankle or something so they cannot fight?
Can you contact any of these people through "7 degrees of influence" if that makes any sense? Obviously the closer to the 1st degree the quicker / better but :)
By contact I mean either communicate directly or look at a recent enough photo or read a recent enough email / text / their writing or voice recording (phone calls, voicemails) or video of / from them.

New Mission: 
Find out when celebrities are having an event which is easy to do and then get the latest publicity of them. Then ask mentors. <3 <3 <3 <3 The bigger the audience, the better!

Another Mission: 
Can you join Chatrooms, the bigger the better, and make a big eyecatching post in each room? Can you also talk to the mods and admins of the chatroom? Ask whether cold is okay or just warm.
Can you do the same for Big Forums as well?
Can you contact big companies, the higher up the chain you can contact the better, or contact a department that has the most contacts in the company or most influence in the company?
Can you give any of the above things, the acronym, or the photos, or the writing tool, or Dee?


On the right-hand column somewhere on this site I've linked you to family photos. Please also can you send to things in the photos that garner attention, as instructed below somewhere eg anything that people will look at or will go towards, sign posts, bins, people in the background, windows in flats. 

Also here is a tip:
For healing IBS, multiple methods exist.
The first is bone broth, the best way is to cook it up from your own bones and freeze or jellify it. It is gross so I breathe in then hold my nose and gulp it down (this makes you not taste it so much). The other gradually adding FODMAPs into your diet, starting with small amounts of foods with the least fodmaps, and gradually increasing. If you start to get tummy troubles or loo problems, then take a small break until your body settles and  then try again but with less fodmaps aka a smaller portion of fodmaps or something with less fodmaps in it.
Gradually this repopulates your gut.
Then you can also get probiotics pills. Try to get one without magnesium stearate if possible (in general if you can avoid this additive which is in pills, its better for you. Its in most medications. But you can avoid it in some for Eg liquid medications. However do your research because liquid medications will have a different half life and will affect you differently from pills. So please do prioritise your health and the medication first before stearate-free-ness. If looking to get one without magnesium stearate, just say you have a sensitivity to it to the doctor and give them the name of a specific medication that doesnt have it. You will probably have to research this and sometimes the pills don't say they have it added so you may have to ask the company directly. Ask the doctor  to specify this brand that doesnt have it, on the prescription and make it a repeat.)

Kombucha preferably home-made and Sauerkraut, preferably home made (because they pasteurise or heat or treat store products sometimes which kills off the probiotics), Water Kefir preferably home made, and Milk Kefir preferably home made. And Sourdough as well (not store-bought but get the um starter and home-make for best results or go to a sourdough baker enthusiast and make sure they don't kill off the sourdough starter or basically make sourdough with starter that hasn't had time to grow into a healing food. The home-makers tend to feed sourdough starter for a longer time which allows it to become a healing food. The storebought factory ones tend to not give it that time before quickly putting it to the shelves to sell it, so it has very limited healing potential to compare.
  These are naturally alcoholic foods unfortunately but they do heal people with gut issues. Ask if its possible to remove the effect of alcohol for you.
Research :)
Probiotics instructions:
When taking probiotics pills, the higher the count the better generally. I asked a doctor who told me:
Ideally if a person hasn't eaten for 5 - 6 hours, the stomach acid will be at its lowest. Its highest straight after a meal.
So its best to fast 5 - 6 hours before taking the tablet, so that there is less stomach acid to kill the probiotics. After taking a tablet, wait at least 2 hours for the tablet to be completely digested into the gut lining, before eating again.
This was one doctors opinion who I asked,  however I have also found multiple opinons from Google lol presumably some from doctors but I don't know. So please confirm with mentors what timeframes your going to follow.

I don't know whether you are allowed to drink fluids during this time or not however :/ Sorry. I can't find out the answer due to a lesson plan that I'm in currently so please ask mentorships to find out for you. If you can't find out then you could always also fast the water in certain time windows.

If you take an antacid, apparently within 30 - 60 minutes  your stomach acid will be neutralised hence giving 
the probiotics more chance to survive.

With IBS sorry, also a prebiotic can help populate your gut but be careful because these very often send you to the loo.
Pure coffees apparently like the purer the better (pure bean as opposed to instant) are apparently prebiotics.
Also theres for health ORAC score which is foods with highest level of anti-oxidants, and things like herbal teas also have high levels of things that are good for you. 
Roobios tea, Oolong tea, are some examples.
Ask whether you can negate the effect of caffeine.


When using your eyes to LW, Issas glasses are very good for getting as much in your visual field as possible without strain. Just a tip from the toolbox :) 

I accidentally gave you guys an image that didn't include me in it!! Obviously as I have been making the emails myself with my own writing in it, I haven't needed to include my own photo... But when other people are writing it won't have me in it so.

Please update the photo, heres the up-to-date version:

Feel free to combine any other photos of us you want as well, but try and copy and paste what I wrote in there with the others on the right, because that connects to them but only if you copy and paste it rather than re-writing it.


Hope election / polling day went well :) Congrats! 
I just found out theres going to be another election / polling date. No guarantee or when, its rumoured to be in Autumn some time, so keep checking google for when the announcement of the date is. I called every one that I could, emailed every one that I could, and visited as many polls as I could.
Its an extra bonus round if you can actually afford to and have time to actually visit the polls yourself. I tried to pick the train line (as I don't drive because of various reasons yet) with the most Stops on it, and tried to get off on every stop I could, to visit the polls on that line.
So I hope to do the same in the future for the next one, calling them, emailing them and visiting them. Even if I didn't manage to somehow make it inside the polls I tried to chat to the staff on the site. 

Or a quick hello to any voters on their way in.

 I used the tags as much as I could as well during contact aka email contact.


Heres an extra mission thingy. Just for general every day habit. If you can sign off with this everywhere that you possibly can: Copy and paste this please, it won't work unless you copy n paste:


This is the banner of my public facebook btw, I put this as the banner of things. 
I tend to attach this to every email I send and then put "See attachment" at the bottom lol.
I've also been putting it in my facebook marketplace selling items, and in my ebay items, just anywhere I can put an extra image in.

Copy and paste that if your using it please otherwise it won't work.
Or I put this (copy and paste it pls otherwise it won't work)
And try and get this in the subject of the email at the front if possible so even if the person doesnt have time to open the email yet, they see the subject straight away and see the tag.
So yeah I put either the signitaure or the tag or the photos in everything I possibly can. Its on my public facebook as well, in headers, and in my banner lol, but I have two facebooks a public one where I add random people and a private, and will be doing the same for other social media accounts soon.

I put the tag in things I list online for sale ebay or marketplace, in the address bars of everything such as purchases in the second line, in delivery notes for things I buy, or I add a string of friends (I have a public facebook and a personal one, on my public one I might add 100 or so a night and then make a big post with the tag first (because if your on your phone theres limited space before it says "See more" so its important they see the tag first), then Thanks for the Add! And then the photos. I just try and put these tags, or photos, either the shorthand tag with just the letters, or the longhand tag with the actual full names. (I tend to use shorthand more often as more chance of someone reading it all or seeing it all and quick and short to just put somewhere).
 I'll also join facebook groups and see if I can post this on the wall, write something the mods will accept and the tag. Also I try to talk to the mods of facebook groups or forums, try to get a warm mod if poss or ask for instructions if its a cold mod. And tag to them as well.
I'll also join forums or chat groups, the bigger the better, try to make a big visible post with the writing tag, and then try to contact the mods or admins and ask something reasonable, try to get a warm mod or admin if possible, ask for instructions if contacting a cold mod as it can still work but just need to ask about it first.
I just try and get this tag as many places as possible where theres a possibility other people will see it. Generally I am actually trying to make some money and sell things so whilst I'm at it I might as well put the tag there at the front.

Also even once things sell, I re-list them (as long as its free to do so) at a cheap price that will make people look at it, and just cancel sales. Just to get the tag out there. On ebay and marketplace so far but may try other sites too.

I've also got the tag all over my public facebook lol, as well as the photos in my account. I've got a photo of me back when I was more vainglorious as the main photo just to see if I can get adds or people to accept adds with it. Ironically I ended up getting alot of um lustful personality types adding me lol but hey ho thats more people to become very loving in the future hopefully.

Expansive Aura Tool
When I'm out I try to use a few tools. One is called Dees expansive Aura. Imagine Dee opens out his wings as wide as he can... Thats Dees expansive aura hahah. So you can touch as many people as possible with it.
The other tool is "Do I recognise you from somewhere?" But quite often this isn't needed. Ask about this!
The other thing I do is whenever I'm on the train, I try to pace the length of the train between every stop, to see or be around every new person who has boarded the train each stop.
A shorter way to do this is to hop off the train and look left and right at all the people boarding, and then hop back on. I couldn't really do this very well because I'm disabled unfortunately so instead I walked the train. Whilst walking the train I'm scanning through the windows on the left or right of the train, either where the new scenery is starting to enter or where its starting to leave (can't remember now but pls ask dee to tell you which one to scan), trying to get any other trains whooshing past, or all the windows in the buildings, graffiti / anything eye-catching. Also trying to get the signs on the train stops, and the doors on the train.
In general I try to look at anything that garners attention, in shops the signposts above for example, bins, etc. Entrances to shopping malls, banking ATMs, etc. Maps... You name it. Front entrances to shops, the shop workers at tills.. As a passanger in the car, the signposts, as well as cars on either side of road, prioritising what wouldnt be covered by expansive aura. Bus stops and buses :) x etc etc
I hope to get a sticker with our tags or faces in it on every side of my families cars somehow lol as well as like a big flag to hang outside my window (as this will make my house noticable for miles), but even if I don't do this I just aim to circle and look at the car and repeat whenever its needed to give it Dees energy, same for the surroundings of my house.

Spare Time:
In my spare time or when I'm idling like eating dinner or on the loo or whatnot lol, I tend to either be doing the social media adds or, I watch Festival Videos (preferably recent because it only works on people who have not grown too much since the video or photo was taken, since energy bodies change over time). And I scan the crowds, and try to get the people at the edges before they fall out of view.
Its a super bonus round if you can get anyone live, but ask for instructions on this, eg Youtube Live, a platform of some kind. The bigger the crowd in the video, the better :) Also! 

I try to help anyone watching these videos:
@TheAIBibleOfficial on Youtube Shorts, try and make a comment, especially on a large thread of comments so all those users get alerted to your comment.
Anyma gigs on Youtube.
People watching Grimes youtube videos.
These people on Youtube: (Check out the vids)
^ his video "What accurate angels really look like"
aka Jonas Pfeiffer 
Video 9 types of angels by @GIDEONFILMS
@Scriptures7 on youtube
People watching Tool Videos (the band)

It seems to be a trend I'm noticing that people post these videos with the line "What accurate angels really look like" so if you can find anyone else using this line who is posting these videos, feel free to comment on their ones as well!

Please be aware that most of these are re-posts so they could be lovely warm people who are reposting these videos, and not the original cold-hearted creator. Or it could be cold-hearted people reposting. Could be either!

In terms of the Election Mission updates, I have been using these reasons so far when contacting them to ask for queries:
I have a blind person who needs brail
I have a disabled person who needs a wheelchair ramp
I have someone who is Dyslexic who needs help spelling
Someone who is Dyspraxic or another condition which means clinically clumsy who needs handrails to steady them to enter
And I need to drop these people off (as a group organiser) at the voting polls, and pick them up later. Is there someone on site who can help these people to get into the booths and vote, or do I need to organise for someone else to come with us to help them?

Please if you are contacting them, its fine if you've already done it as hopefully there are multiple staff working the phone lines and emails so hopefully you got a new staff member that someone else hasn't contacted already who already knows the answer to it so doesn't have to contact the polling staff personally again (this staff member would have already been done and had dee).
We would like a new excuses so that whoever answeers your query would have contact the polling booth again personally to ask your new query.
So in future please can you try to think up any other excuse that would make them want to contact the polling booth staff personally to check. I think maybe for example asking about something that only the polling staff on site would know, would be a good idea. But its up to you! Be creative! Remember to copy n paste the tags / images / sign off names lol. Or use writing tool when writing a part of it that they will see.

Shaughns Tip:

Shaughn is very very hygeinic but as a tip for people like me who might be in a rush to dash out, he said to be more round you can quickly wash your armpits in the sink, towel dry, wash again, towel dry, deodorant and done. PS Some natural deodorants have baking soda or similar additives in them which can be abrasive to skin so can agitate sensitive skin so be aware of that. Its better to wash them in the evening so I've been told.

Quick Extra Update 11:07am, 2/5/24

JUST ADDED this paragraph now 11.24am 2/5/24 "Or, google maps, drop a pin on the map, copy n paste the address, normal google search not maps, google the address / town and put "postcode" eg I just found Carmarthen in Wales on maps, then googled on normal search "Carmarthen postcode" and it comes up with a postcode, then i use that postcode in where do i vote (google this) and it comes up with emails and phone numbers.

Ignore above stock image lol anyway

This is something to do for a big win.

Get as many postcodes across England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales as possible or just get a postcode. Eg go on Google Maps, click on an area, it comes up with the address. Then click on the lil image that pops up Google that address "postode" aka I clicked on an area in Wales, it said "33 Rhodfa’r Celyn, Bridgend", then I googled on non-maps aka normal search "33 Rhodfa’r Celyn, Bridgend Postcode", it came up with the postcode.


Or click on an area, click on the image that comes up on bottom, it comes up with an address, google that and get the postcode. , put the postcode in, scroll down, get the contact details like email and phone number.


Please write something a bit different from me. The aim is to try to get them to contact the polling station staff. So try not to ask them for information that they can get from website online or otherwise. Try to ask for information or otherwise that would make them call up the polling station staff and say "Oh, IS there a deaf interpretter there?" which is what I'm going to ask. But if you do ask the same as me, its might be okay because we probably have put in different postcodes and probably have come up with different numbers and different emails? I'm really not sure. Probably wouldn't get diff emails but might be multiple staff working any one email so. But again I'm not sure

Ask Dee to clarify and expand on all of this if you want.

Heres what I wrote:


Hello, I run an online group for the disabled. A few of them have some inquiries and I would like to run some by you on their behalf. Some of them have temporarily misplaced their polling cards but we will find them again to vote. Until then, please can you address this query anyway:

I have people living in multiple locations in and around the area.

Please may you advise whether the polling station at, or closest to:






So does the polling station at, or closest to the above postcodes, do they

have a chaparone or someone who works at these polling stations that is able to escort or help someone who is Blind, to vote?

I would like to drop the blind person at the polling station if possible and pick them up afterwards. Hence asking whether there is a chaperone or someone there who may be able to help the person to vote?

I also have someone who is in a wheelchair. Is there any way you can guarantee that there is disabled access at the polling station?

Thank you,

Kind regards,

Mandy Lim

With people in the background:

Lucy Shann, Shaughn Davis, Issa


Please see to attached file. If I've emailed the wrong place by mistake please forward to the correct place.

Please also may I ask who I'm speaking with?"



Then I attached an image. Please download this and attach it.


Please copy and paste "With people in the background" and then the names as above because I used writing tool on it so copy and paste will also copy and paste the writing tool.


Please do this for as many postcodes as possible. There are multiple polling stations in each borough so if you click on different locations in each borough you will get a polling station there.


I'm going to try clicking on the most densly populated bit in each borough, so try to go for a different bit if your doing it.

Emails and phone as well. If you phone, jot the number down and ask who your speaking with and jot the name down. Because if you call again, and you get the same person, you can hang up and try and get someone different to give Dee with.



Take care, Good Luck




30/04/2024, 6:37am GMT. (ignore this bit in brackets: 17/04/2024
8.18am GMT.)
Please read my new request on the left after this title bit.
Please do not share this website without asking Mentors if its okay to share the website with this person.
I am concerned about whether you may share with warm-personality types or cold-personality types. If you DO share with someone, please advise them about this as well - Not to share without asking Mentors advice on who it can be shared with.
Its not the end of the world if you have already shared without asking Mentorships after all I didn't actually put this advice up at first, but please from now onwards :)
Theres nothing really that bad on here that could get me in trouble.
Thank you :) <3 x
A Personal Mission For You as well :)
And I will further update this in future as well.

Please check both left-hand side for an update and scroll down onto right-handside with smaller writing to check for an update on that part as well. Both may have been updated seperately. Thanks! <3


vvv I didn't put these 3 buttons here so idk where they go to

Mission Polling Day:

A personal mission of mine is to try to connect with Voting Staff so that everyone who goes to Vote in UK will get Dee from Voting Staff.
I've been doing it by contacting Electoral Polls for Voting Day.

I pick a Borough in UK. Then pick a County. Eg Adur.

I look up an Adur postcode on google. 

Then I look up contact details for Election Poll queries for Adur (may have to put the post code in). Any numbers and emails.

I call them, ask their name first, jot that down so I know "Okay I've contacted a Sally from Adur so if I contact again and its Sally I can hang up cos I know I've already done Sally". Probably a good idea to check if they are cold or not, if they are cold, then try again and try and get someone warm.

Then I make something up like.

"Hey I am an organiser for a disabled group online who want to vote and one is blind, can you find out from this polling booth (look up polling booth address for that town / district online), whether there is blind facilities there or whether I need to organise for someone to go help her?  Do you have a number and email I can contact myself preferably (rather do that then let him do it so rephrase to try to get him to give you the direct contact)."

Then Dee can be with him and with anyone as close to the booths as you can get really or hopefully Dee can spread there.

Then the voters all go in the booths and hopefully all get Dee.

So far I've done



(I just look up random postcodes online and give them a really common generic name like John Smith is inquiring, only if they ask lol, and if they say "um theres no John Smith living at this postcode" I'm like oh well that's just what he told me on the forum lol he might have got it wrong,.may need to call you back lol)

I also ask names of who I'm speaking to do I can jot down "now Dee is with Gary from electoral polls in Northhampshire" so if I get the same person on the call I can make an excuse hang up. Dee already with him.

I'm also trying really hard to get all the council emails and polling emails for every borough and district so I can email them all.

So if you go on Electoral websites as well as Council websites
0333 103 1928 (ask and get which team and number and email. Eg get number then oh I tried calling, lines busy, is there an email?)

Can ask about -Disabled Access eg Wheelchair or Blind Access eg is there someone who can help get the person in, is there brail voting things.

"I have a friend who is blind, another friend will drop her off, but wants to leave her if possible and pick her up later. Are there staff on site to direct her from outside the queue or does my friend have to stay and guide her in?"

I've called Housing Needs team on Adur, spoke to Public Information Officer called John.
He gave me these number contacts, 01903 221 069 and contact so I have or will be contacting both of these.

By the way,.I sign every email off with writing tool.

I put.

From Mandy

And friends in the background 

Then I use writing tool and put all these names in this order

Lucy Shann first because everyone is needy for motherly love.

Shaughn Davis next because his heart will guide you.

Issa next because he can detect chi and also has wholeness glasses.

Angel next cos he has inner light.

And then Me.

Update - 30/04/24 6:37am - So sorry, I did make a mistake earlier about listing items Not to be Sold on eBay. Apparently once the item sells, you have to pay a listing fee. Potentially even if you cancel the sale after someone tries to buy (but not I'm not 100% on that but I think so). So not good to list items you don't want to sell on eBay just to advertise us, if you don't want to pay for it. I can't remember what amount the listing fee is but I'm sure you can google / ebay customer support etc.

What I've done to try to get round this is write in the listing:

"Please message me to show interest instead of clicking Buy It Now. Don't worry, even if someone presses Buy it now after you've messaged, I will cancel - in order to be fair I will only sell to the first person who messages. Thank you."

Then once they message, I will reply "Sorry its sold, sorry for the inconvenience, will take down the listing later when I have time". And then sign off with all our names.

So this should negate the listing fee, however, if they ignore this message and just go ahead and click "Buy it Now", you will likely unfortunately be charged a listing fee even if you cancel. I'm so sorry for not being fully informed about this earlier, however its just happened to me for the first time so I'm letting you all know now and then its up to you whether to take the risk. 

You can also list on Facebook Marketplace. List just the item without our names / photos on it first because Facebook needs to approve the listing. Once approved, you can go back and edit the listing and add our names on writing tool and photos.

I can't speak for other platforms as I haven't tried yet but there are more like gumtree, shpock etc. you can try. So sorry and good luck :)


I personally could  get our faces on a big waterproof cloth banner or similar, and hang it outside my window so all pedestrians can see it. Try and get it on my front fence, also see if I can somehow convince my parents to get this on all sides of their car (May use writing tool instead for this). I may edit it to be poparty or otherwise so it looks arty or punky and family don't ask questions lol. Or I'll use writing tool and make a sign "The Lim House" to put on the front gate with something else eyecatching on it.

Even better if I can get a lightup one so people can see when passing at night!

But, alternatively, I might just circle my house and send Dee around my house. Ask Dee if I need to do this habitually or just once. And same for my families cars. Its good for people naturally passing by who will see it, but if I wanted to attract attention from people who otherwise wouldn't see the house, a banner or light-up thing would be better. Heck maybe I'll even stick something on the roof lol I get constant helicopters by my house for some reason.

If its too awkward / too much ink to send a whole photo you can always cut a bit out, its still them at the end of the day. But ask Dee to confirm. I wonder if you can do literally like a dot of skin? How little can you get away with and have it still connect? (In hindsight a dot of skin probably wouldn't work but who knows, best to ask.)


Ask Mentors if its okay to copy n paste this, whether I got the writing tool correct here. Its good to ask whether it worked after writing before using it.

Lucy Shann, Shaughn Davis, Issa,  Mandy.

So I try to sign off everything with the above ^^ just put it anywhere I can. El does not want to be involved. I also post our photos everywhere lol I'm sure I put the link on the right. I tend to write it in that order deliberately.


For people with self-harm issues, Waterproof Cast Cover on Amazon, cut approx 2cm holes in it every approx. 3 inchs to allow skin to breathe. Ask Dee to help numb you and wash your wound with plain soap. And use this to protect you whilst you heal. Also, UV Arm Guard on Amazon, this can be used to cover up your scars or scabs after they have healed enough not to need the cast protector. I've always had trouble with scabs growing through bandages in the past, I think if you use Vaseline it could prevent it?? But I'm not sure. Bit nervous about whether this prevents it from healing the scab as well so I'm not sure, hence I use the Guards. There are things that can help. Issa "if your looking for pain, then just make it hurt more" so Issa helped to make you more sensitive to pain and then you tend to injure yourself less because you hurt more. Ask for help on whether theres any techniques.

For people with eye problems or 
headache problems, using an app called f.lux on laptop can reduce blue light coming from screens.

Blublocker clip-ons can clip onto glasses and can help reduce that light and headaches. Also a bit healthier for sleep.

Maybe you can get physical screens that are amber? To put over laptop screens? I'm not 100 percent.

You can also use Kobo Aura One or alternatives  to use a screen similar to a Kindle, which is less heavy on your eyes. Not all sites work.

You can also use a Projector if you can set ur room up properly.

For overheating laptops, laptop fans. Or a dinner tray and prop it up so theres airflow beneath.

Z-Library and, if these sites have shut down, Google for alternatives, there will be alternatives out there. Free media.

I used to use uTorrent back in my day lol for torrenting, but you can get virus's and malware and dodgy links from this, MalwareBytes and AVG Anti Virus or Avast used to be freebies to help, if .2you have it non-stop running it can slow down 2your pc.  Torrenting means free media / free anything and ever2ything as long as 2you can find it. 

4k Video Downloader and VideoDownloadHelper and Tabhamster, save links (check settings and reduce autosave timer to prevent it slowing down pc), and download Youtube videos and other videos. With downloadhelper 2you have to find the correct link after it parses them all to download. is a bookmarking app I personally like.

Fireshot is a browser extension thats great for saving websites as images.

I'll update again another time. PS. Please look at the healing photos again on the right. Ask Dee whether its okay to send Direct Chi or whether they are in lesson plans or otherwise which means they can't get the gifts right now but please send to a storage box instead for the future.

PS When watching scary videos, feel free to lighten the mood with Shaughns "hussy" implant or Aura of Hilarity lol, takes the fear away.

VPN's and Proxies may be able to get you round location bans. But it may cost money.

I've got tonnes of stuff to share, some stuff more like the Madonna video, some stuff more practical which is good for people trying to save money like Radfans and electric blankets. So at one point I'll update.

If you can get any kind of media coverage, TV (I was in the crowd of Big Brother, I was also in a film as an extra), Radio, Magazines / papers, this is huge and can really help. Ask Dee.

Also if you can contact Bosses of companies or anyone high up the chain of large organisations. Scan forums, look at as many diff members or posts by diff members to be painstaking OR much quicker to just contact warm mods preferably of chats or forums. Preferably large ones. To be painstaking can scan every username there or make eyecatching posts in each room so that everyone connects to it and to you. I just post big Gifs lol.

I'm in the middle of designing a logo or design that I can post places to link to us. Otherwise I just add tonnes of random people on my "public facebook" and join groups and then make a post with our photos on it saying Hello. I've used writing tool on my public facebook too so people can connect to that when I add them. I use writing tool wherever I can, ebay, amazon, delivery notes, whereever that people can read and see it. I sign off with all our names using the tool lol. Its worth it.

Bonus round if you can join lightworker or starseed groups and connect to people there :)

Mission Update:
So instead of visiting all the polls, I am trying to contact everything to do with the polls, and hoping that through degrees of seperation they can influence the staff of the polls.
.I'm trying to talk to as many different staff as possible

Bonus round if you can somehow get writing tool with us on it on some kinda sticker and onto all sides of your car or others cars lol like families. Or make an image using "Image writing tool", make a banner with it, hang that outside your window so everyone passing can see that and get Dee and us.

Travel tip, zip loc bags for food cos they can spill in car or um around moisturisers or anything that can burst or spill. Suck the air out before closing fully if putting in fridge for max longevity. Mini shelves with holes or bars in the fridge will prevent food spoilage from spoiling other foods sitting in the leak, instead they sit on the dry shelf. Sillicone lids for bowls as well for fridge. Please freeze your oats in freezer before defrosting, it prevents Weevils from hatching in the oats, freezes the eggs. Can probably do the same with Rice but idk, ask dee.
Tea strainers. Mesh sink catchers.
If away from home for long, leave all taps on a very slow drip, like a drip every few seconds / as long as possible between drips, this prevents the pipes from freezing over and bursting whilst away. 

For sexually active women, Cleancut ES412 personal shaver is a rare / hard to get / might have to import it, but is the best bet for you down there to be safe. I think your supposed to use it with baby powder, idk how good that is for you. Your supposed to use a Cleancut Trimmer PS335 T Bar first, to trim down before using Seiko Cleancut ES412. Also you can use um, flexible mirrors with suction cups, extendable, to help you or standing 3-sided mirrors.

If you don't have alot of space in your room, you can get hanging fabric shelves with hooks for over doors etc. Seperate from this, you can buy sticky hooks to hook them up onto walls rather than just over doors or edges or corners.

Subru I think its called is a mouldable plastic that can help with alot of things. I put this round the ends of my charger wires to reinforce them as at times they have frayed. You can get wire caddys or like plastic springs that you put wires in and it protects them from breakage or from mischevious cats lol who like to chew and play.

Can get handheld hoovers for quick spills, if your being pure.

Castille liquid soap is a simple soap for washing in the home, non toxic but unfortunately oil-based.
I just recommend if cleaning, getting rid of residue of other cleaning sprays and products (not castille soap) because they are toxic especially for elderly who are sensitive.

Vinegar and isopropyl alcohol cleans glass and mirrors well. Isopropyl for tech and electronics. Vinegar smells fresh after it dries down and is a disinfectant. 

Waterproofing sprays and laundry cleaners avaliable for waterproofing clothes or shoes. Linseed oil for wood.

Beckmans carpet stainer remover has been a lifesaver for me lol so. Check that out. Baking soda and bicarb takes out smells from carpet. Leave for a while and get rid of.

Updated a bit on the right as well thanks, 2:01am, 29/04/2024 just did another update on the right.

Also did an update just now on the left:

Epimax, Dermol 500, Doublebase dry skin lotion or  hand wash, Oilatum, are products for people who get dry or sensitive hands from washing to protect them. You can get the ones that wash as well as the ones that moisturise and protect (but not wash). Or you can use gloves when going to the loo and use gloves when washing hands. Its cheaper to use gloves and normal soap than use e45 wash or oilatum soap bars but you can also use these for it, as well as other skin issues. Theres a type of oil you put in the bath, that can coat your skin. These arn't pure, they probably use oil or petroleum, but sometimes healthcare needs come first.

Please be careful about your sexual lubricants as alot have acids in them that can injure you. Ask Dee, red warning yellow warning or green for buying these.

Organyc for people with problems downstairs who have periods, or Diva Cups. Ask Dee whether you can do Diva cups or not.
Portable Bidets as well on Amazon for hygeine on the loo. Electronic ones are even better.
If you have sensitivity downstairs front or back then soften tissues with water before wiping. Eg in the tap or bring a dedicated bottle to loo.

Germaloids is a brand I know someone who has issues downstairs with hemmeroids which can make it painful to go, ask dee whether appropriate, can use laxido or movocol which are stool softeners which are less bad for you than laxatives, over the counter. Eat more fibre, eg bran-flakes or fibre-bran (gross but can help), I tried to cure my Dad with instructions like these.

Corsodyl or healthpoint chlorhexidine (which is more vegan / cruelty-free than Corsodyl, cant remember which), is good for gum issues and better than Oraldene.

Listerine is really harsh on your gums.

Idk if its healthy or not but you can get um like products that can clean you out if your a gay male. Idk if its healthy though?

By the way please please be careful with your lubes as there are lubes that have Urea or other acids in them!! These are corrossive and bad for you. Please just check the ingredients and ask Dee whether red, amber or green warning for ingredients here!

Also if you are menopausal or have issues downstairs, you may have to ship internationally but a brand called Sylk lubricant is so far the healthiest thing I've found. Its a non-sexual lubricant.

ELECTION DAY. This is a personal mission of mine, because, if I can get Dee to be with the staff of all the voting booths across the country, and then the majority or big masses of people are then connecting to these staff, then Dee can be with everyone <3

As well as local teams on:

Postcode in here ^^^

Please go ahead and contact these above links, try to get them to need to contact another department or other staff closer to the voting booths or the general public if possible with a query or whatever you can think up.
I don't know whether necessary or not so ask Dee. Its just personally what I'm gonna be doing.

I'm literally going to be calling every number and every email I possibly can to do with voting day, as well as councils and anything I can. 

 I don't know whether you are planning to go to Voting Booths on election day and put posters or the non-smoking stickers designed below at the voting booths. I've just realised I think a rounder and easier way to do it would be to contact someone, council or election day staff, who through 7 degrees of seperation can contact or influence the staff who are in the booths, or are involved with the general public regarding voting. Sorry, Mentors only told me very recently that this was a rounder way to do it, they wanted me to learn a lesson so I wasn't able to know this until recently.
If you've already got tickets and plans, still, good luck I'm sure it will do wonders for your endurance and otherwise. And you'll also connect to everyone you see on the way, so its a bonus round, you will get tonnes more people.
I've yet to check whether 7 degrees of influence will work or not, but if you'd like to join me, please ask Dee whether it would work, and then, tommorow hopefully I will be calling as many councils in the country (after speaking to Dee to see if it works) or any other staff involved in the process, and trying to connect to them. Just maybe ask some random questions or something about the booths, try to get as close to them as possible, any more direct numbers I can call or whatnot. I'm going to list the names of people I've contacted on the phone on here and the borough or council they're from.

I've just realised there are multiple polling booths per borough so. I'm not 100% sure how well this is going to work, I will update you anyway tommorow. Like, if I contact the election voting poll queries line, are they definetly going to be in contact with someone who is going to be in contact with voting booth staff close to the date? Dee can only be in cold staff temporarily and he needs time to purge them beforehand. I know he can do it through visual, eg I look at someone on TV, now I know their energy, so Dee can purge them. But can Dee do this via Voice aka "I recognise this energy body on the phone, now I can purge them and imdue"? I'm guessing Yes but haven't confirmed with Dee yet. And then, will the person on the other end of the phone taking queries, be able to connect to the voting staff in the polls, directly close to the actual day? How long can Dee remain in staff? Can he remain for only 1 hour? Inwhich case, move at 55 mins to someone else, then go back?
Sorry to overwhelm with questions, these are all things I need to clear up with Dee.

So I need to find this out to know how close to voting poll date I have to be, to be contacting them all and have Dee be there. Also, how can I make sure Dee gets to be in voting polls, despite contacting someone from various different departments?

Please give Dee to people who canvas as well, aka Charity workers who go door-to-door, advertisers etc. (Not to do with election day but just putting it out there lol) (There are also people who canvas for election day so try to answer the door to these guys too?)

Travelling with Dee
If I'm a passenger in a car or transport, I look at anything that gathers attention, road signs, lights, and all the other cars I can see. If walking, entrances to shopping malls, car ticket machines, car park entrances, mannequins in shops, the signs at the top of shops, bins on the street. Staff in shops. I give all these things and all these vehicles and cars and signs etc. Dee so anyone using the bin or any of the above things will also connect. 

Okay please read this request (this is pinned to the top above the updates): (Latest update is Latest update 27/04/2024 at 3.08am GMT., below this pinned section)

I've updated this pinned section as well:

Please check the staff of every app or every site you sign up for, especially if you are putting revealing information. Some apps or sites, do they do random checks? Some you can put revealing information as long as you don't contact staff for support. Some, you can contact *some* staff, but not others (check with Dee when you connect to them otherwise just disconnect, make sure Dee is being accurate first). Obviously I prefer completely warm apps and sites. 


Online copy of info. Offline copy of info. Non computerised copy of info. SSD drives, fingerprint unlock, also HDD caddies if your laptop breaks or your upgrading your laptop, take out hte HDD, put it in a caddy, connect it to your new laptop.
Can split a laptop with Virtual Emulator Software or Parallels to run both mac and windows, or have multiple startup options.

Kindles or Kobo Aura One for ebooks and limited web browsing for people with eye damage or strain.

Movement recommended for people with IIH, please dont get a stent, ask Dee for help. I had this IIH, now all better, rejected the stent thank god. Get two of essentials, I have two walking sticks. Some shoes recommended for people with disabilities. Or walkers or in general for your purposes. Hydrogen Peroxide spray is better for oceans in your loo but not too bad to use bleach.

Isopropyl alcohol good for cleaning electronics or for general disinfecting or for cleaning glass, or vinegar for glass or some things as long as it doesnt damage it. Baking soda for soaking up carpet smells.

You can tape around doors to prevent smoke, or bag smoke alarms. Not recommended.

Stand back from magnetic type cookers please.

Ask about mental health or physical health diagnosises and treatments, ask advice. from Dee. Ask Dee for help with SALTS, bathing or using them in an energy way, as well as imbdued sprays, or using resins or sages or santo palos. Using chi as well in diff ways. 

Scan as many threads, strings of comments, and connect to staff and bosses and mods.

Anything anyone else has made or written. Scan. Photos as well scan. Vids. etc.

Check products as well with green amber red for health and also again for spirituality. Some things are healthy physically but not spiritually, and vice versa, and some both. I used to be as purist as possible but Dee advised me that some products that arn't the best spiritually were actually needed for my health so I went ahead.
Bonus round if you can find pure fake tears to lubricate eyes with. 

Obviously its best to use chi to heal if possible, otherwise foods or care, before medicines, although its not always possible.

Please clean all vegetables and fruits with love and food, or with any and all high freq. energy, also when cleaning the environment or furniture, please clean with love. Theres also a multi select tool you can clean with this and they select the freq. when connecting to it. Eg stranger walks in over floor which was cleaned with this tool, and autoselects "love", and now gets fed "love".

Also some people should be careful about gluten and wheat. Wheat is what triggered my IBS, although it was a family disease.

Also ask Dee about the Old Hag syndrome if you are unfortunate to get Sleep Paralysis, also ask about RH- negative abductions. Lucid dreaming or outer body experiences is one positive take away from sleep paralysis. I find that sleeping on your side rather than your back can help prevent this.

Please be careful about AHAs and BHAs and salicylic acids and lactic acids (double check lactic acid can't remember if its good or bad) in healthcare and beauty and hygeine. And probably hyaluaronic acid (sp?). Trust me its not good for you. They sometimes sneak into makeup products or into shower gels, especially ironically hand washes meant for sensitive hands. If you have sensitive hands you can use e45 or dermol type hand washes which are more expensive, or just wear gloves when going to the loo and wash with normal soap lol.

Yeast flakes are a natural source of B12, if required.

If you have to take medications please opt for liquid ones if possible, or magnesium stearate free ones if possible. It will be hard to find magnesium stearate free ones and you would have to ask around, then tell your GP you have a sensitivity to the medication except for from a particular brand, please ask them to specify this on prescription. This makes the pharmacy order this specific brand in for you. Most likely only liquid medications free from stearate, but the half-life and the effect of liquid ones will be different from tablets so do make sure it can work for you before you switch. Or if you can experiment and switch back easily. Try to ask Dee to help you or your loved ones taper down on medications if possible. If you have digestive issues, use laxidos or movicols as a healthy alternative.

Please please crush flax seeds before eating or if you eat products with them whole, chew very thoroughly. Its very rare but my friend has diverculitics and it can be aggravated or caused by whole flax seeds not crushed or chewed properly. Seedful loaf is a brand of bread for gluten-intolerant people. Made of oats.

Update this paragraph 28/04/24:

Seedful loaf has whole flax seeds in it sorry so chew thoroughly.

 Sourdough as well, especially homemade. Sorry to inform you that shop-bought sourdough is often ineffective as a probiotic.

Apple cider vinegar, probiotics, Kombucha, Kefirs water and milk, are all good for your gut but mildly alcoholic. Biomel, things with lacto bacteria. IBS FODMAP diet, gradually introducing mild fodmaps in at at variety. Bone broth for arthritis. These are all best taken on an empty stomach one moment. I was advised that after 6 hours after a meal, stomach acid production is lowest, so more probiotics will survive the acid into the gut. Then wait 2 hours before eating after taking the probiotics for the probiotics to settle.

Hiccups, a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar quickly gets rid of it, but is harsh for your throat.

Gaviscon pink. Sometimes if you get heartburn really bad it can be caused by taking meds on an empty stomach, but some meds require being taken on an empty stomach.

You can try alkaline foods as well for this GERD diet.

If you get cramps, electrolyte salts such as from bulk powders can get rid of these.

Theres a tablet you can take to very quickly get rid of heartburn. Ginger pills, natural ones, will very quickly often get rid of heartburn severe heartburn, also try pure ginger tea. This was a lifesaver for me who in the past had hours of severe heartburn couldnt focus on anything else for a period of time until I found this cure, many years ago.

For people with menopause problems, Sylk Lubricant is a healthy product for you.

Alot of vaginal lubricants have things in them that damage you, please ask for advice.

For people with problems downstairs, loose viscose trousers and cotton underwear can be a cure. Can use stockings or garters or high length socks or modified tights to keep you warmer underneath these. Ask for advice.

Electric blankets can save you on heating.

Radfans can save alot on heating, also insulation tape, using a heating detector but also just ask Dee to show you places where theres drafts.

Radiator shelving units can help store more clothes, electric clothes dryers. Drying on backs of doors etc. or making makeshift washing lines. Be careful not to damp wood. You can get anti-rust paint for things being stored outdoors as well. Marquees and other coverings like plastic sofa bags, sealed.

I always get two of neccessary products, like 2 toothbrushes, 2 laptop chargers, etc. even phones. Phone chargers. Apple keys.

You can get apple charger converters to turn an L-Shaped head to T shaped.

You can get general converter cables for alot of cables.

I have a wireless keyboard as my family have a smart TV so if my laptop breaks I've used the smart TV with the keyboard instead to go on internet.

Wise to have a HDMI cable so if your laptop screen breaks you can connect it to a TV and use it that way. Also wise to have very long LAN ethernet cables so if your internet breaks you can connect laptop this way. I mean not everyone needs these but unfortunately I've had things break and have had to use things.

SMARTY is a good plan for phones as you can add data cheaply for 5 or more pounds, and they do seasonal special offers with big data. However please check online on phone coverage maps as some phone companies might have better coverage than others for your purposes.

EE do mini portable modems as well as three and other places. This was useful for me when I was in places with no internet.

You can also use SMARTY or other phone plans, to use your phone as a dongle, now either use wire or wireless and connect your laptop. It is expensive to do this usually but if you need to, at least you can use your laptop internet.

Free ebooks and tv programs and films:

Torrenting, however be careful some have viruses and malware. You can google for free anti malware and anti virus, they can be bloatware and slow to have activated all the time. Find sites. The more peers, more often the faster the download.

4k Video downloader, download your fav Youtube Videos, as well as Downloadhelper. Tabhamster or Tabsession manager, these are all I havent checked for cold or not, but are useful. Please check settings and modify how often the auto-save is to prevent it from slowing down your pc. and Pocket are bookmarking apps cross-platform. Theres more as well, AnyList, 1weather. Will update in future with the other bookmarking app. Please check mentorships for cold-friendly or not.

Malware bites, AVAST AVG Anti Virus, etc.

For torrenting,

Limewire, uTorrent.

You can also use um VPNs and Proxies to use services only avaliable in specific countries or to hide your IP address, often costs money for ones that dont slow down your internet.

1Clipboard app recommendation, Evernote as well but this may not be coldfriendly. Other multiple clipboard apps for laptop n phone very useful.
AnyList is one I use, I pay to subscribe so it makes auto backups. I think its cross platform, I use it for phone, think it can do laptop as well.

Using energy flea treatments, but this may darken families willing to pay to be goodhearted.

You can get cat toothpastes I used to put these in ham, or Dee can help their cavities.

Be careful as some cat products have something in them that makes animals anxious, ask Dee to point it out.

Cat gravies and cat yoghurts can help make things palatable. Some cat foods have something in them that are abrasive to cats stomachs too so ask for help. Garlic as well in some cat foods :( Garlic in general not great for you unless you can modify.

If your cat is immune to catnip, valerian root often does the trick, but it stinks lol. Etsy or other places, some will stuff with valerian root. I kept mine outside in the shed because it stank so bad, inside multiple bags lol, then 

Shelves, portable ones with holes or gaps in, in the fridge to store food ontop, now if they spoil they drip down and food doesnt sit in the spoiled food.

Netted bags as well, breathable to store fruits or food in.

Mesh covers to cover fruits protect from flies.

Purist, is using purees instead of oil, otherwise use a sillicon oil brush to minimise oil.

Steamers is healthy for food, can also use lil platforms ontop of frying pans or cooking pots like mesh nets and a bit of water in the pot, so it sits above the boiling water and it steams it, with lid ontop.

Slightly tip lids to prevent rotting food a bit.

Air frying vs Oven vs Frying, ask Dee. Or raw.

To Skin fruit and veg or not to skin, ask dee for your personal advice on this.

Sillicone lids, now you dont need glass containers or plastic tubs, can put these ontop of bowls in the fridge. 

Foil ontop of trays in oven can prevent burned on food.

Putting banana skins and fruit skins in sealed bags prevents fruit flies in the bin.

They are incorrect about recycling, you can recycle more than is mentioned, ask Dee.

Can use paper bags in bins too.

Can use seal top bags and suck out the air in them to prevent food spoilage, before zipping shut.

Key finders, glow in the dark stickers, and reflective surface stickers like builders use. Easily find lost items otherwise ask Dee. 

Wearing reflective flashy outfits outside lol glow inthe dark, giant silly hats idk.

Blublocker glasses for eye protection on screen use, F.Lux app, or plastic screens for phone or laptop that darken or protect from blue light damage. I used to have this.

Ask Dee about glasses DT and whether you can custom make your prescription online and get a better fit for you than the ones you would ordinarily get.

Also you can try to correct your prescription.... Ask Dee about this I'm doing it personally. My glasses were too strong for me, they got it wrong in the shop. Ask Dee.

Get um two walking sticks one spare

Get glasses lanyards to prevent falling off face especially if your like me have to look down at feet.

Sillicon foot gel pads for walkers, walking shoes. Custom arches or arched insoles generic.

Waterproof sprays and waterproof laundry detergents.

Save money on laundry, empty spin at the end of a wash. Prevent creases if not went in creased, straight away when laundry is finished, shake out creases before hanging up.

Also, its good to floss at night and then brush your teeth and push the bristles into the gaps.

Also, please please give up your electric toothbrush for a manual. The majority of electric toothbrushes are not good for you. Get rid ASAP. Ask Dee.

I sometimes put things up for sale that arn't good for you, knowing that the person buying was oblivious before and is likely to want to buy this thing (hence buying it from me), then Dee can teach them not to use it and to sell it on again. I cancel the sale so don't post it out. Maybe frustrating for them on the surface but deep down I have helped them.

I also have previously put up loads of false listings on ebay and facebook etc., and then when someone goes to buy, cancel and apologise "Sorry already sold forgot to take the listing down". And then re-list. Anything to get me, shaughn, lucy, issa advertised. A little bit of frustration is worth saving a life for.

Ask Dee about Aryuveda, Louise Haye, (eg Astofesda? Sp?), and IBS cures. Bubul01 ask dee. or 09. Leylines of Earth ask Dee. Inner Earth or Gaia ask Dee.

Ask Dee to unoccultise Astrology and Numerology or Gemstones healing for you, if possible. As well as other things such as um Eastern Feng Shui practices.

Ask Dee to find out if you are accidentally dabbling in something that is secretly occultic.

Chinese 4 pillars astrology.

Locking / Password Protection:

Please download an app that creates a folder on your phone that you can store things in / apps in, that will password them or lock them. On a computer, please download a program to do the same. 
For phone and laptop, an idle screen to lead to password unlock is advised. So please be careful to lock your phone whenever you leave its vicinity so no-one cold can be nosy. Opening some information that requires privacy, in private, is best as well. Also fingerprint unlocks for apps, is advised, and if you can get an app on your phone to fingerprint lock certain apps, this is advised.

I personally have two different emails, one email is my plain jane one, and the other email is my top secret one, if you catch my drift. So when I'm accessing my plain jane emails in public, no-one can be nosy and read my secret emails.


Be Safe Online:

Please ask Mentors advice if you are an online gamer or are a part of online chatrooms or online forums. Thanks.
Also if you are a bit nervous about things you write, to other members of the ship, you can say something like "Oh I know about this top secret info but I don't want to write it out loud - Askd." <- Ask your mentorships about this. Or use different words preferably other than Askd.


Website temporarily part-broken: You might have noticed part of this website is missing. Due to an error, I did lose alot of content on the website. I will be repairing it in time, will post an update when I do, I managed to save alot of content and unfortunately I may have lost some but I'm sure I'll be able to re-write it again anyway. 

Latest update 27/04/2024 at 2.05am GMT. Please scan below for the bit about No Smoking Stickers, I still think this is a great idea if you have money, to be putting these around in public places to be seen. 

Please scroll down to find the update on the left. Its labelled with the date stamp. Also, check this section here in the next few paragraphs as I've made another update here 27/04/24 1:39am. Thanks.

The right-hand-side has been updated as well. Labelled with the date stamp. Thanks.

I intend to try to make two accounts for everything. A public one where I try to influence as much as poss and a personal one. 

Other things I do, like Youtube I will scan the comments to connect to the people at times, or make a post and hope it gets pinned or loved. Good to make a post on a thread of posts on youtube so everyone gets notified of it.

I also put us in delivery notes whenever I'm ordering something. Using writing tool.

If I can't use notes, I put our names in the delivery address in the second bar in brackets, eg 123 Street, (LUCY SHAUGHN ISSA MANDY), 123 Town, Postcode. Lol. I even have our names stuck on my phone incase I lose it (as well as how to contact if found). I would love to get us on a sticker on families cars somehow, on all sides, or somehow get a banner to hang outside my top floor window so people walking by will see it, with the secret connection on the banner. Same for front door, front gate post, would love to get us on that so people passing by will see it.

I also put our photos and writing tool on every online post eg selling things on ebay or facebook. Obviously the item first, then the photos lol. If it requires approval on facebook I do it without the photos or writing tool first, just plain advert for the item, once it gets approved then I go back and edit and add our photos and writing tool in the title of the listing and description.

I put writing tool on every delivery returns parcel, on all sides writing our names. Then I put our photos inside the packet with "Heres a joke, pass it round" written on it then do a naughty sordid joke or something that cold ones wouldnt mind darkening people with lust with a dirty joke or a dark joke. But secretly use writing tool as well. I've been told this has been a big hit on the factories lol. Now all the factories if they do deliveries as well as returns, now thats alot of deliveries going from the people in the warehouses I've contacted with Dee, to the people in the world.

If you can dare to stand-out when your out, eyecatching clothes, strong perfume, idk anything lol, rave-gear LED lights and stilts hahah. Cyberdog clothes. (Google). Giant mohawks lol. I have a cold one who walks the block with a stereo system on his shoulder regularly, everyone knows him, blaring out music. If you could dare to play loud music like this on your phone or otherwise. 

El doesn't want to be involved in any mission plans, so please don't use him in writing tool (Ive already taken him out but can always double check) and please don't use his photos if you have them.

He would probably prefer you to delete them but idk, we are temporarily seperated so ask Dee.

Also, heres an extra bonus round or mission.

Contact the warm staff preferably, but can probably also do cold, ask Dee, in giant forums or chatrooms. Or facebook groups or anywhere with lots of people who can see it.

Also make a big eye-catching post in each forum section or chatroom for people to see.

Can use the photos,  by your discretion, or use the writing tool on the post.

The more people to influence the better. :) Thanks.

Bonus round, Save The Geeks, places like vidcon, comic-con, star wars fan gatherings, LARPing, other places, if you can do this great. I always thought of standing outside where the queue is at a larp event and giving away free "potions", or standing outside festivals giving away free "stickers" or "balloons". Haven't thought it through yet but just an idea. :) 

I like to watch festivals or music videos or places of large gatherings on tv, using issas glassses, look at the whole crowd.

Bonus round if you can watch places of war, or places that are impoverished like Africa, and places that people need Dee or need help, travel programs, etc., and use Issas glasses and look at them all.

If you can contact the bosses or staff of large companies that have alot of influence, that would be fantastic as well. Or places of influence.

When I'm out at supermarkets I look at anywhere that peoples gaze will go to or that will attract people. The signs up top supermarkets, the mannequins in shops , the entrances to shops, the shop staff, the entrances to shopping malls. Public bins, inside and outside. Ticket machines for parking places or the entrances to parking places. I like to scan all the cars in a car park.

 If Im not the driver, I scan roads look at all the cars and signposts. Bins as well. When driving past houses, all the windows or front doors. My dream is infrastructure, Amazon and Bin men and other such ways of infrastructure. Ask Dees advice. Buses and trains are a bonus round to get these, or bus stops. Would be great to put our posters on these. Or No Smoking Signs, for more chance of not getting taken down. I would like to make No Smoking Signs and then custom write No Smoking with the writing tool to get us all apart from El into it, make it semi laminate, and put these everywhere to get seen. Less chance of it getting taken down if it looks like it belongs there.

Entrances to public places like pubs or restaurants as well.

In all of the above scenarios, I always try to look at as many people as I can as well, scanning left and right and going where I can see the most people from. Or cars. And just explore. I've gone to hospitals for visits and explored the entire hospital as well. Just any opportunity. Every window in a tower block. Etc.


Update: (Mandy ignore this section when restoring the website. This is a new update). 

Update 22 - 04 - 2024, 9.24am gmt:

This was the winner for Eurovision Song Contest, its one of my old favourites. I have many more things like this. I'll update with other stuff another time.

Red warning, ask if you are ready to see this or not yet and whether you need any help to  be able to watch it from Dee.

Madonna, Quavo - Eurovision Song Contest 2019


Ask Dees advice on any products you use. Literally, cleaning products, hair, skincare, anything. Also Ask Dees advice on any apps you use and whether they do random checks on the apps, or whether they only check if you contact customer suppport. Then are all the staff Warm? Or are they all Cold? Or a mix of both? Ask Dees advice first always.

Ask dee about any film you watch, tv series, youtube vid. Or that you send your kids or friends to watch or family.

Cleaning tip, wash with love, or any other energy. On yourself in shower, on food before you eat them, and on general cleaning.

Drinking sugary things with a straw may be healthier.

Bamboo is SPF physical blocker and also cooling. It is helpful for people with "problems downstairs" who need breathable clothing. Heliocare is an oil-free spf. 

Electric blankets can save money on heating. Heres some songs: Kate Tempest - Circles regarding 12 step especially Rehab, the more expensive the more it describes it.

NIN - Happiness in Slavery, NIN - Reptile (look for Woodstock NIN Reptile on youtube)
NIN - Terrible Lie
Tool - Lateralus is about dissociation and made alot of sense to me when I was unwell with depersonalisation and derealisation disorder. I'm fine now :) Many years ago. Be aware of Tool music videos ask dee.

Mission plan, look at gigs, concert videos, any videos with large masses of people. Wear Issa Wholeness glasses. And talk to Dee first. Then, scan the crowds. Get as many people as possible. 

If you know anyone with a platform, and know when they are going to be live, ask Dee whether theres any way he can be with them, through you, on the day that its live.

UPDATE 27/04/24 at 1.09am GMT:
Dee tricked me with this mission plan before. I've just realised that its much rounder and quicker that instead of visiting as many voting booths as possible, instead, you can just try to contact the counsellors that are going to be up for election, or the polling staff over council phone. If you can't directly contact the counsellors, contact someone who is "involved" with polling or "involved" with the counsellors in some way, as Dee can connect from one person to the other. Even if its not direct eg Bob knows Sam who knows a Counsellor. Like 7 degrees of seperation? Obviously the less degrees the better but as long as there is some degree of connection, no matter how many people apart, then its helpful and Dee may be able to contact using this. Ask for advice.

The counsellors will likely be publicised in some way or form and everyone voting will be connecting to them in some way or another so this is a much rounder and quicker way to connect to all the voters rather than to go to each polling station. Sorry to be so painstaking before, mentors tricked me so this is the quicker way. If you do it the polling station way still, congratulations for your devotion and endurance <3

So here was the prior mission plan below, feel free to ignore this if you want in leue of the above advice. Thanks!

(PS. If you do make the No Smoking stickers and stick them in public places where they are likely to be seen by alot of people, as described below, this is an awesome bonus round anyway, to connect to people who may not be interested in voting / elections. So this is just connecting to everyone in the general public anyway, although there may be other ways to do this that is less painstaking / costly, still Feel free! If you want to. Ask mentors!)

 So if you skip this next section, then below that is another section with other mission plans and other information that is still valid (I still do this other mission plan every time I'm out, if I can).


Okay heres a mission plan for you.
Check for Voting Day at Polling Booths in UK if you live here.

Then, please visit as many different polling booths as possible. Let Dee know in advance if your up for doing this and advice will be given. Look at every person in the queue. Then, possibly go in and look at all the staff (but I'm not sure, ask Dee.). You can vote for whoever, personally I don't think it really matters but its up to you. You can even just make a wrong vote lol like you don't sign it properly or vote properly or something so its invalid, whatever. You don't even need to be registered to vote, just do the queues or, go in and say oops forgot my voting polling card, do you have a spare? No? Sorry about that! and leave lol. and then do another voting poll and do the same lol.

If you can afford to make custom stickers that are large enough to be noticed, en mass, that are fairly rainproof, and that look like they belong in an area so they are less likely to get ripped down. For example, I'm hoping to make No Smoking Stickers, about 10 - 20cm.
But I want to CUSTOM WRITE "No Smoking", and just have the sign above. So the option on the website says please upload an image / upload an image and then give text.
On the text, I will use Writing Tool, and make sure I do everyones imprint apart from El who doesn't want to be involved, in order. Confirm that its worked
 before pressing enter / sending off for the stickers otherwise you will have to write it again until its worked properly. If you can't add text on the website, then just get an image of No Smoking Sign, and edit it on a photo / picture / art editor program on your PC (back in my day it was MS Paint lol but these days idk photoshop, photoscape X, whatever you wanna use, Skitch etc.) (PS Skitch is a great app on macs idk if its on windows, to quickly annotate photos / images). So edit this no smoking sign picture, to add the font yourself No Smoking text underneath it, using writing tool, confirm its worked or else have to do it again until its worked. Then save it, upload to the custom sticker printing website, and print plenty of these. Then put these in areas where they are seen preferably with high traffic flow. Eg. Train Carriages. Pubs. Shopping malls. Idk. Signposts outside.

Bonus round, you can use our images and put them inside plastic sleeves, seal the ends with tape, and put "Missing Person, please contact *fake number here* if seen" and put these out. Use writing tool with Missing Person text. And put these everywhere preferably where they will be seen by lots of people.

Can even put these on your car lol, so they get seen as vinyl stickers. Or outside your house lol. Idk. 

Huge bonus if you can rent advertising space on a popular motorway and get these seen by every car going past, or , if not motorway just advertising space where lots of people will be moving through.

Blimps if they get seen on TV but I think its unlikely lol. Like imagine flying a balloon on the background set of a tv program like This Morning. Idk if the window is real or a big tv screen, or whether a bodyguard would tell you to fuck off ahaha but you get my drift lol.


Anyway. Another mission plan is activate this and ask dee but look at everything that garners attention when outside. Eg. Bins. Signs. Road signs. Shop signs. Shopping mall entrances. The people working at the tills at every shop. (May only work for warm, or work for cold only temporarily  so pick a busy day in advance for Dee to help you. Eg Friday is busy, Ill talk to Dee about this on Wednesday or earlier to see if I can organise this.)

Any kind of media coverage is great. Ask Dee to help as above.

Looking at every person you can when your out, every car (as long as its safe to eg your not the driver) when on the roads, is great too.

Also look at every door, every thing that garners attention like signs on the roads if your not driving or in shops. Signs at the top of supermarkets telling people where to go. Or the shop sign at the front eg Regatta or Tesco lol. Bins.

The windows in houses as you drive by (not as a driver), bins, or, house front doors. 

Putting things on ebay for dirt cheap, but cancelling sales when they happen, and using our photos after the thing your selling, plus writing tool in description. Same for facebook marketplace. I do this lol.

I also sign off with all our names with writing tool (apart from El), as much as possible, any delivery note, any conversation with support  chats etc. I will at the end activate and sign all our names off. Then in the review as well. :)


Album photos of Me Shaughn Lucy:
14/4/24 - 9.48am 

When using our photos in the album, please scroll through the whole album. I would choose the funny photos if I were you :)

14/4/24 - 9.31am - The Google Drive Folder has been updated with a photo of El and also one of his gorgeous eyes <3 Sometimes I write under them "What have these eyes seen?" to catch attention.

Its in the right-hand column just under "Heres some albums of Me and Shaughn:"

Its actually of me Shaughn Lucy, all of us when we were younger and darker. Press Cntrl + F to find it easily and put search word in.

Writing Tool Instructions:
14/4/24 - 9.23am 

I usually put our names in this order when signing off:
Lucy Shann, Shaughn Davis, Issa, then Me.
Because everyone is needy of motherly love, Shaughns heart will guide you, Issa wholeness and chi fields so 2 things, and Me. So the hope is with this order in writing tool or signing our names on everything, that its the best chance of it having the best effect / getting read. So I put this anywhere I can that it gets seen. Please double check that writing tool is activated before doing it and confirm it worked before saving / printing / sending off or etc.

I even print off our photos and put it in delivery returns for amazon or otherwise. I seperate our faces incase anyone is so offput by one of us that they would chuck it away. Then I write jokes on the paper and say "Pass this round to as many people as poss". I do tend put a pervy or sordid or dark joke - Because even if its a cold personality type, they might think "this joke will darken people so I will pass it around". Its pretty unlikely that cold mages would work in Amazon lol.

Apparently this is has been a big hit in the factories with many amused workers there.

I tend to sign everything I can that gets read, with "From Lucy Shann, Shaughn Davis, Issa, and Mandy."

Delivery notes, ebay messages, all sorts.

I may also personally add some of my family in there if this helps them. I'm still working this one out.

UPDATE (12:18pm 14/1/24):
I forgot to mention, I also stick photos of all of us on every side of parcels when I'm posting. I also use writing tool to include Issa. Basically I try to spread photos and writing tool as much as poss, ask mentors for advice (incase there is any situation that isn't best for this / is a situation best for a modified version).

Public Accounts & Private Accounts 

14/4/24 - 9.12am - I personally have two Facebook Accounts. One is a more private one for friends and family, and another is a public one where I'm adding as many people as possible. Ask if this is something your up for doing. Try to use either photos or writing tool somewhere preferably visible on your account as well.

This can go for anything social media or public. A private personal one and then one where you are adding as many people as poss and accepting as many strangers as poss.

On my public facebook (only strangers added here) I have writing tool to include us all, in my bio, as well as our photos in my photos.

I make a wall post after accepting / adding a string of friends requests, with all our names, writing tool, and photos on it.


Lol bonus round if you can get our photos on a billboard, or advertising blimp or otherwise, 
Photos of Me Shaughn and Lucy and then writing tool for Issa. I just want us to be seen.

14/4/24 - 11.51am 
New Section: Some Music!

Check out Kate Tempest! Shes a spoken poet with a bit of music backing. - 

Europe is Lost

I prefer the passionate performance on Jimmy Kemmel as linked above but she also has another performance on Youtube.

Also her song Tunnel Vision.

Also, her song Love Harder. Check these out on Youtube! Be careful, overlistening to her can make you a bit dark.

Her song Circles reminds me of 12 step / rehab Lol.

Dabin Cha - She is WARM! -
Unlock cover

Give her a like / thumbs up! Love her!

Star Walkin cover by Dabin Cha:

Roar cover by Dabin Cha:

Dub FX - Love Someone -

Dub FX - Soothe Your Pain - 

Dub FX - Made -

Also ask mentors about Aurora - Churchyard song and Grimes songs.

12.43pm - 14/06/24

Money saving / Heat saving / Electric saving tips.






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29/04/2024 - 22:18pm - When looking at photos, feel free to ask Dee whether you can send chi to any ordinary folk lingering around in the background, also at windows (cos people live there), cars, signs etc. anywhere where people will tend to look at. Ask Dee to explain :)


29/04/2024, 1.54am - If sending any kinda chi to any of my family or star family, ask Dee first. Sometimes, we are in lesson plans that require us not to accept the chi. In this case, please ask Dee to direct you to put it in a storage box for us instead :) So  hopefully, the gift will be recieved when we're ready for it. Thanks!

Also, if passenger in a car, I try to look at every car on the road, all road signs, and driving past houses I try to look at all the windows. So anyone connecting with that, will recieve :) Ask Dee to explain.

Train stations and buses would be great. If you can do infrastructure :O <3 <3 <3 <3 Bin men for example, postal workers... Please do!!


27/04/2024 1.27am gmt updated - Please scroll down to see the updated bit, its labelled with this date and time.

Sorry I said up top that I updated the right but I haven't yet. Also please don't involve or use El in anything inc. photos :) Even if I said down below to do so. Will update the site properly soon but just got back from a long trip.

Update 14.4.24 - 12.26am -

Lucy is the Mother. Shaughn is the Heart. I am the x y z. Issa is the Daddy :D

And then we have the juniors who are yet to find their own... Abigail from Sirius and maybe one or two more. :)


Update 14.4.24 - 11.17am - Rehab Treatment centre, the more expensive it is, the more pointed it makes you. And then you will tend to be trapped in a cycle of relapsing over and over again. Because you become so extreme. Its not a sustainable way of living. This is for plain jane people. Hence they become trapped in 12 step. So if you have the option to do treatment, or 12 step please say no. There are better methods to become clean.

However, you are not plain jane, so if you have made the brave step of going to rehab and/or doing 12 step, congratulations on getting sober. This process above won't happen for you, and please scroll down to read more about how rehab has helped you with your purpose and helped you with giving back to your parents. Ask mentorships to expand as well.

Bonus mission round. Can you free the warm people in your life from 12 step? They try to peer pressure you as much as possible to stay. But they have alot of potential, if they can manage to not believe their conditioning to stay, and to leave instead. And use other methods hopefully, to stay clean.


Update 14.4.24 - 7.10am - Shaughn is The Heart. I am meant to be or to become The Body.


Update 14.4.24 - Photos n videos of me as a teenager, don't send healing to the girl Jade. There are some people in these videos and photos that are cold and do not want healing. So please check with mentors before sending anything, if this is a cold or warm person. Also some of the animals have sadly already passed away. So please check with mentors.


Update 14.4.24 at 1:30pm - Unfortunately the Collie dog in any photos or videos has now passed away :( So don't send anything to the collie. My brothers family is getting 2 cats soon instead. :)


Prior to 14.4.24:

Bonus round mission. Putting photos of us up in public places that alot of people are around. With plastic pocket so rain doesnt damage it. With something hopefully more sticky than blu-tak so its less likely someone will rip it off. Tape close the plastic pocket so no-one can take the photos out easily.

Eg. Train stations, on the pillars. Or bus stops. Or places with lots of people.

Please only use photos of me, shaughn and lucy for now, in public places, and use Writing Tool to write something eye-catching on it or something that makes it seem like it belongs there eg "Missing Person, please call fake number here if you find them".  But the writing tool will secretly link to Issa. Please confirm with Mentors that the writing tool has worked before printing these off. Mentors can cut the connection to each individual thing themselves any time. Mentors will also decide whether to allow the connection full stop. Eg if it risks the photo being taken down then I'm sure they will cut the connection or not allow the ability for the  connection.

Please ask Mentors for full advice on all this.

UPDATE 27/04/24:

You can also use No Smoking signs and make sure you use writing tool and custom write No Smoking, as these are less likely to be taken down.


Sorry for any dead links. I will update soon and remove the dead ones. You arn't missing anything because I put all the contents of the dead links into active links and posted them.


Heres photos of my family, and of family friends. Including little Abigail from Sirius :) Shes only a child. There may be photos of me obese or anorexic here. Because I've a history of eating disorders but I'm eating fine now.


Please heal my lacklustre father before he passes away :) Please feel free to sending healing or other light energies to the people in the photos, including my family, and extended famil, and family friends, and also some random people lol (very rare photos of Steve my brother on here), please ask your mentors how to do this safely. There are some photos on here by the way that are of evil people who do not want to be healed. So please also ask advice about this.

But please help my father, he is elderly and will one day die and I would love love love for you to help him reach his highest potential before he goes. Please ask Mentors how to.









I have a personal mission. Around the election date, polling day, lots of people are going to be gathered around polling booths, so I am going to be going to every polling booth I possibly can and connecting with the staff in the polls. That way, hundreds to thousands of people will then connect to the staff in the boothes.

That will be great. And on the way there, I will try to connect to as many people as possible and try to put up photos of us / discreet pictures not of us, with writing tool used and a message on there. And I will try to put this in places of public gathering like Trains or bus stops etc.

I can do this any time, so might do it other times as well, but I would like to do it whilst I'm on the way as well on polling day.

Ask your mentors if your allowed to do the same. I use the photos in plastic sleeves and something stickier than blu-tak to stick it up so its not as easy to take off, and close the sleeves with tape if poss.

If its a missing poster, it might be left on for longer. Missing child! Contact "fake email or number" (preferably not a strangers email or number lol one that doesnt work.) Then Photo of Lucy.

I don't know, be creative, ask mentors advice.




But otherwise feel free to use our photos and some funny jokes or whatever you think will get the photos passed around, in Delivery Returns or online on Sale pages like eBay, Facebook etc. you have the item photo up and then photos of us. Just spread us around please and that will help !


I like to try to spread our photos as much as possible, online and in the future offline. As well as I like to use Writing Tool to link to us as much as possible online. Eg I'm buying something online and theres a delivery note. I try to use writing tool there. Just absolutely anywhere that I have to write something that someone else will see. I try to use writing tool. :) <3 Bonus round to you, if you are allowed to do that and can do that as well, that would be fantastic!! Ask your mentors for help or advice around this.



Please be cautious


I will now write a short bio about each friend of mine. Also in one of the google drive links I will include my cat Wooties :) <3

If you contact any of us via email or otherwise, please explain who you are. No-one knows I've published this site online except for Me. But I'm sure it will be okay.

However please be careful because sometimes they are made to go to "sleep" (aka the opposite of "awake") for lesson plans and in that case, they will not understand anything you talk to them about that isn't ordinary normal things. Also they would be a bit confused as to how you got their email address.


Currently as of 10th April 2024, Shaughn and Lucy have been made to go to Sleep. Sorry that I will not be updating this as to when they are back awake. I highly highly doubt that I will personally be made to go to sleep, so it might be wise  that if you must contact, perhaps it should be me.


Shaughn Davis, born 6th April 1987 at 15:17 Portsmouth (birth town). Grew up in Southhampton, middle class family. Gay, but not camp. You wouldn't really be able to tell. Tall. Absolutely hilarious. Has worked alot of his life. Ex-coke head, needed it to get to work. Small bumps only I think or small lines, did it at work to get through it because of very severe depression. Very good with social groups. Gets right to the heart of the matter. Very highly sensitive. About 10 suicide attempts? I think? And serious ones at that. My past life ex husband from Pleaides. He is approx. 6ft. Shaughn is the Heart.

Loves Star Wars. It reminds him of things. is his email.




Lucy Shann aka Eleanor Lucy Shann.

Born 26 June 1994 at 0:10am in Putney. (Birth town, not where she currently lives). Approx. 5 ft 1" or less.


Very motherly. Used to think she had Dyspraxia and Dyslexia but it was a misdiagnosis and thought she was going blind at one stage. Very tiny mother who was going to be disabled and vulnerable so everyone wants to protect her. Her family live in Kensington London and she moved out to a flat nearby with her son. She was the first to become very kind. She planned to be vulnerable prior to incarnation so she could become raped and then teach everyone to forgive. If I can forgive the most horrific rape then everyone can. She had the most horrific rape experience I've ever heard of. She also has multiple personality disorder which is healed now, and she had this so that she could heal everyone on Earth of their fragments. She had bipolar disorder, the less serious type, so that she could link to every energy on Earth, all highs and all lows. She is also funloving and lighthearted which helps her connect to children and motherly and the first of us to become Kind for this reason.

And she literally sees everyone like children around her (literally. not a figure of speech. She looks at you and you are a child literally.) and people are fighting over her all the time, literally eg I "became" her once and went to the Doctors and the GP was desperately trying to get my number and personal details, very unprofessional. But everyone is desperate for motherly love. So they fight for her attention constantly etc. Shes extremely intuitive, she wanted to be blind so that she became extremely intuitive so now shes not blind but still that intuitive.

Parents are middle class. Shes part irish in descent only but born raised UK and very British.



El is a Time Diety from Canada. Has an extremely high vibration and was the first of the group to have a high vibration. Had it not been for El, we would not have been able to be free'd from Prinsteds / treatment centres programming, nor would we have reached as high a vibration as we did, nor would we have reached our mentorships. Him and Issa were both the only people who were able to withstand from alcohol and drugs as an addiction as a response to our trauma. El had much deeper trauma. Me and El are the Deities of the group. Deity means, an ability to modify energy, but moreso than an energy worker. Basically El is the reason why we were able to Ascend in the first place when we did. El is also the reason why I gave up smoking tobacco. He also helped me learn about ascension / lightworking as an early lightworker. He is from a very high vibrational planet, not Pleaides or Arcturus. It is very very rare to get people incarnate from the planet he is from. 


My number is +44 7462 892 102



I'm Amanda Yvonne Lim, aka Mandy Lim, 21st September 1991 at 4.47am Welwyn Garden City birth town, not where I currently live. Approximately 5ft 2.5". I'm half Chinese-Malay and half Scottish and 1/8th - 1/4 Irish from descent, but lived in England my entire life apart from living in Dubai and Qatar for a short amount of time. Approx. a year I think, or 2 years at maximum but I think it was approx 1 year. For Dubai.

Approx from a few weeks to 3 months max for Qatar, I think about a month? And then one or two very long holidays in Malaysia to see family, for a few weeks to 2 months max, I think a few weeks to a month. Chi is messing a bit with my memory cove at the moment lol.

I had a very mild form of multiple personality disorder that never developed into multiple personality disorders but simply fragments. All better now. (Because me and Lucy shared plans).


Me and Lucy shared plans on the way down to incarnate, so we were both Vainglorious in order to do this part of the plan, however Shaughn saw with his heart that Lucy was absolutely determined to be the one to do this plan, so he held me back and prevented me from doing it as he knew Lucy was going to do it anyway.


I am an Ex weed addict, very mild ket addiction and taking other party drugs as well. Heroin only twice, and both times were by accident. (I had been spiked with it, deliberately by an "evil personality type" who did it deliberately to try to get me hooked.

The other time I lived in a houseshare with a stranger who I realised was smoking it outside my window and I'm very sensitive and somehow it was getting in despite closed window and I literally felt high).


I did smoke alot of weed and alot of screen use, in order to develop Depersonalisation and Derealisation disorder so that I could heal the world of it. I no longer have this disorder but did develop it at the peak of my drug-using.



Sorry for being overdetailed with my drug-usage before:


I think my third eye may have started to become overstimulated whilst writing. I got the cogniscence that it sounded like I was "proud" of it because I was over-talking about it, which I'm not. Obviously I am 100% clean and sober today. I used to smoke tobacco as a naive teen as well but I have been free of smoking for years and years as well as, thankfully, I'm also free from nicotine-replacement therapies.





Issa is from Singapore. Shes about a head taller than me. Lives in a tower block apartment in Singapore. Has 2 cats. Its my Daddy from Pleaides. Has wholeness glasses. (In Pleaides Issa was male, on Earth Issa is female.) She is about a head taller than me.

Shes younger than me but I don't know when her birthday is.




Lucy is very personal on a one-to-one basis and she worked at a jewellry store before.

Issa keeps us stable whilst we're all going crazy taking drugs and rebelling in England, Issa was working at the garage local nearby.

Shaughn is good with groups of people / friends groups.


I went to a school that was pure evil and hell, I was the only good one there.

I also had a holiday to Russia as well which is pure evil and hell.

I lived in Dubai for a while, approx. a year I think.




Physical violence at home for Me. Please don't be disrespectful to our families for the violence as we all did incarnate to save them.



Astrology is naturally occultic but it can be read in a way that is not occultic if you know how to do it right.

Occultic chi is very bad chi.



Issa loves anime. :) Shaughn loves Star Wars. He is absolutely hilarious. Lucy loves pop songs (links with Children). I like House / Electro music and some metal / rock. (Btw Metal music can lower your frequency and house/electro can dissociate you.)

I come with 5 - 6 mentorships of different types. My main one is Dee. 1 Male and 2 Females. Who also works with a grey and a bunch of Fae. I joke that the 3 Fae are called Tinkerbella, Isabella and "the other one". Hah. And a grey.

Issa also comes with his own Dee. His own Male and 2 Females. And presumably also a grey and 3 Fae.

I call my human Dad, Dad, and I call Issa my Daddy.

Shaughn was my school friend from Pleiades and I rebelled against the elders and stole a ship to come here and Shaughn came with me and Daddy boarded as well.


Lucy is from Arcturus.







These are very old photos of me, I don't look like that anymore, very old photos of Shaughn as well. It was right after Prinsted (which is a rehabilitation centre. It is also a  frequency trap centre.).

I urge anyone who has a history with addiction or a problem with addiction, or anyone who KNOWS someone with a problem with addiction, *NOT* to do Twelve Step. ESPECIALLY if it means going to rehab. It will darken you in the long term. It is designed to catch would-be "heros" aka

People with damaged pasts would fill this void in them with light in the long-run and become healers and very light people. Quite often they choose vices in the begining when they can't deal with the pain, hence addictions.

But if they can get clean and sober without going to rehab or doing 12 step, they will fill with light.

Rehab normally directs you to 12 step.

12 Step is designed to block you from naturally becoming filled with light and becoming a healer. You become segregated from society, its a bit isolationist and its also designed to trap you from becoming light.

Especially if you do rehab which often is very costly, darkens you with greed.


If you have done treatment already please don't beat yourself up over it. You were taking a brave step to try to do the best thing for yourself and everyone around you and if your parents paid, like my Dad paid, it made your parents or whoever paid for you, lighter. By sacrificing this money to heal you. And in return that fulfills your life purpose as well, to heal your Dad or Mum, if it was one of your parents who paid for it. But please please get out of the system of 12 Step. They condition you to think that you need this to stay sober. Trust me, you do not. Its a way that they trap you and prevent you from becoming who you really are. They re-programme you from your natural life purpose. It will darken you in the long-run so please try to get away from there despite any peer pressure you get to return.



These photos I was young and naive and didn't know how to heal yet - I was not awake. So between the ages of 21 - 23? And, I was vainglorious back then, because an "evil person" taught me as a naive child of approx. 14 years old, how to become vainglorious.

I wanted to be popular in school secretly because I wanted to touch and influence as many people on Earth as possible. So it wasn't really for reputation exactly. So I made friends with a popular girl who was also Evil. And this popular girl gave me a lot of set requirements for popularity which included making me vainglorious, perfectionistic, and gave me a food disorder. I am free from the food disorder now.


I am a Bridge as well. So I was able to link to lots of different masses of groups of people 50 - 100 approx., without fitting in completely with any one group, I was able to mix in with different groups. And obviously I have different roles as well which you would probably already know about.


I am a programmer types.


I've been still alot of my childhood so mentors taught me to move forward by going for walks in the morning. I was going for walks everywhere all day long and donating my items to the poor and homeless on my travels to lighten my greed.

Unfortunately I was so passionate (this is what my mentor told me) that I did not stop to listen to my mentorship when he was telling me I needed to stop and take breaks to eat. As a result I ended up with an illness due to unintentional starvation called Wernickes Encephelopathy.


I am unfortunately disabled with Wernickes, but I have healed my memories now, so I no longer suffer with the memory part of it, although for a while I had lost my memories. My memorys and brain is fine.

But I am left with a physical disablement which I hope is getting better all the time. I have graduated from a wheelchair, to a walking stick. I can do distances (preferably short) without a walking stick but I am a little bit nervous about it unless I am within reach of a wall or fence or something I can grab onto.


In the photos, these are circa 2014. In a link I post on the website, Drive link, somewhere around here.

I don't look like that at all anymore and my weight is different.




I'm in a film called Son of Rambow (sorry if I repeated myself). I'm only in it for a few seconds, walking down a corridor. Its back when I was at school. I may have been cut out of DVD's or the film online, as they tend to cut down films some time after release. But thats my school :) And people I went to school with! When I was a teenager :)

Here is a song I love:


And now for some Celebratory Fun :D












I have more which I will update in future.


I wrote out all kinds of practical tips in order to clear my chi fields, so in the future I might upload these just for your information. Idk, it might help someone :)



Telephone: +44 7462892102




Please copy and paste my email when using it, because when copied and pasted, it will waythrough to all of us. Hence is a lightworking tool when copied and pasted only.



27/04/2024 1.27am gmt updated:

I do have a "public facebook" which I will give you, which I've got a photo up of me back when I was vainglorious and young, but its a public-facing facebook to try to get as many people to add me as possible, and hence touch their hearts and spread Dee around. I regularly post photos of Shaughn n Lucy with Issa on writing tool and myself, after adding strings of people, so they all see it. I also post in groups this as well. I have them all on writing tool on my facebook page, and I will have them in my banner soon as well.



Feel free to add me if mentors recommend, but please message me and say You found me online on a website so I know you are not a random stranger and I can seperate you from the random strangers on there, hopefully, in a seperate list :)


If you add me on here let me know who you are and if I can organise my friends on here then I'll stick you on a seperate list.

I have a seperate private facebook for family and friends and real life associates.

Here is everyones contacts but they are not expecting anyone to contact them.


Shaughn Davis, with the email . He's not expecting anyone.


If your name is Eleanor Lucy Shann, call her Lucy,


Lucy is very straight, Shaughn is Gay, I'm pansexual & panromantic (similar to bisexual, but meaning can be attracted to any gender not just female and male). I grew up in the age where it was slightly less accepted than today so when I "came out" to myself in my teens I did feel shame about it like it was a big secret I had to hide and I cried when I found out. But I don't think I feel shame about it anymore. :)

As a child some years before I turned 10, I first learned what the word Transgender meant, and without knowing much more about it (no research or anything, just a simple explanation given), I immediately said that I wanted a transgender operation, because I had gender dysphoria. I also continued to have gender dysphoria for many years afterwards growing up.

However, these days I no longer want to have a transgender operation, and I am happy to be female.

I understand that not everyone will feel the same way I do, so please please don't think I am saying anything disrespectful or hurtful or otherwise. I am just telling a bit about me personally and hope that this doesn't reflect on anyones general opinion on Transgenderism or otherwise.

Not everyone who wants a transgender operation for example, will want to change their minds at all. It just so happened that I *did* change my mind but this doesn't mean it happens for others necessarily. I wouldn't really know and don't presume to judge.



In the photos, these are circa 2014.

I don't look like that at all anymore and my weight is different.



Heres some albums of Me and Shaughn:

Actually they are of Me, Shaughn and Lucy back when we were younger and darker, and also of El more recently so hes lighter.


Heres vids of teenagehood. I'm really sorry if these videos offend anyone. I was going to take them down because I'm a bit embaressed but I wasn't awake then and I was darker and etc. and I've just been advised that the ship sometimes sends healing? So I'll leave it up. So sorry.






This is my brother and his daughter, please watch it Twice.







Pictures of the YMCA room, or my temporary Flat, or Dubai here:


I no longer live in YMCA or the Flat.



My family are not awake. :)


Heres an album to be updated soon with photos of my family so you can feel free to help. Please ask advice on how to.


Free books



Um, I did have a flat for free by the council and getting this free flat did enable me to meet my mentorships early. Being free from the family home enabled me to meet my mentors.

However, I have now given up my flat in order to give up my greed so I live at home with my parents and this is good because it also means I can help more.

My Dad is elderly and he is extremely brave. His father died when he was a teenager in an accident and this made him extremely fearful without the security of a father, and also very dark with unresolved grief. He has lived most of his life in severe depression in bed. And he was so fearful that everyone in his life automatically rejected him and bullied him because they were rejecting the fear. He also was so ashamed of himself that he couldn't admit the truth without touching the shame. He was vacant-looking and hollow from severe damage of all kinds.

So this is going to make him, almost like a "wayfinder" (but not actually a wayfinder lol), as in he has reached depths of density that are very rare, to have everyone in your entire life automatically bullying and attacking you upon contact, even strangers.

So he has managed to purge his root much farther than he even intended to go prior to incarnation. And I guess this may be why I chose to incarnate with this family? The light potential here is huge.

So now I am awake and at the final stages of his life (hopefully not too soon!) I will get to heal him and transform his life. It was his unlucky incarnation but now it will be his lucky incarnation because he will purge much deeper in his root than he intended to go and it attracted me to incarnate with him :P



Honourable respect to Molly as well who has helped me with drugs urges on New Years and also helped me to Wake Up in the first place, and Dee just said "and me" Lol.

I have an inkling she may also be helping me with grief with my father. <3

My main trauma in life is Missing Out trauma and New Years is a big trauma trigger for me. Mentors are constantly trying to purge this trauma from me using various techniques.


Thank you for all your help if you have helped either me or Lucy, Shaughn.


Please note that sometimes Lucy and Shaughn are made to be "asleep" temporarily for lesson plans. I'm just saying this incase of you contacting them and not getting a nice response. Please don't be offended.


Much love :) Mandy


Last thing. Heres Birthdays and also a Bonus round for you.

21/09/91 born in welwyn garden city at 4.47am GMT, Amanda Yvonne Lim aka Mandy aka Me.

Btw did you know that often people name their children intuitively? My name means Love.

Lucy born 26 June 1994, at 10am GMT in Putney. I don't think she lives there but idk.

Shaughn Davis born 6 April 1987 at 15:17 GMT. In Portsmouth. I don't think he lives there now but idk.

Issa is from Singapore.

Issa is younger than me.

El is from Canada.


Heres your bonus round. Please print off these photos and include them wherever you can, whenever they touch anyone of the public it can help. I have been printing these photos off, cutting our faces seperate (because some people might not like one of us, but like another. So it will maximise possibilty of this spreading. ), then writing jokes on them using a Writing Tool which can link to Issa.  Then saying "Please pass this joke around to as many people as possible!" Then I include these in every Delivery Returns.


I also upload these to every eBay listing, every Facebook listing, just wherever possible.

This has got some comments like "Lol whats with the faces?" And its so worth it <3


Also every message online, if I can, then I use a Writing Tool to link to all of us, and then send the message. Confirm Writing Tool is activated before writing the message.

So whoever reads the message, will link to us.


I also sometimes put our names and birthdays on things as well just incase, to link us.

I also tend to sign off every message with all of our names lol as well.


This is my bonus round to you <3 Please if you can do this, this will be fantastic!


I hope to stick these as posters up in places of high traffic aka Election Polling Day, or Train stations, or Bus stations. With a plastic sleeve.

These photos are all of us before he woke up and became light so theres less risk of an evil personality type looking at it thinking "That person is light and I hate it and want to destroy it so I'm gonna rip the poster down".



Some are to temporarily darken themselves for when writing tool is being used in Public places aka on Posters so that no-one will hate it enough to rip it down, only, around the Polling Day in UK, approx. 2nd of May.

Then when they want to become light again, we will disconnect him from the writing, so that it no longer links to him. This way, theres less likelihood of it getting taken down.


Thanks very much,

Lots of Love,

Mandy x


Finally, we have 2 younger members who are not even teenagers yet who are connected with our family. Little Abigail from Sirius is connected to me. :) My brothers daughter.


Mantis, Avian, Amphibian, Grey, Being from St Bernards Star.



Also some fun :D



Prophecy Cat ^^^




Prophecy Cat 2:


3. There are Youtube videos online of Animals saving Humans which I find genuinely touching <3 :) xo



Um, I have included in the albums my Cat. I purchased my Cat not realising that she actually has a soothing chi field which is extraordinary (as in, not soothing like an ordinary Cat. How lucky am I that I got a cat with a healing chi field!!!).

Her name was Mya Sapphira Lim but she has gradually become Wooties now. Aka, CutieWooties aka the cutest cat in the wholeee worlds.

She has also been involved in saving the world in various different ways and I’m only half-joking. Lol.


Highly programmable cat. Please don’t program my cat. :) She’s a cutie.


She is actually currently Lightworking as we speak :) I’m not even joking lol she is being included in healing missions and is currently on one!!


Oh, my Cat also used to have a disorder called Twitch Skin Syndrome aka Sporadic cat disease, so I used to joke because my anxiety used to make me Sporadic, so I joked like child like Mum lol. She is healed from this now.


I have had almost every type of anxiety disorder under the sun, which was diagnosed under British medical system and a very very strict Psychiatrist who didn't like to diagnose easily. I will become Faithful by the end of my life.

And Shaughn and Lucy will become very loving as well. Shaughn will lead us in the end.


I am a Deity type. Sorry I don’t mean this to sound boastful its just as I’ve been told.


 I’ve also to learn about Issa but I love him. And Issa has also healed me alot in various ways as well.


Issa has wholeness "glasses" which can heal the entire world.

It also heals me and Lucy specifically.

Issa has the ability to see chi fields or inner light which is absolutely amazing. They can easily identify what is a warm nice friendly human personality type and what is a horrible cold non-human "personality type" if you understand what I mean.


I think the others have also done so in order to clear space in the ship but I’m not too sure at the moment because of a chi lesson plan. That’s neither here nor there info (aka NHNT) but there we go.


This is a song I like. Incubus - Goodbye Nice To Know You.

and also the song in Spiderman with the lyrics Vindicated.

Lastly, I don't recommend Crystals or Stones anymore - Except for one or two exceptions. One of these exceptions are... Lemurian Seed Quartz. As long as its genuine. You are to rub your fingers along the lines on the quartz (please make sure they don't get damaged). And relax whilst you do it and allow visions to come to you.

Please if you have Lemurian Seed Quartz, publish photos of these online. Possibly publish ebay listings but just refuse to sell them / cancel any sales.

Much love :) x Mandy

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